View Full Version : New Professions: Merc and Jester (pulled from GS Forums)

08-02-2017, 11:07 AM
A Mercenary is trained as a Warrior, Rogue, Monk with special skills associated with group protection, group leadership, hording/hauling, looting, and other professional services. Their skillsets will hopefully align with the new outlet for being hired as a professional mercenary, similar to a bounty but with a much more specific purview of more typical jobs (maybe working with AG and other societies for some of their applications).

Mercenary spells are related to Encumbrance, Group Tactics, Diversions, Rescues, Looting, Hauling and Emergency situations. Some new CMANS would be wise to implement (in the 10,000 years this would actually take Simu).

Brief glimpse--

Merc 1 - 25 % to encumbrance plus - 10 % to all who are joined.
Merc 2 - +20 Ranks of Perception (looting...if you don't know it does play a role in finding treasure), also good for scouting hidden things in room
Merc 3 - Rallies group for a temporary boost to defense of +20 for 60 seconds while joined.
Merc 4 - Secures perimeter with defensive barricading using body, actions, defensive stance to rebut all invaders as they approach other foes (stuns, knock-downs, RT's on enemies instead of attacks on group when successful. No damage, mostly effective up to a few monsters plus more with MOC.
Merc 5 - +20 ranks to MOC running with .25 additional per rank of MOC already known.
Merc 6 - Summons a heavily muscled mentally diminutive personality to behave as a treasure hauler for a party. They will be in the room, evade attacks and protect loot until the Merc dies. They can carry a lot of loot but will demand a payment when the spell is stopped which will become a debt if the Merc won't pay up.
Merc 7 - The Merc slips into hiding after a small illusion on the battlefield emits some smoke. The critters tricked will have a lot harder time noticing them hide and thus will the Merc can gain a further stance up advantage and slight addition to aiming ability for the next attack with a +10 to AS.
Merc 8 - Magically lightens a corpse so their body is reduced to 50% its original weight for dragging. Also extends their preservation 50% if the corpse is LK'd after the Merc8 spell is active.
Merc 9 - Summons a trained animal who will scout out a corpse and then assist the Mercs party for a rescue by doing things to obstruct attacks by foes in the room. The animal will be able to help drag.
Merc 10 - +15 to STR Stat Bonus with running cost of -15 to Stamina every round. Cannot be cast on others.
Merc 11 - Merc bellows loudly and magically to reduce possibility of being attacked while going from room to room. This is like a running sanctuary but does not work with a group, only the Merc.
Merc 12 - Improves recovery of Stamina, Mana, Health, Spirit for 10 minutes. If used with mana bread, the effects of 203 will improve slightly.
Merc 13 - A very powerful maneuver which focuses on an area of a targets body specifically with an effort to set up for an ambush to finalize a kill. The spell works randomly so that whatever area is hit will be the likely one for the next attack by the Merc. Thus a couple of hits in abdomen and the Merc hides, then they aim for the bloody abdomen for a death crit. If it's a leg and it's a crit rank 2 already, they might be down and go for the head. It works to hit with precision in a specific area at least twice, like a Boil Earth or Spikethorn level crit. With a lot of the right training maybe a third hit can trigger.
Merc 14 - +10 CM ranks +10 Dodge Group experiences boost while joined
Merc 15 - +20 Climbing + 20 Swimming Ranks +.25 ranks per combined rank of both known
Merc 16 - 25% increase of all defensive spells (including those cast by others on them)
Merc 17 - Causes an effect like Mass Calm using a magical fog that pours out from those joined.
Merc 18 - Can 'jump/blink' party members through several rooms but without being able to target, so there will be a random location the party is brought to by using M18.
Merc 19 - Drains a spirit point and -50 Stamina for a temporary boost in AS/DS. This specifically aids with 'grizzled' foes or a tough beast defending their kill which is the corpse Merc is saving. 2 minute cool down. +25 AS/DS
Merc 20 - A +30 DS/TD 'shell' that continues for 30 seconds around all party members. Also has a chance to reject maneuver attacks from a gravity field effect.
Merc 25 - Adds 10% to AvD, Enchant Bonus, Enhancives worn/in hand such as armor, weapon, trinkets.
Merc 30 - Gives 25% chance to automatically refresh a dropped spell to any party member when the spell would otherwise drop.
Merc 40 - Gives temporary knowledge increases for known CMANs. If they are a Master, additional bonuses will apply. A huge boost to maneuver abilities that can allow a Merc to experiment with CMANs they did not afford learning.
Merc 50 - The Merc's Trading skill and overall appearance gleam from a magical polishing which increases gem value (only in price from the dealer), +20 Trade Ranks +.25 for each Trade Rank already known, alters appearance of Race to the most suitable for a Trader to give a better price, and a reduction of Coin weight of 1/4xtrueweight. Will only last 2 minutes, long enough to 'sloot' and then a 2 min. cool down.

