View Full Version : Flat priced items

01-15-2005, 07:58 PM
an icy grey cloak shadowed with patterns of pale scarlet (VLA, closes, 7lbs) 150K

some ivory velvet slippers with delicate gold heels 50K

a heavy amethyst velvet vest twined with crimson trails (pinworn, small pocket) 100K

a misty grey pale gossamer cloak trailing wispy tendrils (VLA, closes, 7lbs) 150K

some low-heeled ebon moire silk slippers 30K

a slender silver-hued silk dress embroidered with a spiraling pattern of crystal dusted dewdrops (pinworn)
1 million

a wine-red quilted velvet sack (beltworn, small amount) 20K

a ragged black cape twined with veins of crimson (VLA, closes, 7lbs) 125K

a pair of soft black leather pants (maternity clothing, small pocket) SHOW: Made of soft supple leather, these comfortable pants are crafted for ease of movement as well as style. A soft charcoal black panel of cotton can be seen upon the front, just below the waist band, tailored to fit comfortably over a growing stomach. Small ruby dusted crescent moons can be seen embroidered around the hem of the flared ankles, providing the only other adornment for these lovely pants. 1.75 million

a pair of slim black boots swept with sinuous patterns (small pocket) 50K

some delicate ivory silk stockings (pinworn) 75K

some hunter green leather half-gloves (pinworn, small pocket) 30K

some thigh-high ruby leather boots embroidered with golden keys 250K

some opalescent glaes chimes 20K

a rolaren-chased alchemist's kit chemically burned and discolored in various spots (medium amount, shoulder/back worn) 500K

a moonglae opal bracelet 10K

a diamond-eyed vaalin dragon armband
(heavily actioned, pinworn, have 2 of them) 200K each.

a pearl-inlaid solid gold bracelet 10K

a gold and ruby signet ring (small pocket) 75K

U2U me or IM at Breelv2.

01-15-2005, 08:16 PM
More Items.

a heart-shaped gold wire candleholder (small amount held ON the candleholder) 20K

a frazzled silver-haired toy wizard (heavily actioned, 3 of them) 150K each

a hammered brass toy gnome (heavily actioned) 100K

a mechanical human pin (pinworn, does a few neat things) 50K

a jointed silver human pin (pinworn, does a lot of neat things with positioning it's arms and legs) 50K

a doe-eyed white-robed toy empath (heavily actioned) 150K

a malevolent spell-casting toy sorceror (heavily actioned) 150K

an engraved silver heart locket (arkati themed locket, 2 of them) 100K each

a gold-hinged jade mosaic locket (arkati themed locket, 2 of them) 100K each

a green-eyed bow-wielding toy ranger (heavily actioned) 150K

a dead lovebird (heavily actioned) 150K

a delicate sky blue paper cockatrice (heavily actioned) 100K

U2U me or IM at Breelv2

01-15-2005, 10:58 PM

slim black boots sold for 50K.

01-15-2005, 11:47 PM
get a player shop! i stock mine with garbage, check it once every 2 weeks usually have 500k-1.5m in it.

01-15-2005, 11:49 PM
Wow. Jo, that makes me want to invade your lockers.

01-15-2005, 11:51 PM
I have a player shop. It's full. :yes:

01-15-2005, 11:55 PM
I need another one too. Only stuff I put in Jihna's is religious stuff. That may or may not have been a good idea since now I have no way pay for my TEXT BASED SHOPPING ADDICTION. And now post EG I have about 4 full backpacks. :help:

01-16-2005, 12:14 AM
Yeah haha. I have about hmm..four locker characters or more full of items for my shop and enchanting fodder :lol:

01-16-2005, 11:52 PM

01-17-2005, 04:14 PM
Bah, wrong thread. I've been watching the 24 DVDs for too long. Sorry!

[Edited on 1-17-2005 by YancyDC]

01-18-2005, 02:30 AM

Sold a frazzled silver-haired toy wizard. Two left.

Sold a green-eyed ranger toy as well.

[Edited on 1-18-2005 by Jolena]

01-19-2005, 12:36 AM
Updated with sold items deleted from the list.

