View Full Version : Got a few questions
Hey all... wonder when this'll be answered =P (not a lot of recent posts here)
I play GS3(fine... gs4 =P) off and on, starting about 9 years ago. I've recently come back, and I'm having a great time with the changes 4 brought about. I've started my first empath though... I'm usually a warrior, rogue, or sorcerer. This time I've gone empath and wizard, and it's lots of fun.
However, even as much as I love bone shatter (i just hit rank 7), it's pretty much impossible to hunt with it alone =/
I'm trying to train to be a rune staff empath, who hunts mainly bone shatter, fire spirit , and empathetic assault. I love the idea of being able to sit back and heal, or go out and hunt - whichever option I choose.
Around level 3 or 4 I decided it would be best to go with a melee weapon of some sort, at least to get me high enough to bone shatter. When I realized I couldn't even do that efficiently at lvl 6, I kept hunting (sigh) rats, and occasionally obliterating hobs with my 1106. My CS really isn't great enough to guarantee a kill on anything (not even a rat), and I can't heal anything beyond medium limb wounds. As far as I know, I'm sufficiently trained in both healing and sorcpath, though I havn't seen any gs4 guides for these... so I guess I'm looking here for help.
(not my starting stats, but only lvl 7 stats, so it shouldn't be too different)
Name: ***** Race: Forest Gnome Profession: Empath (not shown)
Gender: Male Age: ** Expr: 57271 Level: 7
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 70 (0) ... 70 (0)
Constitution (CON): 53 (11) ... 53 (11)
Dexterity (DEX): 81 (20) ... 81 (20)
Agility (AGI): 53 (11) ... 53 (11)
Discipline (DIS): 55 (7) ... 55 (7)
Aura (AUR): 86 (18) ... 86 (18)
Logic (LOG): 58 (9) ... 58 (9)
Intuition (INT): 53 (1) ... 53 (1)
Wisdom (WIS): 92 (26) ... 92 (26)
Influence (INF): 82 (11) ... 82 (11)
Mana: 7 Silver: 1604(btw i didn't know empaths were so rich, I have like 40k saved in the bank, compared to my rogue who had 10k in the bank at lvl 6, haha)
***** (at level 7), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 20 4
Edged Weapons......................| 40 8
Physical Fitness...................| 74 16
Arcane Symbols.....................| 35 7
Magic Item Use.....................| 40 8
Spell Aiming.......................| 66 14
Harness Power......................| 40 8
Mental Mana Control................| 35 7
Spirit Mana Control................| 35 7
Mental Lore - Manipulation.........| 35 7
Mental Lore - Transformation.......| 35 7
First Aid..........................| 102 24
Spell Lists
Major Spirit.......................| 6
Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 3
Spell Lists
Empath.............................| 7
(everything at 7 will be at 8 - for single train every lvl, mid way through this train when I have the pts. Stopping at 4 armor I think. everything at 14 will be at 16 for double training per lvl. Edged weapons will be completely dropped whenever I can hunt to muddled/numbed on spells alone)
A few examples for starters:
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Repair...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your right leg feels better.
Roundtime: 18 sec.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Ok, so first of all, I can't heal very efficiently (lots of mana, lots of time... took like 14 mana if I remember correctly to cast limb repair... I have of course 37 mana total O.o)
You channel at a giant rat.
You concentrate intently on a giant rat, and a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward it!
CS: +58 - TD: +3 + CvA: +25 + d100: +26 == +106
Warding failed!
The giant rat shudders with sporadic convulsions as pearlescent ripples envelop its body.
The giant rat is smashed for 42 points of damage!
The giant rat collapses to the ground, emits a final squeal, and dies.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Yay, so I can finally almost kill a rat every time regardless of my roll O.o. (bye bye 6 mana, only 5 more casts of bone shatter left) Why is my CS so low? =/
So anyway, I'm just wondering if I'm doing anything wrong, or if all sorcpaths go through this kind of trouble at the beginning. It's really nice to be able to *finally* heal medium limb wounds, but until I can heal all wounds, I won't be much use when the faster healers are in TSC. (I have to ap -patient- before I nod, cause I can't heal everything =/ meanwhile, these high lvl healers can just nod, weee)
Thanks for any help! *edit* oh, and why is my mana so low?? (37) I trained rank 8 at lvl 7 and only got 1mp... I thought you get 3 per single train D: )
Landing TSC healer / hopeful Sorcpath
[Edited on 1-12-2005 by Rad]
01-12-2005, 03:39 AM
You have 30 days when you start a character. Change your training to 1x Shield, 1x Edged, 1x CM if you want, Physical Training, etc, just so you can script and get as high a level as possible in those 30 days.
