View Full Version : Silvers & Items for sale

01-16-2005, 08:22 PM

[Edited on 2-1-2005 by Sephoria]

[Edited on 2-10-2005 by Sephoria]

02-03-2005, 06:19 PM
a silver and blue tambourine case w/ an enamelled silver tambourine, a small heart-shaped chocolate, a brilliant flame-hued rose, a flawless ruby-colored rose, a crystalline infinity pin, a spike-ringed deep black staff, a pink spun-sugar rose, a skull-shaped lollipop, some fuzzy pink bunny slippers, a luminous dragonfire opal charm, a midnight blue crystal fife, a prismatic opaline flagon, a steel-hinged twisted glass jar, a coin-fastened tan suede gem pouch.

SOLD - 1. an exquisite silver makeup mirror trimmed with miniature heart-shaped pink dreamstones

2. a tiny piece of sword-shaped urnon (shape shifting urnon, many many actions)

3. a sparkling silver eternity band inset with a row of dazzling square-cut diamonds & a sparkling silver eternity ring inset with a row of dazzling princess-cut diamonds (both pinworn)

4. a modwir keg amulet suspended on a pair of tightly braided mouse tails (crystal amulet)

5. a blue ball (actioned)

6. an elven crafted rolton cage w/ a toy shimmering pink rolton with a diamond-studded silver collar

7. a crystal heart-shaped box w/ 2 invar friendship rings inside.
Show: Delicately etched runes cover the ring, dancing gracefully over the surface. Each rune is perfectly formed, interlocking with its neighbors to form an elegant pattern.
Read: Laughter creates a friendship - tears strengthen it.

8. a polished rosewood heart locket - Show: The lid of the locket has been carved into a complex filigree design, permitting the interior to be seen even when the locket is closed. The back wall of the locket has been delicately engraved with the image of a dark elven man's face resting beside the petals of a rose. (neckworn)

9. a silver-traced pale vultite mace
Show: Fine silver wraps around the cedar haft in a complex knotwork pattern, which is accented by two diamond shards dangling from the end on delicate silver chains. The business end of the mace is symmetrically studded with lethal white vultite spikes, yet the same pattern of inlaid silver knotwork adorns the mace-head. (4x, not sure if flares or blessable)

10. a silver-plated rolton cage w/ a toy black suede rolton holding a tiny silver turn key (actioned)

SOLD - 11. a vaalin-spiked rolaren battleshield (10x, actioned, holds a weapon, wizard show- 74/215, 6lbs)
Show: On the reverse of the battleshield, a complex webbing of oiled leather straps and polished buckles forms an intricate arm harness. The straps are arranged in a pattern that appears able to secure a weapon within. Inspecting the battleshield, it's apparent the terrible wars it has withstood. Strong black leather straps serve as a firm hold along the back of the shield, allowing the user the ability to manuever a quick defense. A dozen razor-sharp vaalin spikes are firmly positioned on the face of the shield, some still lightly stained of blood. At the base of the spikes, covering the front, is the image of a powerful archmage warding swarms of enemies.

2 of the actions:
You examine your battleshield for scars or imperfections. Flipping it over, you adjust the leather harness, taking care to adjust the tangle of straps and buckles to a perfect fit.

You place your battleshield on the floor and place one foot on it and kneel down. Unlacing the harness, you carefully inspect the straps and buckles for signs of wear. Carefully, you weave the braided leather into the buckles and cinch it tightly.

12. an intricately carved rosewood pin
Remarkably tiny letters cover the center of this pin, surrounded by a pretty pattern of engraved roses and scrollwork. At the very bottom of the pin is the image of a pair of lips, like the mark that painted lips might leave on glass, a mirror, or fabric.

Read:In the Common language, it reads:
Kiss, and compliment, and compliment and kiss,
No surer way to bruise your lips than this:
To say 'I will' to every handsome sir,
To say 'Oh please' to every pretty miss!