Flat priced items

an icy grey cloak shadowed with patterns of pale scarlet (VLA, closes, 7lbs) 150K

some ivory velvet slippers with delicate gold heels 50K

a heavy amethyst velvet vest twined with crimson trails (pinworn, small pocket) 100K

a misty grey pale gossamer cloak trailing wispy tendrils (VLA, closes, 7lbs) 150K

some low-heeled ebon moire silk slippers 30K

a slender silver-hued silk dress embroidered with a spiraling pattern of crystal dusted dewdrops (pinworn)
1 million

a wine-red quilted velvet sack (beltworn, small amount) 20K

a ragged black cape twined with veins of crimson (VLA, closes, 7lbs) 125K

a pair of soft black leather pants (maternity clothing, small pocket) SHOW: Made of soft supple leather, these comfortable pants are crafted for ease of movement as well as style. A soft charcoal black panel of cotton can be seen upon the front, just below the waist band, tailored to fit comfortably over a growing stomach. Small ruby dusted crescent moons can be seen embroidered around the hem of the flared ankles, providing the only other adornment for these lovely pants. 1.75 million

some delicate ivory silk stockings (pinworn) 75K

some hunter green leather half-gloves (pinworn, small pocket) 30K

some thigh-high ruby leather boots embroidered with golden keys 250K

some opalescent glaes chimes 20K

a rolaren-chased alchemist's kit chemically burned and discolored in various spots (medium amount, shoulder/back worn) 500K

a moonglae opal bracelet 10K

a diamond-eyed vaalin dragon armband
(heavily actioned, pinworn, have 2 of them) 200K each.

a pearl-inlaid solid gold bracelet 10K

a gold and ruby signet ring (small pocket) 75K

a heart-shaped gold wire candleholder (small amount held ON the candleholder) 20K

a frazzled silver-haired toy wizard (heavily actioned, 2 of them) 150K each

a hammered brass toy gnome (heavily actioned) 100K

a mechanical human pin (pinworn, does a few neat things) 50K

a jointed silver human pin (pinworn, does a lot of neat things with positioning it's arms and legs) 50K

a doe-eyed white-robed toy empath (heavily actioned) 150K

a malevolent spell-casting toy sorceror (heavily actioned) 150K

an engraved silver heart locket (arkati themed locket, 2 of them) 100K each

a gold-hinged jade mosaic locket (arkati themed locket, 2 of them) 100K each

a dead lovebird (heavily actioned) 150K

a delicate sky blue paper cockatrice (heavily actioned) 100K

U2U me or IM at Breelv2.

01-19-2005, 01:02 AM
I'll see your 4 locker characters and raise you 3 premium accounts. :devilsmile:


01-19-2005, 01:07 AM
I'll see your three accounts and raise you four accounts combined between Jolena and myself. I've got just as much -ish as Jolena does, which I'll prolly post this weekend.

01-19-2005, 06:53 PM
It's pretty sad when I have an addiction to text-based shopping. :(

01-19-2005, 06:59 PM
Update 2 with sold items deleted from the list.

Flat priced items

an icy grey cloak shadowed with patterns of pale scarlet (VLA, closes, 7lbs) 150K

a heavy amethyst velvet vest twined with crimson trails (pinworn, small pocket) 100K

a misty grey pale gossamer cloak trailing wispy tendrils (VLA, closes, 7lbs) 150K

a slender silver-hued silk dress embroidered with a spiraling pattern of crystal dusted dewdrops (pinworn)
1 million

a wine-red quilted velvet sack (beltworn, small amount) 20K

a ragged black cape twined with veins of crimson (VLA, closes, 7lbs) 125K

a pair of soft black leather pants (maternity clothing, small pocket) SHOW: Made of soft supple leather, these comfortable pants are crafted for ease of movement as well as style. A soft charcoal black panel of cotton can be seen upon the front, just below the waist band, tailored to fit comfortably over a growing stomach. Small ruby dusted crescent moons can be seen embroidered around the hem of the flared ankles, providing the only other adornment for these lovely pants. 1.75 million

some delicate ivory silk stockings (pinworn) 75K

some hunter green leather half-gloves (pinworn, small pocket) 30K

some thigh-high ruby leather boots embroidered with golden keys 250K

some opalescent glaes chimes 20K

a rolaren-chased alchemist's kit chemically burned and discolored in various spots (medium amount, shoulder/back worn) 500K

a moonglae opal bracelet 10K

a diamond-eyed vaalin dragon armband
(heavily actioned, pinworn, have 2 of them) 200K each.

