View Full Version : Returning Player in 2017

08-01-2017, 06:58 AM
Hey folks!

Long time, no see. I'm a long-time player from way, way back in the day. I started back in Prodigy days, and spent the majority of my GS time logging in from MS Zone. Back then, I was a 15 year-old nitwit creating free 30 day trials over and over to get my fix. I quit when I started college and moved on to bigger and newer games and focused more on life itself.

I returned for a very short period in 2005 when a friend from my Prodigy days got the itch and dragged me along for the ride. But that's the last time I logged in.

Fast forward to this week, in a sleepless insomniac malaise, Gemstone crossed my mind for the first time in years. I gave thought to the people that I met and made connections with in-game, but never continued that relationship outside of it. It was a different time for online gaming -- at least for me. There was no Discord, there weren't any great communities outside of the game to build the camaraderie that we have today. Part of me regrets not keeping in contact with these people. I don't know if it's me entering my 30s or what, but I wanted to reconnect, or forge new connections in this world that I used to be so immersed in.

Currently, I'm looking for a game to play alongside my other mainstay online games (Elder Scrolls Online, EVE Online, Fortnite, Final Fantasy XIV currently). I only play each game a little bit per week, so it's not a big commitment I'm looking for. I'm a web developer with some lots of free time during work hours. I usually alt-tab back and forth between games while I'm working. EVE is probably the game that suits this play style the most. I was thinking GSIV could slot itself in there pretty well, too.

So, to the point, is this a good time to return to GemStone? I completely expect the game to be a different place. I understand that I won't have to scroll up multiple pages worth of names when I enter the Landing, and the people that I connected with are no longer active. But from what I can tell, the game seems to be in a bit of a "renaissance", with more active players than in recent years. I know I should just roll up a free account and check it out for myself, but I'm just in a position where I kind of want to know what to expect before hopping back in.

A few general questions, if you don't mind answering:

- Is there a Discord or something similar where I can make connections with players outside of the game?

- Is F2P as restrictive as it sounds? Should I just subscribe? I don't even have access to my old ISP email addresses to renew my old account(s), so I'm probably going to have to start anew anyways.

- Is the community still as friendly as I'm remembering?

Anywho, thanks in advance for any replies. Looking forward to potentially jumping back into Elanthia.


08-01-2017, 07:27 AM
Roll up a F2P, it's what they are for. They are super restrictive, some professions more than others, but you can always sub later. If you plan on only playing a bit a week it may be perfect for you.

In game community is really great.
PC community is horrid, go fuck yourself.

Welcome back! Ososis in Mule is always up to help or hit whoever may require it if you find yourself up in the frozen north.

08-01-2017, 08:00 AM
Welcome back!

You do not need your old email to revive characters. Call Billing, they will hook you up.

Good luck and have fun.


08-01-2017, 08:08 AM
I have not yet had the need, but I am often told that billing (specifically Chris, who i incorrectly assumed was a dude) is super awesome and not judgemental of poor life choices some choose to make.

Honestly the only complaint I have heard about contacting billing was that they should have done it sooner. I may be outdated but there have been a few returning player incentives that may be worth looking into.

Not implying you made poor choices, but some of my friends have and were nervous about getting a "talking to".

08-01-2017, 08:14 AM
- Is there a Discord or something similar where I can make connections with players outside of the game?

I think so.

- Is F2P as restrictive as it sounds? Should I just subscribe? I don't even have access to my old ISP email addresses to renew my old account(s), so I'm probably going to have to start anew anyways.

If you remember the security question answer you might be able to get your old account back. I couldn't stand F2P, no lumnis really sucks. I recommend just starting up a basic account but there is no harm in trying F2P for a week or two to see if you enjoy the game again.

- Is the community still as friendly as I'm remembering?

The in game community is overall pretty friendly, there are always exceptions of course.

The PC community is overall pretty friendly as long as you stay out of the politics folder and don't get involved in drama. People love to say the officials are friendlier but they aren't really, there's just less cussing and the animosity is less overt.

You should really consider downloading and installing Lich, if nothing else for the maps and LNet which has basically taken over the amunet as a game wide communication service. Now the community on the LNet channel of LNet? Yeah, that place is toxic as shit, so be warned if you stay on that channel. Otherwise the Prime channel is a pretty laid back channel for the most part.

08-01-2017, 08:23 AM
I'm located outside of the US these days, so I emailed billing to see if anything could be done with the information I DO have. I don't have much, so it might be a hell of a challenge!

08-01-2017, 08:49 AM
Discord's here:


Look up lich and try to install it, it's got functions like maps, automatic movement to places, auto-looting and more. Takes away a lot of the tedious bits in the game:

08-01-2017, 08:54 AM
Welcome back!

The GS community is thriving and it's a good time to be playing. I would suggest rolling up a F2P just to wander around and get to grips with the game play again. A new character will give you the benefit of re-doing the Sprite quest and revisiting Thrak. Can I also suggest you ring the doorbell at Silverwood Manor if you have any questions. The Mentors are always happy to help both new and returning players with any queries.

08-01-2017, 10:42 AM
There's all KINDS of great new things going on, a little something for everyone. I'd definitely recommend starting with F2P to get your feet wet again, and if you eventually really like the character you can make that your new account or reactivate your old one by calling billing and transfer the char over.

My one suggestion would be that if you do download and install lich (do it, it's a gamechanger that helps you move through the game and offers any number of scripts for things like hunting, travelling, looting, etc.) but do yourself a favor and ;untune lnet and ;tune prime and ;tune merchant. While you'll find the majority of the community pleasant and helpful, there does tend to be a bit of the usual trolling and angst you see in any game general chat. Channels like prime and merchant are great because the people there are helpful, and merchant is a channel specifically for selling (like the old black channel amulet but OOC).

Welcome back, we're glad to see you! =)

08-01-2017, 11:04 AM
you won't be automatically tuned to ;lnet so you won't have to untune lnet.

I highly recommend reading the applicable pages in this category: https://gswiki.play.net/Category:New_Player

and attending a Mentor Open House where you can meet other returning players and ask questions in a group setting. The next one is on the 21st at 9:30p ET.

The official calendar is here: http://forums.play.net/calendar?game=gemstone+iv

08-01-2017, 11:17 AM
Currently, I'm looking for a game to play alongside my other mainstay online games (Elder Scrolls Online, EVE Online, Fortnite, Final Fantasy XIV currently).

I know the feeling, although you are about 50/50 on taste :p

08-01-2017, 09:06 PM
Thanks for the kind words and information, folks! I'm starting up a F2P account for now. :)

08-02-2017, 11:32 AM

i came back this year and its been pretty great. There are plenty of people, and generally, they're more than happy to help with any questions or other random things that pop up.

Also why are you playing those games. Get pub g and frag bois like the rest of the world! (ya ya ya)

Gemstone is perfect for tabbing around during work. I think tons of people are doing it right along with you.

08-02-2017, 08:13 PM
I play PUBG once a day at home. It's like routine at this point. :)

08-20-2019, 04:14 PM
I want to come back to PUBG. Last time I quit cause it hurts to lose. But I read some tips about how to become better in PUBG here (https://gosu.ai/blog/pubg/how-to-be-good-at-playerunknowns-battlegrounds/) and want to try them out..lol..If that won't help I even don't know.

08-20-2019, 04:18 PM
I want to come back to PUBG. Last time I quit cause it hurts to lose. But I read some tips about how to become better in PUBG here (https://gosu.ai/blog/pubg/how-to-be-good-at-playerunknowns-battlegrounds/) and want to try them out..lol..If that won't help I even don't know.
