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05-23-2003, 06:04 PM
So there's this girl in Icemule Trace, and she goes by the character name Gracy/Anjolia/Nakkitta or Sahbine. She might have others, but I'm not sure who yet. She's absolutely crazy!

My character is female, which gives me the good fortune to not have to deal with her too much. But most of my friends with male chars have, at one time or another, been a victim of her absolute psycho behavior.

She screamed, yelled and railed at one friend of mine for weeks over his refusal to leave his current in-game flame for Sahbine (after hunting with her twice). Another friend, Gracy sat at a table with for two hours. He was gone on vacation for a week, and when he returned, she infomed him that he wasn't "there for her" and that she'd "found someone new."

Nakkitta cornered my character one day in Icemule, because my character was currently dating someone she had broken up with. She asked how things were going, and then confided to my character in whispers that she had dumped this REALLY nice guy because "he's too stupid and prudish to do stuff with the ACT verb."

She also berated another player (with Anjolia, I believe) for spending time away from GS and her with his RL wife.

Now, if you try to respond to her nastiness and nuttiness in-character, she'll scream and threaten to report you (and usually does). She'll also lie and brag about getting other people "kicked out" of GS - she told a ton of people she got Tayre kicked out of GS when, in reality, he took a break for awhile.

I feel better venting about this, especially since this is a forum where we can use names. Has anyone else had a problem with this girl? Because she drives my friends absolutely crazy, and it makes me nuts that she's so nuts!


05-26-2003, 07:20 PM
Damn. She flirted with one of mine.

:stays far away:

Thanks, hey.

05-27-2003, 05:32 PM
lol, on one of my parlays through Icemule, I think I saw that person slapping a friend of mine... :o

05-27-2003, 06:01 PM
I've never had a problem with Gracy.

05-28-2003, 07:52 PM
My R/L sister can't stand Gracy. Something to do with her bad mouthing her to one of her friends. I don't know the all details but I will see if I can get her to come here and post about it.

06-03-2003, 05:44 AM
Sounds like a fatal attraction

06-04-2003, 05:51 AM
Sounds like some one needs to hire a hit man to take her out....I'll be accepting offers now. :)

Red Devil
06-22-2003, 12:33 AM
Real hitmen dont charge.

Miss X
06-23-2003, 02:56 PM
Oooh, I have far too much to say on the subject of Gracy, but i wont babble on for tool long. It is true that she is nuts, she annoys the hell out of my main charecter and most her friends. Shes freaking lost it if she things shes hard done by and people in mule are out to get her, which I heard is what she thinks! I dont know about everyone else, but im growing tired of her very quickley.

Miss X~ the voice inside a few heads

06-23-2003, 03:17 PM
Everytown needs their idiot folks... who else would the thieves pick on?

06-23-2003, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by Lady Daina
. I'm not going to flame or slam her, but to say that she does not RP, EVER, and if you attempt to RP with her you will get OOC insults against you, threats to send her older body against you, WARN'd, Reported... and then slandered all over town and the official boards.

From my experiences she's a decent enough person, and I've never seen her be this witch everyone's claiming she is. Now I'm not around all the time and I'm not trying to defend her, but whenever I've interacted with her (which is pretty often, we both have raising clerics and I have 2 other characters who live in Ice Mule) it's been a fairly positive experience.

06-23-2003, 04:02 PM
:rolleyes: Where do I begin!!!
I know all 6 of her souls. and yes I watch her like a hawk.
Over a year ago I was *friends* with her empath, Anjolia. Was that a mistake. he Ims to me were paragrahs..but I withsood it for a while. The she wanted to get her cleric., gracy with my rl hubby in the game...but she got all psycho on us wanting marriage and got pissed at him fro talking to others and not her when they had not even met! This is a completely shorted version, but she harrsed us over and over on the net, in ims, in privates and would not let up. I had to look up the rules to turn her in to harrassment to the gods...I finnanly after days of thoughts and ims, even in her other souls, had to tell her to STOP. blocked her ims and thankfully they did.
I ignored her, as the gods will tell you to do. But i watched her in disconnects so I would know when she arrived and such because she just ruined my game play. This woman does NOT know anything about rp. she sits in tc waiting for avaaibale men to come on to...he main goal is to have 6 men with her 6 chars. She has come on to many friends on mine ,"want a little fun on the side" he says to them...(and they have told me) she vultures sooo badly in Mule, that other clerics and empaths and even some dead folks have been complaingin more and more to me.
She has harrassed so many friends of mine over and over, she swears in tooughts to alot of them, and she has been reported on many many occasions. And if a man rejects her..she reports them. If someone gets angry at her, she reports them. She is completely out of control.
He other 2 chars which she rarely plays are Helenna and Aautmn. (tho she will venimently deny it..but i have watched the disconnects far too often and have cught her) not to mention I have friends that tell me she tells them, it is her. She used to date Kheldar and his rl wife had MAJOR problems with her. They watch her as well. I haev had numerous men friends that have had to leave her beacuse she has gotten posseeive and out of control wiht them. She bad mouths everyone, lies continuously and should be banned from the game. Poor Jestin..they had a god wedding,,,goddess ove him..don;t know how he does it.

Miss X
06-23-2003, 05:25 PM
hehe, I also forgot to mention this: Gracy has a serious problem seperating her souls, she once threatened me through Gracy, for apparently flirting one of her other soul's guy. She even refused to let me heal this guy, even if he was bleeding to death.
I am also good friends with one of her exes, and he said she made his life a misery when they splitt up, and she bombardes him with IM's if she sees my charecter with him in game.
The second big problem I have had with her, Is about my main charecter's personality, she is natrually flirty, she has a lot of friends (and Gracy has expressed jealousy to others about this) Anyway, my Charecter is very close friends with a guy, who was dating one of Gracys in game friends. This girl had not been in the lands for a long while, BUT Gracy decided to whisper to me in game, that she had been speaking to this girl on IM telling her i was trying to steal this guy etc, and that I better watch out because she was looking out for her friend. (bare in mind, my charecter is in a relationship with a great guy, and is very happy) With Hindsight I wished id reported her for that, but i dont like to wate GM's time over things that seem petty. (unlike her) so i just ignored her and left it at that. The thing about her is, she likes to make out shes all sweet and innocent, but theres a massive ammont of evidence on these boards alone that suggest the opposite
Miss X

06-23-2003, 05:30 PM
I couldn't even begin to describe my deeply rooted loathing for this wretched, vile, pathetic excuse for a human being. Her arrogance, ingorance, blatant stubborness, stupidity, insolence, and her incredible pompousness are only a few of the qualities that describe this... (five letter word). The numerous confrontations I've had with her have made it quite clear to the town of Icemule my feelings on her, so I don't think I need to get into any stories. I've had people that were her friends come up to me and apologize for defending her after they've seen her for the delusional, incompetent witch she is. Oh wow I feel better. :D Ok someone else can flame now!


[Edited on 6-23-2003 by Tayre]

06-23-2003, 05:57 PM
Seeing as how most of the commentaries have been from women, I'm going to jot this name down for future reference if I ever find myself playing again. It's pretty sad that she does most of her threatening in IMs and whispers. Blech. That's just sad, and I think if she ever did that to Karystal, she'd swat her into the next room.

Heh, Taernath said he's never had a problem with her. Well of course not, he's a guy! That's her target! And I mean, it IS Taernath, can you blame the woman? ;)

[Edited on 6/23/2003 by CrystalTears]

06-23-2003, 06:17 PM
First off, I think the whole lot of you are nuts. How dare you deface and demean one of the nicest people I have come to know in my years in the Lands.
I dont live in Icemule on a daily basis, but there have been several times when I have had the pleasure of having her save me, as I know she has done to just about all of you who's names are listed at the bottom of this page.
You people are pathetic, disgusting and irrational people who need to get your heads out of your butts long enough to see, that most of these problems you say miss Gracy has caused is because you people have caused them first.

She does not bother anyone except when she is bothered. Heck I would to.
Miss Daina, I happened to have heard your words to miss gracy on the net a few days ago and my my what a mouth you have on you. You have some nerve to say she is foul.

If I recall I even heard several people agree with HER that what you and your so called husband said to her was indeed a threat, yet you claim she has threatened you? What a joke.
I think the only thing you and everyone else here needs is therapy.

You are sick in the head. How dare you even bring anything RL into the mix at all, when you claim to "only be RPing"..that is bull. From what I hear around the town, you are the one that started this mess by insulting an empath who would not hurt a fly. Anmut did nothing to you to deserve such foul words out of your mouth but ask you wait a few moments.
It's not like you were bleeding to death. You could have just said okay and waited for her to help you instead of opening your big fat mouth and saying she was ummm and I quote "a disgrace to your profession"..and then to further the problem by saying somethin to the effect of:"If I saw your corpse laying on the ground I would leave it there to rot"...and you people are friends with someone like that? She talked to GRacy about it because she needed someone to talk to, not because she was looking for someone to beat you up or defend her. Gracy would never have gotten involved that way anyways. It is to my understanding that Anmut is the one that brought this whole thing to light when she spoke outloud about the things she and Gracy had talked of privately. IF you have a quarrel why dont you take it up with Anmut then for she is the one that went to Gracy to begin with.
YOu call Gracy crazy? Anyone that would insult someone like that just because she was asked to wait a few moments to be healed, does not deserve to live.
I almost wish Gracy HAD put a hit out on your sorry butt, it would have been a pleasure to watch you die if I was in town that day to see it.

For those of you who "claim" gracy gets mad or flirts with your man, or whatever else you badgered her with here, you are all simply playing off someone else's frustrations because I happen to know that she only flirted with men she knew were not married(INGAME)...and if she did flirt with someone who was, it's because HE was flirting first. Ladies, if you cannot control your husbands or boyfriends, that is not Gracy's problem
If you were around more and gave those men what they need,they would not go looking for it someplace else.

Going OOC is not against the rules, if it is done in whispers, if everyone in the room hears it, that is a different story....but if you wish to remain IC and into the RP of the game, then even in whispers you should remain in character.

I have read the posts on the other boards and I have to agree with the one that said they made him/her laugh, because this whole thing is simply ridicules.
These are a bunch of lies made up to make the rest of you look good and to make someone who has been nothing but nice and who is only trying to do her job as a cleric and help people, look bad.

I think YOU people are the ones that need to stop playing the game, because if you cannot just RP this whole thing like it's suppose to be RPed , then you have no business even playing and certainly not paying money to do so.

You people are the ones that are crazy.

06-23-2003, 06:22 PM
10 people saying she's crazy, one not


bring us some logs!

06-23-2003, 06:25 PM
Alright, let's tone it down a bit. People are getting a tad too emotional over it.

People have bad experiences with characters and their players, instances that may seem uncharacteristic to other people, and no one can say for certain who started what except for the people involved.

I don't know what happened, don't know the character and I don't even really know the people who have posted, but there is a pattern here where most of the problems lie in OOC ways. If she is whispering to them and making them feel uncomfortable, and taking things personally, she seems to be the one who can't roleplay and takes the game to an unhealthy OOC level.

