View Full Version : [Transgender] Ben Shapiro is awesome
08-08-2017, 08:07 AM
First things first... we got tags, too! [Transgender] is a tag, I'm not saying Ben is a tranny. Now, onto the awesome:
It goes on and on.
08-12-2017, 03:32 AM
I, personally love how NO one likes to debate with Ben Shapiro. Id love to see an example where anyone has done so, with any margin of success. Please. That's not a political challenge, that's just purely for curiosity sake. As a person who was liberally educated, specifically to object to liberal arguments, seriously. Let me see it. I am super curious. Dont talk shit, or give excuses. Put your money where your mouth is.
08-12-2017, 07:16 AM
Uh, oh.
08-12-2017, 11:21 AM
Ben Shapiro is awesome. He cites sources, backs up his arguments, and makes very good points. I almost feel sorry for the smug bastards who think they are going to own him and end up looking like a fool.
I, personally love how NO one likes to debate with Ben Shapiro. Id love to see an example where anyone has done so, with any margin of success. Please. That's not a political challenge, that's just purely for curiosity sake. As a person who was liberally educated, specifically to object to liberal arguments, seriously. Let me see it. I am super curious. Dont talk shit, or give excuses. Put your money where your mouth is.
Most liberals just take the time4fun approach, that is call him a right wing racist lunatic and ignore him.
08-12-2017, 02:22 PM
time4fun would debate with Ben Shapiro.
08-12-2017, 03:38 PM
Transgenderism is no more up for debate than general relativity, or evolution, or any other finding of empirical science. This is because it is empirical science: you can draw analogies, and you can draw a hand, but you can't draw data. No amount of shouting at undergrads or echo chamber back slapping will change this.
Your children will leave your bubble. Hopefully that experience will incline you to leave it as well, because otherwise it's going to get awfully lonely for you.
08-12-2017, 03:40 PM
Oh, Latrin said it is not up for debate so I guess it isn't.
08-12-2017, 04:35 PM
time4fun would debate with Ben Shapiro.
She would act on here like she would but she would never actually do it if given the chance because deep down she knows she's full of shit and would get destroyed and exposed as fuck.
It would probably be the most entertaining thing ever though especially if she tries to regurgitate her endless string of lies and accomplishments with her faux emotional bullshit that she peddles here while we laugh in amusement.
Someone please make this happen. I'll throw in like $10.
08-12-2017, 04:37 PM
Transgenderism is no more up for debate than general relativity, or evolution, or any other finding of empirical science. This is because it is empirical science: you can draw analogies, and you can draw a hand, but you can't draw data. No amount of shouting at undergrads or echo chamber back slapping will change this.
Your children will leave your bubble. Hopefully that experience will incline you to leave it as well, because otherwise it's going to get awfully lonely for you.
Despite how much you wish it were, you'll never be the woman you've always wanted to be.
08-12-2017, 05:55 PM
Transgenderism is no more up for debate than general relativity, or evolution, or any other finding of empirical science. This is because it is empirical science: you can draw analogies, and you can draw a hand, but you can't draw data. No amount of shouting at undergrads or echo chamber back slapping will change this.
Your children will leave your bubble. Hopefully that experience will incline you to leave it as well, because otherwise it's going to get awfully lonely for you.
You're right, mental illness is a thing and we should look at it and not say oh we'll make you feel safe and sound without medication. Perhaps getting the help they need instead of being coddled is in order.
08-12-2017, 06:06 PM
Despite how much you wish it were, you'll never be the woman you've always wanted to be.I have never wanted to be a woman.
You're right, mental illness is a thing and we should look at it and not say oh we'll make you feel safe and sound without medication. Perhaps getting the help they need instead of being coddled is in order.I have had mental illness. Perhaps I am more qualified than you are to recognize it when it occurs? It is clear to me that being transgender in and of itself is not mental illness. Furthermore, perhaps my experience in therapy that taught me how to empathize with myself makes me better qualified to empathize with transgender people, and have a hearty lol at your claim that they are in any sense being "coddled".
08-12-2017, 06:08 PM
I have never wanted to be a woman.
08-12-2017, 06:09 PM
It is clear to me that being transgender in and of itself is not mental illness.
Perhaps not, I would argue gender dysphoria is.
08-12-2017, 06:17 PM
I have never wanted to be a woman.I have had mental illness. Perhaps I am more qualified than you are to recognize it when it occurs? It is clear to me that being transgender in and of itself is not mental illness. Furthermore, perhaps my experience in therapy that taught me how to empathize with myself makes me better qualified to empathize with transgender people, and have a hearty lol at your claim that they are in any sense being "coddled".
You obviously still have one. You like Kina Grannis.
08-12-2017, 06:36 PM
Perhaps not, I would argue gender dysphoria is.Again, there is no argument or debate. Gender dysphoria is by definition a mental illness and by definition distinct from being transgender. Someday the DSM may change, and then these definitions will change too. I promise they will not change because you or your avatar shouted at a nineteen year old.
You obviously still have one. You like Kina Grannis.One million webizens can't be wrong, James P. "Gelly" Gelston of the clan Gel's Ton, first of his name, first of so lame.
08-12-2017, 06:37 PM
Again, there is no argument or debate. Gender dysphoria is by definition a mental illness and by definition distinct from being transgender. Someday the DSM may change,
and then these definitions will change too. I promise they will not change because you or your avatar shouted at a nineteen year old.One million webizens can't be wrong, James P. "Gelly" Gelston of the clan Gel's Ton, first of his name, first of so lame.
There are 7 billion people on earth, 1 million is a very small percent. So yes, they can all be fucked up.
08-12-2017, 06:41 PM
Ben Shapiro is awesome. He cites sources, backs up his arguments, and makes very good points. I almost feel sorry for the smug bastards who think they are going to own him and end up looking like a fool.
Fuckin college kids. Kind of reminds me of some videos that were going around years ago when there were groups of dipshits sitting around promoting socialism. This dude from Russia went around talking to these potatoes and it's both sad and amusing.
Che Guevara supporter when asked if he would like to eliminate the banks: "Yeah, I would like that." (
"So, if you eliminate all the banks, where are you going to get money from?"
"The money is going to be in the local community."
This guy also doesn't believe in political borders. Solid tater.
You want to change our system into a socialist system. You think you're going to change it for the better? How so? "Well, in our campaign, we are a feminist campaign... Captialism is a root cause of sexism, homophobia, racism..." (
08-12-2017, 06:41 PM
James P. "Gelly" Gelston of the clan Gel's Ton, first of his name, first of so lame.
08-12-2017, 06:43 PM
I have never wanted to be a woman.I have had mental illness. Perhaps I am more qualified than you are to recognize it when it occurs? It is clear to me that being transgender in and of itself is not mental illness. Furthermore, perhaps my experience in therapy that taught me how to empathize with myself makes me better qualified to empathize with transgender people, and have a hearty lol at your claim that they are in any sense being "coddled".
You think you're the only one that has had mental illness? I suffered from insomnia for years which lead to depression and have had a gun to my head more than once. I found what worked for me. I think suicide is a coward's way out which is the only reason I never pulled the trigger. Now I force myself into a sleep schedule, whether I'm just old fashioned tired or have to get black out drunk to go to sleep by the time I've set. So, yes I can say they're being coddled. I worked my problems out. You are the type of person that shits on everyone. Oh, I've had this and I'll assume you haven't and try to make you look small. This is exactly why the politics folder never gets anywhere. People like you think your special without knowing that others might've been in the same boat but have different views.
08-12-2017, 06:56 PM
You think you're the only one that has had mental illness? I suffered from insomnia for years which lead to depression and have had a gun to my head more than once. I found what worked for me. I think suicide is a coward's way out which is the only reason I never pulled the trigger. Now I force myself into a sleep schedule, whether I'm just old fashioned tired or have to get black out drunk to go to sleep by the time I've set. So, yes I can say they're being coddled. I worked my problems out. You are the type of person that shits on everyone. Oh, I've had this and I'll assume you haven't and try to make you look small. This is exactly why the politics folder never gets anywhere. People like you think your special without knowing that others might've been in the same boat but have different views.
08-12-2017, 07:05 PM
And this will probably be latrine oe time4fun's retort.
08-12-2017, 07:08 PM
And this will probably be latrine oe time4fun's retort.
Latrin would never do that.
Not without making a 40 paragraph post.
08-12-2017, 07:27 PM
Latrin would never do that.
Not without making a 40 paragraph post.
Well let's go further then Methais. I'll post one pic again for a point and one for what it looks like now.
3.5 years ago, I had an accident at work. I pretty much destroyed my left arm (I was left handed). Only 2 fingers work and one of the non working ones has been 2/3rds amputated. All 3 nerves fubared, all flexor tendons torn from the muscle, 90% of my flexor muscles shredded into the muscle belly which does not allow regrowth. If anyone thinks I don't wake up every morning, look in the mirror, and wonder If I shouldn't put a bullet through my head to stop the pain or the looks (this is on par with the outcast transfolks) then your sadly mistaken. I hate what happened but it's life. Put your big boy pants on and go on.
When the cast came off
What I'm left with
08-12-2017, 07:31 PM
Well let's go further then Methais. I'll post one pic again for a point and one for what it looks like now.
3.5 years ago, I had an accident at work. I pretty much destroyed my left arm (I was left handed). Only 2 fingers work and one of the non working ones has been 2/3rds amputated. All 3 nerves fubared, all flexor tendons torn from the muscle, 90% of my flexor muscles shredded into the muscle belly which does not allow regrowth. If anyone thinks I don't wake up every morning, look in the mirror, and wonder If I shouldn't put a bullet through my head to stop the pain or the looks (this is on par with the outcast transfolks) then your sadly mistaken. I hate what happened but it's life. Put your big boy pants on and go on.
