View Full Version : Request to Filter "What's New" view

08-02-2017, 10:35 AM
I'd love the option to select folders within the PC to hide / filter from the What's New view. I like reading about the game, but 90% of what you see in this view is Politics. This means I have to go hunting through each game-related folder for new dates to read about the game on a forum that is primarily designed to support a game community.

Much appreciated if there's any way this could be implemented!

08-02-2017, 10:37 AM
Why not just use New Posts?

08-02-2017, 10:38 AM
New Posts does not show me replies to threads that were created less recently. It only shows newly created posts. Also, if you open up the New Posts section, it too is riddled with non-stop Politics topics.

The What's New view is a more "live feed" view.

08-02-2017, 10:39 AM
I'd love the option to select folders within the PC to hide / filter from the What's New view. I like reading about the game, but 90% of what you see in this view is Politics. This means I have to go hunting through each game-related folder for new dates to read about the game on a forum that is primarily designed to support a game community.

I agree. But get ready to be trolled, and red repped. Easier just to ignore the 40 or so people who post most often in the politics folder.

08-02-2017, 10:39 AM
New Posts should show all posts since your last visit.

08-02-2017, 10:39 AM
I'd love the option to select folders within the PC to hide / filter from the What's New view. I like reading about the game, but 90% of what you see in this view is Politics. This means I have to go hunting through each game-related folder for new dates to read about the game on a forum that is primarily designed to support a game community.

Much appreciated if there's any way this could be implemented!

This is a much-desired feature that Whirlin has been trying to implement. However, it requires installation of a thingamajig by the Administrator, and the Administrator has thus far been unwilling to do it.

08-02-2017, 10:41 AM
New Posts should show all posts since your last visit.

I also really enjoy being able to scan the actual post from the What's New view, instead of just reading the title of the thread that was recently updated.

This is a much-desired feature that Whirlin has been trying to implement. However, it requires installation of a thingamajig by the Administrator, and the Administrator has thus far been unwilling to do it.

That's good then. Hopefully some more people showing support / interest can strike a chord with the Admin. The PC is a great resource for the game, and I also feel newer users will benefit from being able to filter out the noise in this view.

08-02-2017, 10:46 AM
Shoot Kranar a PM and ask that he install a few plugins when he gets the chance. When/if he does the PC will be far more customizable to one's liking.

08-02-2017, 10:48 AM
Why does everyone want to make their PC experience so boring?

If you cut out politics all you would be left with is like 100 different merchant threads to every one thread that talks about GS.

08-02-2017, 10:51 AM
Yeah, filtering politics would be great.

08-02-2017, 10:53 AM
Why does everyone want to make their PC experience so boring?

If you cut out politics all you would be left with is like 100 different merchant threads to every one thread that talks about GS.

A) This is a GS-centric board. I go other places for my troll/flame war fix.
B) People that I actively like in-game act in ways here that make me dislike interacting with their characters in-game, and I don't like to see that.
C) The sheer volume of the Politics posts drowns out everything that I would like to actually use this forum for.

I fully support your guys' 'right' to say horrific things to each other ad nauseum. I'd just prefer to have the option to close the door and not listen to it when I'm trying to read the GS forums.

08-02-2017, 10:58 AM
B) People that I actively like in-game act in ways here that make me dislike interacting with their characters in-game, and I don't like to see that.

That's not how you're supposed to do it :O

08-02-2017, 11:16 AM
That's not how you're supposed to do it :O

I know! It's my own failing, and I own it. But I'd like the ability to mitigate it somewhat, and keep it from impacting my enjoyment of this stupid game.

08-02-2017, 11:34 AM
B) People that I actively like in-game act in ways here that make me dislike interacting with their characters in-game, and I don't like to see that.

Some of us are in the politics section because people have dragged their politics into the game. Everyone is so easily offended, I mean lets face it, when people are flooding GM's with e-mails because someones RP is warning of impending doom, yet they are perfectly OK when the offended are using town centers as their open air bedroom, there might just be some blow back.

08-02-2017, 11:37 AM
If you cut out politics all you would be left with is like 100 different merchant threads to every one thread that talks about GS.