Let's not assume that Gracy is right and everyone else is wrong, and vice versa. Let people vent, and if you disagree that's fine too. But let's not insult each other over it. And let's try to keep the comments about her to what she does, rather than character bashing, okay? Thank ya. :)

06-23-2003, 07:03 PM
MA2000, save your long, time-consuming essays for English class. I didn't take more than three seconds out of my life to acknowledge that anyone who has to write all that is not worth my time. I'm also beginning to think I have ADD.

[Going OOC is not against the rules, if it is done in whispers, if everyone in the room hears it, that is a different story....but if you wish to remain IC and into the RP of the game, then even in whispers you should remain in character.]
One giant run-on sentence. I'd like the three seconds of my life back.

06-23-2003, 07:26 PM
Thank you Crystal, you are certainly right about alot of what you said.
People have bad experiences. It's a way of life both in game and out.

I am not saying Gracy is right and I am not saying Daina is either...as far as I am concerned, neither one is.

Lets also not forget that even tho GS is a RPing game...the characters we create for the game come from our RL imaginations. So that pretty much means they are a part of us and sometimes things that happen within the game do make us emotional.
That does not mean it is anything that from OOC. EVeryone does have a bad day everyone now and then, some of us more than others, but again, that does not necessarily mean it is because of things that have happened OOC.
I have seen people RPing thier characters to be "bad" people and these "bad" people then treat others badly. That does not mean the person is that bad in RL or OOC, that is just the way they are RPing the game.

I have been playing the game just about since it first came to be several years ago. I have had several different characters myself. My oldest as of now is in the "High" catagory and visit's Icemule alot on the way to Pinefar to hunt in the Rift.
I dont live in the town, but I am there just about every day.
I know Gracy, I know Anmut. I might be in the "High" title, but I have only gotten that and I had to hunt within Icemule and Pinefar for a long time and Gracy had risked her own life a few times to come and give me a new one because I died.
I have known her since she was born and like I said...she is one of the nicest people I have met thru the years.

I dont know Daina, or her husband or half of you that have placed posts here. I have seen you around the town, but I dont "know" you and that is probably a good thing because of the way I see you treat people, if I so much as looked at you funny I bet you would be demeaning and defacing me here as well.

Bottom line is, people can RP thier characters out how they see fit. Period. This is a RPing game. Anyone can play it, and just like Tayre, some of those people are quite young in RL and for the most part, that immaturity comes thru to thier characters. Now that might be how they wish to RP, but for the most part, it's because the ARE young in RL and that comes thru into the game.

I dont think Gracy is that young in RL but even tho I myself dont talk to her OOC or on IM's I dont know. To be honest I dont care. I know the kind of person she is in the game and that is good enough for me.

I have seen her flirting with guys, lots of times, but what you all confuse with actually lovey dovey flirting, is simply innocent fun.
I know she is married now and I have seen her flirting with other men in front of her husband. It's not the kind of flirting that you all claim it is. It's just innocent.
Heck if you want to claim someone is a big flirt and that "men are her target" why dont you pick on that empath by the name of Chica?
Every single time I am in town in TC, and she is there...all I ever do is see her flirt with just about every guy she comes in contact with.
I understand she is engaged too. Her fiance must have a high tollerance for her ways then because she has got to be the biggest flirt I have seen over the years.
How come you people are not demeaning her? She flirts with any man, she dont care if he married or with someone, what difference does it make if Gracy flirts?

If you say that Chica is doing it out of innocent fun, then so is Gracy.
Gracy would never just flirt with someone for the heck of it. I know her well enough to know that.
Like I said before, if you ladies have a problem with your men flirting, then perhaps you need to keep a tighter grip on them.

Like Crystaltears was saying or trying to say, there is no need to be so nasty about someone as you people have been about Gracy. I myself may have flown off the handle, but she is decent person that would also not hurt anyone on purpose.

You people are simply out for blood and trying to make yourselves look like you are all innocent, when you are just as much to blame as you claim she is.
It's a good thing the other posts were closed, it should have been closed alot sooner from what I read.
There is no need to continue it here.

Leave the girl alone and she will leave you alone. No one is looking for more problems here.

It's apparant there are a lot of angry people out there, but if you think that
Gracy is not RP very well because of some RL issues or whatever, or that she takes things way to seriously, perhaps you need to wake up and smell some of the coffee because it seems as if the rest of you are taking all of this way to seriously too.
This is a game folks....a fantasy RPing game. Every one of us plays it differently than the next person. If we didn't what fun would that be?
Gracy is merely RPing the game how SHE wants to, as the rest of you should be.
There is no need to deface or demean her like this.

If you dont like her, then fine, you dont like her...keep it to yourselves.

06-23-2003, 07:43 PM
I find it funny that so many folks here are telling similar stories but yet we are accused of lying. I'd say more then half the town of Icemule depises this woman for one reason or another. How can more than half the town be lying and only she be correct? And by the way..SHE is the one that starts all confrontations...and carried them to the extreme. Oh I'm sure she can be nice if she wants to..especially if your a man she has her eye on. She has been accused on several occasaions of vultruing...and folks have told me "the worst by far"so shes not just doing her job. I seriously doubt all of us in the town got together and decided to create these lies. She does NOT RP, never has RP'd and I doubt ever will. She plays ALL her souls the same. It's one thing to RP a flirt... and show the town your are...because thats RP. She does not *flirt* openly or in a *medieval *way.
This woman needs to be stopped. She needs to be banned. She has ruined many folks game play at one timeor another, she has caused folks to block thier ims and leave their home town. That is poor gamemanship. We are here to vent that frustration where we can. And hopefully some day, get her the heck outta there.!

06-23-2003, 07:43 PM
One more thing Daina, that post you placed from Log Files it would seem....Gracy may have started it, but I dont see any where, where your name was actually mentioned during her first thought.
She never referred to you directly or mentioned your name.
It would seem that you are the one that started with HER after that, mentioning HER name and clearly making your thoughts directed to her.
I also see where a few of the folks listening, Shiv and Buz said that your words were clearly a threat, yet you keep denying it.
You left that post here for everyone to see, yet you keep saying you have been trying to stay out of it?
It is you that started with her this time.
She merely indicated that "some people" are childish, she never mentioned your name, but apparantly you seemed to have known she was talking directly TO you and about you, when she wasn't.
Just like everyone else, she was merely voicing her opinion.
Posting that log file only made you look bad.

But the one thing it was nice to finally hear come out of your mouth is the fact that you acknowledge she DID try and apologize to you, yet you still demean her for it.
As it has been said a few times already, what difference does it make why she did it..wheather it be out of guilt or just to end this, the fact of the matter is, she did it.
I dont think it had a dang thing to do with how much older you are than her, because she can take care of herself. I am sure she was never afraid of you, but apparantly you were afraid of her because you flew off the handle about some so called "hit" that was put out on you that never really happened or was going to happen.
You seem to be the one that got all scared.

One more time folks...this is a game. Wake up and smell the coffee. Gracy is merely RPing how she sees fit, and I think the rest of you need to start doing that too.

06-23-2003, 07:57 PM
By the way Elandra...you dont happen to be liked about as much as you say Gracy isn't....and despite the fact that you say you all did not "ban" together...it sure seems to me that all of you are friends with each other and have been discussing this girl for a while now, so I think you did "ban" together.
You call that good RPing?
You call trying to "get rid of her" good RPing? You cannot ban someone from a town just because you dont like her.
If you dont like her, then YOU leave.
She have never once "run people from thier homes"..give me a break will you please?
People have not left Icemule because of her in any way shape or form. If anyone leaves a town it's because they CHOOSE to leave, not because someone has run them off....
Gracy does not control anyone, and for your information, the one thing I do happen to know about her is she does not have any other souls. All of those that you personally mentioned before are gone and have been for a very very long time.
Have you seen any of them around the town? No. So why dont you just leave that out of the mix here. Her other souls are not in question here. Your problems seem to be with just Gracy. So leave them there.

As I said before I have seen her flirting. It is all innocent. She does not "go after men"...perhaps it is you that you are speaking of.
She does not flirt for the heck of it,and to be honest although I have seen her flirt, I dont see her do it every time I am around town.
You are eggagerating quite a bit to continue to make her look bad.
The town of Icemule is turning into another Landing more and more every day. If you people wish to live in a town like that, then just go to the Landing.
Dont bring your crap to Mule and start pointing fingers at people for things that do not concern you.

If you dont like her or the things she does, then YOU leave. I am sure she has not bothered "half the town" like you say she has, I am betting because all of you are friends with each other, that you just say things to keep yourselves in your own little group.

Whatever you dont think Gracy is RPing, you seem to be doing a fine job of the same thing yourselves.
You people are taking all of this way to seriously and it seems to me that it's affecting you in RL too because I can see RL emotions in your words....
Like someone else said, grow up.

Miss X
06-23-2003, 08:00 PM
bah, im not reading any more of your posts mystery person, there all rubbish.
In fact, it would come as no shock to me at all to find out it was actually Gracy's player posting them, because something that was said about Chica in that last post, was repeated to me once before, by someone who had heard it straigt from Gracy's mouth. Nice way to take the heat off Gracy, try and drag someone else into it, but take it from me, and everyone else that knows Chica, she is nothing like Gracy in the slightest, thank the lord!

06-23-2003, 08:12 PM
"By the way Elandra...you dont happen to be liked about as much as you say Gracy isn't"
Hmmm for someone that does not live in Mule and hardly visits there, how would you even know who I am? And I hate to burst your bubble, But I am very well known and liked.

"the one thing I do happen to know about her is she does not have any other souls. All of those that you personally mentioned before are gone and have been for a very very long time. "

Hmm...another untruth...sorry but I do happen to know she had at least 6 at one time, and at least 3 are in the lands now and yes I have seen them . I know because she told me they were her. (and a good friend of HERS told me as well..) The problem is not just with Gracy, tho that char seems to cause the most problems, her others have caused some as well.
"People have not left Icemule because of her in any way shape or form. If anyone leaves a town it's because they CHOOSE to leave, not because someone has run them off.... "
Well, I do know for a fact, one man she dated she would not harrassing had to hide in the shadows (he would whisper to me) and finally she would not stop badgering him so he went to EN.)

We are sick and tired of it all....this is the straw that breaks the camels back. and she needs to be stopped.

06-23-2003, 08:20 PM
Unfortunately, no one can stop anyone from doing anything in the game. Its generally best to ignore people you do not like.

06-23-2003, 08:25 PM
Oyi... another one that states in their post with how long they've been playing and yet won't state who they are. Ugh (its one of my pet peeves).

MA2000, you sure do seem to know A LOT about this girl and situations. Are you aware of ALL situations? Do you know all the people she consorts with? Do you know for certain who starts what everytime? Don't you think it's rather coincidental that a number of women have come forth to disagree about the same person and that their stories are rather similar?