When the cast came off
What I'm left with
Holy shit dude that looks painful, what do you do? And you best get paid a shit ton for whatever you do.
08-12-2017, 07:34 PM
You think you're the only one that has had mental illness?Nothing about my post stated or implied that. Would you like to try another response thinking that others might've been in the same boat but have different views?
08-12-2017, 07:42 PM
Nothing about my post stated or implied that. Would you like to try another response thinking that others might've been in the same boat but have different views?
Sure thing pumpkin. You said this... I have had mental illness. Perhaps I am more qualified than you are to recognize it when it occurs? It is clear to me that being transgender in and of itself is not mental illness. Furthermore, perhaps my experience in therapy that taught me how to empathize with myself makes me better qualified to empathize with transgender people, and have a hearty lol at your claim that they are in any sense being "coddled".
You basically stated no one else(at a bare minimum, me) here has had mental illness and you're better qualified to point it out. And I hate to break it to you but transgender is a mental illness. I dealt with mine. They prescribed me ambien but I was up after 2 hours so I did what worked for me. Worked myself stupid tired or got black out drunk where I would have at least a somewhat restful sleep. In the beginning there was 2-3 days without sleep.
08-12-2017, 07:45 PM
You basically stated no one else(at a bare minimum, me) here has had mental illness and you're better qualified to point it out. And I hate to break it to you but transgender is a mental illness.
I can say with certainty that you are not qualified to make that statement.
08-12-2017, 07:47 PM
I can say with certainty that you are not qualified to make that statement.
What about Latrin is he qualified?
08-12-2017, 07:47 PM
A couple things. I did not state, basically or otherwise, that no one else has had mental illness. Transgender is factually not a mental illness - you can believe it is, that's up to you, but if you do you are factually incorrect.
You're taking this very personally, which I do not enjoy for several reasons; among them, that you have rendered yourself incapable of considering information to the contrary. Forget it, Crash, it's Internet-town!
08-12-2017, 07:49 PM
What about Latrin is he qualified?
No, he isn't. Good thing he's just repeating what the people who actually are qualified say about it.
08-12-2017, 07:51 PM
No, he isn't. Good thing he's just repeating what the people who actually are qualified say about it.
Did you know people who are qualified have said it is a mental illness also? Outstanding that professionals can disagree.
08-12-2017, 07:51 PM
I can say with certainty that you are not qualified to make that statement.
You can say that but, most trans are products of gender dysphoria. There's the very few that are born with both parts and the parents made the wrong decision.
08-12-2017, 07:53 PM
Did you know people who are qualified have said it is a mental illness also? Outstanding that professionals can disagree.
Disagreement by some does not mean that there is not a consensus among most. There are people who disagree that the world is round, do you think that the general consensus that it is round should be called into question because of it?
08-12-2017, 08:02 PM
Disagreement by some does not mean that there is not a consensus among most. There are people who disagree that the world is round, do you think that the general consensus that it is round should be called into question because of it?
Nope, they are just as deluded as the people that somehow think the sexes are interchangeable. Here's the eternal truth, You can say you're whatever, but biologically short of science and probably not even then yet (thankfully) a man that becomes a woman can't carry a baby to term. A woman that becomes a man can't impregnate a female. So how again is this not a mental illness? The genes are what they are.
08-12-2017, 08:07 PM
A couple things. I did not state, basically or otherwise, that no one else has had mental illness.
You stated you have had mental illness and therefore were perhaps more qualified than Crash to recognize when it occurs. This is heavily implying Crash has not had a mental illness.
You lose, sir. Do not pass Imperial Palace. Do not collect 200 Imperial credits.
08-12-2017, 08:09 PM
This just in - Lawyer is good at debating.
With that said, I think it's a magnificent step in the right direction to give a conservative commentator that actually supports his opinions with studies and facts gets as much airtime as Ben Shapiro gets. Normally on both sides of the spectrum the people who get the most airtime are the loonies and the people who parrot their batshit insanity. If you put Ben Shapiro in front of enough people, maybe even Neveragain will start sounding intelligent. He won't, but the possibility is there, you know?
08-12-2017, 08:12 PM
So how again is this not a mental illness?
Because "mental illness" is a term that actually means something and is not just a label that you can apply to anything you decide is wrong or silly or not part of your "eternal truth" regardless of how many people who actually do study and treat mental illness and actually are qualified to make these judgements say you are wrong.
08-12-2017, 08:12 PM
You stated you have had mental illness and therefore were perhaps more qualified than Crash to recognize when it occurs. This is heavily implying Crash has not had a mental illness.
You lose, sir. Do not pass Imperial Palace. Do not collect 200 Imperial credits.
STFU Tgo01 or I might actually have to attend a dreavening. I got this.
08-12-2017, 08:13 PM
Disagreement by some does not mean that there is not a consensus among most. There are people who disagree that the world is round, do you think that the general consensus that it is round should be called into question because of it?
You left out the part where the Earth being round has already been proven.
08-12-2017, 08:14 PM
You stated you have had mental illness and therefore were perhaps more qualified than Crash to recognize when it occurs. This is heavily implying Crash has not had a mental illness.
You lose, sir. Do not pass Imperial Palace. Do not collect 200 Imperial credits.
And no women's shoes or eyeshadow for a whole week!
08-12-2017, 08:14 PM
You left out the part where the Earth being round has already been proven.
Well clearly all that I have to do is say that it's not part of the eternal truth and now it doesn't matter how many scientists say it.
08-12-2017, 08:15 PM
Well clearly all that I have to do is say that it's not part of the eternal truth and now it doesn't matter how many scientists say it.
I wonder what scientists think about the claim of there being 48320947230472380472 genders.
08-12-2017, 08:19 PM
You stated you have had mental illnessThis is correct.
and therefore were perhaps more qualified than Crash to recognize when it occurs.This is incorrect. The ? glyph is called a question mark precisely because it denotes and connotes a question. A question is not a statement.
Here's the eternal truth, You can say you're whatever, but biologically short of science and probably not even then yet (thankfully) a man that becomes a woman can't carry a baby to term. A woman that becomes a man can't impregnate a female. So how again is this not a mental illness? The genes are what they are.Because neither impregnation nor genes are the definition of gender. A man who becomes infertile and is therefore incapable of impregnating a female is not necessarily mentally ill, for example.
You left out the part where the Earth being round has already been proven.That you personally believe one and not the other does not mean that one is proven and not the other.
08-12-2017, 08:20 PM
Transgenderism is no more up for debate than general relativity, or evolution, or any other finding of empirical science.
I agree. And here's some empirical for ya. There are species on this planet that can change their sex (you know, naturally as a part of their function to survive vs going to an operating room and inverting a pecker. One method allows the continued reproduction of the species and the other does not). Humans are not among them.
It's all very clear. A human born with the ability to impregnate a woman is a male. The thoughts inside his head have no bearing on this fact. A human born with the ability to become impregnated and carry a child is a female. The thoughts inside her head have no bearing on this fact.
08-12-2017, 08:21 PM
Because "mental illness" is a term that actually means something and is not just a label that you can apply to anything you decide is wrong or silly or not part of your "eternal truth" regardless of how many people who actually do study and treat mental illness and actually are qualified to make these judgements say you are wrong.
It's funny you make that argument. For hundreds of years it was the eternal truth that the earth was flat. Welp, so much for that idea.
08-12-2017, 08:28 PM
I agree. And here's some empirical for ya. There are species on this planet that can change their sexLet me stop you here. Sex is not gender. That's why there are two different words.
It's funny you make that argument. For hundreds of years it was the eternal truth that the earth was flat. Welp, so much for that idea.The earth was empirically proven round in 200 BC.
08-12-2017, 08:28 PM
There are people who disagree that the world is round, do you think that the general consensus that it is round should be called into question because of it?
No, we just call the other people idiots. Just like anyone who believes there are more than two genders or that dinosaurs never existed.
08-12-2017, 08:28 PM
Because neither impregnation nor genes are the definition of gender. A man who becomes infertile and is therefore incapable of impregnating a female is not necessarily mentally ill, for example..
Generally, neither does the man that got his balls shot off or the chemicals made him sterile, up and decide he's a woman. You're grasping at straws and it's actually kind of sad.
08-12-2017, 08:28 PM
Let me stop you here. Sex is not gender.
You seriously just went there didn't ya?
08-12-2017, 08:29 PM
You seriously just went there didn't ya?
You eat sharts don't you?
08-12-2017, 08:30 PM
Because "mental illness" is a term that actually means something and is not just a label that you can apply to anything you decide is wrong
The same could be said of 'male' and 'female'.
08-12-2017, 08:30 PM
That you personally believe one and not the other does not mean that one is proven and not the other.
I believe it because it's been proven beyond any and all doubt.
Also, was your mental illness psychosis? If so we certainly know what caused it.
08-12-2017, 08:32 PM
You left out the part where the Earth being round has already been proven.
So have dinosaurs, but there are still somehow people who don't believe in them. Like it's this giant fucking hoax someone, I guess, must have made a fortune off or or something. Those same people probably believe in the Good Lord Almighty Above, too.
08-12-2017, 08:33 PM
Generally, neither does the man that got his balls shot off or the chemicals made him sterile, up and decide he's a woman. You're grasping at straws and it's actually kind of sad.Good try. You don't believe that a person has to be able to impregnate someone else to be male. So you're a hypocrite. Don't be mad at me, be mad at the people who are treating you like a mindless puppet. You're better than that.