Just to illustrate what I mean. My current "New Posts" feed has one thread about GS (the one about new classes) and six threads about selling shit.

What do you guys read on the PC if you ignore the off topic threads? :(

08-02-2017, 12:26 PM
A) This is a GS-centric board. I go other places for my troll/flame war fix.
B) People that I actively like in-game act in ways here that make me dislike interacting with their characters in-game, and I don't like to see that.
C) The sheer volume of the Politics posts drowns out everything that I would like to actually use this forum for.

I fully support your guys' 'right' to say horrific things to each other ad nauseum. I'd just prefer to have the option to close the door and not listen to it when I'm trying to read the GS forums.

I really love and appreciate how you have articulated this sentiment.

Everyone is so easily offended, I mean lets face it, when people are flooding GM's with e-mails because someones RP is warning of impending doom, yet they are perfectly OK when the offended are using town centers as their open air bedroom, there might just be some blow back.

He said blow back.


08-02-2017, 12:40 PM
Just to illustrate what I mean. My current "New Posts" feed has one thread about GS (the one about new classes) and six threads about selling shit.
What do you guys read on the PC if you ignore the off topic threads? :(

I still read some of the off topic stuff, just not the politics thread. I fully support people e-mailing Kranar directly and maybe following up with Whirlin every once in awhile to make some improvements around these fourms. But for the past year, I've had the same 50 people ignored and I've hardly had an issue. It filters out 99% of the politics stuff. I've never missed out on a sale or a bid that was important. I ignore most of the people who post in the "Gif an interaction" thread, and that's one of the best threads on this forum, but it's simply because most of those people also post heavily in the Politics folder. But then I remember that thread exists and I get to view about 50 different posts there from the past month and it's a hilarious 10 minutes of reading that ensue.

08-02-2017, 01:18 PM
Yeah, I wouldn't want to ignore some of the people that are heavy politics posters. I value a lot of their game insight, and skill with mechanics / scripting. Many of them have been helpful within the context of GS4 over the years. And it's fine they want to rant in the Politics topic too - but I would love a way to better filter my view.

I'm sure it's a feature that would get plenty of use for all sorts of reasons.

08-02-2017, 01:38 PM
Why is it so hard for you guys to use the normal forum layout? Is having to click the mouse button a couple extra times really that difficult? Don't make me break out the forum guide. Again.

08-02-2017, 01:44 PM
Why is it so hard for you guys to use the normal forum layout? Is having to click the mouse button a couple extra times really that difficult? Don't make me break out the forum guide. Again.

Okay, Ososis.

08-02-2017, 04:04 PM

08-02-2017, 04:46 PM
Why is it so hard for you guys to use the normal forum layout? Is having to click the mouse button a couple extra times really that difficult? Don't make me break out the forum guide. Again.

You won't.

08-02-2017, 04:47 PM
You won't.

He just double dog dared you.

08-02-2017, 05:10 PM
He just double dog dared you.

It's soooo much work, though. I have to open my damn imgur page, then do some copypasta after finding the image, and then I have to actually come back here and post the thing. My index finger is already kinda worn out today.

08-02-2017, 05:23 PM
It's soooo much work, though. I have to open my damn imgur page, then do some copypasta after finding the image, and then I have to actually come back here and post the thing. My index finger is already kinda worn out today.


08-02-2017, 05:25 PM
It's soooo much work, though. I have to open my damn imgur page, then do some copypasta after finding the image, and then I have to actually come back here and post the thing. My index finger is already kinda worn out today.

A) stop finger-diddling your chocolate starfish.
B) now I want pasta, you jerk!

08-02-2017, 05:31 PM
There hasn't been a political post in over 4 hours and already people are at each other's throats and telling each other to finger their own assholes.

This is what you have wrought!

Not that I'm complaining, I'm still being entertained. Do carry on.

08-02-2017, 05:35 PM
There hasn't been a political post in over 4 hours and already people are at each other's throats and telling each other to finger their own assholes.

This is what you have wrought!

Not that I'm complaining, I'm still being entertained. Do carry on.

I said stop! Learn to read, ffs TGO. :p

08-02-2017, 06:33 PM
A) stop finger-diddling your chocolate starfish.


