View Full Version : DC Metro Survey

01-13-2005, 09:46 AM
So the DC Metro wants to strip seats out of its cars to allow more passengers per car. Whats fucked up about this is that Metro has raised prices every year for the past 3 years and we still experience just as many problems such as crowded cars, escalator outages and so on.

This system, which transports nearly 600,000 people a day, still suffers from financial problems despite the high cost of fares, and support from neighboring states.

To give you an idea about how much it costs, max fare is $3.50 each way! Minimum fare is $1.35 each way. There are no monthy passes for unlimited rides at a set price, and they charge $3.50 a day for parking. So if you live outside the city and park for your ride in, you are spending $10.50 a day!

So now they want to pack us in the cars like sardines to make up for their mismanagement of resources. Screw that! Vote to keep the seats!


01-13-2005, 09:48 AM
try taking a subway in Japan ya crybaby


Okay, okay, I'll vote now.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-13-2005, 10:00 AM
The times I took the metro I thought it was great... but I didn't have to take it everyday or anything.

01-13-2005, 10:03 AM
In NY, I’m guessing one of the busiest cities in the world, you can get a monthly unlimited ride pass for like $60.

Never been to Japan. Heard they have dudes stationed at each stop with white gloves on to help shove you in the packed cars.

[Edited on 1-13-2005 by Backlash]

01-13-2005, 10:05 AM
I hate taking the train in the Bronx. Especially in Fordham. Scariness.

01-13-2005, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
The times I took the metro I thought it was great... but I didn't have to take it everyday or anything.

The Metro is great. I think one thing people remark about is that its clean and quiet. As a system, when it runs right, it runs well. Its just too expensive. I suspect someone somewhere in the Metro administration is getting fat checks and the riders are getting crammed into cars and having to hike Underground-like escalators.

01-13-2005, 11:09 AM
Ugh. What's the point in removing seats? Maybe it's just too early in the morning, but I don't see the point in trying to squeeze more people into a car. First of all, I've almost never had an experience where there wasn't enough room in a car for all the passengers to get in. I think the only time there was a problem was during the March for Women's Lives, when there were about a bazillion people trying to get on at the same time. And then, we easily managed to squeeze more than 180 people in each car, and pick up passengers along the way (I pick up the Metro from the start of the line in Vienna).

Secondly, how is packing the cars going to make them more money? Let's say that there are 200 people all wanting to get onto a car at the same time (I guess this could happen during sporting events and whatever) - if the car fits 170 people, then 30 people have to wait. But the Metro isn't losing those 30 people, because in order to wait for the car, they already had to put their card through to get into the station. If for some odd reason they decide to leave the station, they're charged $1.35. (And why would they leave? If they took the Metro, they probably have no other way to get somewhere else except a cab, which is more expensive).

Bah, sorry. </Metro rant> It just pisses me off because I take the Metro at least once a week, and I just don't understand why they think this will help them get more money.

01-13-2005, 11:17 AM
All concepts but concept V suck. I see no problem with making the DC metro seating like pretty much every other major one in the world. That is, if they really do need more space.

The only times I've ever had a problem getting on the metro was right after an MCI center event or an RFK event gets out. I don't really take the metro that often though.

Anyway, V is the only good one, or just leave it as is.


01-13-2005, 12:07 PM
We're suffering from some of the same types of problems with the Chicago transit authority. Raising costs, again and some bus drivers and train operators may be losing their jobs to offset service disruptions in the city. Wtf. They just raised the minimum ride for one-way to $1.80 and $2.00 for a transfer within 2 hours. Max parking fee is around $1.50-$2.00 a day so we aren't getting screwed as far as that goes but sometimes waiting up to 30 minutes for a bus doing rush hour is crazy as hell.