a pearl-inlaid solid gold bracelet 10K

a gold and ruby signet ring (small pocket) 75K

a heart-shaped gold wire candleholder (small amount held ON the candleholder) 20K

a frazzled silver-haired toy wizard (heavily actioned, 2 of them) 150K each

a hammered brass toy gnome (heavily actioned) 100K

a mechanical human pin (pinworn, does a few neat things) 50K

a jointed silver human pin (pinworn, does a lot of neat things with positioning it's arms and legs) 50K

a doe-eyed white-robed toy empath (heavily actioned) 150K

a malevolent spell-casting toy sorceror (heavily actioned) 150K

an engraved silver heart locket (arkati themed locket, 2 of them) 100K each

a gold-hinged jade mosaic locket (arkati themed locket, 2 of them) 100K each

a dead lovebird (heavily actioned) 150K

a delicate sky blue paper cockatrice (heavily actioned) 100K

U2U me or IM at Breelv2.

01-21-2005, 12:12 AM
You mean the 36 locker characters, total? Not including Plat, right? :whistle:


01-21-2005, 12:26 AM
And that explains why it takes me so bloody long to take my inventory. Been working on the thing since October. Wrote some really complex scripts to take the information on the items so I could plug them in. Still not done. Oy.

I'm such a packrat and shopaholic in game. Ironic, since I hate shopping irl.


01-22-2005, 04:34 PM

01-23-2005, 11:11 PM

01-26-2005, 10:01 AM
Update 3 with lowered prices and sold items deleted. All prices are flat.

a heavy amethyst velvet vest twined with crimson trails (pinworn, small pocket) 75K

a slender silver-hued silk dress embroidered with a spiraling pattern of crystal dusted dewdrops (pinworn)

a wine-red quilted velvet sack (beltworn, small amount) 20K

a ragged black cape twined with veins of crimson (VLA, closes, 7lbs) 100K

a pair of soft black leather pants (maternity clothing, small pocket) SHOW: Made of soft supple leather, these comfortable pants are crafted for ease of movement as well as style. A soft charcoal black panel of cotton can be seen upon the front, just below the waist band, tailored to fit comfortably over a growing stomach. Small ruby dusted crescent moons can be seen embroidered around the hem of the flared ankles, providing the only other adornment for these lovely pants. 1.5 million

some delicate ivory silk stockings (pinworn) 50K

some hunter green leather half-gloves (pinworn, small pocket) 25K

some thigh-high ruby leather boots embroidered with golden keys 200K

some opalescent glaes chimes 20K

a rolaren-chased alchemist's kit chemically burned and discolored in various spots (medium amount, shoulder/back worn) 350K

a moonglae opal bracelet 10K

a diamond-eyed vaalin dragon armband
(heavily actioned, pinworn, have 2 of them) 160K each.

a pearl-inlaid solid gold bracelet 10K

a gold and ruby signet ring (small pocket) 65K

a heart-shaped gold wire candleholder (small amount held ON the candleholder) 20K

a frazzled silver-haired toy wizard (heavily actioned, 2 of them) 100K each

a hammered brass toy gnome (heavily actioned) 75K

a mechanical human pin (pinworn, does a few neat things) 40K

a jointed silver human pin (pinworn, does a lot of neat things with positioning it's arms and legs) 40K

a doe-eyed white-robed toy empath (heavily actioned) 100K

a malevolent spell-casting toy sorceror (heavily actioned) 100K

an engraved silver heart locket (arkati themed locket, 2 of them) 100K each or 150K for the set

a gold-hinged jade mosaic locket (arkati themed locket, 2 of them) 100K each or 150K for the set

a dead lovebird (heavily actioned) 100K

a delicate sky blue paper cockatrice (heavily actioned) 75K

U2U me or IM at Breelv2.