It's nice to be a friend and defend her, but to start criticizing other people over their issues with her, things you probably aren't aware of, isn't right either. If you want to say they may be exaggerating or whatnot, that's fine, but don't call them liars because you weren't there for all of them so you couldn't know the entire story. Believe me when I say that there are three sides to every story... their side, her side, and the truth, and it seems you're taking her side as truth and dismissing the other stories, and that, my friend is unjust no matter how you slice it.

06-23-2003, 08:25 PM
well missy X I know exactly who you are by the way you have stated your posts and you are right, Chica is nothing like Gracy thank goodness, because they ARE 2 different people.
And for your information, no this is not Gracy...in fact this is not even a female...ha ha ha...
Whatever you think you might have heard "out of Gracy's own mouth" is well, whatever you heard....just because someone might say something simular or very close to what you may have heard before...that does not mean they are the same person.

Despite the fact that Chica is what she is....I happen to like her and I could care less how she does things.
She has not flirted with me merely because I hide when I am in TC while resting. She has healed me tho and she is a good person and a good empath and I dont have any quarrel with her.
I merely said she was a flirt.

To each thier own.
As far as that "vulture" thing Elandra mentioned, that I believe was suppose to be directed to people that are always doin things more than others?

I have heard of that sort of thing around the Landing where the empaths there "vulture" the patients to get to heal them first.
I am not sure why you call Gracy such a thing, she is a cleric.
Perhaps you call her that because she goes and gets bodies alot?
I happen to know of someone else around Mule that does that and has done that in the past. Most folks around the town called her a vulture.
From what I understand she still is.

She has to make sure she is the first to the body to try and intimidate the other clerics. She is over 50 trains by now because I have seen her "great lady" title....since there are not that many folks in Mule that are 50 trains or older, or at least around all the time...she cannot possibly get any EXP from getting people up.
Or very little anyways. What is the thrill of getting to the body first before anyone else if you dont get any EXP from it?
Just to intimidate everyone else that's why.
I had a raising cleric around Mule a while ago, and although I could fog to and from the body, this other "vulture" was always there first. Always.
If a body got dragged into TC and there was more than one cleric there, including her, she automatically thinks she is the one that gets the body.
She never bothered to ask if anyone else wanted it, or perhaps the person dragging the body in might have been a cleric. I guess she thinks she knows everyone who comes and goes....
I have seen with my own eyes her get bodies up when the dragger was a cleric.
She whispers to the bodies and for the most part...all the bodies care about is getting life.
So they let her do it.
She is rude to other clerics and she does it on purpose.
I was told by someone that she is back in Mule "Just for a visit"...yet she has been there for a few weeks now...that seems to be one long extended visit.

Oh and by the way, if you wish to ignore my posts, the do so....I could care less....

06-23-2003, 08:33 PM
Anyone else realizing that MA2000 is very likely Gracy herself? I'm not saying this just because they're defending her, I'm saying this because as most of us know from the GS3 boards (the real ones), Gracy always posts as 'a friend of gracy' or 'someone who doesn't know her that well'... yet always reveals much more information about her than some of us would care to know. Frankly, I believe the only person what would waste that much time and energy in defending Gracy is Gracy herself. In addition, from reading many, many of Gracy's posts (and having arguements with her across boards) I've threaded out patterns in her writing style and her use of slandering phrases... I would almost bet my life it was her.

On another note, I have learned personal information about Gracy that has made me (slightly) sympathize for her. Though no matter what her situation may be, it never gives anyone the right to be a b*tch to 90% of the population.


06-23-2003, 08:36 PM
Heh seems I missed page 2 of the posts and didn't see that everyone had already caught on... so ignore that part.

06-23-2003, 08:37 PM
OKay Crystal perhaps you are right....I dont know all there is to know about Gracy or whole lot about anyone else. Maybe I dont know exactly that which took place between her and Daina, but I did read the log file that was posted here from Daina...and I did read the posts on the other boards.
I may not live in Mule no, but I am there just about every day and I have become friends with GRacy because when I was younger she saved me quite a few times.
You generally get to know someone that comes and rescues you alot, more than just a cleric doing a job.
I am not saying I know her like the back of my hand, I may be defending her...but it's because I do know her, even if it's not like I know myself.
I just dont like to see or hear people that I care about, or that are my friends be spoken about so badly.

I stepped in, but apparantly so did everyone else. I am not the only one.
Besides that, if I wish to keep my name out of it, that is my choice.

Elandra, I believe the person, this male you speak of that "ran to EN" was Tomisee....
He did not run to EN....in fact after they broke up, they had become friends.
I am not sure where you are getting your stories from, but whatever.
He is the only one of her EX's that left Mule, but it was not because of HER.
He choose to go there simply because there was not much for him to hunt in Mule. He even told her he was going to leave Mule.
She told me that herself. No, she does not tell me every detail about her life, but I do know they were together and broke up and had tried to be come friends again.
If he did in fact whisper to you...then that means you yourself got involved in thier situation didn't you?
Yet you are all screaming at me for getting involved with Gracy's.
Unlike the last guy that posted things on the boards and didn't tell her....she knows I am here defending, helping or whatever you want to call it, for her.
So why doen't she come here herself?
Why should she?
No I am not telling her word for word what I am posting.
No, she is not telling me what to write. As I said, I may not know all there is to know, and I may not "live" in mule, but I do know alot because I hide in TC and I see and hear things that happen there as well as on the net.
You dont have to "know it all" to know what is going on around you.

06-23-2003, 08:37 PM
[And for your information, no this is not Gracy...in fact this is not even a female...ha ha ha...]

Oh wow.. this looks AWFULLY like the decoy she used in an argument I had on the Icemule boards with her... gee.. but I guess we're all WAY too dumb to piece together that it is her...

06-23-2003, 08:41 PM
"she cannot possibly get any EXP from getting people up.
Or very little anyways. What is the thrill of getting to the body first before anyone else if you dont get any EXP from it? "

Alot of folks don;t raise to get exp..they raise to help folks...isn;t that what your supposed to do..and if you get exp..then great...but if not, then you';ve helped someone?

06-23-2003, 08:42 PM
I say, who cares if it is her or not? It wouldn't really change anything anyone has said, nor how they feel about things.

06-23-2003, 08:44 PM
True. I still don't liker her no matter who's defending her. :-P

06-23-2003, 08:45 PM
And to Elandra, sadly, many people in game care little for helping each other anymore.

I was always an empath when I played because I enjoyed helping people, but even the empaths I used to know and work with are not the same people as were there when I left.

06-23-2003, 08:45 PM
Tayre, whatever it is that you might know or do know about Gracy's personal life is not your concern and whomever told you, has a big mouth.
All of these complaints are stemming from the fact that she cannot RP...
Yet you come here and state you know personal OOC things about her?

Well, you know more than I do then because I dont talk to her about such personal things. I contacted her in game earlier today when these posts came to my attention and for the first time in years, I asked for her IM.
I dont plan on using it to find out personal info on her, because that is not what the game is all about.

If you say that this personal info has made you a bit sympathetic towards her, well perhaps if you feel even just a "bit" sympathetic then despite the fact that it's not your business, perhaps you should tell the rest of us what it is you know.
Although I am sure that will not change the minds of anyone else or make them at all sympathetic, seeing as how we are trying to keep thing "IC" so hearing about someone's RL problems is not gonna make anyone care more for someone they dont like to begin with

06-23-2003, 08:46 PM
And by the gods, there's a lot of you to keep up with all the sudden. *chuckles*

06-23-2003, 08:47 PM
My friend who also dealt with one of her characters left town too, because he was being harassed so much.

I don't think all these people could be lying. Maybe you have misjudged your friend? MA2000?


06-23-2003, 08:50 PM
It may not be a matter of judgment, but rather a matter of perception. Some people are quite capable of being one way to some people and quite the opposite to others.

06-23-2003, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by Caels
It may not be a matter of judgment, but rather a matter of perception. Some people are quite capable of being one way to some people and quite the opposite to others.

There is no spoon.

06-23-2003, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Caels
It may not be a matter of judgment, but rather a matter of perception. Some people are quite capable of being one way to some people and quite the opposite to others.

i don't think it's that obvious, rarely people are that "intelligent" to create 2 worlds. Just take Warclaidhm, he pretends to be side A, 97% of people that knows him says he is side B.

You''re just too nice and presume that in all people, there's a part that is good, life's a bitch, you know, in gs even more, since we have the mask to cover it that's called internet.

06-23-2003, 08:57 PM
"I may not live in Mule no, but I am there just about every day and I have become friends with GRacy because when I was younger she saved me quite a few times. "

Umm...jes curious...she just recently started to fog...and is in id say her 30-ish trains,....if you are a HIGH LORD, rift age? She saved you alot when you were younger? How is this possible?

06-23-2003, 09:00 PM
Check please.

06-23-2003, 09:09 PM
"There is no spoon."

LMAO, thank you Tayre.

"i don't think it's that obvious, rarely people are that "intelligent" to create 2 worlds. Just take Warclaidhm, he pretends to be side A, 97% of people that knows him says he is side B. "

It could also be a matter of friendship. Perhaps friendship blinds the truth. I know a few people that hate me in game and thought I was a manipulative and evil person, when it was really a misunderstanding that I was never allowed to talk my way out of.

"You''re just too nice and presume that in all people, there's a part that is good, life's a bitch, you know, in gs even more, since we have the mask to cover it that's called internet."

I don't believe there is such thing as being too nice. I believe if more people were more open then the world would be a better place. I know that life's a bitch in GS, its part of the reason I left. I had more drama in game than in RL. And its not that I think everyone has some good in them, its that I think everyone has the ability to control themselves and that everyone should use that control to better ends. I know people are going to be horrible people just because they can, but that's not going to stop me from trying to impress my ideals.

06-23-2003, 09:09 PM
because yes she might have just be able to fog Elandra but she is a cleric and knows her way around town...I also said I just very very recently became of the "high" status...I hunted in Pinefar and for kicks out on the farm for favor which I know alot of people do.
You dont have to fog to help people.

She has been a master of Voln since she was like 20 trains, she has been at least been able to fog back to town since then and I was still hunting around Mule alot at that time and even tho I am that high in trains I die.
Everyone dies sometime or another it dont matter how many trains you are.
Sometimes I myself was not quick enough to avoid a tree spirit and got boiled.
I dont have a huge amount of trains in CM and they boiled me on occasion or the wind got me.
Since I did not get any actual EXP from hunting out there, and just was out there to favor hunt, I could stay out there all day if I had shimmers on me...
MOst of the time I didn't and well, unfortunatly the wind would stun me and a tree would wander in and boil me....Gracy was just one of a few that might have come to get me. She has been hunting out on the farm for about 10 or so trains now so she may have been out there already, located me and came to get me.
Then fogged us back to Voln.

You dont need to have "fog" to help people. If you can drag, you do. If you have LK, you LK them...you can help a body in other ways other than just bieng able to fog TO them.

06-23-2003, 09:17 PM
where's that hit man?

06-23-2003, 09:20 PM
MA2000, isn't it possible that perhaps she's nice to men to get what she wants and is completely the opposite to females because they are a threat to her? Why is that so hard to figure out or believe? And do you really think she's going to tell you any bad dealings she's had with anyone so as not to cloud your vision of her?