08-02-2017, 06:51 PM
I said stop! Learn to read, ffs TGO. :p

He's gas lighting you!

08-02-2017, 06:57 PM
He's gas lighting you!

I'll gas light your chocolate star fish!

08-02-2017, 07:34 PM
I'll gas light your chocolate star fish!

That sounds like it might be a hate crime of some type...

08-02-2017, 07:34 PM
That sounds like it might be a hate crime of some type...

White robes are optional.

08-02-2017, 08:33 PM

It ain't over yet!

A) stop finger-diddling your chocolate starfish.

It's an addiction. I can't help it.

B) now I want pasta, you jerk!


08-02-2017, 08:38 PM
I'd love the option to select folders within the PC to hide / filter from the What's New view. I like reading about the game, but 90% of what you see in this view is Politics. This means I have to go hunting through each game-related folder for new dates to read about the game on a forum that is primarily designed to support a game community.

Much appreciated if there's any way this could be implemented!

Yeah, a lot of folks would like this option but its not a priority for the site owner, although neither is the site in general heh. I love the What's New feed view, but its useless at times.

08-02-2017, 08:57 PM

08-02-2017, 08:57 PM



08-02-2017, 09:05 PM
It's also a super easy, about 2 minute, to install plugin to enable better end user experienced. A link was provided to Kranar a few months ago with installation instructions.

08-02-2017, 09:14 PM
It's also a super easy, about 2 minute, to install plugin to enable better end user experienced. A link was provided to Kranar a few months ago with installation instructions.

I don't disagree. Regardless, it hasn't been done at this point and some of these guys respond as if the What's New method is the only way to view the forums. It seems as if it's causing problems for them since there are so many posts being shown they don't care about. I just want to help and since I can't install the necessary plugin they get a guide to safe forum browsing instead.

08-02-2017, 09:17 PM
I don't disagree. Regardless, it hasn't been done at this point and some of these guys respond as if the What's New method is the only way to view the forums. It seems as if it's causing problems for them since there are so many posts being shown they don't care about. I just want to help and since I can't install the necessary plugin they get a guide to safe forum browsing instead.
I don't think anyone is unaware that there are alternative ways of viewing. It's also not the same view, not as easy, and doesn't give the same insight into everything that's happening to view from a folder by folder perspective. It's substantially more mouse clicks for reduced information. It's a fairly important feature that you're telling people that they have no right to use because they're asking for enhancements to the feature.

08-02-2017, 09:19 PM
I don't think anyone is unaware that there are alternative ways of viewing. It's also not the same view, not as easy, and doesn't give the same insight into everything that's happening to view from a folder by folder perspective. It's substantially more mouse clicks for reduced information. It's a fairly important feature that you're telling people that they have no right to use because they're asking for enhancements to the feature.

I'm not telling them they don't have a right to anything. I'm just laughing at all these laborious mouse-clicks.

08-02-2017, 09:19 PM
Reading posts from the Activity Stream is so jarring to me I don't understand why people like it.

Rather than going to "New Posts", finding a thread you want to read, then clicking the blue arrow to bring you to the first unread post then reading all new posts in order, you instead click "Activity Stream" and get all posts forum wide in order of which they were posted.

So you're reading about an auction in one post, then about who sexed up whom in GS, then about how much of an asshole Trump is then BAM! You're back to the sex thread, then you're back to Trump is an asshole, then you're on how much monks suck, then back to sex, then back to the original auction thread, then monks sucking Trump's asshole.

Just seems like an odd way to read the forums.

08-02-2017, 09:21 PM
Reading posts from the Activity Stream is so jarring to me I don't understand why people like it.

Rather than going to "New Posts", finding a thread you want to read, then clicking the blue arrow to bring you to the first unread post then reading all new posts in order, you instead click "Activity Stream" and get all posts forum wide in order of which they were posted.

So you're reading about an auction in one post, then about who sexed up whom in GS, then about how much of an asshole Trump is then BAM! You're back to the sex thread, then you're back to Trump is an asshole, then you're on how much monks suck, then back to sex, then back to the original auction thread, then monks sucking Trump's asshole.

Just seems like an odd way to read the forums.

