01-10-2005, 06:51 AM
So, I'm sitting around in Mule's TC when this guy Zylador comes in and basically says, "I was banned from the lands a few years ago, and I just bought this Empath." And then proceeds to read through the entire spell list asking, "<insert spell name>?? What does that do??"
When he realized his character was wearing a wedding band, his response was, "A wedding band!!!!!!!!"
Another gem was, "Where's the bank? Let's see how rich this pathy is!"
Come on, people. If you're going to buy a character on the internet, at least be discreet about it!
When he realized his character was wearing a wedding band, his response was, "A wedding band!!!!!!!!"
Another gem was, "Where's the bank? Let's see how rich this pathy is!"
Come on, people. If you're going to buy a character on the internet, at least be discreet about it!