View Full Version : Don't drink the water! (Illistim's revenge!)

08-02-2017, 03:23 AM
So long, stink town!

[go2: travel time: 0:00:06]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
The Archales disk arrives in the room, shivering violently. It then disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
[Ta'Illistim, Hanging Gardens]
The dais is ringed by a series of slender columns, each one simply fluted and carved from perfectly white marble. Within the circle of the columns' embrace, and elevated high off of the ground, a tiny garden of cultivated plants grows. Closed roses climb around the carved legs of a mistwood bench, which sits alongside neat beds of night blooming columbine and a tended plot of white jasmine. Over the whole enclosure is a coffered dome set with an oculus. You also see the Gintoki disk, the Rivienne disk, an antsy luck spirit (flying), a small white marble shrine and a silver trash receptacle.
Also here: Lady Jynai (Emp) (sitting), Rivienne, Great Lord Sephar (Sor)
Obvious paths: out
>l on ben
On the mistwood bench:
herb (34): a tincture of bolmara, a tincture of calamia, a crystalline rose-marrow elixir, a tincture of ephlox, some ambrominas leaf, some wolifrew lichen (4), a rose-marrow potion (18), a tincture of sovyn (3), a tincture of woth (4).
clothing (3): an ivory white dress, a scarlet jacket, a yellow shirt.
reagent (7): a flask of pure water (7).
other (5): some bolmara lichen, some angelica root, some pennyroyal stem (2), some thyme.
skin (1): an owl feather.
ammo (1): a bundle of arrows.
>sit ben
You settle yourself on the mistwood bench for a moment's rest.
Jynai nods at Rivienne.
>get water from ben
You remove a flask of pure water from on a lacquered mistwood bench.
You hear very soft footsteps.
Silvynn makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Silvynn gestures.
Silvynn looks charged with power.
>drink my wat
You take a drink from your pure water. Icy and refreshing, it cools you down from head to toe.
That was the last of it!
Silvynn gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Silvynn gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Silvynn.
You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.
>stretch bac
Raising your arms slightly, you arch your back and gently let your head rock back in a relaxing stretch.
Suddenly, your stomach starts to churning, and a sense of uneasiness passes over you, heralded by a vague wave of queasiness.
Another wave of nausea washes over you, accompanied by a stab of pain low in your gut, and you realize that something is terribly amiss.
You realize there are some important matters you should tend to . . . later.
Another surge of pain rises from your stomach, seeping into your chest, forcing your breath out in quick gasps as your knees begin to tremor and weaken. Reflexively, you clutch at your stomach.
Originating at your core, tides of pain begin to course through your limbs, and beneath your weight, your legs turn to jelly, and you collapse. At the mercy of your own ever-mounting torment, your entire body trembles and your vision swims as you are helpless to do anything except writhe.

>tone hes
You will speak hesitantly on your next message.
>'I don't think that was water...
You hesitantly say, "I don't think that was water..."
Instinctively, you attempt to cry out, but as you open your mouth, all you hear issue forth is a piteous noise, wretched and groaning. Though your body is no longer under your control, your mind is, and it screams, thoughts locked inside a shell of suffering. Fingers twisted and gnarled, you claw hopelessly at nothing.
[Ta'Illistim, Hanging Gardens]
The dais is ringed by a series of slender columns, each one simply fluted and carved from perfectly white marble. Within the circle of the columns' embrace, and elevated high off of the ground, a tiny garden of cultivated plants grows. Closed roses climb around the carved legs of a mistwood bench, which sits alongside neat beds of night blooming columbine and a tended plot of white jasmine. Over the whole enclosure is a coffered dome set with an oculus. You also see the Silvynn disk, a forest wolf, the Gintoki disk, the Rivienne disk, an antsy luck spirit (flying), a small white marble shrine and a silver trash receptacle.
Also here: Silvynn (Ran), Lady Jynai (Emp) (sitting), Rivienne, Great Lord Sephar (Sor)
Obvious paths: out
The pain has become blinding, and it suffuses every inch of your flesh. With a moan, your eyes roll back into your head, and everything goes black. Still wretchedly aware inside the cage of your mind, each sound is sharp and poignant, and the pain...the pain above all is vivid and unforgettable.
Just as the climax of agony floods your being, conquering the last of your senses to trigger a high-pitched ringing in your ears, and you think you can take no more, the pain in your chest begins to ease, and breathing becomes easier.
Rivienne just opened a leather book satchel.
Rivienne removes a cracked open glaes spider charm from in her book satchel.
Like water pouring out of an overturned vessel, the pain flows out of you in increments. First your chest relaxes fully, allowing you to gulp in the air of which you'd been deprived, and then your stomach unknots and stills. From your arms and legs, the tension in your muscles recedes, leaving in its place a sense of relief that echoes in sinew and marrow.
Rivienne put a cracked open glaes spider charm in her book satchel.
Rivienne just closed a leather book satchel.
Your hands and feet begin to tingle as the last of the pain vanishes, and you open your eyes with difficulty to gaze dazedly at your surroundings. Finally able to move your limbs, you begin to do so experimentally, as if unsure of their functionality.
When at last your breathing reverts to its normal state, you are left feeling weak and drained in the wake of your affliction.
You sit up.
>attend eyes
You rub your grey eyes in an effort to refresh them.
>attend hair
You run a hand through your raggedly cut silver hair, trying to make yourself presentable.
>'next time i suppose ill just drink ale
You say, "Next time i suppose ill just drink ale."
s>laugh soft
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
Silvynn gestures.
Silvynn suddenly looks much more dextrous.
[Ta'Illistim, Hanging Gardens]
The dais is ringed by a series of slender columns, each one simply fluted and carved from perfectly white marble. Within the circle of the columns' embrace, and elevated high off of the ground, a tiny garden of cultivated plants grows. Closed roses climb around the carved legs of a mistwood bench, which sits alongside neat beds of night blooming columbine and a tended plot of white jasmine. Over the whole enclosure is a coffered dome set with an oculus. You also see the Silvynn disk, a forest wolf, the Gintoki disk, the Rivienne disk, an antsy luck spirit (flying), a small white marble shrine and a silver trash receptacle.
Also here: Silvynn (Ran), Lady Jynai (Emp) (sitting), Rivienne, Great Lord Sephar (Sor)
Obvious paths: out
s>nod slow
You nod slowly.
s>'alrighty then thanks for the concern
You say, "Alrighty then thanks for the concern."
You stand back up.
>nod gin
You incline your head.
[Ta'Illistim, Shimmarglin Court]

08-02-2017, 03:36 AM
The RP is real.