It's definitely a jumbled mess. I'm honestly surprised at how many people use it.

08-02-2017, 09:22 PM
I bookmark usercp.php. I middle-click any thread I'm subscribed to that I care to see new posts in, which opens those threads as new tabs. Still in the main tab, I then click New Posts to see what else I want to suffer through. It's easy.

08-02-2017, 09:25 PM
The only nice thing about activity stream is it also shows when people post to people's walls, group messages, blogs, and stuff like that. So since I can't stand Activity Stream to begin with I tend to miss out on all of that stuff.

08-02-2017, 09:30 PM
I'm not telling them they don't have a right to anything. I'm just laughing at all these laborious mouse-clicks.
One for the folder, another for the thread, to realize it's a bullshit post... that's two mouse clicks, third mouse click to return to normal. Per entry. Activity stream by default shows 25 posts, so that's 75 clicks as opposed to 1. We can discount probably about 1/3rd of those due to repeat posts on threads, so lets go ahead and say 50 clicks

08-02-2017, 09:35 PM
I don't think anyone is unaware that there are alternative ways of viewing.

This forum is filled with unaware individuals. You are giving some of them far too much credit.

It's also not the same view, not as easy, and doesn't give the same insight into everything that's happening to view from a folder by folder perspective.

It's pretty fucking easy. You literally would have to be dumb not to get it.

It's substantially more mouse clicks for reduced information.


If someone is that concerned with the "substantially more mouse clicks", they should probably be using some voice directed software to use the forums. Seriously though, how many people are that concerned about using an extra 2 or 3 mouse clicks?

It's a fairly important feature that you're telling people that they have no right to use because they're asking for enhancements to the feature.

You might be losing it if you believe people's "rights" are being trampled on at this point. We get it... Kranar didn't respond to you and you're upset.

It's going to be ok.

08-02-2017, 09:38 PM
I'd love the option to select folders within the PC to hide / filter from the What's New view. I like reading about the game, but 90% of what you see in this view is Politics. This means I have to go hunting through each game-related folder for new dates to read about the game on a forum that is primarily designed to support a game community.

Much appreciated if there's any way this could be implemented!

It's time4fun's fault.

08-02-2017, 09:39 PM
It's time4fun's fault.

It really is. She trolls the fuck out of the political threads. Shit is dead and she pops back up and posts retardation that is hard to ignore.

08-02-2017, 09:55 PM
If someone is that concerned with the "substantially more mouse clicks", they should probably be using some voice directed software to use the forums. Seriously though, how many people are that concerned about using an extra 2 or 3 mouse clicks?

I'd like to know how many of them are actually desk-jockeys browsing the forums at work.

It really is. She trolls the fuck out of the political threads. Shit is dead and she pops back up and goes Potato 10 (or P10 or full Potato) that is hard to ignore.

Potato Scale'd.

08-03-2017, 10:33 AM
Long version: I can get into my car through the window, but I prefer to use the door. Who gives a fuck if someone requests that something be made easier if it's not something that takes a lot to accomplish? The fuck is wrong with you that you have to give people shit for requesting something that doesn't hurt anything you do in any way that's simple to install and would make people's browsing easier without changing the way they do things?

Short version: Fuck you. You're being assholes for no reason, which I guess is in keeping with your normal behavior.

08-03-2017, 10:45 AM
Long version: I can get into my car through the window, but I prefer to use the door. Who gives a fuck if someone requests that something be made easier if it's not something that takes a lot to accomplish? The fuck is wrong with you that you have to give people shit for requesting something that doesn't hurt anything you do in any way that's simple to install and would make people's browsing easier without changing the way they do things?

Short version: Fuck you. You're being assholes for no reason, which I guess is in keeping with your normal behavior.

This seems needlessly hostile.

It's not like anyone accused anyone else of being a rapist.

08-03-2017, 10:46 AM
And here I thought Stumplicker was heavily against profanity. Guess he is triggered.

08-03-2017, 12:43 PM
Long version: I can get into my car through the window, but I prefer to use the door. Who gives a fuck if someone requests that something be made easier if it's not something that takes a lot to accomplish? The fuck is wrong with you that you have to give people shit for requesting something that doesn't hurt anything you do in any way that's simple to install and would make people's browsing easier without changing the way they do things?

