View Full Version : Just in Case Someone Was Interested...

01-14-2005, 12:20 AM
Had a chat with Drumpy, who is working on the race biases in the different towns, and he told me something I found interesting.

Dark Elves have no racial bias in regards to pricing in Cysaegir.

Interesting enough for me to haul my dark elf up to Cysaegir and test it.

And he's right. I appraised an emerald and checked the price on something over 2k in the pawnshop. Neither of them showed a bias.

So for everyone who wanted their other place to buy and sell stuff outside Ta'Illistim, while still close enough not to be a pain to get to, you got your wish. Cysaegir is it.

Sylvans also have no bias. Aelotoi have a positive bias (compared to a negative in Ta'Illistim). Humans have a lesser negative. Giantkin and Halflings have the same. Elves, of course, lose their positive bias, but only to a 0 bias.

Those are the figures I have thus far.


01-14-2005, 12:22 AM
He actually posted a really really nice breakdown of known biases by race/town. It's on the official boards, maybe he will post it - or someone else can port it over here.

It's in the Something and Research folder - where they talk about mechanics. Can't remember the exact folder off the top of my head and I am falling asleep :sleep:

Good stuff.

[Edited on 1-14-2005 by TheRoseLady]

01-14-2005, 12:25 AM
Yep. I've been working with him somewhat on them. That's where it came up. Just posting that one note because I thought it was of interest for those who hunt Ta'Illistim, since it's got OTF.


Miss X
01-14-2005, 12:56 PM
So halflings get a better price there than in Illistim?

01-14-2005, 01:15 PM
What about half-elves? I think they have a -25% percent as well in EN.

01-14-2005, 06:27 PM
Don't know about Half-Elves. I'll roll one up and see what we can manage. Gimme a bit.

Any other races you guys want tested?


01-14-2005, 06:28 PM
Halflings have the same bias in Ta'Illistim and Cysaegir. We don't have the data on Sylvarraend, however.


01-14-2005, 06:32 PM
Oh, yes, while I'm thinking of it. Another reason why I posted the lack of a bias for Dark Elves is because it's the only town that doesn't have one. The next best would be the Landing, Icemule and Pinefar, but they're working at a 5% disadvantage.

I also tested Khazar's Hold and Zhindel's Post. Khazar's Hold has a -25% bias for Dark Elves and 0 bias for Sylvans. Both Sylvans and Dark Elves have -15% at Zhindel's Post.

01-14-2005, 07:35 PM
Just checked Half-Elves. They're -5%, as opposed to the -15% in Ta'Illistim. So you'll get better prices in Cysaegir.


01-14-2005, 07:44 PM
Burghal gnomes have a -5% bias in Cysaegir, as opposed to -15% in Ta'Illistim.