08-12-2017, 08:33 PM
It's funny you make that argument. For hundreds of years it was the eternal truth that the earth was flat. Welp, so much for that idea.
We even went to outer space ourselves just to make sure.
There's just no pleasing some people. Those people are called cunts.
08-12-2017, 08:35 PM
Good try. You don't believe that a person has to be able to impregnate someone else to be male. So you're a hypocrite. Don't be mad at me, be mad at the people who are treating you like a mindless puppet. You're better than that.
You can't call someone else mindless while believing that more than 2 genders exist.
It's against the law. Don't believe me? WELL YOU CAN GOOGLE IT!
08-12-2017, 08:35 PM
You can't call someone else mindless while believing that more than 2 genders exist.
It's against the law. Don't believe me? WELL YOU CAN GOOGLE IT!Good thing I didn't call anyone mindless.
08-12-2017, 08:36 PM
Here's a thought that kind of appeases both sides:
1. Left - Accept that transgender persons are not biologically the opposite sex, regardless of how they identify.
2. Right - So long as it's not hurting you (It isn't), if someone prefers to be treated as the opposite sex, who gives a fuck?
3. If you feel medically that these people should not perform X duty, such as being in the military, because they're on chemical treatments, simply ban all people on said chemical treatments from X duty.
If these three things can be accepted and adopted - Everyone is treated the way they want to, nobody gets hurt as a result, and any danger posed by medical treatment is averted. And everybody gets to live how they want without hating each other.
08-12-2017, 08:36 PM
Because neither impregnation nor genes are the definition of gender. A man who becomes infertile and is therefore incapable of impregnating a female is not necessarily mentally ill, for example.
Don't be ridiculous. We all know there are issues that can lead to both male and female reproductive failures. You know perfectly well that in humans, the male impregnates and the female becomes impregnated and carries the child. Don't try to deflect things with some stupid bullshit about anomalies.
08-12-2017, 08:37 PM
Good thing I didn't call anyone mindless.
Yes, it's a good thing you used a simile instead of a metaphor. Just like it's a good thing I meant "you" in a general sense.
We should go to the strip club sometime. I'll buy you a lap dance.
08-12-2017, 08:39 PM
Yes, it's a good thing you used a simile instead of a metaphor. Just like it's a good thing I meant "you" in a general sense.
We should go to the strip club sometime. I'll buy you a lap dance.
Will you be dancing?
08-12-2017, 08:39 PM
A man who becomes infertile and is therefore incapable of impregnating a female is not necessarily mentally ill, for example.That you personally believe one and not the other does not mean that one is proven and not the other.
If a person loses one of their legs, are they still considered bipedal?
08-12-2017, 08:46 PM
Let me stop you here. Sex is not gender.
Although it is possible to define gender as “sex,” indicating that the term can be used when differentiating male creatures from female ones biologically, the concept of gender, a word primarily applied to human beings, has additional connotations—more rich and more amorphous—having to do with general behavior, social interactions, and most importantly, one's fundamental sense of self.
The italicized (rather the non-bolded part since quotes...) portion is a ludicrous notion.
That's why there are two different words.
I'm sure you're familiar with the term, 'synonym', right?
08-12-2017, 08:47 PM
If a person loses one of their legs, are they still considered bipedal?
Hey, no picking on the cripple that only has the use of one arm you dick /sarcasm
08-12-2017, 08:51 PM
1. Left - Accept that transgender persons are not biologically the opposite sex, regardless of how they identify.
2. Right - So long as it's not hurting you (It isn't), if someone prefers to be treated as the opposite sex, who gives a fuck?
I really don't give a fuck if they want to identify as the opposite sex. Where I draw the line is demanding I refer to them as the opposite sex. I probably would refer to a trans person as the opposite gender if they asked me to, I just don't want them to demand I do so out of threat of being labeled a bigot. I also refuse to refer to someone as made up terms as zhe or zed or bullshit as wanting to referred to as "they."
I'm also not against gender reassignment surgery as long as real experts (not TV stars or someone with a degree in gender studies) think it would help the person. What I'm against lately is the push to normalize this behavior. Kids as young as 4 and 6 "identifying" as the opposite gender and even talks about performing surgeries at young ages. Come on. Let's cut the bullshit out.
I'm also against this push lately of just saying "I identify as a woman now so I can go into the woman's bathroom." Again, no, stop that.
3. If you feel medically that these people should not perform X duty, such as being in the military, because they're on chemical treatments, simply ban all people on said chemical treatments from X duty.
I'm not against trans being in the military because the chemical treatments they're on, I'm against it because of the overwhelming evidence of the serious mental health problems often associated with people who are trans. This is just a simple fact. It's funny because Democrats themselves have been the ones pushing these facts (high suicide/attempted suicide rate) and now that people are like "Maybe it's NOT a good idea to let a group of people with already high suicide rates into the military considering the military has a high suicide rate itself..." and now these same Democrats are screaming "RACISM!"
But in other aspects I agree with your statement here. It reminds me of that trans teenager (born female identifies as male) that wanted to wrestle on the boy's team in high school. The school wouldn't allow him to wrestle on the boys team but people felt it was unfair for him to wrestle on the girls team because he was taking steroids. My solution? Ban him from competing altogether as long as he's taking steroids. Same goes for anyone taking steroids. The district already bans anyone who is taking steroids but they make an exception if it's for medical reasons.
Lastly I'm against people using people with mental health problem to push their agendas and normalize other aspects of society. For example look at that 50 year old man who "identifies" as a 6 year old girl because he wanted to dump his family and engage in some anal rape with a married man who fantasizes about raping little girls. People are like "Aww, it's okay for a 50 year old man to identify as a 6 year old girl, it's normal!" No, it's not fucking normal. But people will point to a trans person and say "See? It's normal." Again, no, trans people typically have mental problems. This isn't me being hateful, this is being knowing what I'm talking about.
It's the same thing as people who say "There are people with more than than 2 x chromosomes so that alone is proof there are more than 2 genders." Yet you look at people with extra chromosomes and in most cases those people suffer from mental health issues such as mental retardation, but people so badly want there to be more than 2 genders that they will use people such as that to push their agenda.
Stop that. Now. I'm looking at you, Latrin.
08-12-2017, 08:54 PM
2. Right - So long as it's not hurting you (It isn't), if someone prefers to be treated as the opposite sex, who gives a fuck?
The Bruce Jenners of the world can act like a woman all they want. That's fine. They can surgically do whatever they want with themselves. I don't care. But, I will not refer to them as a women because they are not. That really bothers some of them to no end. THEY give a fuck and I'm not about to call these people women just to appease their delusions.
08-12-2017, 08:59 PM
I also refuse to refer to someone as made up terms as zhe or zed or bullshit as wanting to referred to as "they."
You got a problem with the leader of the Scullions?
08-12-2017, 09:02 PM
What I'm against lately is the push to normalize this behavior. Kids as young as 4 and 6 "identifying" as the opposite gender and even talks about performing surgeries at young ages. Come on. Let's cut the bullshit out.
I'm also against this push lately of just saying "I identify as a woman now so I can go into the woman's bathroom." Again, no, stop that.
Preach, my nigga (this, for the Latrins out there, is synonymous with the word 'brother', or 'dude', or 'man', etc)!
But in other aspects I agree with your statement here. It reminds me of that trans teenager (born female identifies as male) that wanted to wrestle on the boy's team in high school. The school wouldn't allow him to wrestle on the boys team but people felt it was unfair for him to wrestle on the girls team because he was taking steroids. My solution? Ban him from competing altogether as long as he's taking steroids. Same goes for anyone taking steroids. The district already bans anyone who is taking steroids but they make an exception if it's for medical reasons.
Oh my god... another perfect example of letting this shit get out of hand: Fallon Fox. This was born a male and decided he wanted to be a woman. Some horrible MMA organization actually allows this dude to get in the cage and beat the shit out of women. What the fuck is going on here?! I'm sure all the pro-trans people are cool with that. Idiots.
08-12-2017, 09:04 PM
Preach, my nigga
Example: Bill Clinton got a BJ from my nigga Lewinski.
08-12-2017, 09:05 PM
Preach, my nigga (this, for the Latrins out there, is synonymous with the word 'brother', or 'dude', or 'man', etc)!
Oh my god... another perfect example of letting this shit get out of hand: Fallon Fox. This was born a male and decided he wanted to be a woman. Some horrible MMA organization actually allows this dude to get in the cage and beat the shit out of women. What the fuck is going on here?! I'm sure all the pro-trans people are cool with that. Idiots.
Just wait until the next Olympics when guys pretending to be women run a clean sweep in all the women's events.
08-12-2017, 09:10 PM
Just wait until the next Olympics when guys pretending to be women run a clean sweep in all the women's events.
I can just imagine all the bitching that would cause.
08-12-2017, 09:12 PM
I can just imagine all the bitching that would cause.
It's only a matter of time before the left cannibalizes itself. Feminists, muslims, and trans people will be at each others' throats once the novelty of hating Trump gets stale.
08-12-2017, 09:13 PM
Oh my god... another perfect example of letting this shit get out of hand: Fallon Fox. This was born a male and decided he wanted to be a woman. Some horrible MMA organization actually allows this dude to get in the cage and beat the shit out of women. What the fuck is going on here?! I'm sure all the pro-trans people are cool with that. Idiots.
How about that male weight lifter in Ukraine or some shit. He was total shit while competing as a man, ranked like 1236th in the entire world or some shit like that. One day he decides he's a chick, starts taking medication for like a year, they say "Okay, you can compete in women's division" and he broke like 10 records in one tournament and everyone was like "WHOA! A woman broke 10 records in a single day!"