01-12-2005, 03:39 AM
#Hunts rats like crazy
#Original by Kranar
#Editted to improve performance by Artha
[Edited on 1-12-2005 by Mini-Spir]
01-12-2005, 03:40 AM
Just looking over that script it kind of sucks, so I'll post a better one in a minute
01-12-2005, 03:40 AM
Goto Exp
Match ToRest You must rest!
Match ToRest Your mind is numbed.
Match ToRest Your mind is numb.
Match ToRest Your mind is becoming numb.
Match ToRest Your mind is becoming numbed.
Match Look Your mind is muddled.
Match Look Your mind is clear.
Match Look Your mind is fresh and clear.
Match Look Your mind is clear as a bell.
Match Look Your mind is as clear as a bell.
put Exp
Match ToGarden [Wehnimer's Sewer, Nexus]
Match PStatus [Town Square, Small Park]
Match GStatus [Town Square, Garden Niche]
put Look
Match NDraw [Wehnimer's Sewer, Nexus]
Match PDraw [Town Square, Small Park]
Match GDraw [Town Square, Garden Niche]
put Look
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Match GPause You must rest!
Match GPause Your mind is numb.
Match GPause Your mind is numbed.
Match GPause Your mind is becoming numb.
Match GPause Your mind is becoming numbed.
Match Look Your mind is muddled.
Match Look Your mind is clear.
Match Look Your mind is fresh and clear.
Match Look Your mind is clear as a bell.
Match Look Your mind is as clear as a bell.
put Exper
Pause 60
Goto GStatus
Match PPause You must rest!
Match PPause Your mind is numbed.
Match PPause Your mind is numb.
Match PPause Your mind is becoming numb.
Match PPause Your mind is becoming numbed.
Match Look Your mind is muddled.
Match Look Your mind is clear.
Match Look Your mind is fresh and clear.
Match Look Your mind is clear as a bell.
Match Look Your mind is as clear as a bell.
put Exper
Pause 60
Goto PStatus
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Match GDraw ...wait
put get my %weapon%
Waitfor You remove
Match GStand You sling
put remove %shield%
#put get my %weapon2% from my %sheath%
Match PDraw ...wait
put get my %weapon%
Waitfor You remove
Match PStand You sling
put remove %shield%
#put get my %weapon2% from my %sheath%
Match NDraw ...wait
put get my %weapon%
Waitfor You remove
Match N You sling
put remove %shield%
#put get my %weapon2% from my %sheath%
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Match GToNexus You are already standing.
Match GToNexus You stand
put Stand
Match GStand You will have to stand up first or crawl there.
move e
move n
move ne
move e
move e
move e
move n
move e
move e
move s
move s
move go open
move e
move go hole
move go open
move e
move n
move go grat
Goto AtNexus2
Match NWL1 a giant rat
Match NW Obvious exits:
Match NW Obvious paths:
put Look
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Match PToNexus You are already standing.
Match PToNexus You stand
put Stand
Match PStand You will have to stand up first or crawl there.
move n
move ne
move e
move e
move e
move n
move e
move e
move s
move s
move go open
move e
move go hole
move go open
move e
move n
move go grat
Goto AtNexus
Match NL1 a giant rat
Match N Obvious exits:
Match N Obvious paths:
put Look
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Match NL1 a giant rat
Match N Obvious exits:
Match N Obvious paths:
Match NorthXPCheck You can't go there.
put North
Match N Also here:
Match N Also in the room:
Match NA1 Obvious exits:
Match NA1 Obvious paths:
put Look
Match N What were you referring to?
Match NA1 ...wait
Match NA1 Wait
Match NA1 Roundtime:
Match NSkin1 is already dead.
put Attack Rat
Match NA1 You can only skin creatures!
Match NA1 You might want to wait until after it is dead.
Match NGet1 You skinned
Match NS1 You botched
Match NS1 The giant rat has already been skinned.
put skin rat
put put my %weapon% in my %sheath%
Waitfor You put
put get pelt
put put pelt in my %container%
Waitfor You put
put get my %weapon% from my %sheath%
Goto NS1
Match NA1 You search
Match NS1 ...wait
Match NL1 What were you referring to?
put Search Rat
Match NOUT You must rest!
Match S Your mind is numbed.