I've known PLENTY of females who are this way, and vice versa with men. Two faced people who are nice to some and cruel to others, and no I don't mean in a roleplaying standpoint. I mean in the sense that they play all of their characters in the same fashion and use the game as a means for social attention.

I would rather that the tidbit that has made some sypathetic to her situation not be disclosed simply because it's irrelevant to this conversation. Whether it be loneliness, sickness, mental illness... whatever... that still does not excuse someone to behave in an untolerable fashion. If she has something that would affect her behavior so much that she can't "control" it and is trying to pass off her problem as her "excuse", then perhaps this isn't the medium for her to find love and friendship.

Love is blind, but the neighbors ain't. ;)

06-23-2003, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by MA2000
If you say that this personal info has made you a bit sympathetic towards her, well perhaps if you feel even just a "bit" sympathetic then despite the fact that it's not your business, perhaps you should tell the rest of us what it is you know.
Although I am sure that will not change the minds of anyone else or make them at all sympathetic, seeing as how we are trying to keep thing "IC" so hearing about someone's RL problems is not gonna make anyone care more for someone they dont like to begin with

Um... no. I'm not going to tell everyone about your sad little life so you can combine that with your Borderline Personality Disorder (http://mentalhelp.net/poc/view_doc.php?type=doc&id=460&cn=8#Borderline ...if you don't believe me!) and create a pity party for yourself.

Let me quote myself from a post on the other boards...
Cry me a river so I can build you a bridge to -get over it-.

And have a nice day.


06-23-2003, 09:24 PM
Love is blind, but the neighbors ain't.
Yes, but I am blessed with high walls and strategically placed shrubbery.

06-23-2003, 09:25 PM
>I know people are going to be horrible people just because they can, but that's not going to stop me from trying to impress my ideals.<
Thank you Caels....that is pretty much what I have been trying to say.
Okay so maybe I put it all into a much bigger mouthful...and since you folks dont care for apologies, I guess I wont say I am sorry.

You all think Gracy is this horrible person, and you post nasty things about her here, but like Caels said, people are going to be horrible because they can and well, you all have certainly shown that part of yourselves.

Perhaps you are right as well Daina that slamming is out of control...and what difference does it make how old I am in trains anyways...trust me I am not afraid of you or anyone else, but since I have the right to do as I please because we live in a free country....I do not wish to post my name.
That is my choice. You dont like it? I dont care.

GS is indeed a mask to hide things that happen in RL. Most if not all of play the game to get away from RL but like I said way back when....since we put our imaginations to work creating our souls, we are also putting a part of our hearts into them.
Sometimes the game just gets more emotional for some people that others, but again, that does not mean it has anything to do with RL.
If things happen to a player within the game that upsets them or makes them feel uncomfortable, and they get emotional about it wheather it be making the character cry or curse...it's all in the name of RP.

Just because the character is crying or cursing, that does not mean the person behind it is. That is simply how the RP person wishes to play thier character.

Besides that, everyone does have bad days in RL...it happens to everyone. No one's RL is so uncomplicated that we dont have bad days. Some things might affect us more than others like the death or a family member or a really bad day at the office...and unfortunatly sometimes those RL emotions DO make it into the game.
It is a shame that has to happen..but we cannot control what life will throw at us.
If something that bad happens to us in RL, and we come into the game to try and take our minds off it, do you honestly think playing the game will help fix it all right up? NOT.
Your RL emotions will reflect into your character and things will happen within the game.

I am not saying that GRacy has had a ton of these "bad" days, I dont know a dang thinga bout her RL. Apparantly Tayre does and does not wish share. I mean he had to go and say he knew things, but does not wish to spill.
I guess he will point to me and say well why should I? You wont give us your name, why should I tell you what I know about someone's RL.
You are right....but you had to be sure to let us all know that this info you posess has made you a bit sympathetic to her, so why not tell us what it is you know?
I suppose I could just ask her myself, but I would rather hear it from you since you say it's made you a bit sympathetic on her behalf yet you also say you still hate her.
Kind of a catch 22 there sort of.

06-23-2003, 09:29 PM
Gracy, Gracy Gracy, what about Meos! who's got the dirt on him

06-23-2003, 09:30 PM
Well, just to add my $0.02, anyone that has lived in Icemule for any amount of time has heard of Gracy, her antics, "hold on to your bf's Gracy's here", and everything else. Her game MO is to have all 10 of her premium slots filled, and all married off...that is why she plays. Think she might be trying to fill a RL void somewhere?

The comments run rampant over amunet when she's about and acting up. And it's only because to your face she'll act all sweet and then in the same breath (or long arse paragraph over amunet) she'll be telling someone else how horrible you are, saying nasty things to make herself look better.

GS is Gracy's soap opera. She THRIVES on conflict and mayhem. But not even in a decent "RP" kind of way -- more like in a clueless "I RP my 6 souls all the same" kind of way. I for one think people that RP a difficult personality -- like Candor's for example, are hilarious. He RP's an absolute SNERT, Icemule's own pain in the arse.... and I love him for it, he's well played and intelligently played, and that's what makes a good character. I also notice that the level of RP that comes out of a person seems to be directly correlated to their level of intelligence. So maybe we should just "consider the source".

And about banning her -- what I don't understand is why it hasn't already been done. Yes, she pays money for it like everyone else, but she also causes tons more load on the GM's with her own self-created conflicts, hostilities, and wars. Most players I know have never had to report anyone. With her it's a weekly event. Now -- should they start charging a fee per report.... <snicker> If I had a problem bad enough that I'd need to report it, I'd pay the fee, hahaha. But maybe it would cut down on her asanine reports and wasting of the GM's time.

Yeah MA2000, we know who ya are ;) Sleep well tonight knowing that ALL of Icemule can't stand you. And the ones that act like they do? They're talking behind your back the entire time they're smiling at you. Why not? You've already done it to them.

06-23-2003, 09:31 PM
You may not be able to control your emotions, but you can control what you do with them. And if you're having such a hard day that you can't control the actions of your character, then it's time to unplug and do something else. Perhaps I am heartless, but I play to have fun and get away from problems, and if I have to deal with some person who's having a hard day and taking it out on the world, I tell them to log off and leave us out of it. It's not our fault they are having a bad day. The game is not the place to unleash your hostilities on other characters. Sorry, I just don't buy that excuse of "having a bad day". Well hunt and stay away from people then if you can't control your little body and mouth.

[Edited on 6/24/2003 by CrystalTears]

06-23-2003, 09:33 PM
Meos, go piss someone off in game, then come back here in a few days and see what ya got.

06-23-2003, 09:33 PM
Borderline Personality Disorder

A person who suffers from this disorder has labile interpersonal relationships characterized by instability. This pattern of interacting with others has persisted for years and is usually closely related to the person's self-image and early social interactions. The pattern is present in a variety of settings (e.g., not just at work or home) and often is accompanied by a similar lability (fluctuating back and forth, sometimes in a quick manner) in a person's affect, or feelings. Relationships and the person's affect may often be characterized as being shallow. A person with this disorder may also exhibit impulsive behaviors and exhibit a majority of the following symptoms:

frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment.
a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation
identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self
impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating)
recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating behavior
affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days)
chronic feelings of emptiness
inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights)
transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms

I rest my case.

Your friendly neighborhood psuedo-psychologist!!

[Edited on 6-24-2003 by Tayre]

06-23-2003, 09:34 PM
Oh my God, this thread is on fire!
Seriously, why people acts that hypocrite?

If 15 people, here, says she's a bitch, and one MYSTERIOUS person come and says the contrary, why the damn hell are we arguing this over, knowing that person is probably her?

Nah, better question, why the damn hell with around 10 proofs and 15 persons saying she's a bitch, why that mysterious person still keep on fighting even if half of those people are "respectful" persons..

oh damn, i hate those people, you can never be right with em, must be something sexual not working right.

[Edited on 6-24-2003 by Xcalibur]

06-23-2003, 09:41 PM
We argue it because it's entertaining and even though it might piss us off or hurt our feelings we love the drama.

I think that about sum's it up for all of us that respond to this thread. For those who read it and do not respond, they are laughing their asses off, or they are shaking their heads in disgust... pick one. I for one find this entertaining.

06-23-2003, 09:42 PM
Me, I like arguing. Maybe I'll be a lawyer. Or a wife.

Who would have to lose some body parts to be a wife.

06-23-2003, 09:43 PM
If ya talk to dragon Gracy, tell her I say Hi atleast.

"Don't you know a foamy latte makes me farty and bloated"-Mugatu

06-23-2003, 09:45 PM
She's too busy trying to defend herself here than game tonight -- maybe that's a bonus for the rest of us in Icemule this eve....

<logs in>

06-23-2003, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by Caels
We argue it because it's entertaining and even though it might piss us off or hurt our feelings we love the drama.

I think that about sum's it up for all of us that respond to this thread. For those who read it and do not respond, they are laughing their asses off, or they are shaking their heads in disgust... pick one. I for one find this entertaining.

no no, i meant that it was an useless debate in the meaning of it was pointless to argue since the balance is 95% toward the "she's a bitch".
From all you read, you know that all those people can't be lying all along and that mysterious person being honest.

It's like when someone sue an other with only some visual witnesses.

06-23-2003, 09:47 PM
I don't know, but from a moderator standpoint, I love Gracy! Lots of new members, people posting faster than I can refresh my page. I may just have to log in as some nobody and give her a hug and a thanks! :D

06-23-2003, 09:47 PM
Well, ya still don't know for sure who is who, so there really is no sense in pointing fingers.

06-23-2003, 09:50 PM
Ha ha you really think you are all so funny dont you?
I hate to keep dissappointing you but this is not GRacy...I dont now how many times I need to tell you that, but I guess it dont matter, you all live in your own little worlds and wont listen to what anyone outside of it has to say.
I could really care less who you think this is...it's not your business that I put my name.
There is no place around here that says one has to.

Whatever you all feel about this girl is simply a sick state of mind you are all in.
You are all in this little tight knit circle of friends and anyone outside of it is a piece of dirt, even if it's someone besides Gracy.
You dont care about anyone but yourselves. I also hate to burst your bubble but the "whole town" does not hate GRacy...just because you all might make up what? a handfull of it, you do not constitue as the whole town.
And..despite what you think, the friends she does have do not sit there and talk about her behind her back.
Unfortunatly for you people, there ARE folks around Mule that DO like her, just because the brady bunch might not, does not mean everyone else doesnt.

Although I would have to say at this point, those of you who have had to have says here today, you have probably gone into the game and started a bunch more crap about her just to cause more problems.
I still dont see where you say this is RPing.

When you go around defacing and demeaning someone, that is not RP...you are not only attacking her in game character on these posts, but it seems you are also attacking her RL as well, according to what Tayre says but wont say at the same time.
How can you all consider yourselves good RPers when you start to deface someone's RL persona without knowing anything about her?
Maybe one or two of you might know her in RL...but the rest of you here dont. How dare you demean her RL self like that.
I have not once talked about any of your Real LIves here have I? No one in general or particular, but you find it necessary to bring hers into the picture.