No...a man broke 10 records previously set by women in WEIGHT LIFTING.
I just can't wait for the day when men are completely dominating every single woman sport in the Olympics, then suddenly we'll see Democrats become sexists demanding men only be allowed to compete in men sports.
08-12-2017, 09:26 PM
How about that male weight lifter in Ukraine or some shit. He was total shit while competing as a man, ranked like 1236th in the entire world or some shit like that. One day he decides he's a chick, starts taking medication for like a year, they say "Okay, you can compete in women's division" and he broke like 10 records in one tournament and everyone was like "WHOA! A woman broke 10 records in a single day!"
No...a man broke 10 records previously set by women in WEIGHT LIFTING.
I just can't wait for the day when men are completely dominating every single woman sport in the Olympics, then suddenly we'll see Democrats become sexists demanding men only be allowed to compete in men sports.
Hadn't heard about that one, but at least he's just breaking records and not other (real) women's faces. It's still bizarro-world.
08-12-2017, 10:56 PM
this guy is one of those Zionists with blinders on. hope he sticks to domestic policy.
08-12-2017, 11:00 PM
Don't be ridiculous. We all know there are issues that can lead to both male and female reproductive failures.And yet, the quoted definition fails to account for them. That's why we know the quoted definition is no good.
The italicized (rather the non-bolded part since quotes...) portion is a ludicrous notion.Again, this is empirical science. Whether it strikes you as ludicrous or not is wholly irrelevant. Data only, no reckons need apply. I honestly have no idea what you're even citing, and have no idea why you would cite a source and immediately criticize it, but here we are.
I'm sure you're familiar with the term, 'synonym', right?A word having a similar meaning. Similar: having a likeness or resemblance. For example, the word "subzero" resembles "frozen", but we can very easily distinguish between a Mortal Kombatant and a Disney musical.
Yes, it's a good thing you used a simile instead of a metaphor. Just like it's a good thing I meant "you" in a general sense.In point of fact I used neither of those. You may as well stop trying to call me out as a hypocrite, your continual failure to do so only makes you look incompetent.
08-13-2017, 12:15 AM
And yet, the quoted definition fails to account for them. That's why we know the quoted definition is no good.
When we define the characteristics of humans, are we not defined as having five digits on each hand or foot? Does this mean that a person born with more or less digits is not a human because we don't list every possible outlier to include that some, occasionally, may be born with more or less?
If I were to describe a being with two heads, two brains, two hearts, two sets of lungs, one liver, one GI tract, four arms, and four legs, does that fit the description of human?
Again, this is empirical science. Whether it strikes you as ludicrous or not is wholly irrelevant. Data only, no reckons need apply.
Let's take a look at some key pieces here, shall we?
"Although it is possible to define gender as “sex,” indicating that the term can be used when differentiating male creatures from female ones biologically"
This is a definition.
"the concept of gender, a word primarily applied to human beings, has additional connotations—more rich and more amorphous—having to do with general behavior, social interactions, and most importantly, one's fundamental sense of self. "
The part I say is ludicrous is a concept. Not a definition. Is a concept truly 'empirical science'? Aren't they, by definition, contradictory?
Going further, it states that:
Until recently, most people assumed that acknowledging one's gender, or sex, was easy. You just checked the appropriate box on a standard form, choosing either “male” or “female,” according to the gender you had been assigned at birth based on visible anatomical evidence. But some people's internal sense of who they are does not correspond with their assigned gender.
"Internal sense." That sounds mighty empirical.
This concept regarding gender is relatively new and certainly not wholly accepted even in the 'civilized world'. Outside of countries like ours, I believe you'll find a great many whose people do not accept this idea.
I honestly have no idea what you're even citing, and have no idea why you would cite a source and immediately criticize it, but here we are.
Some crazy place people might go to find definitions for words.
It was cited because you claim that sex is not gender. The very first sentence contradicts your statement. What I criticize there is what is mentioned as the 'new concept' of gender.
A word having a similar meaning. Similar: having a likeness or resemblance. For example, the word "subzero" resembles "frozen", but we can very easily distinguish between a Mortal Kombatant and a Disney musical.
Excellent. So, we can agree then that gender and sex may be used interchangeably as has been done for, oh, I dunno... ever? It would seem dictionaries also agree. That's good. What seems to be confusing you is people trying to insert this new concept of gender into the definition.
08-13-2017, 12:17 AM
And yet, the quoted definition fails to account for them. That's why we know the quoted definition is no good.Again, this is empirical science. Whether it strikes you as ludicrous or not is wholly irrelevant. Data only, no reckons need apply. I honestly have no idea what you're even citing, and have no idea why you would cite a source and immediately criticize it, but here we are.A word having a similar meaning. Similar: having a likeness or resemblance. For example, the word "subzero" resembles "frozen", but we can very easily distinguish between a Mortal Kombatant and a Disney musical.In point of fact I used neither of those. You may as well stop trying to call me out as a hypocrite, your continual failure to do so only makes you look incompetent.
Oh you big hypocrite you.
08-13-2017, 12:20 AM
When we define the characteristics of humans, are we not defined as having five digits on each hand or foot? Does this mean that a person born with more or less digits is not a human because we don't list every possible outlier to include that some, occasionally, may be born with more or less
My art teacher in elementary school had 11 fingers. Her right hand had a little toe looking mini thumb branching off from her normal thumb. It was functional and all that shit.
Due to this anomaly, I am declaring that anyone who says humans only have 10 fingers is a bigot.
08-13-2017, 12:21 AM
My art teacher in elementary school had 11 fingers. Her right hand had a little toe looking mini thumb branching off from her normal thumb. It was functional and all that shit.
Due to this anomaly, I am declaring that anyone who says humans only have 10 fingers is a bigot.
Did she play piano?
08-13-2017, 12:21 AM
My art teacher in elementary school had 11 fingers. Her right hand had a little toe looking mini thumb branching off from her normal thumb. It was functional and all that shit.
Due to this anomaly, I am declaring that anyone who says humans only have 10 fingers is a bigot.
She was clearly an alien. The real question, though, is was she some form of space reptile?
08-13-2017, 12:27 AM
Did she play piano?
Not to my knowledge, but she should have. I bet she could roll the fuck out of some joints.
She was clearly an alien. The real question, though, is was she some form of space reptile?
She was Egyptian and could read heiroglyphics, which I thought was the coolest thing ever because I was all into Indiana Jones at the time, so it's probably safe to say she was an alien of some sort.
08-13-2017, 01:24 AM
She was Egyptian and could read heiroglyphics, which I thought was the coolest thing ever because I was all into Indiana Jones at the time, so it's probably safe to say she was an alien of some sort.
Double whammy. She was definitely an alien.
Also, on another note, I noticed Latrin didn't really weigh in on the men-who-think-they're-women that participate in sports against real women. Do you approve of guys like Fallon Fox beating the shit out of girls or smoking them in other sports? I kind of wish the LFL paid well. I might suddenly discover my identity as a woman so I can go play pro foosball.
From one of her opponents:
During Fox's fight against Tamikka Brents, Brents suffered a concussion, an orbital bone fracture, and seven staples to the head in the 1st round. After her loss, Brents took to social media to convey her thoughts on the experience of fighting Fox: “I've fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a fight as I did that night. I can’t answer whether it’s because she was born a man or not because I’m not a doctor. I can only say, I’ve never felt so overpowered ever in my life and I am an abnormally strong female in my own right,” she stated. “Her grip was different, I could usually move around in the clinch against other females but couldn’t move at all in Fox’s clinch
Here's the only woman to beat her:
08-13-2017, 02:18 PM
When we define the characteristics of humans, are we not defined as having five digits on each hand or foot?No, we're not, because many humans don't. That's what the word "define" means. Either you encompass all instances or you don't.
Is a concept truly 'empirical science'? Aren't they, by definition, contradictory?There are many empirical concepts: the concept of mass and the concept of electrical charge to name two.
This concept regarding gender is relatively new and certainly not wholly accepted even in the 'civilized world'. Outside of countries like ours, I believe you'll find a great many whose people do not accept this idea.I can find a great many people who don't accept relativistic physics too. Doesn't make it any less empirical, or them any less wrong. What is it that you think empirical means, anyway?
The very first sentence contradicts your statementThe very first sentence says "the concept of gender, a word primarily applied to human beings, has additional connotations". You found a source, it agreed with me, and you still think you're right. Ha! Ha! Good times, subzero.
So, we can agree then that gender and sex may be used interchangeably as has been done for, oh, I dunno... ever? Only if you think there were blue ninjas running around Arendelle.
08-13-2017, 02:37 PM
No, we're not, because many humans don't. That's what the word "define" means. Either you encompass all instances or you don't.There are many empirical concepts: the concept of mass and the concept of electrical charge to name two.I can find a great many people who don't accept relativistic physics too. Doesn't make it any less empirical, or them any less wrong. What is it that you think empirical means, anyway?The very first sentence says "the concept of gender, a word primarily applied to human beings, has additional connotations". You found a source, it agreed with me, and you still think you're right. Ha! Ha! Good times, subzero.Only if you think there were blue ninjas running around Arendelle.
A normal person is born with 10 fingers and someone who is born with more or less is an anomaly are they not?
08-13-2017, 02:41 PM
A normal person is born with 10 fingers and someone who is born with more or less is an anomaly are they not?
Nope, they are now a new species of human. Homo-too-many-fingers.