Match S Your mind is numb.
Match S Your mind is becoming numb.
Match S Your mind is becoming numbed.
Match S Your mind is muddled.
Match S Your mind is clear.
Match S Your mind is fresh and clear.
Match S Your mind is clear as a bell.
Match S Your mind is as clear as a bell.
put Exp
Match ToGarden [Wehnimer's Sewer, Nexus]
Match NOUT Obvious exits:
Match NOUT Obvious paths:
put S
move go grat
move s
move w
move go open
move go hole
move w
move go open
move n
put put my %weapon% in my %sheath%
move n
put wear %shield%
#put put my %weapon2% in my %sheath%
move w
move n
move n
move w
move n
move n
move w
move w
move w
move go fur
put remove %container%
waitfor You take
put sell %container%
waitfor You ask Dakris
put wear %container%
Waitfor You
move out
move w
move s
move s
move s
move go bank
move go arch
put deposit all
move go arch
move out
move s
move s
move w
Goto GStatus
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Match SL1 a giant rat
Match S Obvious exits:
Match S Obvious paths:
Match SouthXPCheck You can't go there.
put South
Match S Also here:
Match S Also in the room:
Match SA1 Obvious exits:
Match SA1 Obvious paths:
put Look
Match S What were you referring to?
Match SA1 ...wait
Match SA1 Wait
Match SA1 Roundtime:
Match SSkin1 is already dead.
put Attack Rat
Match SA1 You can only skin creatures!
Match SA1 You might want to wait until after it is dead.
Match SGet1 You skinned
Match SS1 You botched
Match SS1 The giant rat has already been skinned.
put skin rat
put put my %weapon% in my %sheath%
Waitfor You put
put get pelt
put put pelt in my %container%
Waitfor You put
put get my %weapon% from my %sheath%
Goto SS1
Match SA1 You search
Match SS1 ...wait
Match SL1 What were you referring to?
put Search Rat
Match SOUT You must rest!
Match N2 Your mind is numbed.
Match N2 Your mind is numb.
Match N2 Your mind is becoming numb.
Match N2 Your mind is becoming numbed.
Match N2 Your mind is muddled.
Match N2 Your mind is clear.
Match N2 Your mind is fresh and clear.
Match N2 Your mind is clear as a bell.
Match N2 Your mind is as clear as a bell.
put Exp
Match ToPark [Wehnimer's Sewer, Nexus]
Match SOUT Obvious exits:
Match SOUT Obvious paths:
put N
move go grat
move s
move w
move go open
move go hole
move w
move go open
move n
put put my %weapon% in my %sheath%
move n
put wear %shield%
#put put my %weapon2% in my %sheath%
move w
move n
move n
move w
move n
move n
move w
move w
move w
move go fur
put remove %container%
waitfor You take
put sell %container%
waitfor You ask Dakris
put wear %container%
Waitfor You
move out
move w
move s
move s
move s
move go bank
move go arch
put deposit all
move go arch
move out
move s
move s
Goto PStatus
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Match NL2 a giant rat
Match N2 Obvious exits:
Match N2 Obvious paths:
Match NexusXPCheck [Wehnimer's Sewer, Nexus]
Match NorthXPCheck You can't go there.
put North
Match N2 Also here:
Match N2 Also in the room:
Match NA2 Obvious exits:
Match NA2 Obvious paths:
put Look
Match N2 What were you referring to?
Match NA2 ...wait
Match NA2 Wait
Match NA2 Roundtime:
Match NSkin2 is already dead.
put Attack Rat
Match NA2 You can only skin creatures!
Match NA2 You might want to wait until after it is dead.
Match NGet2 You skinned
Match NS2 You botched
Match NS2 The giant rat has already been skinned.
put skin rat
put put my %weapon% in my %sheath%
Waitfor You put
put get pelt
put put pelt in my %container%
Waitfor You put
put get my %weapon% from my %sheath%
Goto NS2
Match NA2 You search
Match NS2 ...wait
Match NL2 What were you referring to?
put Search Rat
Match ToGarden You must rest!
Match E Your mind is numbed.
Match E Your mind is numb.
Match E Your mind is becoming numb.
Match E Your mind is becoming numbed.
Match E Your mind is muddled.
Match E Your mind is clear.
Match E Your mind is fresh and clear.
Match E Your mind is clear as a bell.
