08-09-2017, 01:09 AM
Lot of fresh scrolls. Will go Once, Twice, Sold. Delivery in WL, FWI, or Illistim.
MB: 1 coin
CB: 3.5m Dazmar SOLD
scroll (37): a smeared palimpsest, a wrinkled palimpsest, a sheaf of dark paper, a sheaf of golden paper, a piece of silvery paper, a scrap of shimmering papyrus, a scrap of silvery papyrus, an old parchment, a silvery scroll (2), a smeared scroll, an illuminated scroll, a golden scroll, a burnt scroll, a crumpled scroll, a glittering scroll (2), an ancient scroll, an aged scroll (2), a charred scroll (2), a shimmering scroll, a luminous scroll, a faded scroll (2), a pure white scroll (2), an old scroll (2), a dark scroll, a tattered scroll (2), a sheet of blackened vellum, a sheet of silvery vellum, a sheet of arcane vellum, a sheet of crumbling vellum.
On the smeared palimpsest you see
(104) Disease Resistance
(208) Living Spell
(116) Locate Person
(1107) Adrenal Surge
(219) Spell Shield
(105) Poison Resistance
On the dark scroll you see
(1113) Head Scar Repair
(1101) Heal
(1104) Head Repair
(219) Spell Shield
(1108) Empathy
(1110) Empathic Assault
On the pure white scroll you see
(313) Prayer
(108) Stun Relief
On the tattered scroll you see
(613) Self Control
(113) UnDisease
(101) Spirit Warding I
(107) Spirit Warding II
(103) Spirit Defense
On the charred scroll you see
(705) Disintegrate
(717) Evil Eye
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(108) Stun Relief
(710) Energy Maelstrom
(118) Web
On the silvery scroll you see
(407) Unlock
(717) Evil Eye
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(708) Limb Disruption
On the blackened vellum you see
(407) Unlock
(104) Disease Resistance
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(404) Disarm Enhancement
On the illuminated scroll you see
(412) Weapon Deflection
(414) Elemental Defense III
(705) Disintegrate
(708) Limb Disruption
(105) Poison Resistance
(712) Cloak of Shadows
On the ancient scroll you see
(701) Blood Burst
(103) Spirit Defense
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(118) Web
(108) Stun Relief
(106) Spirit Fog
On the smeared scroll you see
(1701) Arcane Decoy
(215) Heroism
(106) Spirit Fog
On the old parchment you see
(107) Spirit Warding II
(215) Heroism
(102) Spirit Barrier
(214) Bind
(203) Manna
On the arcane vellum you see
(215) Heroism
(101) Spirit Warding I
(203) Manna
(204) Unpresence
On the burnt scroll you see
(211) Bravery
(210) Silence
(106) Spirit Fog
(207) Purify Air
(102) Spirit Barrier
(312) Fervent Reproach
On the tattered scroll you see
(112) Water Walking
(308) Well of Life
(202) Spirit Shield
(211) Bravery
On the silvery vellum you see
(106) Spirit Fog
(211) Bravery
(211) Bravery
(302) Smite
On the silvery papyrus you see
(211) Bravery
(201) Calm
(1103) System Repair
(1101) Heal
(101) Spirit Warding I
(1104) Head Repair
On the shimmering papyrus you see
(204) Unpresence
(211) Bravery
(118) Web
On the aged scroll you see
(106) Spirit Fog
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(719) Dark Catalyst
