View Full Version : Let's talk about the silver market...

08-15-2017, 05:41 PM
Heya gang! How's it going?

I was thinking and thinking for a long while about starting this thread but I finally said why not!

As all of us here know, silver value has been cratering. Everyone here has theories as to why and I know I have some very creative ones as well.

So therefore this is a thread about discussing and debating on friendly terms what exactly is happening in this crazy market?!

What do you think are the primary causes?

Do you think we can perhaps put a floor on silvers?

If we all agreed to sell at a bottom price would that work?

Do you think silver prices will recover on their own?

What happens when the new currencies get released?

What's the future of silvers?

Just a few questions to help get the debate rolling. Let's try to make this informative as well as engaging! See you all in-game!

08-15-2017, 05:46 PM
What do you think are the primary causes?

Simu's recent push of putting EVERYTHING behind an additional paywall. Events require either a real life ticket fee or SimuCoins, or both! Almost all new services that come out these days cost SimuCoins as well.

Do you think we can perhaps put a floor on silvers?

Do you mean like guess when it will bottom out or like enforce price controls? Because I think the answer to the former is 0 and the answer to the latter is no.

If we all agreed to sell at a bottom price would that work?


Do you think silver prices will recover on their own?

Highly unlikely. Silver prices were already on the way down before RtCF to begin with and that event was a massive silver sink which caused prices to skyrocket and taper off for a while, but since then has been Simu's push to turn everything into a micro transaction and silver prices have never recovered. Since Simu seems to have no plans to have any huge silver sinks again I'm not sure silver prices will ever recover. Which is stupid on Simu's part because I think a lot of people enjoy the silver market and the silver economy of the game but they only seem to be interested in short term gains at the moment rather than long term gains.

What happens when the new currencies get released?

Oh yeah, another reason silver prices are taking a nose dive, they are introducing more and more currencies that can only be acquired via spending real life money.

What's the future of silvers?

At this rate the silver economy will become almost worthless some day, but it's hard to say when that day will be.

08-15-2017, 05:47 PM
The answer is to create billions of f2p alts to skin rats and corner the gs player housing market.

08-15-2017, 06:11 PM
I guess the real question, if and a big if silvers tank to like 2 dollars a million, how would this affect the rest of the game?

Why am I recieving negative rep for this topic?

08-15-2017, 06:39 PM
I guess the real question, if and a big if silvers tank to like 2 dollars a million, how would this affect the rest of the game?

Why am I recieving negative rep for this topic?

Because this is something hello/mcguyver would post about and people don't like him.

08-15-2017, 06:41 PM
Because you're a kobold. And also probably Macgyver because you created an account today to immediately ask this question.

08-15-2017, 06:42 PM
Because this is something hello/mcguyver would post about and people don't like him.

Yeah I've got that guy and a few others on permanent ignore. I just thought this topic is somewhat pressing at least for me since I use silvers to fund my play. I guess people don't care much?

08-15-2017, 06:43 PM
Yeah I've got that guy and a few others on permanent ignore. I just thought this topic is somewhat pressing at least for me since I use silvers to fund my play. I guess people don't care much?

Nope. Now stfu.

08-15-2017, 06:44 PM
Already have people on ignore and you created the account today... And Hello hasn't even posted today. Enjoying your new PC account?

08-15-2017, 06:46 PM
people are buying duskruin books on credit cards and selling them for silver and then selling the coins to make marginal profits, and are circulating billions of silver that otherwise would be sitting happily in bank accounts like mine

08-15-2017, 06:55 PM
Already have people on ignore and you created the account today... And Hello hasn't even posted today. Enjoying your new PC account?

Yes yes I am. Got no clue who this Hello person is, wow, maybe I should've taken this debate to that other forum. You have morons here:

08-15-2017, 07:19 PM
While you may not be hello saying you have no clue who they are makes me suspicious

08-15-2017, 07:23 PM
While you may not be hello saying you have no clue who they are makes me suspicious

He says he has no idea who he is, but also that he blocked him. He just can't make up his mind.

08-15-2017, 07:28 PM
Yes yes I am. Got no clue who this Hello person is, wow, maybe I should've taken this debate to that other forum. You have morons here:
Who banned Hello? Kranar or Whirlin?

Also you forgot to put up a stupid poll for this.

08-15-2017, 07:36 PM
Nah, he was making a bunch of accounts the night Kranar came around, and Kranar came in and started deleting both the accounts and threads he was shitting up without remorse.
Temp ban in effect on Hello from Kranar.

08-15-2017, 07:40 PM
Temp ban in effect on Hello from Kranar.


Too bad only temporary. However many bans they get won't stop he/she from being an idiot. Thanks for the FYI.

08-15-2017, 07:46 PM
Already have people on ignore and you created the account today... And Hello hasn't even posted today. Enjoying your new PC account?

The account was banned today. I was reading a thread where the Shao Khan avatar was whacking away at whatever it is and the next page he was terminated with no mo Shao Khan.

08-15-2017, 07:47 PM
While you may not be hello saying you have no clue who they are makes me suspicious

It's hello/macgyver. You can always tell by the syntax and how he words things.

08-15-2017, 10:11 PM
Rip. Hello, you make more sense then 90% of everyone else that posts. You are at least blatantly trolling, everyone else is just retarded and trolling by defunct mental status.