Short version: Fuck you. You're being assholes for no reason, which I guess is in keeping with your normal behavior.

Poor lil fella. I'd install it for you if they'd let me. Until kranar installs it, though, there is a more strenuous way of viewing what you want. Hope your fingers have been well rested!

08-03-2017, 12:55 PM
Long version: I can get into my car through the window, but I prefer to use the door. Who gives a fuck if someone requests that something be made easier if it's not something that takes a lot to accomplish? The fuck is wrong with you that you have to give people shit for requesting something that doesn't hurt anything you do in any way that's simple to install and would make people's browsing easier without changing the way they do things?

Short version: Fuck you. You're being assholes for no reason, which I guess is in keeping with your normal behavior.

In my experience, "easy to install" is a relative term, and always ends up accompanied by hours of setup, testing and implementing. While I'm not going to shit all over someone for requesting things, I don't agree with the oversimplification you're making... or trying to make... somewhere in all that angry.

08-03-2017, 01:21 PM
Long version: I can get into my car through the window, but I prefer to use the door. Who gives a fuck if someone requests that something be made easier if it's not something that takes a lot to accomplish? The fuck is wrong with you that you have to give people shit for requesting something that doesn't hurt anything you do in any way that's simple to install and would make people's browsing easier without changing the way they do things?

Short version: Fuck you. You're being assholes for no reason, which I guess is in keeping with your normal behavior.

Heeyyyy, you left your safe space to talk to us. How you doin mannn?

08-03-2017, 01:52 PM
As the OP, I think it's important to point out that I just posted a feature request in the feature suggestions section of forums concerns and discussions folder. This isn't a demand or any implication that the PC is currently unusable. It's simply a request, quality of life, for a moderately vocal minority of people that use the forums.

I'll continue to use the PC, as I imagine others who have demonstrated interest in the request, regardless of the whether it's something Kranar feels like implementing. Debate on this topic is rather unnecessary.

Thank you, Whirlin, for continuing to look for ways to improve both in-game and out-of-game experience for the players of GS.

08-03-2017, 01:58 PM
In my experience, "easy to install" is a relative term, and always ends up accompanied by hours of setup, testing and implementing. While I'm not going to shit all over someone for requesting things, I don't agree with the oversimplification you're making... or trying to make... somewhere in all that angry.

This is very true. Even more so if he already has plugins installed. They don't always play nice.

08-03-2017, 02:02 PM
Long version: I can get into my car through the window, but I prefer to use the door. Who gives a fuck if someone requests that something be made easier if it's not something that takes a lot to accomplish? The fuck is wrong with you that you have to give people shit for requesting something that doesn't hurt anything you do in any way that's simple to install and would make people's browsing easier without changing the way they do things?

Short version: Fuck you. You're being assholes for no reason, which I guess is in keeping with your normal behavior.

Can I open an account on your page with a picture of a crucifix for my avatar without being ridiculed?

08-03-2017, 02:14 PM
I forgot to add earlier... Stumplicker is a solid P10 if he's comparing all of this to going through the window of his car vs using the door.

08-03-2017, 02:30 PM
I forgot to add earlier... Stumplicker is a solid P10 if he's comparing all of this to going through the window of his car vs using the door.


08-03-2017, 03:53 PM

SJWs pay special attention to the OMGCONFEDERATEFLAG on the roof.

08-03-2017, 05:22 PM

SJWs pay special attention to the OMGCONFEDERATEFLAG on the roof.


08-04-2017, 08:39 PM
Reading posts from the Activity Stream is so jarring to me I don't understand why people like it.

Rather than going to "New Posts", finding a thread you want to read, then clicking the blue arrow to bring you to the first unread post then reading all new posts in order, you instead click "Activity Stream" and get all posts forum wide in order of which they were posted.

So you're reading about an auction in one post, then about who sexed up whom in GS, then about how much of an asshole Trump is then BAM! You're back to the sex thread, then you're back to Trump is an asshole, then you're on how much monks suck, then back to sex, then back to the original auction thread, then monks sucking Trump's asshole.