(703) Corrupt Essence
(115) Fasthr's Reward
On the golden paper you see
(410) Elemental Wave
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(413) Elemental Saturation
(403) Lock Pick Enhancement
On the charred scroll you see
(104) Disease Resistance
(707) Eye Spy
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(110) Unbalance
On the aged scroll you see
(413) Elemental Saturation
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(704) Phase
On the silvery paper you see
(216) Frenzy
(215) Heroism
(1107) Adrenal Surge
(209) Untrammel
(214) Bind
(1713) Death Cloud
On the luminous scroll you see
(1110) Empathic Assault
(102) Spirit Barrier
(211) Bravery
(105) Poison Resistance
On the faded scroll you see
(211) Bravery
(107) Spirit Warding II
(302) Smite
(106) Spirit Fog
(114) UnPoison
On the dark paper you see
(209) Untrammel
(211) Bravery
(210) Silence
(209) Untrammel
(207) Purify Air
(118) Web
On the pure white scroll you see
(207) Purify Air
(106) Spirit Fog
(211) Bravery
(101) Spirit Warding I
On the old scroll you see
(1114) Organ Scar Repair
(105) Poison Resistance
(1102) Limb Repair
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(211) Bravery
(110) Unbalance
On the wrinkled palimpsest you see
(215) Heroism
(211) Bravery
(113) UnDisease
(314) Relieve Burden
On the silvery scroll you see
(211) Bravery
(103) Spirit Defense
(204) Unpresence
(1116) Cry For Help
(1105) Organ Repair
On the shimmering scroll you see
(312) Fervent Reproach
(108) Stun Relief
(211) Bravery
On the glittering scroll you see
(1708) Mystic Impedance
(310) Warding Sphere
(311) Blind
(211) Bravery
On the crumpled scroll you see
(111) Fire Spirit
(211) Bravery
(1113) Head Scar Repair
(106) Spirit Fog
(1103) System Repair
On the glittering scroll you see
(211) Bravery
(108) Stun Relief
(1704) Stun Cloud
(208) Living Spell
(209) Untrammel
On the golden scroll you see
(102) Spirit Barrier
(101) Spirit Warding I
(211) Bravery
(206) Tend Lore
On the faded scroll you see
(407) Unlock
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(717) Evil Eye
On the crumbling vellum you see
(211) Bravery
(101) Spirit Warding I
(311) Blind
(106) Spirit Fog
On the old scroll you see
(110) Unbalance
(110) Unbalance
(613) Self Control
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(1712) Spirit Guard
(606) Phoen's Strength
MB: 1 coin
CB: 3.5m Dazmar SOLD
scroll (37): a smeared palimpsest, a wrinkled palimpsest, a sheaf of dark paper, a sheaf of golden paper, a piece of silvery paper, a scrap of shimmering papyrus, a scrap of silvery papyrus, an old parchment, a silvery scroll (2), a smeared scroll, an illuminated scroll, a golden scroll, a burnt scroll, a crumpled scroll, a glittering scroll (2), an ancient scroll, an aged scroll (2), a charred scroll (2), a shimmering scroll, a luminous scroll, a faded scroll (2), a pure white scroll (2), an old scroll (2), a dark scroll, a tattered scroll (2), a sheet of blackened vellum, a sheet of silvery vellum, a sheet of arcane vellum, a sheet of crumbling vellum.