For the record Caels...I suppose you are also right. Maybe Gracy makes friends with more men than she does women, but I can assure you it's not because she is threatend by other women. What about the fact that most men that play the game have more female friends then friends of thier own sex?
Why are you not calling them flirts, and why are you not saying THEY are threatened by other males?
Is it really that big of a problem if a man has more female friends that male ones? Does that mean he is cheating on his wife or GF? No, that just means he likes to have female friends over male ones, but DOES have male friends.
So what if Gracy has more male friends than female ones? What is the difference here? I dont see it.
What you all precieve as flirting is nothing of the sort. I am a male and she has never "flirted" with me in a way that would make me think she is after me.
Just because someone is friends with someone and that someone might be of the opposite sex, that does not mean he/she is after them in any kind of sexual way or "to get what he/she wants"...why is it so hard to believe that it's just a friendship?

If it's okay for men to have tons of female friends, why is is so wrong for Gracy to have male friends? Just because you all think she is after them. You are all so blinded by your hatred for this girl that you are not seeing things for what they really are.
As Caels says about me, that I am blinded by my friendship with her...you may be right.
Whatever the case may be...it seems to me there is alot of folks that are unable to see things for what they really are because they are blinded by something.

06-23-2003, 09:52 PM
"For the record Caels...I suppose you are also right. Maybe Gracy makes friends with more men than she does women, but I can assure you it's not because she is threatend by other women. What about the fact that most men that play the game have more female friends then friends of thier own sex?"

Err... I dun think I said anything about Gracy at all.

06-23-2003, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
I don't know, but from a moderator standpoint, I love Gracy! Lots of new members, people posting faster than I can refresh my page. I may just have to log in as some nobody and give her a hug and a thanks! :D

Members viewing this page: Aasterinian, Caels, Elandra, Lady Daina, MA2000, Meos, Roguehuntress, Skirmisher, Tayre, Xcalibur (2 Guests)

i must say that you are damnly right

let's start an other one like that when that one's finished

06-23-2003, 09:54 PM
I think Tayre is "friends" with 2 of the posters on this board. That's it. The rest of them have their own Gracy stories that have no connection with mine, and I've never discussed these stories with them. Not that I feel the need to explain myself to you, but I have nothing useful to do with my time right now so I'll humor you.

Thank you and come again.

06-23-2003, 09:55 PM
Walls and Shrubs are all I've discussed.

Mmm.. I like bush(es).

[Edited on 6-24-2003 by Aasterinian]

06-23-2003, 09:56 PM
Aww... I'll be anybody's friend! Need another friend Tayre?

06-23-2003, 10:06 PM
Aasterinian, yer shrub is blocking my portcullis.... suddenly I can't see anyone posting anything. Remove it or I'll be forced to burn it out.

06-23-2003, 10:23 PM
Ahem. As the thread starter, can I say something that will clear a bit of this up, please?

Gracy's player, whose ID on the official GS boards is gabrielb1, started what I thought was a totally ridiculous thread on said boards. Unfortunately, they were closed before I could reply.

I wrote an email to her play.net address stating where this thread could be found. I wrote it this afternoon. About an hour later, this "friend" of Gracy's, MA2000, has an attack of conscience and MUST defend her "pal."

Coincidence? I think not.

You are SO busted, Gracy.


06-23-2003, 10:27 PM
P.S. I sat in hiding the other night and watched Gracy berate her IG boyfriend, Zetar, for running into town to bash a few boxes. I wish I'd saved the log, because I was sitting at my computer cracking up, it was so sad. She completely flipped her lid.

06-23-2003, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
P.S. I sat in hiding the other night and watched Gracy berate her IG boyfriend, Zetar, for running into town to bash a few boxes. I wish I'd saved the log, because I was sitting at my computer cracking up, it was so sad. She completely flipped her lid.

so it's not her the dumb in this story...
it's Zetar, and the other 9 boyfriends, that surely knows about her polygamic behavior and just accept it like a no testicul man..

what a bunch of morons

Red Devil
06-23-2003, 10:46 PM
what level is this person? theres no risk in her reward! kill her everytime she tries to talk her stupid crazy shit and just ignore her, if she comes back kill her again and ignore her

06-23-2003, 10:47 PM
Then there was the time she dated someone who gave her all kinds of 6x armor and weapons....

She decided "it wasn't working for her" and dumped him a week later.

She kept all the gear.

06-23-2003, 10:51 PM
As I mentioned in my original post, one of her other souls (Nakitta or Nakkitta, however you spell it, it's a cheap ripoff of that stupid USA show), was dating a friend of mine. After she dumped him, she told me in whispers it was because he wasn't willing to do naughty things with her using the ACT verb.

I know him OOG, and he's a really NICE, really shy guy... I can't believe she dumped him because he wouldn't put out!


06-23-2003, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
As I mentioned in my original post, one of her other souls (Nakitta or Nakkitta, however you spell it, it's a cheap ripoff of that stupid USA show

i'm off topic, of course

actually it was french before your hungry money country bought the idea.

[Edited on 6-24-2003 by Xcalibur]

06-23-2003, 10:59 PM
Well Spunthing...you can think whatever in gods name you want to...Gabrielb1 is not GRacy, in fact it's some guy by the name of Benjamine I believe who also had a thing with Tayre a while ago cause he thought it was her as well....
Yes so you did send her an email Kisharra...using your "K" gives you away. But I had already come here...I come here alot and read posts, I have known about this forum for a while, but I myself have been away for a few days and when I came back and saw just how nasty they got I told her about them...which was before you sent her a mail and before I got her IM after all this time. I myself never posted anything before this day because the posts had not been so nasty until recently. That is why today is the first day you are seeing me.

You can think this is whomever the heck you want to, cause like I said before...all of you are so blinded by your hate for her, you are going to see whatever you want to see, even if it's not the truth.
I myself have admitted that my friendship with her has blinded me as well, but at the same time, I myself did not feel the need to keep out of it while she has.
There is not point in her coming here and saying Hey it's me...you dont care to listen to a word I am saying, there is no way you will listen to her either.

For however many of you that think she is a bitch, and dislike her and hate her, I may be only one that has been defending her, and because of that you also are calling me a lair....whatever.
Frankly I dont care how many of you call me names too....remember the old saying? Sticks and stones might break my bones but names will never hurt me....

Call her whatever you want to, call me whatever you want to...that just makes you act more like a child than this whole thing is even worth at this point.
Calling people names?
How immature.

I think you all have done enough damage to her by bringing her RL persona into all of this both here and in the game.
You still claim you are all just RPing...that is such a joke.
Whatever happened between Gracy and Daina, should have remained between the 2 of them to begin with.
Daina claims Gracy went OOC with her...Gracy claims she didn't...
One says the other is lying and now you are all calling me one too.
No one is going to win here. I am a man up against a field of women and even if it was only one woman, there is no way I would ever win either.

It sure is funny tho, all of you women speaking of all this flirting she does and saying she has run men out of town...more childish still.
Did it ever occur to YOU that these men told you exactly what YOU wanted to hear?
You have seemingly hated Gracy for a while now, probably since the day she was born....if these men told you things about her that made her look even worse in your eyes, they were probably telling you all exactly what you wanted to hear since it was about Gracy and the fact it was dirt to demean her even further.

Of course you are going to say that is bull, and these men were friends of yours and whatever other crap you can come up with to continue to make yourselves look good.
You have demeand her enough, you have insulted her, abused her and brought her RL persona into it, when you really know nothing about her.
I just now found out myself what Tayre was probably talking about and if you all only knew what her RL has been like, you might have backed off a long time ago.

I am not saying her RL is worse than yours or less than yours, but it's not a good situation and for you to bring it up here or in the game is simply way way out of line for anyone.

I am not trying to get you to sympathize with her, there is no way in hell that will ever happen...but you have done enough damage to her, even if you dont think you have, read back and you will see that you have.

If you dont care for her, then simply leave her be...stay away from her in game, dont talk to her, dont look at her and for god sakes, dont demean her RL behind her back....
If you wish to be so hurful to her RL, then to end this on my end, for no matter how much more nasty you continue to be towards her anyways....I wont be replying anymore because this is a no win situation.....
But if you wish to poke fun at her RL, the I will poke fun at yours and say I wish you all die in horrific car accidents or someone close to you does...Heck, I wish your children go play in traffic and get hit by a car....

You can all go to hell now....you have all been childish immature selfish pathetic excuses for humans I have ever had the displeasure of typing anything to in my entire life and I hope GOD strikes you all down and makes you pay for the way you treat other people.

Just remember, what goes around, comes around.

06-23-2003, 11:06 PM
Actually, I'm not Kisharra. I play Naessi, and it was her that Nakitta whispered to about Dainslef not being willint to put out. I sign my posts with a "K" because my real-life name begins with a K. However, I have a sneaking suspicion Kisharra might be here as well. You seem to have cultivated a wonderful amount of enemies, congratulations.


06-23-2003, 11:06 PM
Hey!! Nakitta's ;last name is...what??? Gabriella????

06-23-2003, 11:07 PM
Gracy did tell me to say one last thing to you Roguehuntress..she is pretty sure she knows who you are and it was so nice of you to open your big mouth here...
I guess someone here did get thier point proven that there are a few people that claim to be her friend and talk about her behind her back....like you Amber/Astar, or Chica even...seeing as how she told me you are "friends" with both her and Daina...apparantly that was in deed a bunch of bullcrap....
oh well...now you too will get what you want....

06-23-2003, 11:08 PM
"But if you wish to poke fun at her RL, the I will poke fun at yours and say I wish you all die in horrific car accidents or someone close to you does...Heck, I wish your children go play in traffic and get hit by a car.... "

That's a little extreme, and doesn't exactly make the case for how un-psycho you are.

I don't hope you die, but if I had my way about it you'd quit playing GS for sure.


06-23-2003, 11:08 PM
OMG beer is coming out of my nose at this point!!!! :lol:

:: goes to play in traffic ::

By the way, sorry to burst your bubble but it's not Amber/Astar :D Keep guessing.... paranoia set in yet?

[Edited on 6-24-2003 by Roguehuntress]

06-23-2003, 11:12 PM
Thank you Naessi for your admittance...now it can be used against you.
Gracy breaking up with Dain had nothing do with the fact he would not "put out"....again, like everyone else around here....you hear what you wanted to hear.
He is your OOC friend, well of course he is....figures.
He simply told you what you wanted to hear...hmmm there goes that all maniplation thing again where someone is trying to get something from someone.....
If I remember it correctly during a few times I did actually stay in Mule...he was chasing you around like a puppy dog and even tho you were suppose to be marrying someone else, he thought he was your BF the whole time....how sad.

what goes around comes around.....you all will get yours in the end

06-23-2003, 11:12 PM
"Gracy did tell me to say one last thing to you Roguehuntress.."