Match E Your mind is as clear as a bell.
put Exp
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Match EL1 a giant rat
Match E Obvious exits:
Match E Obvious paths:
Match EastXPCheck You can't go there.
put East
Match E Also here:
Match E Also in the room:
Match EA1 Obvious exits:
Match EA1 Obvious paths:
put Look
Match E What were you referring to?
Match EA1 ...wait
Match EA1 Wait
Match EA1 Roundtime:
Match ESkin1 is already dead.
put Attack Rat
Match EA1 You can only skin creatures!
Match EA1 You might want to wait until after it is dead.
Match EGet1 You skinned
Match ES1 You botched
Match ES1 The giant rat has already been skinned.
put skin rat
put put my %weapon% in my %sheath%
Waitfor You put
put get pelt
put put pelt in my %container%
Waitfor You put
put get my %weapon% from my %sheath%
Goto ES1
Match EA1 You search
Match ES1 ...wait
Match EL1 What were you referring to?
put Search Rat
Match EOUT You must rest!
Match W Your mind is numbed.
Match W Your mind is numb.
Match W Your mind is becoming numb.
Match W Your mind is becoming numbed.
Match W Your mind is muddled.
Match W Your mind is clear.
Match W Your mind is fresh and clear.
Match W Your mind is clear as a bell.
Match W Your mind is as clear as a bell.
put Exp
Match ToGarden [Wehnimer's Sewer, Nexus]
Match EOUT Obvious exits:
Match EOUT Obvious paths:
put W
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Match WL1 a giant rat
Match W Obvious exits:
Match W Obvious paths:
Match WestXPCheck You can't go there.
put West
Match W Also here:
Match W Also in the room:
Match WA1 Obvious exits:
Match WA1 Obvious paths:
put Look
Match W What were you referring to?
Match WA1 ...wait
Match WA1 Wait
Match WA1 Roundtime:
Match WSKIN1 is already dead.
put Attack Rat
Match WA1 You can only skin creatures!
Match WA1 You might want to wait until after it is dead.
Match WGet1 You skinned
Match WS1 You botched
Match WS1 The giant rat has already been skinned.
put skin rat
put put my %weapon% in my %sheath%
Waitfor You put
put get pelt
put put pelt in my %container%
Waitfor You put
put get my %weapon% from my %sheath%
Goto WS1
Match WA1 You search
Match WS1 ...wait
Match WL1 What were you referring to?
put Search Rat
Match WOUT You must rest!
Match E2 Your mind is numbed.
Match E2 Your mind is numb.
Match E2 Your mind is becoming numb.
Match E2 Your mind is becoming numbed.
Match E2 Your mind is muddled.
Match E2 Your mind is clear.
Match E2 Your mind is fresh and clear.
Match E2 Your mind is clear as a bell.
Match E2 Your mind is as clear as a bell.
put Exp
Match ToGarden [Wehnimer's Sewer, Nexus]
Match WOUT Obvious exits:
Match WOUT Obvious paths:
put E
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Match EL2 a giant rat
Match E2 Obvious exits:
Match E2 Obvious paths:
Match NexusXPCheck2 [Wehnimer's Sewer, Nexus]
Match EastXPCheck You can't go there.
put East
#East Look 2
Match E2 Also here:
Match E2 Also in the room:
Match EA2 Obvious exits:
Match EA2 Obvious paths:
put Look
Match E2 What were you referring to?
Match EA2 ...wait
Match EA2 Wait
Match EA2 Roundtime:
Match ESKIN2 is already dead.
put Attack Rat
Match EA2 You can only skin creatures!
Match EA2 You might want to wait until after it is dead.
Match EGet2 You skinned
Match ES2 You botched
Match ES2 The giant rat has already been skinned.
put skin rat
put put my %weapon% in my %sheath%
Waitfor You put
put get pelt
put put pelt in my %container%
Waitfor You put
put get my %weapon% from my %sheath%
Goto ES2
Match EA2 You search
Match ES2 ...wait
Match EL2 I could not find
put Search Rat
Match ToGarden You must rest!
Match NW Your mind is numbed.
Match NW Your mind is numb.
Match NW Your mind is becoming numb.
Match NW Your mind is becoming numbed.
Match NW Your mind is muddled.
Match NW Your mind is clear.
Match NW Your mind is fresh and clear.
Match NW Your mind is clear as a bell.
Match NW Your mind is as clear as a bell.
put Exp
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Match NWL1 a giant rat
Match NW Obvious exits:
Match NW Obvious paths:
Match NWXPCheck You can't go there.
put Nw
Match NW Also here:
Match NW Also in the room:
Match NWA1 Obvious exits:
Match NWA1 Obvious paths:
put Look
Match NW What were you referring to?