On the smeared palimpsest you see
(104) Disease Resistance
(208) Living Spell
(116) Locate Person
(1107) Adrenal Surge
(219) Spell Shield
(105) Poison Resistance
On the dark scroll you see
(1113) Head Scar Repair
(1101) Heal
(1104) Head Repair
(219) Spell Shield
(1108) Empathy
(1110) Empathic Assault
On the pure white scroll you see
(313) Prayer
(108) Stun Relief
On the tattered scroll you see
(613) Self Control
(113) UnDisease
(101) Spirit Warding I
(107) Spirit Warding II
(103) Spirit Defense
On the charred scroll you see
(705) Disintegrate
(717) Evil Eye
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(108) Stun Relief
(710) Energy Maelstrom
(118) Web
On the silvery scroll you see
(407) Unlock
(717) Evil Eye
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(708) Limb Disruption
On the blackened vellum you see
(407) Unlock
(104) Disease Resistance
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(404) Disarm Enhancement
On the illuminated scroll you see
(412) Weapon Deflection
(414) Elemental Defense III
(705) Disintegrate
(708) Limb Disruption
(105) Poison Resistance
(712) Cloak of Shadows
On the ancient scroll you see
(701) Blood Burst
(103) Spirit Defense
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(118) Web
(108) Stun Relief
(106) Spirit Fog
On the smeared scroll you see
(1701) Arcane Decoy
(215) Heroism
(106) Spirit Fog
On the old parchment you see
(107) Spirit Warding II
(215) Heroism
(102) Spirit Barrier
(214) Bind
(203) Manna
On the arcane vellum you see
(215) Heroism
(101) Spirit Warding I
(203) Manna
(204) Unpresence
On the burnt scroll you see
(211) Bravery
(210) Silence
(106) Spirit Fog
(207) Purify Air
(102) Spirit Barrier
(312) Fervent Reproach
On the tattered scroll you see
(112) Water Walking
(308) Well of Life
(202) Spirit Shield
(211) Bravery
On the silvery vellum you see
(106) Spirit Fog
(211) Bravery
(211) Bravery
(302) Smite
On the silvery papyrus you see
(211) Bravery
(201) Calm
(1103) System Repair
(1101) Heal
(101) Spirit Warding I
(1104) Head Repair
On the shimmering papyrus you see
(204) Unpresence
(211) Bravery
(118) Web
On the aged scroll you see
(106) Spirit Fog
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(719) Dark Catalyst
(703) Corrupt Essence
(115) Fasthr's Reward
On the golden paper you see
(410) Elemental Wave
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(413) Elemental Saturation
(403) Lock Pick Enhancement
On the charred scroll you see
(104) Disease Resistance
(707) Eye Spy
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(110) Unbalance
On the aged scroll you see
(413) Elemental Saturation
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(704) Phase
On the silvery paper you see
(216) Frenzy
(215) Heroism
(1107) Adrenal Surge
(209) Untrammel
(214) Bind
(1713) Death Cloud
On the luminous scroll you see
(1110) Empathic Assault
(102) Spirit Barrier
(211) Bravery
(105) Poison Resistance
On the faded scroll you see
(211) Bravery
(107) Spirit Warding II
(302) Smite
(106) Spirit Fog
(114) UnPoison
On the dark paper you see
(209) Untrammel
(211) Bravery
(210) Silence
(209) Untrammel
(207) Purify Air
(118) Web
On the pure white scroll you see
(207) Purify Air
(106) Spirit Fog
(211) Bravery
(101) Spirit Warding I
On the old scroll you see
(1114) Organ Scar Repair
(105) Poison Resistance
(1102) Limb Repair
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(211) Bravery
(110) Unbalance
On the wrinkled palimpsest you see
(215) Heroism
(211) Bravery
(113) UnDisease
(314) Relieve Burden
On the silvery scroll you see
(211) Bravery
(103) Spirit Defense
(204) Unpresence
(1116) Cry For Help
(1105) Organ Repair
On the shimmering scroll you see
(312) Fervent Reproach
(108) Stun Relief
(211) Bravery
On the glittering scroll you see
(1708) Mystic Impedance
(310) Warding Sphere
(311) Blind
(211) Bravery
On the crumpled scroll you see
(111) Fire Spirit
(211) Bravery
(1113) Head Scar Repair
(106) Spirit Fog
(1103) System Repair
On the glittering scroll you see
(211) Bravery
(108) Stun Relief
(1704) Stun Cloud
(208) Living Spell
(209) Untrammel
On the golden scroll you see
(102) Spirit Barrier
(101) Spirit Warding I
(211) Bravery
(206) Tend Lore
On the faded scroll you see
(407) Unlock
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(717) Evil Eye
On the crumbling vellum you see
(211) Bravery
(101) Spirit Warding I
(311) Blind
(106) Spirit Fog
On the old scroll you see
(110) Unbalance
(110) Unbalance
(613) Self Control
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(1712) Spirit Guard
(606) Phoen's Strength