Why can't Gracy come here and speak for herself? Oh, wait, she already is.



06-23-2003, 11:13 PM
I just now found out myself what Tayre was probably talking about and if you all only knew what her RL has been like, you might have backed off a long time ago.

Really? So because she has problems in her real life it excuses her for her actions in a game and everyone is supposed to turn the other cheek and ignore her? Yeah right. Pull my other leg and it plays Jingle Bells. You can ignore people for only so long until it becomes such a big problem and affects several people that people need to stand up and make it known for others not to fall into the same situation as them.

You were doing rather decently... up until you insulted everyone for disagreeing with you. Way to go for complaining about people insulting others, and here you are doing the same thing. You the man. :rolleyes:

06-23-2003, 11:15 PM
"Gracy breaking up with Dain had nothing do with the fact he would not "put out"...."

Actually, it was NAKITTA that was dating Dainslef. Another testament to the fact that you can't separate your souls.

And it was NAKITTA that whispered that to me, Dainslef didn't say a word about it (he's too nice).

Use it against me? Phft. Oh no, Miss Nutcase doesn't like me. I think I'll survive.


06-23-2003, 11:15 PM
MA2000, You need pie.

06-23-2003, 11:17 PM
"If I remember it correctly during a few times I did actually stay in Mule...he was chasing you around like a puppy dog and even tho you were suppose to be marrying someone else, he thought he was your BF the whole time....how sad"

That was part of what was all set-up and is generally known as a player-run roleplaying event, or continuing storyline. You should try it sometime (harassing Marclar doesn't count). If you have any questions about it, you should ask Grandevr, he was involved as well and knows ALL about it.



[Edited on 6-24-2003 by SpunGirl]

06-23-2003, 11:17 PM
MA2000. I hate posting on boards on principle, but do you understand that just saying who you are instead of blabbering walls of text defending some peon isn't helping your cause. Unless you really are said person, in which case quit trying to defend yourself under the guise of someone else. That is truly pathetic.

06-23-2003, 11:18 PM
I think I'm seriously about to cry.. or vomit.. i'm not sure..

This woman is evidently seriously disturbed. Anyone with the common sense of a rock can see the loopholes and backtracking in her writings... I'm still in disbelief that there are people like this in the world... Being young, I guess I don't have the life experience necessary to know that there are, in fact, adults that never became adults. In all seriousness, putting all arguments and whatnot aside, anything we say or do cannot harm her more than her own inner demons. Her delusions and fantasies are just that... and nobody can break those except herself, and she probably never will, becuase they provide her comfort. I'm not claiming to know this woman at all, but any person who has been around her for an extended period of time can perceive her true personality.

So flame her (MA2000) as you will, but I think I'm done, because the one doing the most damage to her on these boards is herself.


06-23-2003, 11:20 PM
Alright alright, no need to take things so seriously.

From an RP point of view, none of your characters should know anything about any of this discussion in game.

But, since I'm pretty sure that you don't care about RP, I'm wasting my breath. There is absolutely no reason to go around getting all heated over something someone says about a fictional character in a fictional game.

06-23-2003, 11:24 PM
OK, sorry but I had to stop laughing long enough to post.

Wait, I reread her posts and started laughing again.

Alright, I need some clarification:

If name calling is immature, what exactly is wishing death to people via traffic?

"with the fact he would not "put out"....again, like everyone else around here....you hear what you wanted to hear. "

Who on Earth would WANT to hear that?

Again, I'll ask of you what I have asked before: Pick a story and stick with it. You and all your personalities, (OOPS! I meant friends, you and all your voices, darn, I did it again)... just can't keep up with all the different versions of reality you keep creating.

Oh, and by the way, I am far too new in the lands to be part of the so-called "Brady Bunch." I am quite bunchless as a matter of fact. Bunch-free, lacking bunchness....:D

06-23-2003, 11:24 PM
I think she and Kesir should date each other.


06-23-2003, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
I think she and Kesir should date each other.



06-23-2003, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
I think she and Kesir should date each other.

100th poster here!

I was thinking that her and Warclaidhm should, one experienced, one not, great compensation

oh crap, she beated me, well, 101th then

[Edited on 6-24-2003 by Xcalibur]

06-23-2003, 11:42 PM
Hah, sucker! :P

06-23-2003, 11:48 PM
Hehe this has been almost as fun as reading the new Harry Potter book. Since the topic is a two-headed fire breathing bitch, though, it can't be more fun than a wand waving wizard.

Who really needs to find something better to do.

06-23-2003, 11:52 PM
Tayre, you freaking kill me, man. ::is falling over laughing::

My fiancee is watching me laugh at the computer screen and looking at me like I'm crazy.


06-24-2003, 12:19 AM
We're all crazy... Its a requirement for GS types

06-24-2003, 12:30 AM
Damn. Who knew?


06-24-2003, 02:51 AM
Woo, look at me, I'm not hiding my name!! Yay!

Yes, I've had a run in or two with the player behind Gracy and her "group". Most vividly, I remember her trying to Hook up Adredrin with one of her youngin's about 2 days after "dumping" dainslef, and being that I'm his Roomie, I took an fair offence to that. I find it amusing how I see her with someone new almost constantly, personally. I really do think she is just after some cyber-sex..someone show her porn sites or something, hehe.

Anyways..I'll always beleive Naessi over, well, pretty much everyone on these boards, but thats just because I know her better then the rest o ya! :smilegrin:

Oh..and on a side note, the reasoning "Gracy" gave naessi about leaving Dainslef does not even come CLOSE to matching what she told him. His RL job kept him from meeting her needs..cause she wants someone around EVERY moment she is in game..or she will be forced to flirt with someone else. Pfhht.

-Player of Adredrin, Cacalia, Casilda, Bakuratsu, Arinvar, Trinitis, and Avago, and the OLD Danica (before my name was stolen). Icemule Resident for 10 years now.

06-24-2003, 03:15 AM
You lived in Icemule in '93?

06-24-2003, 03:34 AM
Bah, sorry, I miscounted..I've been in GS for about 6-7 years..when I moved to another house in mid-highschool it blurred together and mixed up a few years on me :-x

06-24-2003, 05:16 AM
I think that about sum's it up for all of us that respond to this thread. For those who read it and do not respond, they are laughing their asses off, or they are shaking their heads in disgust... pick one. I for one find this entertaining.

Well, this thread was all but dead a few days ago. Imagine my surprise when I opened the concerns folder to see it had jumped to 5 pages.

So far I've scalded my nostrils with coffee, doused the screen with mucus laced java, nearly wet myself, and most importantly ... convinced my spouse that I'm more than just a few bricks shy.

I've had my dealings with her other characters not knowing they were Gracey. Now that I know, it only makes sense.

My head hurts now. :(

06-24-2003, 06:31 AM
I almost felt sorry for her until she insulted everyone and wished children harm.


06-24-2003, 09:13 AM
I am only going to say one last thing to all of you, and although you can think this is whoever the hell you want to...it's not.
I think all of you are a bunch of heartless disgusting individuals.
How dare you post things about someone's RL personal life...and those people that she thought were her friends, post things that were whispered in a private conversation.
How dare you put private things here for everyone to see.
No matter how much you may dislike or hate this person, you dont put things like that for every one's eyes.
I guess you dont really know who your "friends" are until you stab them in the back.

You people are the most disgracful, pitiful, disgusting people I have ever encountered in my life to do and say such things about someone you know nothing about.

Most of you that posted here say you only "saw" Gracy do these things, but you never actually encountered her doing them to you.
You "say" you heard some of her EX's whispering to you, getting you involved in something that also has nothing do with you, but again, she never said a word to you herself.

You are simply assuming she is this horrible person just because of what others are saying about her, when most of those others dont know a damn thing about her in RL or in the game because they have never actually interracted with her about any of this crap they are saying here.

You have attacked her personality both her in game one and her RL one, which none of you REALLY know anything about, you have even gone as far as to insult her morality.
Those of you who say you have spoken to her on IM's have even stated it was 'before"...but did not actually say how long ago it was that you spoke to her on IM....seeing as how it was a while ago now, a long while ago...
Things have happened in her RL that have made her a different person than what you may have known.

If something tragic happens to someone it changes you, no matter what it may be....wheather it be a death of someone close or an illness...it changes you.
She is not the same person you may have known "before" on IM so that pretty much means the person she is now, you know nothing about.

You all bitch about her RPing skills when I have yet to see any of you RPing at all. Attacking someone's RL is not in game RP and when you whisper it to someone else, that is still not RPing...that is going OOC.
If you dislike her to the point that you hate her so much, then why in gods name are you even talking about her?
Because it's fun? Because it's entertaining? What a freaking joke....
That just makes you even more heartless than you already are.
Doesn't anyone monitor these forurms?
Oh that's right he/she finds all this heartless digracing of another person just as entertaining as the rest of you.
Well I guess that makes them just as pitifully heartless as the rest of you because if they were not,they would have shut this tread down like they did the other one.

I curse you. I curse each and everyone of you...Naessi, Kisharra, Daina and all the rest of you.
I curse your family, I curse your children and your children's children....
If you dont like the girl then simply leave her the hell alone. There are pleanty of room within each town for you to stay away from each other.
Then do so already. Just leave each other alone, stay in your own corners of the game.

I hope I dont ever run into any of you in a room alone, because if I do I will kill you where you stand, and keep killing you until there is nothing left to kill.

If I ever meet any of you in RL, I will push your sorry asses and any family member that might be with you, into a speeding train, riding the world of your pathetic, disgusting heartless piece of crap existance once and for all.

06-24-2003, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by MA2000
I curse you. I curse each and everyone of you...Naessi, Kisharra, Daina and all the rest of you.
I curse your family, I curse your children and your children's children....
If you dont like the girl then simply leave her the hell alone...(blah blah)...If I ever meet any of you in RL, I will push your sorry asses and any family member that might be with you, into a speeding train, riding the world of your pathetic, disgusting heartless piece of crap existance once and for all.

Phew. Well, not only am I now cursed, but I'm going to apparently die some horrid traffic death if I meet this person face-to-face at any point in time.

Again, Gracy's player, not really doing a good job of making the case for not being a psycho. The title of this thread, "This girl is frigging nuts," pretty much says it all.

And if you're still bothering to deny that you're Gracy, then this is awfully vehement prose for defending someone you sort of casually know that saved you a few times while you were hanging out in Icemule which you do only occassionally (first post) or sometimes on a daily basis (subsequent posts).

I'd hand you a shovel, but I think you might already posess the biggest one there is. Keep diggin', girl.


PS Let's not forget how you harassed poor Marclar, who is one of the sweetest kids I've ever met, as Sahbine. FYI, Rivenna and Amberisse were the same person... which I thought was really funny at the time!

06-24-2003, 09:52 AM
I think it's time to prep 315

:: wiggles nose ::

Not So Quiet
06-24-2003, 09:57 AM
Sounds like Sylken is back in the game with new toons.


~Retired from Gemstone

P.S. BTW...MA2000. Threatening physically any member of these boards or their family members is a bannable offense.. Please edit your post.