Just seems like an odd way to read the forums.
It's definitely a jumbled mess. I'm honestly surprised at how many people use it.

I've said it before, but we're old. You may as well make your peace with it, it's only going to get worse for us in the years ahead.

08-04-2017, 09:44 PM
I've said it before, but we're old. You may as well make your peace with it, it's only going to get worse for us in the years ahead.

Goddamn millennials! I'm too lazy to doctor up a Shitty Wok guy picture with his goddamn Mongorians, but it would be appropriate here.

08-04-2017, 10:57 PM
Reading posts from the Activity Stream is so jarring to me I don't understand why people like it.

Rather than going to "New Posts", finding a thread you want to read, then clicking the blue arrow to bring you to the first unread post then reading all new posts in order, you instead click "Activity Stream" and get all posts forum wide in order of which they were posted.

So you're reading about an auction in one post, then about who sexed up whom in GS, then about how much of an asshole Trump is then BAM! You're back to the sex thread, then you're back to Trump is an asshole, then you're on how much monks suck, then back to sex, then back to the original auction thread, then monks sucking Trump's asshole.

Just seems like an odd way to read the forums.

I never understood this either. It seems like a lot more work than just clicking on Today's Posts and finding actual threads you want to read.

08-05-2017, 05:27 PM
I never understood this either. It seems like a lot more work than just clicking on Today's Posts and finding actual threads you want to read.

For me personally, it's the fact that "What's New" summarizes the post by telling me who posted it, in what thread was it, and what was the first line of their post. And for the most part, that first line gives me what I need anyway, or I can tell if I want to keep reading the post at all by having read the first line. For instance, Wakahashi has a "Selling Some Stuff" thread. In what's new, I can see Telekin place a mb on #2 in that auction. If I were bidding on something else in that auction, I care about new posts in that thread, but instead of clicking in to the thread, I can easily see that I don't care what Telekin posted because I wasn't bidding on #2. With all the chatter that goes on even in a sales thread, I might not care about 80% of the new posts in a thread I actually care about. The What's new summarizes it for me so I know I don't have to actually go in to the thread to read it.

And I'll say it again. Just ignore people. But guess what, I don't miss any post that's important to me, even on someone I ignore. Because undoubtedly someone else I haven't ignored will post in a thread I care about, I'll click "see more" in the "What's New" feed to take me to the actual thread, and inevitably I'll see someone I've ignored has posted in that thread. For those of you who don't know, if you've ignored someone and they post in a thread that you're looking at (while you're looking at the actual thread, not in the What's New feed), there's a place holder in that thread that says who posted, and I can click "View Post" to see what they posted, without having to take them off my ignore list. My ignore list includes people like Methais, Tgo, Taernath, drauz, and Fallen. They all post tons of awesome game related shit, but they also post a ton of non game related shit that doesn't bother me politically or emotionally (no need to call me a snowflake PB), I just don't like it clogging up my "What's New", which is the way I like to read the forum. But when it comes to them posting in a thread I care about, I literally never miss anything they say.

Sorry for the long post.

08-05-2017, 06:50 PM
My ignore list includes people like Methais, Tgo, Taernath, drauz, and Fallen. They all post tons of awesome game related shit, but they also post a ton of non game related shit that doesn't bother me politically or emotionally (no need to call me a snowflake PB), I just don't like it clogging up my "What's New", which is the way I like to read the forum. But when it comes to them posting in a thread I care about, I literally never miss anything they say.



08-05-2017, 06:59 PM
For me personally, it's the fact that "What's New" summarizes the post by telling me who posted it, in what thread was it, and what was the first line of their post. And for the most part, that first line gives me what I need anyway, or I can tell if I want to keep reading the post at all by having read the first line. For instance, Wakahashi has a "Selling Some Stuff" thread. In what's new, I can see Telekin place a mb on #2 in that auction. If I were bidding on something else in that auction, I care about new posts in that thread, but instead of clicking in to the thread, I can easily see that I don't care what Telekin posted because I wasn't bidding on #2. With all the chatter that goes on even in a sales thread, I might not care about 80% of the new posts in a thread I actually care about. The What's new summarizes it for me so I know I don't have to actually go in to the thread to read it.