Match NWA1 ...wait
Match NWA1 Wait
Match NWA1 Roundtime:
Match NWSKIN1 is already dead.
put Attack Rat
Match NWA1 You can only skin creatures!
Match NWA1 You might want to wait until after it is dead.
Match NWGet1 You skinned
Match NWS1 You botched
Match NWS1 The giant rat has already been skinned.
put skin rat
put put my %weapon% in my %sheath%
Waitfor You put
put get pelt
put put pelt in my %container%
Waitfor You put
put get my %weapon% from my %sheath%
Goto NWS1
Match NWA1 You search
Match NWS1 ...wait
Match NWL1 What were you referring to?
put Search Rat
Match SEOUT You must rest!
Match SE Your mind is numbed.
Match SE Your mind is numb.
Match SE Your mind is becoming numb.
Match SE Your mind is becoming numbed.
Match SE Your mind is muddled.
Match SE Your mind is clear.
Match SE Your mind is fresh and clear.
Match SE Your mind is clear as a bell.
Match SE Your mind is as clear as a bell.
put Exp
Match ToPark [Wehnimer's Sewer, Nexus]
Match SEOUT Obvious exits:
Match SEOUT Obvious paths:
put Se
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Match SEL1 a giant rat
Match SE Obvious exits:
Match SE Obvious paths:
Match SEXPCheck You can't go there.
put Se
Match SE Also here:
Match SE Also in the room:
Match SEA1 Obvious exits:
Match SEA1 Obvious paths:
put Look
Match SE What were you referring to?
Match SEA1 ...wait
Match SEA1 Wait
Match SEA1 Roundtime:
Match SESKIN1 is already dead.
put Attack Rat
Match SEA1 You can only skin creatures!
Match SEA1 You might want to wait until after it is dead.
Match SEGet1 You skinned
Match SES1 You botched
Match SES1 The giant rat has already been skinned.
put skin rat
put put my %weapon% in my %sheath%
Waitfor You put
put get pelt
put put pelt in my %container%
Waitfor You put
put get my %weapon% from my %sheath%
Goto SES1
Match SEA1 You search
Match SES1 ...wait
Match SEL1 What were you referring to?
put Search Rat
Match NWOUT You must rest!
Match NW2 Your mind is numbed.
Match NW2 Your mind is numb.
Match NW2 Your mind is becoming numb.
Match NW2 Your mind is becoming numbed.
Match NW2 Your mind is muddled.
Match NW2 Your mind is clear.
Match NW2 Your mind is fresh and clear.
Match NW2 Your mind is clear as a bell.
Match NW2 Your mind is as clear as a bell.
put Exp
Match ToPark [Wehnimer's Sewer, Nexus]
Match NWOUT Obvious exits:
Match NWOUT Obvious paths:
put Nw
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Match NWL2 a giant rat
Match NW2 Obvious exits:
Match NW2 Obvious paths:
Match NexusXPCheck3 [Wehnimer's Sewer, Nexus]
Match NWXPCheck You can't go there.
put Nw
Match NW2 Also here:
Match NW2 Also in the room:
Match NWA2 Obvious exits:
Match NWA2 Obvious paths:
put Look
Match NW2 What were you referring to?
Match NWA2 ...wait
Match NWA2 Wait
Match NWA2 Roundtime:
Match NWSKIN2 is already dead.
put Attack Rat
Match NWA2 You can only skin creatures!
Match NWA2 You might want to wait until after it is dead.
Match NWGet2 You skinned
Match NWS2 You botched
Match NWS2 The giant rat has already been skinned.
put skin rat
put put my %weapon% in my %sheath%
Waitfor You put
put get pelt
put put pelt in my %container%
Waitfor You put
put get my %weapon% from my %sheath%
Goto NWS2
Match NWA2 You search
Match NWS2 ...wait
Match NWL2 What were you referring to?
put Search Rat
Match ToPark You must rest!
Match SW Your mind is numbed.
Match SW Your mind is numb.
Match SW Your mind is becoming numb.
Match SW Your mind is becoming numbed.
Match SW Your mind is muddled.
Match SW Your mind is clear.
Match SW Your mind is fresh and clear.
Match SW Your mind is clear as a bell.