[Edited on 6-24-2003 by Not So Quiet]

06-24-2003, 10:08 AM
I just want to point out to Gracy, MA2000 or whomever, that most of the attacks here have been towards the characters and how she plays them, mostly commenting that she's screaming for attention and affection (which could/would make her rather psycho to some). I think the most someone has threatened with has hoped that she either stop with her antics, leave the town she's in and/or stop playing. But yet you feel it's absolutely fine and dandy to tell these people that what they went through with her characters are lies and should all die... this is better how?

I'm sure no one really likes to see a thread about themselves with people talking badly about them. However I personally would take that as a hint that I should perhaps change my ways of playing if I'm pissing off that many people. If she wants to make friends, she's going about it the wrong way and if she keeps it up, she's going to have a reputation that preceeds her and making friends will be a chore in itself.

If she is really hurt by all of this and is offended, she can come here and tell either the moderator of this folder or the admins that she wishes the thread closed, or she can post that request herself. You yourself stated that this is just a game and yet now you want to beat up everyone that has posted against Gracy. Don't you find something flawed with that logic, when NO ONE has wanted to cause harm to Gracy's player in any way, shape or form. If anyone cannot separate the game with reality is you, my dear. Let it go.

06-24-2003, 10:40 AM
This is definetly a very disturbed personality. And shes bringing it all in game to the non-enjoyment of others. Its a shame but all the offering of help, the flames, the observations mean nothing because you can't communicate to someone like that. They have no understanding of what they are doing. Thats why you get the posts back saying they are someone else and now posts stating that they will kill you in real life. In her mind this is all good and everyone else is evil or lying.

Anyway was a really entertaining group of posts. Many chuckles.

I might have to log in and roam Mule just to watch the fireworks.


06-24-2003, 10:42 AM
I will let it go on her behalf if everyone else does.
If you will tell me how to contact the moderator and administrator I will do that as well.
I know they are all continuing this just because they know it is irking her and me...so it keeps going.
That just makes them more heartless and now even petty to keep something going just because they know it bothers someone else.
There is no need for her to be made to leave town, or told she has to leave...GS is a game that everyone pays to play, and if she wishes to reside in Mule, that is her choice...if these people dont like it, then they can leave.

As I said before...there are plenaty of rooms within each town for everyone to just stay away from each other. If you dont think she RPs at all, if you dont like her, then fine, stay the hell away from her.
She has changed...she is not the same person as she was when she was with people like Dain, or whomever else you threw into the mix here.

But I am sure you wont believe that because you are in your own little world of lies and childish behavior...
Oh by the way, just because I may have said somethings that were simular to what Gracy may have said herself or someone else on the other boards, that does not mean we are one in the same.
I am merely taking things I have previously read and putting them here.

You are all very immature, childish and now bieng very petty to keep posting nasty remarks about someone you either hardly know or dont know at all.
You are judging a book by it's cover or by what others say and that is simply a bunch of crap.
Like I said, if you dislike her so much, or think she is not a good RPer, then just stay away from her....it's that simple.

I will let it go Crystal, as soon as you put me in contact with a moderator and administrator so I can end this crap once and for all.

06-24-2003, 01:56 PM
"You are all very immature, childish and now bieng very petty to keep posting nasty remarks about someone you either hardly know or dont know at all. "

Well this thread was started by someone who had problems with her..and most of the posts here are posts from folks that have had problems with her as well..so we are talking from our own experiences.

"You are all very immature, childish and now bieng very petty to keep posting nasty remarks about someone you either hardly know or dont know at all. "

Hmm, I think that could be said for the in game death threats as well as rl threats you have now proposed upon us. You could have just lurked here as a *friend* seeing what all of us had to complain about, but yet you got VERY defensive for you *friends* sake. So much so, YOU were out of line. This topic was for us to air our grievances, and we have done so, and more and more folks are doing so, this might tell you something about *your friend*..I'd watch my back if I were you where she is concerend .

06-24-2003, 02:09 PM
On the main page you'll see who the moderator is for each of the folders, and concerns is moderated by Zanagodly and Weedmage Princess. Click on them to get their information to contact them. Kranar and Caels are the admins for the boards.

How about everyone let it go? Be the better man/woman/etc and stop encouraging them to come back and reply to your bitterness.

Besides, these are just words said through frustration. People say lots of things on message boards (because they can since this IS an OOC forum and they CAN say whatever the hell they want) and once in the game they don't really act on what they wish they could do, i.e. running her out of town, getting her banned. They may get into fights with her in the game but I'm sure it's because it's related to their situation. You're assuming way too much about these people, and you know what they say about people that assume. :D

"You are all very immature, childish and now bieng very petty to keep posting nasty remarks about someone you either hardly know or dont know at all. "

Right back atcha, babes. You don't know any of these people yet you feel its deemed necessary to threaten them physically because they're being so mean to your friend. Frankly, it seems that she has brought this on herself. Let the girl fight her own battles, she got herself into them.

Of course if you keep this up, they may end up starting a whole new thread, taking their focus off Gracy and onto you instead. :P

[Edited on 6/24/2003 by CrystalTears]

06-24-2003, 02:09 PM
Life's a bitch and then you die. We don't need anyone else to add on to life's work.

Anything I said wasn't aimed towards Gracy's player. Gracy herself is friggin Borderline. For you to threaten anyone like that just shows how ridiculously idiotic and base you can be. You disgust me, Gracy. I can't believe you'd stoop as low as to 'curse children' and wish death upon people. And throwing people in front of trains?? Did you learn that in Serial Killer 101? What the hell IS that? Please resume your medications as quickly as possible before you hurt yourself or others. And maybe try turning off your computer for a couple hours one day and take a walk or something. Or some sedatives. Whichever works.


06-24-2003, 02:10 PM
"You are all very immature, childish and now bieng very petty to keep posting nasty remarks about someone you either hardly know or dont know at all. "

I mean this paragraph for the death threats and such...

06-24-2003, 02:13 PM
Fat pink bunny cleric just wantsa carrot.

:: wiggles nose ::

06-24-2003, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by MA2000
I will let it go on her behalf if everyone else does.
If you will tell me how to contact the moderator and administrator I will do that as well.

I will let it go Crystal, as soon as you put me in contact with a moderator and administrator so I can end this crap once and for all.

Just stop posting for goodness sakes. People come here to complain about people and things in ways they cannot on the official boards. No matter who we are kvetching about we DO run out of ammo after a while and the thread dies off. That is EXCEPT when someone such as yourself keeps reloading the mag as you have been.

If you truly care about this person as a friend then just drop it. The only reason its gotten as large as it has and gone on this long is because you keep coming back. You may be trying to defend them, but are only hurting them in the long run.

Yes, it amuses many myself included to see such drama and thats not a very highbrow thing, but my advice to you is given in all earnestness.

06-24-2003, 02:41 PM
"If she is really hurt by all of this and is offended, she can come here and tell either the moderator of this folder or the admins that she wishes the thread closed, or she can post that request herself. "


"I will let it go Crystal, as soon as you put me in contact with a moderator and administrator so I can end this crap once and for all."

You? She said Gracy could come here to do so....you're just a *friend*, so I am not sure you have such right.?

06-24-2003, 02:46 PM
A strong image of Wizard of Oz comes to mind with munchkins singing "Ding, dong, the witch is dead!"

Or if you ask Daina, you could put in the witch sending her flying monkeys after Dorothy. Daina has certianly had her share of flying monkeys today, from what I heard.

Ok I think I'm done. I have to go out of town for like... 3 days so this will probably be wrapped up by then. Unless I can find somewhere to put my laptop on the internet... then I'll do everything in my power to drag this out! :-D

06-24-2003, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by MA2000
I hope I dont ever run into any of you in a room alone, because if I do I will kill you where you stand, and keep killing you until there is nothing left to kill.

Bring it on Gracy..or who ever you are. If I can take down fury members, I can take you down. Am I invincible, nope..but I'm a hell of a lot smarter then you are thats for darn sure. So common, find Adredrin, I dare ya ;)

-Adredrin, Two smoking fingers.

06-24-2003, 04:09 PM
That someone gets so upset that they will threaten other people with death, and puts curses on them, only proves that she is very disturbed, and it is sad.

To you dear Gracy, I send you a handful of hugs, a nice long prayer that you feel better, and get the help that you need, and many blessings of a lovely life for you.

And to your comment on losing someone..I've lost loved ones too, (In fact I lost my father not long ago at age 59)and I know how it hurts..it doesn't turn you into someone who would hurt other people..or at least it didn't with me. It made me treasure the people around me even more..


P.S. And to everyone else..believe in karma.;)

[Edited on 6-24-2003 by Ilvane]

06-24-2003, 04:32 PM

I'm impressed, you could probably give serenity lessons to the Dalai Lama. I'm a little more, er, reactive (nuclear reactive?) when someone harasses my friends, says nasty things about them to me, and then threatens the children I don't have yet.

But as I said, you impress me. Taking a deep breath, trying to concentrate on my Ilvane-like peaceable state.


06-24-2003, 04:46 PM
Heh.. I only wish I knew Gracy now. My thief would have a field day with her.

Oh... and you would have to be a complete idiot not to know MA2000 is the player of Gracy. I'm not sure what's more pathetic... that she doesn't think anyone can tell... or that she is pretending to get all this information from the player of Gracy. If that were the case... I would say get a fricken life already! Who the hell would sit there and listen to every single detail of some stupid drama in a game? Who would actually sit there and talk about every single detail of some stupid drama in a game?

Either way you spin it MA2000... it's pathetic.

06-24-2003, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Heh.. I only wish I knew Gracy now. My thief would have a field day with her.

Oh... and you would have to be a complete idiot not to know MA2000 is the player of Gracy. I'm not sure what's more pathetic... that she doesn't think anyone can tell... or that she is pretending to get all this information from the player of Gracy. If that were the case... I would say get a fricken life already! Who the hell would sit there and listen to every single detail of some stupid drama in a game? Who would actually sit there and talk about every single detail of some stupid drama in a game?

Either way you spin it MA2000... it's pathetic.

don't forget the 10 or so morons she has as 10 husbands for her 10 representation of herself.

those are the actual idiot, and she is their queen

06-24-2003, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by MA2000
I guess you dont really know who your "friends" are until you stab them in the back.

This is interestingly worded.

06-24-2003, 05:06 PM
Just out of curiosity (yeah I'm stirring the pot.. see my big spoon?! :D), who are the "friends" that are being backstabbed? Seems like no one here except for Sybil was/is friends with her and had their friendship ruined over this. So unless she's backstabbing herself, I'm all confused. :o

06-24-2003, 05:17 PM

I think she's so confused that she MIGHT be stabbing herself in the back by this point. It gets hard to keep track of lie after lie.