And I'll say it again. Just ignore people. But guess what, I don't miss any post that's important to me, even on someone I ignore. Because undoubtedly someone else I haven't ignored will post in a thread I care about, I'll click "see more" in the "What's New" feed to take me to the actual thread, and inevitably I'll see someone I've ignored has posted in that thread. For those of you who don't know, if you've ignored someone and they post in a thread that you're looking at (while you're looking at the actual thread, not in the What's New feed), there's a place holder in that thread that says who posted, and I can click "View Post" to see what they posted, without having to take them off my ignore list. My ignore list includes people like Methais, Tgo, Taernath, drauz, and Fallen. They all post tons of awesome game related shit, but they also post a ton of non game related shit that doesn't bother me politically or emotionally (no need to call me a snowflake PB), I just don't like it clogging up my "What's New", which is the way I like to read the forum. But when it comes to them posting in a thread I care about, I literally never miss anything they say.

Sorry for the long post.

Am I on your ignore list?

08-05-2017, 07:05 PM
Am I on your ignore list?

You're joking, right? This is a joke?

08-05-2017, 07:37 PM
My ignore list includes people like ... Taernath


08-05-2017, 07:45 PM
My ignore list includes people like Methais, Tgo, Taernath, drauz, and Fallen.

That does it, you're outta the will.

08-05-2017, 07:56 PM
My ignore list includes people like ... drauz


08-05-2017, 08:22 PM
My ignore list includes people like Methais, Tgo, Taernath, drauz, and Fallen.


Methais makes the list and I don't? I mean, that's a fucking outrage. DRAUZ? DRAUZ MADE YOUR FUCKING LIST TOO? WHAT THE MOTHER FUCKING FUCK FUCK!?!?

I'm fucking irritated right now, Snowflake... how the fuck do you keep me off the list?? I'm the most hated fucking poster on this fucking forum (with the exception of maybe trolls like Hello) and you decide NOT to ignore me?

Asshole. That's all I can say. You must be some sort of real asshole to slap me in the face like this.

08-05-2017, 08:40 PM

Methais makes the list and I don't? I mean, that's a fucking outrage. DRAUZ? DRAUZ MADE YOUR FUCKING LIST TOO? WHAT THE MOTHER FUCKING FUCK FUCK!?!?

I'm fucking irritated right now, Snowflake... how the fuck do you keep me off the list?? I'm the most hated fucking poster on this fucking forum (with the exception of maybe trolls like Hello) and you decide NOT to ignore me?

Asshole. That's all I can say. You must be some sort of real asshole to slap me in the face like this.


08-06-2017, 04:14 PM

Methais makes the list and I don't? I mean, that's a fucking outrage. DRAUZ? DRAUZ MADE YOUR FUCKING LIST TOO? WHAT THE MOTHER FUCKING FUCK FUCK!?!?

I'm fucking irritated right now, Snowflake... how the fuck do you keep me off the list?? I'm the most hated fucking poster on this fucking forum (with the exception of maybe trolls like Hello) and you decide NOT to ignore me?

Asshole. That's all I can say. You must be some sort of real asshole to slap me in the face like this.

He put mushroom stamps all over your face.

02-01-2018, 10:08 AM
It really is. She trolls the fuck out of the political threads. Shit is dead and she pops back up and posts retardation that is hard to ignore.

lol this is correct.

02-01-2018, 10:27 AM

Methais makes the list and I don't? I mean, that's a fucking outrage. DRAUZ? DRAUZ MADE YOUR FUCKING LIST TOO? WHAT THE MOTHER FUCKING FUCK FUCK!?!?

I'm fucking irritated right now, Snowflake... how the fuck do you keep me off the list?? I'm the most hated fucking poster on this fucking forum (with the exception of maybe trolls like Hello) and you decide NOT to ignore me?

Asshole. That's all I can say. You must be some sort of real asshole to slap me in the face like this.

This still irritates me. I hope Viekn has remedied the situation.

02-02-2018, 09:04 AM
lol this is correct.

time4pk has taken over time4fun's PC responsibilities after she fled to her safe space. Unfortunately he's not doing so well at it.