Few Weapons:
a sparkling silver longsword (3x blessable) 50k
a ki-lin carved black orase rune staff (4x) 150k
a ruby-hilted black rolaren longsword (4x poss. blessable) 100k
a sapphire-set rolaren warblade (4x, actioned, blessable) 200k

Actioned Items:
SOLD - a small white paper bag of candy
SOLD - a square white box of candy
SOLD - a square white box of candy
SOLD - a square white box of candy
SOLD - a square white box of candy
SOLD - a square white box of candy
a small white paper bag of candy
10k Each

a thin-chained rippled silver crystal
a thin-chained rippled silver crystal
a thin-chained rippled silver crystal
a thin-chained rippled silver crystal
25k Each

a pair of fake polished silver fangs
a pair of fake razor-sharp fangs
50k Each

Fake Your Death Daggers -
a simple steel knife
a serrated black steel dagger
a razor-sharp steel kidney dagger
a swept-hilt enruned steel parazonium
a serrated black steel dagger
a serrated black steel dagger
25k Each

Ale & Wine Containers -
SOLD - a midnight blue dragon-crested wineskin
SOLD - a midnight blue dragon-crested wineskin
a midnight blue dragon-crested wineskin
a cracked leather wineskin
a cracked leather wineskin
a cracked leather wineskin
a cracked leather wineskin
a black fringed silver leather wineskin
a black fringed silver leather wineskin
a black fringed silver leather wineskin
SOLD - a thin crescent moon-shaped flask
a thin crescent moon-shaped flask
a thin crescent moon-shaped flask
a thin crescent moon-shaped flask
a thin crescent moon-shaped flask
a skull-inlaid black metal flask
a coiled snake-shaped flask
a coiled snake-shaped flask
10k Each

SOLD - a honey lemon ale case
a spiced peach ale case
a spiced apple ale case
a raspberry cream ale case
a raspberry cream ale case
a honey lemon ale case
SOLD - an amber cinnamon ale case
25k Each

a glazed black pottery mug painted with a tart above crossed bones

a gold-traced rainbow glaes anklet (amulet holder)
15k Each

a silver-edged water-filled wristlet (actioned) - 50k
a tarnished silver link bracelet (locking/stunning) - 40k
a soft leather bracelet with dangling emerald leaves - 50k

a reversible skirt - 100k
some elegant grey pinstriped breeks - 20k
some delicate emerald-hued sandals - 15k
a pair of blue curly-toed boots - 10k
some knee-high black suede buskins - 10k
a pair of wooden clogs - 10k
some leather sandals decorated with beads of turquoise and citrine - 50k

Odds and Ends:
SOLD - some dusky red wild rose incense (4 or 5)
SOLD - some amber clover honey incense (4 or 5)
SOLD - some violet nightshade incense (5+)
1k Each

a deep black fel-framed mirror
an oval silver-framed mirror
an oval silver-framed mirror
20k Each

SOLD - a large silver candy tin (rub it once a week for candy)

a twig-clasped soft brown pack (actioned open/close)

a deep blue silk handkerchief (actioned)
SOLD - a silver-edged black silk handkerchief (actioned)
25k Each

a flaky rainbow tart (lick it for tons of flavors)

SOLD - a whittled wood knife (arrow scriber)

SOLD - a dagger-cut black heart candybox

Actioned Toys:
a fur and moss wizard doll - 50k
a soot-covered Dwub doll - 50k
a squishy merchant doll - 50k
a fuzzy white rabbit's foot - 10k
a soft black rabbit's foot - 10k
a liquid-filled white orb - 10k
a smooth crystalline globe - 10k
a sneaky black-booted toy rogue - 200k
an armored sword-wielding toy warrior - 200k
a fluffy white toy bear - 15k
SOLD - an oversized coin volume (holds collectable coins) - 10k
a flawless crystal sphere - 10k
a pearly silver floating sphere (wrist worn balloon) - 10k
a steel-hinged twisted glass jar & a rotted dark rolton brain - 50k
a miniature black coffin & a dead duck - 100k

Piercing Stuff:
a simple veniom spike - 25k


If you E-Mailed me before I lost it, please E-Mail me again. I'm accepting Silver, Cash and Gift of Adventure. First come, First serve... LadySephoria@aol.com

[Edited on 2-3-2005 by Sephoria]

02-15-2005, 10:07 PM
Selling 20m worth of silvers BUY HERE (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=8170637642&ssPage Name=STRK:MESE:IT)

Also selling a ton of alters and other items
BUY HERE (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=8170866725&ssPage Name=STRK:MESE:IT)