Match SW Your mind is as clear as a bell.
put Exp
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Match SWL1 a giant rat
Match SW Obvious exits:
Match SW Obvious paths:
Match SWXPCheck You can't go there.
put SW
Match SW Also here:
Match SW Also in the room:
Match SWA1 Obvious exits:
Match SWA1 Obvious paths:
put Look
Match SW What were you referring to?
Match SWA1 ...wait
Match SWA1 Wait
Match SWA1 Roundtime:
Match SWSKIN1 is already dead.
put Attack Rat
Match SWA1 You can only skin creatures!
Match SWA1 You might want to wait until after it is dead.
Match SWGet1 You skinned
Match SWS1 You botched
Match SWS1 The giant rat has already been skinned.
put skin rat
put put my %weapon% in my %sheath%
Waitfor You put
put get pelt
put put pelt in my %container%
Waitfor You put
put get my %weapon% from my %sheath%
Goto SWS1
Match SWA1 You search
Match SWS1 ...wait
Match SWL1 What were you referring to?
put Search Rat
Match NEOUT You must rest!
Match NE Your mind is numbed.
Match NE Your mind is numb.
Match NE Your mind is becoming numb.
Match NE Your mind is becoming numbed.
Match NE Your mind is muddled.
Match NE Your mind is clear.
Match NE Your mind is fresh and clear.
Match NE Your mind is clear as a bell.
Match NE Your mind is as clear as a bell.
put Exp
Match ToPark [Wehnimer's Sewer, Nexus]
Match NEOUT Obvious exits:
Match NEOUT Obvious paths:
put NE
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Match NEL1 a giant rat
Match NE Obvious exits:
Match NE Obvious paths:
Match NEXPCheck You can't go there.
put NE
Match NE Also here:
Match NE Also in the room:
Match NEA1 Obvious exits:
Match NEA1 Obvious paths:
put Look
Match NE What were you referring to?
Match NEA1 ...wait
Match NEA1 Wait
Match NEA1 Roundtime:
Match NESKIN1 is already dead.
put Attack Rat
Match NEA1 You can only skin creatures!
Match NEA1 You might want to wait until after it is dead.
Match NEGet1 You skinned
Match NES1 You botched
Match NES1 The giant rat has already been skinned.
put skin rat
put put my %weapon% in my %sheath%
Waitfor You put
put get pelt
put put pelt in my %container%
Waitfor You put
put get my %weapon% from my %sheath%
Goto NES1
Match NEA1 You search
Match NES1 ...wait
Match NEL1 What were you referring to?
put Search Rat
Match SW2OUT You must rest!
Match SW2 Your mind is numbed.
Match SW2 Your mind is numb.
Match SW2 Your mind is becoming numb.
Match SW2 Your mind is becoming numbed.
Match SW2 Your mind is muddled.
Match SW2 Your mind is clear.
Match SW2 Your mind is fresh and clear.
Match SW2 Your mind is clear as a bell.
Match SW2 Your mind is as clear as a bell.
put Exp
Match ToPark [Wehnimer's Sewer, Nexus]
Match SW2OUT Obvious exits:
Match SW2OUT Obvious paths:
put Sw
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Match SWL1 a giant rat
Match SW2 Obvious exits:
Match SW2 Obvious paths:
Match NexusXPCheck4 [Wehnimer's Sewer, Nexus]
Match SWXPCheck You can't go there.
put SW
Match SW2 Also here:
Match SW2 Also in the room:
Match SWA2 Obvious exits:
Match SWA2 Obvious paths:
put Look
Match SW2 What were you referring to?
Match SWA2 ...wait
Match SWA2 Wait
Match SWA2 Roundtime:
Match SWSKIN2 is already dead.
put Attack Rat
Match SWA2 You can only skin creatures!
Match SWA2 You might want to wait until after it is dead.
Match SWGet2 You skinned
Match SWS2 You botched
Match SWS2 The giant rat has already been skinned.
put skin rat
put put my %weapon% in my %sheath%
Waitfor You put
put get pelt
put put pelt in my %container%
Waitfor You put
put get my %weapon% from my %sheath%
Goto SWS2
Match SWA1 You search
Match SWS1 ...wait
Match SWL1 What were you referring to?
put Search Rat
Match ToPark You must rest!
Match N Your mind is numbed.
Match N Your mind is numb.
Match N Your mind is becoming numb.
Match N Your mind is becoming numbed.
Match N Your mind is muddled.
Match N Your mind is clear.
Match N Your mind is fresh and clear.
Match N Your mind is clear as a bell.
