View Full Version : how to survive earthen fury

09-02-2017, 03:41 AM
There are two versions of this spell impact/fire and puncture/cold.

So how is this setup:
get the 20% impact resist brig or double leather from duskruin. Get a ranger to add 95% fire resist and a warrior to add puncture resist fittings to the brig or double leather.

Then get some leather leg greaves, and have a ranger do 95% cold resist on your legs.

I think you end up with, just on the legs (where the spell starts targetting): 20% impact resist, 50% puncture resist, 95% fire resist, 95% cold resist)

If it knocks you down through that, then hopefully the 20% impact resist, 50% puncture resist and 95% fire resist you have all over the rest of your body help you survive.

Dont krovlins get natural cold resist that would work for their bodies too?

09-03-2017, 08:48 PM
I find that if I use symbol of transcendence right after the first wave of earthen fury hits, I'll survive through the rest of the waves and be able to get up and run away, even if the first wave managed to knocked me down.

I usually don't tempt fate though. If something can 917, I either run away or immediately disable it (and run if the disable fails). I'll use peer a lot too if I need to. Prevention generally helps a lot as part of my hunting strategy.