08-13-2017, 03:54 PM
A normal person is born with 10 fingers and someone who is born with more or less is an anomaly are they not?Most humans are born with ten fingers, in the same way that most cars have solid roofs.
It would be incorrect to say a car is defined as having a solid roof, because ragtop convertibles exist.
It would be incorrect to say a human is defined as having ten fingers, because humans with more or less exist.
And it would be incorrect to say a male is defined as capable of impregnating someone, because many males cannot.
08-13-2017, 04:21 PM
Most humans are born with ten fingers, in the same way that most cars have solid roofs.
It would be incorrect to say a car is defined as having a solid roof, because ragtop convertibles exist.
It would be incorrect to say a human is defined as having ten fingers, because humans with more or less exist.
And it would be incorrect to say a male is defined as capable of impregnating someone, because many males cannot.
You're nitpicking a relatively small number of males born sterile. The problem with your argument, is that their genes backfired. Genetically they are a male, an anomaly occurred. Genetically, a man that says, hey I think I should be a female will always be a man. Vice versa in a female. Now true, some species are able to swap genders NATURALLY to better propagate the species. There is 0% anything natural about taking hormones or having surgery to swap genders. You want to be gay, lesbian, whatever that's fine. Honestly, I think the problem is with people telling me how I should think. You are born with a dick? You're a guy sorry. Born with a pussy? You're a woman. No amount of hormones or surgery will change the DNA.
08-13-2017, 06:00 PM
You're nitpicking a relatively small number of males born sterile.Let me stop you here. My argument has never been people who are born sterile. There are many other ways for a human to not be able to produce children.
A six year old boy physiologically cannot produce children, but is male. Women post-menopause cannot bear children, yet they remain female.
Honestly, I think the problem is with people telling me how I should think.Nobody's telling you how you should think. We're just telling you what is factually the case. If you want to be factually incorrect, have fun with that.
08-13-2017, 06:12 PM
Let me stop you here. My argument has never been people who are born sterile. There are many other ways for a human to not be able to produce children.
A six year old boy physiologically cannot produce children, but is male. Women post-menopause cannot bear children, yet they remain female.Nobody's telling you how you should think. We're just telling you what is factually the case. If you want to be factually incorrect, have fun with that.
And you're picking out whatever you want to try to prove your case. Physiologically, no JUVENILE (6 year old person or like) of any species is able to produce children. Physiologically, female homo sapiens generally have a certain period where they are able to reproduce. This is not true in other species and true in others. You and everyone else trumpeting the transgender community is telling me I should refer to them as their gender of choice. Gender isn't a choice. Short of those fish or amphibians I mentioned, there is no other species that can at will change gender. I'm sorry but if you're your born with a dick and dick only, you're a male no matter what you want to say you are. Same goes for those born with a vagina and only a vagina.
08-13-2017, 07:40 PM
And you're picking out whatever you want to try to prove your case.Yes, I am citing the things that prove I am right. Isn't that... I mean, isn't that the point of this? You believe something, I believe something, we appeal to external sources so as to find who has the believable belief. Or do you merely intend to signal your virtuousness to those who believe as you do?
Short of those fish or amphibians I mentioned, there is no other species that can at will change gender.I'm not going to tell you to look at a definition I pull out of the air. Why should you trust me? I am going to tell you to look at the definition subzero cited. He's (ostensibly) on your side, and even his definition that he produced of his own free will says that gender and sex aren't the same thing.
This isn't a debate.
Your intelligence or rationality isn't in question.
This is a specific fact that you either know or you don't.
And that is why your side has always lost and will always lose.
08-13-2017, 07:51 PM
I can find a great many people who don't accept relativistic physics too. Doesn't make it any less empirical, or them any less wrong. What is it that you think empirical means, anyway?
Empirical does not mean correct. This whole gender thing is based on the beliefs and claims of people. There are many people who claim that they have been abducted by aliens. Many of them will share similar stories about their experiences with the little green men. I reject those claims just as I reject the idea that gender needs to be this amorphous mess based on one's feelings. I have never filled out a form that asked for both my sex and my gender. This is because they mean the same thing. One question on the topic with one answer is all that is necessary.
08-13-2017, 08:02 PM
Let me stop you here. My argument has never been people who are born sterile. There are many other ways for a human to not be able to produce children.
A six year old boy physiologically cannot produce children, but is male. Women post-menopause cannot bear children, yet they remain female.Nobody's telling you how you should think. We're just telling you what is factually the case. If you want to be factually incorrect, have fun with that.
You know damn well what we mean when we say that men are able to impregnate woman and woman are able to become impregnated and carry a child. We're not making warning labels for medication here. You don't really expect us to write out all the fine print, do you?
I am going to tell you to look at the definition subzero cited. He's (ostensibly) on your side, and even his definition that he produced of his own free will says that gender and sex aren't the same thing.
No, it clearly stated that gender can be defined as sex. This has traditionally been the way the word has been used. It also states that this new concept of gender that you speak of is a recent notion that some people are beginning to accept.
Oh, and, I think I missed it somewhere. How did you say you felt about men-who-think-they're-women beating the shit out of real women? I know it probably shouldn't even need to be asked since you're pro-trans, but I am curious nonetheless.
08-13-2017, 08:55 PM
Empirical does not mean correct.Cool story. I asked what you think it DOES mean though, not what it doesn't.
This whole gender thing is based on the beliefs and claims of people. There are many people who claim that they have been abducted by aliens. Many of them will share similar stories about their experiences with the little green men. I reject those claims just as I reject the idea that gender needs to be this amorphous mess based on one's feelings. I have never filled out a form that asked for both my sex and my gender. This is because they mean the same thing. One question on the topic with one answer is all that is necessary.Like age, this is another inapt analogy. I understand that you think they are really devastating retorts, but out here in the real world you're straining to do some 'splaining.
You know damn well what we mean when we say that men are able to impregnate woman and woman are able to become impregnated and carry a child.I do know very well what you mean: that except for all the ways you're wrong, you're right. I've never said otherwise! I only disagree (with all due respect) which specific times you are right or wrong.
No, it clearly stated that gender can be defined as sex.It's hilarious, in a disturbing way, that you honestly believe that's what it said.
08-14-2017, 08:55 AM
Most humans are born with ten fingers, in the same way that most cars have solid roofs.
It would be incorrect to say a car is defined as having a solid roof, because ragtop convertibles exist.
It would be incorrect to say a human is defined as having ten fingers, because humans with more or less exist.
And it would be incorrect to say a male is defined as capable of impregnating someone, because many males cannot.
That's a really stupid analogy as a convertible is an intentional design. Nobody is like "Hey honey let's have a kid with 12 fingers."
Try making a similar analogy but with a car having 4 tires.
08-14-2017, 09:01 AM
Let me stop you here. My argument has never been people who are born sterile. There are many other ways for a human to not be able to produce children.
A six year old boy physiologically cannot produce children, but is male. Women post-menopause cannot bear children, yet they remain female.Nobody's telling you how you should think. We're just telling you what is factually the case. If you want to be factually incorrect, have fun with that.
Because a child whose balls haven't dropped yet is the exact same thing as someone using technology to artificially change genders right?
Take technology out of the picture and what are their options for swapping genders? Serious question because the answer is pretty much take an axe to your dick and hope you don't bleed out after and that's about it.
08-14-2017, 10:39 AM
Because a child whose balls haven't dropped yet is the exact same thing as someone using technology to artificially change genders right?
Take technology out of the picture and what are their options for swapping genders?
Not to be a stickler, but, using their own terminology, they're using surgery to change their sex characteristics to match the "gender" that's purely in their own mind. The only people who claim it's possible to "change genders" are people who claim to be "genderfluid," the fancier, "I'm special, look at me" way of describing yourself as not particularly gender-stereotype-conforming.
Honestly, breaking down sex vs. gender is one of the places that the trans community starts losing people. Especially when certain trans advocates start arguing ( that not only is gender merely a social construct, sex is as well (
It's not surprising that even allies get confused when major trans advocates disagree with each other on the most fundamental concepts.
08-14-2017, 11:18 AM
Not to be a stickler, but, using their own terminology, they're using surgery to change their sex characteristics to match the "gender" that's purely in their own mind. The only people who claim it's possible to "change genders" are people who claim to be "genderfluid," the fancier, "I'm special, look at me" way of describing yourself as not particularly gender-stereotype-conforming.
Honestly, breaking down sex vs. gender is one of the places that the trans community starts losing people. Especially when certain trans advocates start arguing ( that not only is gender merely a social construct, sex is as well (
It's not surprising that even allies get confused when major trans advocates disagree with each other on the most fundamental concepts.
Some are at the point where they're just making shit up as they go along now imo. Either way none of this would be a thing without technology, so there's nothing natural about any of it.
Those people are the ultimate hipsters. They're so non-conformist they can't even accept that male and female are the only genders so they just start making shit up to try and be edgy and then get upset when people don't buy into their ridiculous bullshit.
08-15-2017, 03:30 PM
Cool story. I asked what you think it DOES mean though, not what it doesn't.Like age, this is another inapt analogy. I understand that you think they are really devastating retorts, but out here in the real world you're straining to do some 'splaining.I do know very well what you mean: that except for all the ways you're wrong, you're right. I've never said otherwise! I only disagree (with all due respect) which specific times you are right or wrong.It's hilarious, in a disturbing way, that you honestly believe that's what it said.
It's alright. I didn't really expect you to comment on men-who-think-they're-women getting licensed to enter an MMA cage and beat up real women.
08-15-2017, 04:37 PM
This thread has been a giant Latrin derpage.
08-15-2017, 04:43 PM
Isn't that what all threads here eventually become?