Custom CMANS -

The Merc uses their body to smash into a foe in a way to knock down as many as possible.
The Merc attempts to plunder a rich critter by PLUNDERING from hiding rather than AMBUSHING. Increases odds greatly of finding treasure and works directly with PP ranks. Great for Rogues too.
The Merc uses a Brawl weapon to stun a foe for a huge amount of time, like 706 works but by using brute force at a point of the neck which meets the brain function. Great for rescues where one or two annoying critters are causing issues for lower level group members who called the Merc there for a fee or for gaining advantage for the next attack when solo hunting, whatever.
The Merc uses a method of attack intending to make it easier to find loot on the corpse when they are killed and searched. Sometimes there are hidden things that are missed or destroyed in an attack, this is a coup de grace for looting.
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New Profession: Jester/Acrobat on 07/30/2017 10:17 PM PDT
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The Jester/Acrobat is a Semi with weapon skills and a Jester spell circle with Elemental. They have a natural affinity for hurled weapons, unarmed combat, charm spells, illusions. Designed into them is a zest for humor which never quits.

Spell List Ideas:

Jester 1 - JEST The Jester dances a jig and giggles gleefully to charm their foe. If the enemy is tickled, they will lose a significant amount of DS/TD, stance-up and even doubling over in laughter. This is a magical dance which can have some effect on magical beings or beasts but probably not most undead. Not CS based but maneuver and very hard to resist.

Jester 2 - JUGGLE The Jester generates some illusionary objects and hypnotizes the foe into a reduced state of defense, then hurls the objects at them for various effects. These can be explosive, sticky, defense/offense compromising, incapacitating, critically or damage weighted. The higher the skill and HURLING skill or SPELL AIM skill is, the higher the AS, the more objects and the more powerful the response of impact. Base mana cost of 2 per object generated and juggled.

Jester 3 - DISAPPEAR The Jester uses their illusionary powers to disguise their physical form in a puff of smoke which allows them to have the same status as being hidden but without hiding/needing to sneak from room to room. Not as powerful as invisibility but worth 3 ranks of hide per level of Jester directly and a perfect hide every time. AMBUSHING will not be possible after disappearing without stopping the spell and re-hiding but +1 per rank of Jester spells will be applied to a CS based warding spell if cast from DISAPPEARED state.

Jester 4 - MIMIC The Jester does their best to make themselves appear identical to their foe which confuses, confounds and sometimes charms them into altered states for battle. This is a very powerful illusion that can shock and even kill a foe in a rare instance (like a Bone Shatter jelly crit). Many more dim-witted foes will not have imagined themselves at all so they will be shocked at the conception of themselves. Others more intelligent and magical will comprehend what is happening more readily but will be forced to deal with the reality of facing themselves. The Jester can CHANNEL the spell for a continuous version to apply so that they may acquire characteristics impossible before like spell knowledge, CMans, special skills of their foe. The spell can be broken if the Jester is warded physically or with magic. The reaction can be that the foe may not attack, may flee, may drop their items, may go into a casual state and sit or lie down or sleep, may begin trying to communicate with their language, may be in RT in agitation and sniffing out what's going on, etc. If the Jester channels long enough with a critter 20 levels or lower, they can temporarily assume all aspects of the critter as an illusion. This can carry over into battles until the spell is broken such that the Jester can behave as an Illoke Shaman if they are post-cap and well trained for MIMIC.

Jester 5 - CHARM Charm directly engages the corporeal foe to attempt to open them up with a series of magical communications and motions which will hopefully encourage them to fight on behalf of the Jester. The foe will become 'joined' with the Jester and their party for as long as it lasts, benefiting from spells and other group effects. There is a cool down of 2 minutes. CS based and the effect will be 2 minutes plus what the Jester gets from the bonus of +101.

Jester 6 - CARTWHEELS The Jester magically empowers themselves to use their Physical Training and illusionary magic to contort and wheel over the territory in a complex, unpredictable way that results in a series of assaults upon their target. The result is a CMAN based offensive which can bowl them over and cause damage. This works only on one foe at a time but will be able to put non-grouped room members into RT who are momentarily caught off guard by the intense sudden visual display.