Match N Your mind is as clear as a bell.
put Exp
wait wait...
now I'm REALLY confused...
Back I'd say about 3 years ago, I made a java program that generated hunting scripts for any area that could "loop." After getting to about lvl 14, I realized it was actually kind of boring, and obviously against the rules to do.
Are hunting scripts now legal or something? I've *never* had anyone recommend I use a hunting script. In fact, I've been yelled at quite a bit (a few years ago) that I used one.
Then again, I've noticed a guy called "baele" or something running around the catacombs for the past 4 days non-stop, and assumed it was a script, but I really didn't care enough to report it =P
So what's the deal here? Won't I get banned? lol =P If not, I'll dust off the old script generator I made and release it haha.
(oh and actually I hunted mummies in the GY mostly, but the generator would work for anywhere, as long as you entered the coordinates)
[Edited on 1-12-2005 by Rad]
01-12-2005, 04:20 AM
You can script, just don't be AFK or you chance being banned. I <3 my scripts as well as many others that I know. Just don't be stupid and you won't get caught.
And mummies would tear you up, I stayed in rats until 10, then moved on to cobras in the graveyard.
right, I was talking about doing mummies with a 7+ polearm warrior to lvl 14 in gs3 =P
thanks for the help though :)
01-12-2005, 09:41 AM
I have a 36 train empath, and a 4 train empath. The older one is pure, and can hunt 20 trains over her head if only one other person's with her, and hunts 5 trains over, alone, without blinking.
But when young, ew. So that's why my 4th train swings a sword until she can take all wounds. Bone shatter rocks (especially with good lore training) but it takes too much mana to be an effective hunting method that young.
01-12-2005, 10:53 PM
Hrm... U2U or IM me sometime and we can chat about your training. I have a caster empath of my own.
01-12-2005, 11:55 PM
if you do 'info start' you can get your starting stats
Here are my starting stats:
Strength (STR): 70
Constitution (CON): 50
Dexterity (DEX): 80
Agility (AGI): 50
Discipline (DIS): 50
Aura (AUR): 85
Logic (LOG): 55
Intuition (INT): 50
Wisdom (WIS): 90
Influence (INF): 80
and my current stats:
Strength (STR): 70 (0) ... 70 (0)
Constitution (CON): 54 (12) ... 54 (12)
Dexterity (DEX): 82 (21) ... 82 (21)
Agility (AGI): 54 (12) ... 54 (12)
Discipline (DIS): 56 (8) ... 56 (8)
Aura (AUR): 87 (18) ... 87 (18)
Logic (LOG): 59 (9) ... 59 (9)
Intuition (INT): 54 (2) ... 54 (2)
Wisdom (WIS): 92 (26) ... 92 (26)
Influence (INF): 82 (11) ... 82 (11)
and current skills:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 20 4
Shield Use.........................| 45 9
Edged Weapons......................| 50 10
Physical Fitness...................| 82 18
Arcane Symbols.....................| 40 8
Magic Item Use.....................| 40 8
Harness Power......................| 45 9
Mental Mana Control................| 45 9
Spirit Mana Control................| 45 9
Mental Lore - Manipulation.........| 35 7
Mental Lore - Transformation.......| 40 8
First Aid..........................| 102 24
Spell Lists
Major Spirit.......................| 3
Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 7
Spell Lists
Empath.............................| 8
Training Points: 18 Phy 0 Mnt (18 Phy converted to Mnt)
So assuming I'll drop edged + shield before a) I run out of my 30 day skill limit or b) I can effectively hunt to muddled+ with spells alone, any other suggestions? It's pretty frustrating having a level 5 wizard who can hunt things easier than my 8 empath D:
ahh, and anyone else want to inform me of something...
After I began an empath, I was lectured about how I must nod before healing anyone. Fine, that's what I do now. I AP them, then nod, if I can do it before the healer hawks do. Now I'm sitting here watching the lecturer heal everyone in sight without nodding.
Sorry, hypocrisy annoys me =P What exactly entails "empath code"? Honestly, I think empath hawking is more rude than anything. Someone who can take everything just jumps all over everyone who comes in the room asking for healing. *sigh* Maybe I just don't get it.
01-13-2005, 12:59 PM
There are no rules, just arragoant pre pubescent twits that like to play God.
Just do what you want, its just a game anyway. And when possible be curtious.
01-13-2005, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Rad
ahh, and anyone else want to inform me of something...