08-15-2017, 06:35 PM
That's a really stupid analogy as a convertible is an intentional design. Nobody is like "Hey honey let's have a kid with 12 fingers."Parents are not their childrens' designers - parents cannot turn one hair on their child's head black or white. Whoever designed the human race manifestly did intend for some humans to have 12 fingers, because some are in fact born that way.
Because a child whose balls haven't dropped yet is the exact same thing as someone using technology to artificially change genders right?They are not the exact same thing. No two things are the exact same thing. What they are is comparable in the following way: both are people who cannot impregnate someone. If that is the definition of male,
then neither are male. If that is not the definition of male, then it can't be used to say transgender or children or anyone else who can't impregnate someone aren't male.
It's alright. I didn't really expect you to comment on men-who-think-they're-women getting licensed to enter an MMA cage and beat up real women.I rarely comment on irrelevant red herrings, it's true. You may be totally oblivious to the pattern of SJWs winning every fight they pick throughout all of recorded history, but you picked up on one of my patterns. Baby steps, subby! :)
08-15-2017, 06:37 PM
More derp.
08-15-2017, 07:28 PM
I rarely comment on irrelevant red herrings, it's true.
How is it a red herring? Forget anything else was discussed here and answer the question.
Or you can pink flamingo with your head in the sand and ignore the fact that a male has been granted a license to beat on females.
08-15-2017, 07:36 PM
You may be totally oblivious to the pattern of SJWs winning every fight they pick throughout all of recorded history, but you picked up on one of my patterns. Baby steps, subby! :)
Anything is possible when you don't let the other side speak, decry them as a <insert label here>, only listen to an echo chamber, and control the education system.
08-15-2017, 07:36 PM
How is it a red herring?Because it distracts from the relevant issues, asking us to forget anything else being discussed.
Forget anything else was discussed here and answer the question.See? ;D
Or you can pink flamingo with your head in the sand and ignore the fact that a male has been granted a license to beat on females.No male has ever been granted a license to beat on females. Not even in Trump's America.
08-15-2017, 07:40 PM
Derp derp derp derp derp derp derp, derp derp derp derp derp derp derp derp. Derp? ;D Derp derp derp derp derped derp derp derp derp derp derps. Derp derp derp Trump's America.
08-15-2017, 07:41 PM
Anything is possible when you don't let the other side speak,He said, on a site where Neveragain speaks at great length.
decry them as a <insert label here>, and control the education system.Leftists have never controlled the education system. Why do you think it was a struggle to integrate schools? Or to allow teachers to be openly homosexual? You people read a few Buzzfeed headlines about hippie college professors and think K12 is compromised. Like Ice Ice Baby and Under Pressure, they're not the same.
08-15-2017, 07:50 PM
Poor latrin. A juvenile male is still a male, biologically he has not reached sexual maturity yet. When you take a female and have a cosmetic surgery because they feel male, is comparing apples to oranges. The juvenile male at least has the potential to in the future propagate the species, where as the cosmetically change female does not and vice versa. Short of genetic defects that is. Which would be defined as an anomaly created by nature, not people.
08-15-2017, 07:51 PM
He said, on a site where Neveragain speaks at great length.Leftists have never controlled the education system. Why do you think it was a struggle to integrate schools? Or to allow teachers to be openly homosexual? You people read a few Buzzfeed headlines about hippie college professors and think K12 is compromised. Like Ice Ice Baby and Under Pressure, they're not the same.
Yeah and I could stand in a field alone on a soapbox and say stuff.
Gee Golly, its almost like integration was 60 years ago. You're right nothing has changed, what was I thinking. College and life in general is exactly the same as 1960....
I am talking about college, and I would bet you knew that.
Talk about red herrings.
08-15-2017, 07:56 PM
Because it distracts from the relevant issues, asking us to forget anything else being discussed.See? ;D
Something tells me that if I were to create an entire new thread asking only that one simple question, you'd avoid it like the plague.
No male has ever been granted a license to beat on females. Not even in Trump's America.
More word games and avoiding the real question. True, the licensing is not for a male to beat on females. It's for this person to be authorized to compete in combat sports. I believe it's up to the organization the person fights under to determine who any fighter faces, but I may be wrong. I'm not familiar with the terms and conditions of these licenses. It's ok. Your silence says it all.
08-15-2017, 08:17 PM
Poor latrin. A juvenile male is still a male, biologically he has not reached sexual maturity yet. When you take a female and have a cosmetic surgery because they feel male, is comparing apples to oranges. The juvenile male at least has the potential to in the future propagate the species, where as the cosmetically change female does not and vice versa. Short of genetic defects that is. Which would be defined as an anomaly created by nature, not people.Brother, you're the one who said "A woman that becomes a man can't impregnate a female." I didn't hold a gun to your head I didn't misquote you. You said it, I showed how even you didn't actually believe it, and now you're back-peddling fast enough to qualify for the Olympics.
And it's still not fast enough.
"The juvenile male at least has the potential to in the future propagate the species"
Nobody know what medical science will be able to do in the future, and nobody knows whether a given juvenile male will even survive to sexual maturity, let alone if they will be sterile when they do so.
Therefore, both a juvenile male and someone who transitions from female to male have the "potential to in the future propagate the species."
Please feel free to make up another new definition that doesn't include trans people. The President was wrong, I'm not getting tired of winning.
Gee Golly, its almost like integration was 60 years ago. You're right nothing has changed, what was I thinking. College and life in general is exactly the same as 1960....You are wildly underinformed about black students and gay teachers if you think their situations are exactly the same as they were in 1957.
I am talking about college, and I would bet you knew that.How exactly would I know that you were talking about less than 25% of the education system when you said "the education system"?
Something tells me that if I were to create an entire new thread asking only that one simple question, you'd avoid it like the plague.Unfortunately for you we've already had that thread (, and I awesomely shut down and blew up the arguments to the contrary.
08-15-2017, 08:20 PM
You are wildly underinformed about black students and gay teachers if you think their situations are exactly the same as they were in 1957.How exactly would I know that you were talking about less than 25% of the education system when you said "the education system"?Unfortunately for you we've already had that thread (, and I awesomely shut down and blew up the arguments to the contrary.
I understand sarcasm doesn't come over the same way in text, but damn I thought I make it crystal clear.
Perhaps come up with an example from this century?
08-15-2017, 08:30 PM
Therefore, both a juvenile male and someone who transitions from female to male have the "potential to in the future propagate the species."
I've not backpedaled one bit. An immature male has the potential ability to NATURALLY propagate the species once coming of age. Even with scientific advancements, it would not be NATURAL for a trans woman to propagate the species as a male. You can tout science all you want but the basic genetic make up of anyone is set in stone unless altered by the only species on this earth capable of doing it (whether now or in the future). I guess I had to point that out to you since you're either being dense or just trolling at this point. I guess I should've been more specific.
As a comparison for you to make it simple, one day it might be possible for science to cut off my arm at the elbow and regrow it so I have a functioning arm. It would be made by my stem cells but it was still science and not genetics that intervened. I don't have the genetics of some other creatures able to regrow parts of their anatomy. Just like a human female/male does not have the ability outside of science to magically change sexes (short of the very few that are born with both)
08-15-2017, 08:34 PM
Unfortunately for you we've already had that thread (, and I awesomely shut down and blew up the arguments to the contrary.
You did nothing of the sort.
08-15-2017, 08:34 PM
rofl, Latrin thinking he has ever shut anything down is hilarious.
08-15-2017, 08:43 PM
Unfortunately for you we've already had that thread (, and I awesomely shut down and blew up the arguments to the contrary.
So, how hard would it have been to type, "I have no problem with a male fighting a female"?
08-15-2017, 09:53 PM
I understand sarcasm doesn't come over the same way in text, but damn I thought I make it crystal clear. Perhaps come up with an example from this century?Uh, okay (
So, how hard would it have been to type, "I have no problem with a male fighting a female"?I can type many things that have nothing whatsoever to do with the topic of a thread or what I believe. Check it out: chrysanthemums are paramecia. Actually, my grandfather was not tall. But I'm a grown up. So I restrict myself to the topic at hand, and I say what I believe.
I've not backpedaled one bit. An immature male has the potential ability to NATURALLY propagate the species once coming of age. Even with scientific advancements, it would not be NATURAL for a trans woman to propagate the species as a male. You can tout science all you want but the basic genetic make up of anyone is set in stone unless altered by the only species on this earth capable of doing it (whether now or in the future). I guess I had to point that out to you since you're either being dense or just trolling at this point. I guess I should've been more specific.
As a comparison for you to make it simple, one day it might be possible for science to cut off my arm at the elbow and regrow it so I have a functioning arm. It would be made by my stem cells but it was still science and not genetics that intervened. I don't have the genetics of some other creatures able to regrow parts of their anatomy. Just like a human female/male does not have the ability outside of science to magically change sexes (short of the very few that are born with both)"Please feel free to make up another new definition that doesn't include trans people."
"An immature male has the potential ability to NATURALLY propagate the species once coming of age."
Like clockwork! And wouldn't you know it, I already have a rebuttal for you. (The fact that I always do and you have to keep backpedaling would tip you off if you were giving reasons for your belief, but of course they are all post facto rationalizations so it doesn't. Ah well.)
Person A has a genetic disease such that they cannot NATURALLY propagate the species by impregnating a woman. Person A also happens to have an X and Y chromosome.
Person B has two X chromosomes and so cannot NATURALLY propagate the species by impregnating a woman.
You call person A male, even though their "genetic make up" is just as set in stone as person B, and even though science could one day very easily alter those genes in utero and produce humans capable of impregnating women in each case.