Jester 7 - VENTRILOQUIST The Jester will throw their voice magically so that non-grouped foes will be distracted by a series of ridiculing voices making mocking sounds, speaking languages understood by the humanoid enemies. Those tricked by the noise will begin to search the area, will have a lowered DS/stance up, will become antagonized unable to change stance, will forget about attacking the Jester if they were targeting them before.

Jester 8 - DRAGON FIRE The Jester summons an illusionary drake who breathes fire on non-grouped party members or a single targeted foe depending on how they cast it. The Drake is entirely unreal and only appears in the perceptions of the foe but the damage is 100% real. The special fire continues to burn after connecting with the foe working like a poison that reduces each round as it smolders. SPELL AIM and HURLING will determine the AS of the bolt.

Jester 9 - FAERY DUST The Jester sprinkles some illusionary dust on the ground and up sprouts many faeries who mischievously bite, poison, inhibit, knock over and otherwise discourage those not-joined from attacking the Jester. If the Jester is bleeding, some of the faeries will seal the wound and disappear.

Jester 10 - QUICKENING The Jester works themselves into a state of quickness through various forms of humorous actions and the result is a hastened step to many activities like-- common RT moving through swamps/climbing/swimming/herbs. Also, the Jester experiences a -25% Encumbrance reduction. Reduction of -1 sec. for Casting RT, cannot be increased through lore or skills, etc.

Jester 11 - STAGE PRESENCE The Jester summons their charm and wit to increase the effects of their spells and related behavior for a +10 to Jester CS +.25 each spell rank, +20 to HURLING and SPELL AIM RANKS. This can be cast on others but with only half the benefits.

Jester 12 - BAG'O'TRICKS The Jester generates a colorful sack which appears around their waist and allows boundless access to a HURLING or SPELL AIM weapon. Hurling weapons start at 4x with various flares, or balls of energy which are from the elemental types which can flare on top of cause the specific damage type. The mana cost of the balls of energy will be 4 each base with additional ranks yielding more powerful balls of energy for more mana. The higher the HURL WEAPON ranks known by the Jester, the higher the potential for the weapon enchant to be for a maximum of 7x with the right training/level. Additionally, the flares may begin to occur twice with the right lore training.

Jester 13 - LOSS OF EQUILIBRIUM The Jester uses various sight gags and tricks to disassociate the foes not joined from their senses and if successful, they may begin to see their limbs as having disappeared, they may feel as if they are experiencing motion sickness or vertigo. This will continue going on in the room similar to Tangleweed continuing on as the illusion itself manifests within the surrounding elements to reach within the critter's awareness.

Jester 14 - JINGLE BELLS The Jester rattles their elementally summoned bells to reach into the hearts of the target and momentarily blind and stun them. This is very similar to BIND and SILENCE being cast at the same time but has a shorter duration compared to either.

Jester 15 - TUMBLE The Jester magically spins in the air then launches into those non-joined causing knock-downs with RT's up to 20 seconds with a stance push-up. Kind of Call Wind and E-wave combined but achieved acrobatically using magical power. Manuever based and increases with PT, HURL WEAPON and SPELL AIM ranks.

Jester 16 - DISTRACTIONS The Jester assumes the role of protector to a group and makes powerful illusions to help discourage attacks from those non-joined. This functions the same as a running Sanctuary or Bard version but the Bard cannot attack without stopping the spell while it is in effect.

Jester 17 - ACROBATICS The Jester does a series of flips, leaps, kicks and motions which will possibly catch the target off guard for physical damage. The damage will be raised slightly with BRAWLING, HURLING WEAPON ranks. The effects will be a blurring flash before the eyes of the slow witted enemies for the combination illusion and physical feat to deliver several fierce blows in a very short amount of time. This is as powerful as Spikethorn or Boil Earth.

Jester 18 - DIVERSION The Jester will use clouds of colored smoke, weather changes, loud sounds to keep those non-joined with a lot of attention grabbing ordeals to make it much much easier to hide while in the room. The effects will last a long time, like a cloud does so that as long as it continues there is a great increase in HIDING/STALING skilled for all those who are joined.

Jester 19 - BREATHE FIRE The Jester will create an illusionary jug of oil which they sip and ignite with a flame on their open hand which is hurled at the target for a huge attack. The area of the field of fire can be large enough to cause major critical damage to several areas on the foe at once. This is a HURLING and SPELL AIM attack or it can be CHANNELED for a CS based attack which has an even higher critical damage factor.