After I began an empath, I was lectured about how I must nod before healing anyone. Fine, that's what I do now. I AP them, then nod, if I can do it before the healer hawks do. Now I'm sitting here watching the lecturer heal everyone in sight without nodding.
Sorry, hypocrisy annoys me =P What exactly entails "empath code"? Honestly, I think empath hawking is more rude than anything. Someone who can take everything just jumps all over everyone who comes in the room asking for healing. *sigh* Maybe I just don't get it.
just heal them without nodding, and tell the whiners to get the sand out of their vagina, and that they dont have to like you, you are staying though. establish dominance, thats how you do it.
01-14-2005, 12:35 AM
Originally posted by hectomaner
just heal them without nodding, and tell the whiners to get the sand out of their vagina, and that they dont have to like you, you are staying though. establish dominance, thats how you do it.
An empath that would take that sort of lip to me would learn very quickly how the business end of Empathic Assault feels. :devilsmile:
My advice is to get out of the Landing and get to Solhaven. It's nearby, but the people are much different. Much more willing to help, and much more courteous.
The worst place to learn manners is TSC, with Ta'Vaalor's VC getting there quickly. If you don't want to compete with the robohealers (which I did for my first 10 levels and I'm never going back), then don't go to their playing field.
01-14-2005, 11:52 AM
Nodding is basic polite 101 for empaths, but it doesn't work everywhere. I agree with Nilandia. If you want a pleasant experience, TSC is generally not the place to get it (Exceptions apply, but rarely). And "establishing dominance" at 8 trains will get you more established with the clerics, if you get my drift. One thing about those not nodding, though.. some may be getting whispered requests for healing, some may be healing friends that they have arrangements with. The only time I heal without asking is when I'm the only healer there.. and this is NOT in the landing.
One thing about your training.. you don't *have* to take both mana shares. I just took spirit and I do just fine. If I need to change when (if) monks come out and we get mental spells, then I'll do it then. Saves a lot of tp's.
Another thing I did is not take any FA until later. Skinning isn't lucrative at lower levels, and *if* it helps bone shatter, who cares if you're not using bone shatter much? I just loaded up on it at 36 trains, and still haven't used a fixskills. The conversion (I dropped some lores I changed my mind on, for 1010 purposes) took me about a day and a half only.
When you get your armor training done (I stopped at 6, most go to 8) and drop that sword/shield combo you'll have extras there too.
Stat's I can't help you on, cause I'm not home and can't get in game :)
[Edited on 1-14-2005 by Czeska]
Ahh, thanks for all the advice :)
My empath just took his first medium system wound recently, and I guess I didn't know you had to get a "clean up" on healing down medium wounds (I thought it was just from major wounds), so I have at least a 1 rank scar on every body part, and a 2 rank scar on my nervs... I can't search anything I kill now, and I would imagine my exp absorbtion is probably as slow as can be. It's really annoying/upsetting =P There's no herbs around that heal that sort of thing, and I don't get the spell to heal down a scar until a few levels - if I even try to make it there.
any advice? =/
Killer Kitten
01-14-2005, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by Rad
Ahh, thanks for all the advice :)
My empath just took his first medium system wound recently, and I guess I didn't know you had to get a "clean up" on healing down medium wounds (I thought it was just from major wounds), so I have at least a 1 rank scar on every body part, and a 2 rank scar on my nervs... I can't search anything I kill now, and I would imagine my exp absorbtion is probably as slow as can be. It's really annoying/upsetting =P There's no herbs around that heal that sort of thing, and I don't get the spell to heal down a scar until a few levels - if I even try to make it there.
any advice? =/
Borrow a nerve minor from another empath, when they take it back your scar will poof. Or heal somebody with minor nerves and ask another empath for a nerve cleanup.
Or eat some woth flower. I 'think' that's the major nerve scar herb, but it's been a long time so apologies if I have that wrong. If you're in the Landing, go into the Herbalists shop and read the herb list that is posted there. You can also buy the herb or potion that you need right there.
If there is no such thing as 'clean-up' anymore or they no longer post the herbs at the herbalist shop just disregard this post and tell me I'm hopelessly out of date.
01-14-2005, 07:04 PM
Cleanups still exist, thank goodness. And yes, it's woth flower.
Killer Kitten
01-14-2005, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by Nilandia
Cleanups still exist, thank goodness. And yes, it's woth flower.
I aint quite senile yet!!!
Thanks, Nilandia.
Thanks a lot :) I didn't know cleanups helped both people, and they certainly do. Back in working condition now! Oh, the herb shop helped too, haha.
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