Bottom line, people way more informed about this than you or I have already found the answer. You turn out to be wrong. And you shouldn't feel ashamed about it. That's what I don't get about how much whining and crying you people do about this stuff. If you had never watched a baseball game or read a box score, you wouldn't hold such an intransigent opinion on Nomar Garciaparra, would you? (I mean, would you?) It's okay to say you don't know everything about everything. It's okay to say other people know more than you about some things sometimes. Just let it go, brother, I promise you'll be a lot happier and (as a bonus) you'll be factually correct a LOT more.
08-15-2017, 10:02 PM
I can type many things that have nothing whatsoever to do with the topic of a thread or what I believe. Check it out: chrysanthemums are paramecia. Actually, my grandfather was not tall. But I'm a grown up. So I restrict myself to the topic at hand, and I say what I believe.
Fortunately, I tagged this thread when I made it. [Transgender]. Discussion of transgender fighters falls into this category just as much as anything else that has been discussed.
08-15-2017, 10:19 PM
Uh, okay (
Wasn't what we were talking about...
08-15-2017, 10:31 PM
Wasn't what we were talking about...We were talking about whether the left controlled the education system.
The left supports transgender people being allowed to use the correct bathroom.
For a year in this century, as you requested, students in North Carolina couldn't.
Ergo, the left does not control the education system.
I gave you exactly what you asked for.
You still aren't convinced.
Because the reasons you state have nothing whatsoever to do with your posts.
You're bored, and you're looking for an argument.
Just be honest with yourself. Like I said to crash, I promise you'll be happier.
Fortunately, I tagged this thread when I made it. [Transgender]. Discussion of transgender fighters falls into this category just as much as anything else that has been discussed.Okay. As demonstrated, your gotcha moment failed by about four years. Would you like to address how you disagreed with the source you cited, or how you disagreed with the definition you personally made up, or how neither you nor anyone else in this thread has been able to produce a definition for gender that rules out transgenderism without immediately contradicting itself?
Or do you wanna say 'huhuhu latrin thinks guys should punch girls!!!" again, four years after I already addressed that inane point?
08-15-2017, 10:37 PM
08-15-2017, 10:41 PM
We were talking about whether the left controlled the education system.
The left supports transgender people being allowed to use the correct bathroom.
For a year in this century, as you requested, students in North Carolina couldn't.
Ergo, the left does not control the education system.
I gave you exactly what you asked for.
You still aren't convinced.
Because the reasons you state have nothing whatsoever to do with your posts.
You're bored, and you're looking for an argument.
Just be honest with yourself. Like I said to crash, I promise you'll be happier.Okay. As demonstrated, your gotcha moment failed by about four years. Would you like to address how you disagreed with the source you cited, or how you disagreed with the definition you personally made up, or how neither you nor anyone else in this thread has been able to produce a definition for gender that rules out transgenderism without immediately contradicting itself?
Or do you wanna say 'huhuhu latrin thinks guys should punch girls!!!" again, four years after I already addressed that inane point?
No, you didn't. You gave me 1 specific instance in one state at the public school level. Even after I said I was talking about colleges. You have done nothing to show that the left doesn't control the education system. I have given you an article showing how it does and how it is detrimental to the students.
Perhaps you should admit to yourself that can be, and are, wrong.
The left controls the college education system on the majority of campuses.
08-15-2017, 11:00 PM
No, you didn't. You gave me 1 specific instance in one state at the public school level. Even after I said I was talking about colleges.There are 15 public colleges in North Carolina. Fifteen, you understand this number?
You have done nothing to show that the left doesn't control the education system. I have given you an article showing how it does and how it is detrimental to the students.You gave me a blog that quoted conservative professors as saying too many liberal professors are bad. If you really find that compelling I guess we're gonna have to agree to disagree.
The left controls the college education system on the majority of campuses."[Leftists] control the education system." (
"I am talking about college." (
"the college education system on the majority of campuses."
Keep walking your claim back. Eventually you'll get to the truth. That's how education works! :D
08-16-2017, 12:01 AM
There are 15 public colleges in North Carolina. Fifteen, you understand this number?You gave me a blog that quoted conservative professors as saying too many liberal professors are bad. If you really find that compelling I guess we're gonna have to agree to disagree."[Leftists] control the education system." (
"I am talking about college." (
"the college education system on the majority of campuses."
Keep walking your claim back. Eventually you'll get to the truth. That's how education works! :D
I could have just left majority out in the last one, nothing in this world is 100%. I just didn't want you to nitpick and come back with "heres 1 conservative, blah, blah, blah". My thought hasn't changed from the start.
An article either stands or dies on the merit of the article. Your rationale for dismissing it is terrible.
You've really become a condescending cunt lately. I think I'll just not respond to you anymore.
08-16-2017, 02:51 AM
As demonstrated, your gotcha moment failed by about four years.
Yeah, sorry. I don't read every single thread posted here. In truth, the number of threads I do read is very limited. The whole men-competing-against-women thing did come up here, though, so I was curious how you felt about it.
Would you like to address how you disagreed with the source you cited, or how you disagreed with the definition you personally made up, or how neither you nor anyone else in this thread has been able to produce a definition for gender that rules out transgenderism without immediately contradicting itself?
I don't disagree with the fact that there are people who wish to use the term as described. I don't disagree that there are people who believe they've been abducted by aliens, either, but I don't believe them. Similarly, I don't agree with this new usage of gender.
If gender is to be based on behavior rather than biology, what exactly determines which behaviors belong to which gender? Fighting would traditionally be considered a masculine behavior, would it not? Yet here we are with women's MMA and boxing. I think it's safe to say that football was always considered a "man's sport", yet a women's league exists. We're not about to say that the gender of the women participating in those events is male, are we? There are male nurses. I think we could classify nursing as a feminine behavior or job. Hell, some men even stay at home and raise their children which has traditionally been a feminine behavior. Do they check the box for male when asked for their sex and female under gender (of which, I have yet to see a form asking for both. Not that they don't exist somewhere, but you know... new things)?
Is there a certain number or percentage of behavioral traits that need to apply before one can be considered something other than their typical, biological gender? It's fuckin ridiculous.
Or do you wanna say 'huhuhu latrin thinks guys should punch girls!!!" again, four years after I already addressed that inane point?
I don't think it's funny at all. Men shouldn't be fighting women regardless of what goes on inside their heads or what activities they participate in. You can call it inane if you want, but you aren't a woman being asked to fight that guy. Seems to me that most of them aren't exactly thrilled about it.
08-16-2017, 02:55 AM
Fuck that pony!
Metaphorically, of course.
08-16-2017, 11:02 AM
Parents are not their childrens' designers - parents cannot turn one hair on their child's head black or white. Whoever designed the human race manifestly did intend for some humans to have 12 fingers, because some are in fact born that way.They are not the exact same thing. No two things are the exact same thing. What they are is comparable in the following way: both are people who cannot impregnate someone. If that is the definition of male,
then neither are male. If that is not the definition of male, then it can't be used to say transgender or children or anyone else who can't impregnate someone aren't male.I rarely comment on irrelevant red herrings, it's true. You may be totally oblivious to the pattern of SJWs winning every fight they pick throughout all of recorded history, but you picked up on one of my patterns. Baby steps, subby! :)
Jesus dude ask your parents to let you go outside the fallout shelter even if it's just for 10 minutes.
08-16-2017, 11:34 AM
The left controls the college education system on the majority of campuses.
I wouldn't disagree with this statement, but on the other hand, I wouldn't solely blame the left for that being the current state of affairs. If the right hadn't spent the last 30 years trying to ignore, bury or outright delegitimize science because climatology is inconvenient to big businesses, or hadn't spent those decades demonizing upper education as "snooty coastal elitism," perhaps young conservatives would be interested in becoming professors.
Now, it's incredibly entrenched. There are a few fields which are still centrist or apolitical (economics, law, math, most of the hard sciences), but there's encroachment even there in spots. The social sciences are a totally lost cause - I'm not sure what the answer is, especially in an age where tenure is increasingly rare. Thankfully, I'm all set with school.
08-16-2017, 11:43 AM
College today is where people go to get dumb(er) while being told they're smart and better than everyone else now because they bought a piece of paper for tens of thousands of dollars that they really only had to show up now and then to "earn" in the first place, half of which what said piece of paper claims they have learned has no actual use in the real world.
08-16-2017, 12:11 PM
College today is where people go to get dumb(er) while being told they're smart and better than everyone else
now because they bought a piece of paper for tens of thousands of dollars that they really only had to show up now and then to "earn" in the first place
That depends on the school, and more importantly, the program. You're painting far too simple a picture. No, someone doesn't necessarily need a degree to be intelligent, capable or informed, though they're still useful to screen people out who don't have the tenacity to finish a degree, and some programs are extremely difficult.
half of which what said piece of paper claims they have learned has no actual use in the real world.
This is also a reductionist view. Universities aren't trade schools -- an undergraduate program's purpose isn't to teach a student how to do a job. It's to teach people how to think critically, to awaken their intellectual curiosity and to educate them on the basics of a specific field.
You get out of education what you put into it. Are you there for a piece of paper that gives you access to middle/upper class jobs? That's all you're going to get. Are you there to grow as a person? Then there's enormous potential.
08-16-2017, 12:32 PM
That depends on the school, and more importantly, the program. You're painting far too simple a picture. No, someone doesn't necessarily need a degree to be intelligent, capable or informed, though they're still useful to screen people out who don't have the tenacity to finish a degree, and some programs are extremely difficult.