[Edited on 1-26-2005 by Jolena]

01-26-2005, 06:41 PM
Update 4 with sold items deleted.

a heavy amethyst velvet vest twined with crimson trails (pinworn, small pocket) 75K

a slender silver-hued silk dress embroidered with a spiraling pattern of crystal dusted dewdrops (pinworn)

a wine-red quilted velvet sack (beltworn, small amount) 20K

a pair of soft black leather pants (maternity clothing, small pocket) SHOW: Made of soft supple leather, these comfortable pants are crafted for ease of movement as well as style. A soft charcoal black panel of cotton can be seen upon the front, just below the waist band, tailored to fit comfortably over a growing stomach. Small ruby dusted crescent moons can be seen embroidered around the hem of the flared ankles, providing the only other adornment for these lovely pants. 1.5 million

some delicate ivory silk stockings (pinworn) 50K

some thigh-high ruby leather boots embroidered with golden keys 200K

some opalescent glaes chimes 20K

a moonglae opal bracelet 10K

a diamond-eyed vaalin dragon armband
(heavily actioned, pinworn, have 2 of them) 160K each.

a pearl-inlaid solid gold bracelet 10K

an artfully etched opal ring (small pocket) 65K

a gold and ruby signet ring (small pocket) 65K

a heart-shaped gold wire candleholder (small amount held ON the candleholder) 20K

a frazzled silver-haired toy wizard (heavily actioned, 2 of them) 100K each

a hammered brass toy gnome (heavily actioned) 75K

a mechanical human pin (pinworn, does a few neat things) 40K

a jointed silver human pin (pinworn, does a lot of neat things with positioning it's arms and legs) 40K

a doe-eyed white-robed toy empath (heavily actioned) 100K

a malevolent spell-casting toy sorceror (heavily actioned) 100K

a gold-hinged jade mosaic locket (arkati themed locket, 2 of them) 100K each or 150K for the set

a dead lovebird (heavily actioned) 100K

U2U me or IM at Breelv2.

[Edited on 1-26-2005 by Jolena]

01-31-2005, 05:23 PM
Update 5 with sold items removed and new lower prices on a few items.

a heavy amethyst velvet vest twined with crimson trails (pinworn, small pocket) 75K

a slender silver-hued silk dress embroidered with a spiraling pattern of crystal dusted dewdrops (pinworn)

a wine-red quilted velvet sack (beltworn, small amount) 20K

a pair of soft black leather pants (maternity clothing, small pocket) SHOW: Made of soft supple leather, these comfortable pants are crafted for ease of movement as well as style. A soft charcoal black panel of cotton can be seen upon the front, just below the waist band, tailored to fit comfortably over a growing stomach. Small ruby dusted crescent moons can be seen embroidered around the hem of the flared ankles, providing the only other adornment for these lovely pants. 1.25 million

some thigh-high ruby leather boots embroidered with golden keys 200K

some opalescent glaes chimes 20K

a moonglae opal bracelet 10K

a diamond-eyed vaalin dragon armband
(heavily actioned, pinworn, have 2 of them) 160K each.

a pearl-inlaid solid gold bracelet 10K

an artfully etched opal ring (small pocket) 60K

a gold and ruby signet ring (small pocket) 60K

a heart-shaped gold wire candleholder (small amount held ON the candleholder) 20K

a frazzled silver-haired toy wizard (heavily actioned, 2 of them) 100K each

a hammered brass toy gnome (heavily actioned) 75K

a mechanical human pin (pinworn, does a few neat things) 40K

a jointed silver human pin (pinworn, does a lot of neat things with positioning it's arms and legs) 40K

a doe-eyed white-robed toy empath (heavily actioned) 100K

a malevolent spell-casting toy sorceror (heavily actioned) 100K

a gold-hinged jade mosaic locket (arkati themed locket, 2 of them) 100K each or 150K for the set

a dead lovebird (heavily actioned) 100K

U2U me or IM at Breelv2.