Jester 20 - TRANSMOGRIFY The Jester alters their appearances with a masterful illusion which can change their attributes to be more like other professions. When selecting from the list they will develop characteristics which will help various spells and abilities. ROGUE will be a boost to STALK/HIDE AMBUSH skillsets and make them more shadowy and Rogueish by appearance. RANGERLY will activate a bonus to Ambushing from a DISAPPEAR state. WIZARD will improve SPELL AIM. WARRIOR will increase HURL WEAPON. EMPATH will help faeries heal wounds. CLERIC will LOSS OF EQUILIBRIUM, DIVERSIONS and FAERY spells, BARD for VENTRILOQUIST and JINGLE BELLS, MONK for TUMBLE and ACROBATICS, PALADIN for QUICKENING...etc. 20 minute duration non-refresh.

Jester 25 - ENHANCE ITEM The Jester prepares and enhances a magical embeddable item for various bonuses to STAT/SKILLS. This requires the use of special tools and alchemical items as well as pre-existing enhancive to use as a catalyst for their customizations. The kind of enhancive they begin with is not as important as the Jester's overall skill level with ENHANCE ITEM such that they may begin with something that has a small bonus of +1 or +2 to undesirable skills and the conversion/transference winds up with a +7 bonus to two other skills/stats. Could be any skill or stat can transfer to any skill or stat with a higher possibility for the higher the item begins with. Also, the existing enhancive value can be increased by the Jester with similar use of the spell.

Jester 30 - COSTUMES The Jester creates illusionary fabrics with elaborate designs which function as armor for them. The result is a critically padded base 4x set of Robes with the same AsG as doubles. They give the Jester a possibility to cause RT in those who target them for the bright colors and wavering nature of the costume taking effect. The Jester may appear to grow much taller or shorter, rounder or skinnier, muscular or bony depending on what the feelings of the Jester are and the situation. Also, if they happen to train in UAC their feet and hands will have gloves and boots which function as permablessed 4x flaring 4x weapons.

Jester 40 - RALLY The Jester will encourage those joined with forms of cheer and happiness that will inspire them all to fight better. The inspiration will include various visions in the air of festivals with clowning around, many sight gags and times of partying. Joined party members experience an increase to INF/DEX and a 25% increase in Stamina regeneration. 10 minute duration refreshable which persists after leaving the Jester's party, such that it can function as a 'Massie'.

Jester 50 - DOUBLE VISION The Jester creates an illusionary effect from their physical or magical attacks which can trigger a 'second strike' automatically without RT or mana/stamina costs which would otherwise occur. For example, if they HURL a weapon they may see a double strike every once in a while (raised odds when using bag'o'tricks).

08-02-2017, 11:32 AM

08-02-2017, 02:33 PM
Is that another macguyver alt?

08-02-2017, 02:58 PM
Is that another macguyver alt?

No, I'm pretty sure this guy is clinically retarded. Macgyver couldn't hope to aspire to these levels of trolldom.

08-02-2017, 02:58 PM
These are dumb. You're dumb.

08-02-2017, 03:00 PM
No, I'm pretty sure this guy is clinically retarded. Macgyver couldn't hope to aspire to these levels of trolldom.

You need to create a scale of retardation from like 1 to 20. Then you can just post a number and everyone would know just how retarded you think someone is.

08-02-2017, 03:03 PM
You need to create a scale of retardation from like 1 to 20. Then you can just post a number and everyone would know just how retarded you think someone is.

lol I like this idea.

08-02-2017, 03:22 PM
I knew this sounded familiar. These are from that Hippo-Grande person who spams suggestions like these to the officials. We have another topic on them somewhere.

Don't cross post their lunacy.

08-02-2017, 03:28 PM
I knew this sounded familiar. These are from that Hippo-Grande person who spams suggestions like these to the officials. We have another topic on them somewhere.

Don't cross post their lunacy.


08-02-2017, 03:47 PM
You need to create a scale of retardation from like 1 to 20. Then you can just post a number and everyone would know just how retarded you think someone is.

The Potato Scale. I don't really know much about him, so I'd suggest starting him at 10.

08-02-2017, 04:13 PM
Um, Simu has produced two lackluster professions and can't even get the third one out.

08-02-2017, 04:17 PM
Um, Simu has produced two lackluster professions and can't even get the third one out.

Paladins are fiiiiine.

08-02-2017, 04:25 PM
Clearly this person put some time into this, you guys are such asses sometimes. No wait, pretty much all the times.