This is also a reductionist view. Universities aren't trade schools -- an undergraduate program's purpose isn't to teach a student how to do a job. It's to teach people how to think critically, to awaken their intellectual curiosity and to educate them on the basics of a specific field.
You get out of education what you put into it. Are you there for a piece of paper that gives you access to middle/upper class jobs? That's all you're going to get. Are you there to grow as a person? Then there's enormous potential.
Lol@your rep
08-16-2017, 01:11 PM
That depends on the school, and more importantly, the program. You're painting far too simple a picture. No, someone doesn't necessarily need a degree to be intelligent, capable or informed, though they're still useful to screen people out who don't have the tenacity to finish a degree, and some programs are extremely difficult.
This is also a reductionist view. Universities aren't trade schools -- an undergraduate program's purpose isn't to teach a student how to do a job. It's to teach people how to think critically, to awaken their intellectual curiosity and to educate them on the basics of a specific field.
You get out of education what you put into it. Are you there for a piece of paper that gives you access to middle/upper class jobs? That's all you're going to get. Are you there to grow as a person? Then there's enormous potential.
Oh, so college is for people to get in touch with their feelings. Everything makes more sense now.
08-16-2017, 01:20 PM
Oh, so college is for people to get in touch with their feelings. Everything makes more sense now.
That's what I get, I suppose, for giving you a serious reply.
08-16-2017, 03:58 PM
That's what I get, I suppose, for giving you a serious reply.
I mean that's kind of what your reply said. I assumed you threw "critical thinking" in there for lulz because that hasn't been a thing in most colleges for a long time. Unless critical thinking's definition got changed to "far left echo chamber" in most universities and I missed the memo.
I also don't think it applies to all degrees and colleges. There are still some that actually do put teaching and thinking ahead of indoctrination.
08-16-2017, 08:43 PM
I could have just left majority out in the last one, nothing in this world is 100%. I just didn't want you to nitpick and come back with "heres 1 conservative, blah, blah, blah". My thought hasn't changed from the start. An article either stands or dies on the merit of the article. Your rationale for dismissing it is terrible. You've really become a condescending cunt lately. I think I'll just not respond to you anymore.The only thing I can't teach through is pride. You make your own bed. :shrug:
If gender is to be based on behavior rather than biologyThis is not at all what the current (empirical, scientific) definition of gender is.
Jesus dude ask your parents to let you go outside the fallout shelter even if it's just for 10 minutes.Methais is literally threatening me with literal death wellington. WHERE ARE THE MODS!!!!
08-16-2017, 09:47 PM
This is not at all what the current (empirical, scientific) definition of gender is.
Ooookay. Have fun out there on Mars or where ever it is you call home.
08-16-2017, 09:48 PM
Ooookay. Have fun out there on Mars or where ever it is you call home.
Bitch, Mars is mine. We only have male and female here.
08-16-2017, 10:07 PM
Ooookay. Have fun out there on Mars or where ever it is you call home.You should visit sometime. It's really nice out here in the real world. The first thing you notice is how hilariously skewed this forum is, and it's a deeply reassuring thing.
08-16-2017, 11:03 PM
You should visit sometime. It's really nice out here in the real world. The first thing you notice is how hilariously skewed this forum is, and it's a deeply reassuring thing.
You live in the NE, stfu.
08-17-2017, 01:41 AM
Bitch, Mars is mine. We only have male and female here.
Not anymore!
08-17-2017, 02:39 AM
Not anymore!
I didn't allow that fucker in through customs. Illegal immigrants are rounded up immediately and deported to the Sun.
08-17-2017, 03:05 AM
I didn't allow that fucker in through customs. Illegal immigrants are rounded up immediately and deported to the Sun.
He's been studying Mexican border hoppers. You'll never find him.
08-17-2017, 03:12 AM
He's been studying Mexican border hoppers. You'll never find him.
08-17-2017, 12:32 PM
Let's start a fund for Latrin to become a full fledged MMA fighter. We need to get him trained and in the octagon asap.
10-20-2017, 09:16 AM
Trial begins for Casper resident charged with sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl ([B]
The jury trial for a Casper resident charged with sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl began Monday.
Miguel Martinez faces one count of first-degree sexual abuse of a minor and one count of second-degree sexual abuse of a minor. If found guilty, Martinez could face up to 70 years in prison.
Martinez’s public defender, Tracy Hucke, said at a previous hearing that her client identifies as a woman and uses the name Michelle.
The 10-year-old’s mother reported to Casper police in March that her daughter said Martinez sexually assaulted her in a bathroom.
The girl said Martinez, who is a family friend, invited her into the bathroom, touched her breasts and genitalia before penetrating her. Nurses at the Wyoming Medical Center completed a sexual assault exam and found redness and abrasions on the girl’s genitalia.
Martinez denied molesting the child to arresting officers and pleaded not guilty to the charges in May at an arraignment in Natrona County District Court.
The trial is scheduled to last four days.
Follow features editor Elise Schmelzer on Twitter @eliseschmelzer
I am very shocked. Nobody could have ever predicted this!
10-20-2017, 09:51 AM
Honestly, it was a family friend. It could have done it anywhere. It wasn't the "stranger in the bathroom that is a dude" thing people were pushing.
10-20-2017, 10:08 AM
Honestly, it was a family friend. It could have done it anywhere. It wasn't the "stranger in the bathroom that is a dude" thing people were pushing.
I see what you did there.
10-20-2017, 10:14 AM
Honestly, it was a family friend. It could have done it anywhere. It wasn't the "stranger in the bathroom that is a dude" thing people were pushing.
how can you sit there and make excuses for this person? It is exactly what people said would happen and it happened. Gelston white knights for pedos. Reported, obviously.
10-20-2017, 10:40 AM
how can you sit there and make excuses for this person? It is exactly what people said would happen and it happened. Gelston white knights for pedos. Reported, obviously.
If you can't see how this is different from what people were espousing as their fears of strangers masquerading as women in the women's bathroom and then sexual assaulting little girls, I don't know what to tell you. Perhaps you are just retarded.
10-20-2017, 11:08 AM
Yeah, all that this actually does is reaffirm that the people you know are the biggest threat, not strangers.
10-20-2017, 11:27 AM
If you can't see how this is different from what people were espousing as their fears of strangers masquerading as women in the women's bathroom and then sexual assaulting little girls, I don't know what to tell you. Perhaps you are just retarded.
I was just trolling.
10-21-2017, 12:06 PM
If you can't see how this is different from what people were espousing as their fears of strangers masquerading as women in the women's bathroom and then sexual assaulting little girls, I don't know what to tell you. Perhaps you are just retarded.
Fuck the 'stranger' business. It should have been 'weirdo' from the beginning, but we aren't allowed to hurt anyone's feelings anymore so your media outlets won't say that. Most sexual assaults are committed by someone that knows the victim, so big shock here, right?
10-21-2017, 01:20 PM
Fuck the 'stranger' business. It should have been 'weirdo' from the beginning, but we aren't allowed to hurt anyone's feelings anymore so your media outlets won't say that. Most sexual assaults are committed by someone that knows the victim, so big shock here, right?
Most sexual assaults are committed by people who don't come across as "weirdo" as well, though. Most sexual assaults are committed by a seemingly random, average, every day person in your life who you are shocked and appalled to find out is a sexual assaulting "weirdo" deep down inside. Deep down inside, where it's hidden. Because it's a lot harder to do it if people look at you and immediately think "well that person seems rapey."
10-21-2017, 01:21 PM
Fuck the 'stranger' business. It should have been 'weirdo' from the beginning, but we aren't allowed to hurt anyone's feelings anymore so your media outlets won't say that. Most sexual assaults are committed by someone that knows the victim, so big shock here, right?
"Weirdo" isn't one of the 65 acceptable genders.
Please rephrase.
10-21-2017, 02:27 PM
Most sexual assaults are committed by people who don't come across as "weirdo" as well, though. Most sexual assaults are committed by a seemingly random, average, every day person in your life who you are shocked and appalled to find out is a sexual assaulting "weirdo" deep down inside. Deep down inside, where it's hidden. Because it's a lot harder to do it if people look at you and immediately think "well that person seems rapey."
How do you explain rapist glasses then?
10-21-2017, 10:27 PM
Most sexual assaults are committed by people who don't come across as "weirdo" as well, though. Most sexual assaults are committed by a seemingly random, average, every day person in your life who you are shocked and appalled to find out is a sexual assaulting "weirdo" deep down inside. Deep down inside, where it's hidden. Because it's a lot harder to do it if people look at you and immediately think "well that person seems rapey."
Who said anything about how they look? This is all about what's going on in the dome. Transgender people just help others profile them as weirdos.
"Weirdo" isn't one of the 65 acceptable genders.
Please rephrase.
I just made it one. It is now a part of the LGBTQQRSN2SW group.
How do you explain rapist glasses then?
Or the vans! Don't forget the chi-mo vans!
10-22-2017, 12:12 PM
I am very shocked. Nobody could have ever predicted this!
So, how do you feel about helping this entirely false narrative get spread now that it turns out that this not only was done by a family friend, but happened in the bathroom of a home?
10-22-2017, 12:46 PM
So, how do you feel about helping this entirely false narrative get spread now that it turns out that this not only was done by a family friend, but happened in the bathroom of a home?
I don't allow male trannies into the women's bathroom in my home.
10-22-2017, 01:02 PM
I don't allow male trannies into the women's bathroom in my home.
10-22-2017, 02:48 PM
So, how do you feel about helping this entirely false narrative get spread now that it turns out that this not only was done by a family friend, but happened in the bathroom of a home?
Which part was false? The rape or the rape taking place in the bathroom?
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