OP: this would take a shit ton of work, time staff are spent generating revenue for the company to keep the game running and doing occasional updates. But thinking of ideas is nice, maybe a GM sees something they like from your list. And by miracle implements it some day. Although dont hold your breath.

08-02-2017, 04:28 PM
The Potato Scale. I don't really know much about him, so I'd suggest starting him at 10.

You should link an explanation in your sig explaining what that is. The profoundly retarded might think it's some kind of compliment otherwise.

08-02-2017, 04:44 PM
Clearly this person put some time into this, you guys are such asses sometimes. No wait, pretty much all the times.

OP: this would take a shit ton of work, time staff are spent generating revenue for the company to keep the game running and doing occasional updates. But thinking of ideas is nice, maybe a GM sees something they like from your list. And by miracle implements it some day. Although dont hold your breath.

Not all suggestions are good ones.



08-02-2017, 04:56 PM

08-02-2017, 04:57 PM
You should link an explanation in your sig explaining what that is. The profoundly retarded might think it's some kind of compliment otherwise.

I kind of think it's one of those things that might be better without much explanation. Sort of a, "if you know, you know, and if you don't, you're probably a potato" situation. A somewhat covert way of calling one retarded.

08-02-2017, 04:57 PM
By the way, the most complicated spell lists don't take me more than about 10 mins. I just think of shit I want between hunts and when I don't want to get back to work. It's also cutting my teeth for designing a game world which is based on my Shuke's War world.

08-02-2017, 05:11 PM
I've recently discovered the bottleneck in development by GMs isn't coding or the actual programming; it's the US Congress-like conflict between ideologically different GMs if a said idea is good or not.

08-02-2017, 05:21 PM
I've recently discovered the bottleneck in development by GMs isn't coding or the actual programming; it's the US Congress-like conflict between ideologically different GMs if a said idea is good or not.

Damn! 1995 just hit you in the head like


08-02-2017, 07:41 PM
lol I like this idea. 20

You forgot to label her.

08-02-2017, 08:30 PM
You forgot to label her.


08-02-2017, 09:05 PM
You forgot to label her.

I'm thinking 20 might be too high for the Potato Scale. Might be worth knocking down to ten with ten being full potato. A seven would be closing in on the loss of self-autonomy while an eight or higher would require assistance through daily life.

For ease of use, we could probably shorten things to, say, a P10.

08-02-2017, 09:42 PM
Oh god HIPPO-GRANDE is here. This is going to be incredible. :lol:


08-02-2017, 10:49 PM
Hey... even Paul McCartney says he writes 100 songs a year. 99 of them may be bad but at least one of them is good.

08-03-2017, 11:48 AM
I'm thinking 20 might be too high for the Potato Scale. Might be worth knocking down to ten with ten being full potato. A seven would be closing in on the loss of self-autonomy while an eight or higher would require assistance through daily life.

For ease of use, we could probably shorten things to, say, a P10.

It's the Potato Scale. It should have random numbers and symbols throughout.

08-03-2017, 12:07 PM
It's the Potato Scale. It should have random numbers and symbols throughout.


08-03-2017, 12:51 PM
It's the Potato Scale. It should have random numbers and symbols throughout.

That is an interesting option. The board will need to review whether the Potato Scale should be used to accurately gauge potatoes or if it should be more of a potatofied system. It is currently designed for use by non-potatoes as a potato gauge and that would of course change if ratings were potatofied.

The board will gladly accept additional input on this matter.

08-03-2017, 01:06 PM
That is an interesting option. The board will need to review whether the Potato Scale should be used to accurately gauge potatoes or if it should be more of a potatofied system. It is currently designed for use by non-potatoes as a potato gauge and that would of course change if ratings were potatofied.

The board will gladly accept additional input on this matter.

perhaps the degree of potato is based on length. P.7z$ would be much less potato than P.j~7=]&&13

08-03-2017, 02:01 PM
perhaps the degree of potato is based on length. P.7z$ would be much less potato than P.j~7=]&&13

I think it's best if there is some sort of a limit to it. We don't need to get too carried away with P39s!#$!3475S@°ºÃ¤~~œ»°çœZƒ¥£allthewaytoinfinity.

08-03-2017, 10:38 PM
We don't need to get too carried away with P39s!#$!3475S@°ºÃ¤~~œ»°çœZƒ¥£allthewaytoinfinity.

I don't know, I feel like some people could qualify as a full page of potato.

My ex a few years back measured brownie points in potatoes. Perhaps I was too potato to potato my own potato :(

08-03-2017, 10:48 PM
I want a baked potato.