06-24-2003, 05:32 PM
Acutally, I'm quite sure she is talking about me. Last I heard, she still thinks I'm her friend. I gave up on trying to be friends with her after Naessi told me about being cornered by her. I think she is just upset because Naessi is a better woman then her...but thats just me ;)


06-24-2003, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
Acutally, I'm quite sure she is talking about me. Last I heard, she still thinks I'm her friend. I gave up on trying to be friends with her after Naessi told me about being cornered by her. I think she is just upset because Naessi is a better woman then her...but thats just me ;)


Besides, you gotta respect a gal who is willing to kill your alts for the pure fun of it! Long live Danica! Rawr!

06-24-2003, 05:51 PM
::tickles Adredrin::

The story with Danica/Astria was one of the best yet! Besides the one with Dainslef/Grandevr that Gracy berated me for in a previous post:)


06-24-2003, 05:53 PM
Good lord this girl gets around. :D

06-24-2003, 05:53 PM
Hey, I was at that wedding, and while I tend to lean twords the thought of "$200 for alters and an RP session..ugh.." I also think it was really neat! Woulda been better if you and dain coulda got hitched on the spot though. Hehehe


06-24-2003, 06:00 PM
Heh, I'm not talking about that here. The log IS on the official boards, after all.


06-24-2003, 06:26 PM
Fat pink bunny cleric just wantsa carrot.

:: wiggles nose ::BTW, Boo says hi :)

Looking into that tabard thing for you :)

[Edited on 6-24-2003 by Aasterinian]

06-24-2003, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
A strong image of Wizard of Oz comes to mind with munchkins singing "Ding, dong, the witch is dead!"

Tayre you're unfit to talk of slightly less than tall people. Do it again and we'll feed you to the carrion worms.

06-24-2003, 08:46 PM
Well...seems like i've missed most of this party but I still want to put my thoughts in. Woulda done it much sooner but hey...wouldn't you know i just now knew these boards exisisted. Great way to join up eh?? :lol:

Gracy...I don't hate you. I don't wish you a horrible disease. I don't want to see your kids run over by cars being driven by a drunk monkey in a clown suit!! But I do know one thing, I'm sorry I met you. My first and last experience with your characters is something I wish no one to encounter one day.

I had a great thing going with my character, he had a cute wonderful girl & her player & I were great friends. But then Sahbine shows up. Now i'm not saying your fully to blame. I was an idiot and shouldn't have listened to you. But you kept up your game. Always whispering stuff like "You know, she is never around...", "If I had a guy like you I wouldn't leave him alone all the time...", "she doesnt deserve you." Stupid me, after time and time again of hearing this stuff...I started to think you had a point. Long story short, since you didn't get what you want you ran and told on me. My character was hated and I lost a great friend. Because I listened to you I lost one of the closest people I had. Wouldn't even talk to me. Everything in Gemstone went downhill for me after that. I seriously thought of leaving the lands because all of this flaming and drama isnt worth that much pain. True this is a game, but everyone here must admit that they have some pride in their characters, when stuff like this happens, it hits home.

After almost a year I've just now been able to talk to my friend again and things are looking good for my character. But what you did Sahbine, Gracy, and lord knows who else you are just sickens me. Not that you hurt me...but that you continue to hurt other people like myself, Dain, and probably countless others. I'm sorry if i'm just a kind person & seem to disaprove of the ideas that some people have in this game but it's people like you & acts like what you do that turn people away from this game. Because that is what this is...a game. A place where people can come together & have a fun time, not get hurt by others or hear people bi**h about who slept with who.

I'm sorry Gracy...I'm sorry that you feel the need to do this type of stuff to people and make so many others hate you. Maybe Tayre is right (although a guy who hates socks?? :lol: j/k Tayre) maybe you do need help. I hope you get it. I hope you stop hurting others and realize that just because this is a game for us, you don't need to treat people like trash.

I'm tired of remembering about this stuff so i'm ending my post here...maybe i'll go find some happier threads to post on.

06-24-2003, 09:36 PM
Well I've been reading this long enough to get a bad taste in my mouth. The Gracy clan is coo coo for cocoa puffs. Their threats are as empty as their head. Hey Gracy clan, when you get out of Bellevue, are you going to get a real job ? I advise against that cause I'm fairly certain your coworkers will end up lynching you.

For those of you that are suprised she is popping off and spewing sewage, or think there is one shread of validity in anything she does or says, here's a head's up for you :

She has diarrhea of the mouth, and a vacuum between her ears.

I've been around long enough to see quite a few trouble makers and loudmouths. This is an example of a loudmouth and a trouble maker. Unfortunately for her, her loudmouthed braying is only causing trouble for herself. Shut up while the shutting is good.

There, I tried to help with some sound advice.

06-24-2003, 10:48 PM
Sabiene Alexainder arrived at 10:39 pm.

Hmmmm funny....she had a character named Sahbine Alexander....coincidence?
Too creepy for me....

06-24-2003, 11:06 PM
Man this is the funnies thing i have ever read on these boards, followed closely by Warclaidhm's constant bitching.

06-24-2003, 11:31 PM
Mors! Ya old witch, how ya doin? Long time no type! :-P I'll have to catch up with ya soon in game so I can get a witchly scowl and a hug..I'll buy the drinks ;)


06-24-2003, 11:37 PM
:;winces:: don;t forget Terriana too!! Another gracy soul......!

06-25-2003, 01:29 AM
OKay, this is my third post ever and I'm not to good at spacing, paragraphing, spelling or any other nuances that people pick on.

I just finished reading six pages of very interesting posts, and felt that since I'm a pain in the arse and since I generally don't know when to keep my mouth shut I'm responding.

I'd like to think everyone knows me or has heard of me, but for those who don't I'll explain briefly. I'm a flirt very good at it and I make no bones about probably enjoying the company of most of the women of elanthia (not meant to offend just a lil history).

Now I've seen alot (ponders) sorry I've seen two people jump up and defend Gracy and I've seen 6 pages worth of people rip her a new one.

I met Gracy the same way I meet everyone, In mule kissing noses (yes pyschiatric problems since I'm a dwarf who kisses the noses of every lady he sees) She kind of wigged and told me that only her man was allowed to kiss her, Natuarlly my oh, you think I can't bed you attitude reared it's ugly little head (yes very conceited at times) and I went out of my way to subtely let her know I was interested in her, unfortunatly for me she decided she was also interested in me but would not share me with anyone, me being me found the idea of being permanantly tied to someone deeply disturbing (until now ::gazes lovingly at Ambraisha pure love and adorement shining in his eyes::) SO i quickly set her straight and told her I don't do relationships, basically I rejected her (insert astounded gasp that Meri turned down a womans bed), she became quite agitated at me and told me at some length what she thought of me.

In time it blew over and I considered it done, then one day I was thinking over the amunet being the flirtatious little bugger I am and I was attacked not in private but openly on the net by Gracy, me being me got quite agitated (I do have a fiersome temper when pushed) and thought quite loudly over the net that I hoped her current boyfriend enjoyed sleeping with half of elanthia, I was promptly warn interaction by her, she then continued to berate me over the amunet until I told her you wanted me to have nothing to do with you now kindly do the same and leave me alone, she did not so I reported her for harrasment (first last and only time i have ever used that command in over seven years of playing).

I do have the logs for all of this but I don't like to break them out as it bothers me, if wanted I will, just don't like to.

Needles to say we settled in to a ignorance of each other until we both kind of decided we'd talk to each other but we didn't have to be friendly.

Alsa this wondersome relationship was destroyed when I went for a corpse (side note if you don't know me, I've probably dragged more corpses back to town then 90% of the population) She arrived shortly after I did, I did not notice her as I had started to drag the corpse and she was making some noise (the corpse not gracy) I managed to drag the corpse one room before I noticed Gracy, I stopped and waited for her to follow, when she got there she said to me "I don't even know why your helping, it's not like you're even a cleric. Needless to say I got peeved and walked away (she was ripped a new one by Morstanya)

These are facts, I don't feel the need to lie, I don't feel the need to waste time writing this long post just to lie.

Also MA2000, I know that as someone who once knew, I mean who has seen her a couple of times, I mean who has become an aquaintance of, I mean who is a slight friend of, I mean who is good friends with, I mean who has shared blood with Gracy that you can help her find the help she needs.

OOOers also MA2000 just because your a guy doesn't mean squat, I can rattle off the character names of about 26 people who are Male and play female characters so just Shhhhhh.

Ummm Yeah, I have seen a lot of hypocritical stuff in most of your posts as well, so if your gonna help Gracy see that Psychiatrist you should ya know make an appointment for yourself.

The player of Meriman and about 8 other characters you would never guess (mwahahahahah)

This is just my opinion and in now way represents normal human beings as playing so many characters each with their own personalitys takes a psychotic human being

Every problem man has ever had, has been the fault of a woman! - Me

06-25-2003, 02:15 AM
Gracy, I hope you do realize that when you warn interaction someone, YOU'RE not allowed to interact with them either. You're BOTH supposed to ignore each other as though you don't exist to each other. You're not supposed to talk to them, about them or near them ever. So warn interaction with someone and then being a jerk afterwards does not work.

You're a bedding woman... lie in the bed you made, dear.

06-25-2003, 03:15 AM
"You're a bedding woman... lie in the bed you made, dear."

VERY well said.


06-25-2003, 12:12 PM
I dono, I've dragged a lot of people in my time in GS..a lot of lots..


06-25-2003, 02:12 PM
Hi lo's Aasterinian!

Tell Boo I said hi lo's too! :: wiggles nose ::

06-25-2003, 05:39 PM

Hold the phone. <pants, tries to breathe after laughing hysterically> You have been brainwashing people into not liking someone? :lol: And yet she's the one having other people actually APPROACH people she's been having conflicts with because she can't settle her own disputes/problems? :lol:

People need to learn to mind their own frickin business.

06-25-2003, 06:46 PM
Well, she's getting attention now, isn't she? :grin:


06-26-2003, 12:34 AM
Down with the Gracy, Rawr!! I say lynch mob! ROAR!!

-Adredrin, bored.

06-26-2003, 03:06 PM
Well, supposedly she has moved on to Teras...well, that soul anyway....lucky them ....
and quite possibley has yet another soul wreaking havoc in Mule already... ::Sings:: We....are...waaattchingg..."

Miss Chica
06-26-2003, 05:04 PM
Well.....I feel its time i made a quick comment. Firstly, Gracy, I heard that you think I told people something about you getting 6x gear from someone or something, well you should know that I didnt even know you had till i read these boards, so how you think I told people is beyond me. Secondly, in reposnse to the flirting comment that was made about me, I see it was an attempt to draw the spot light away from the real issue, however, since i deliberatly RP Chica in that way, i took no offense what so ever to it, in fact its a compliment to my RP skills! As anyone that knows my other souls, knows they are RP'd in a different way completly. Thirdly, I also heard that you had said something about me siding with Daina, i found this quite funny, and childish, if i happen to think Daina is right on the issue of the arguement with Anmut, that is my buisness i would appriciate it Gracy that if you have an issue with me, you take it up with me, not anyone else. And finally, the comment about the killing of people's family etc was completly unacceptable, and whether M2000 is Gracy, or someone else, i sincerly advise you seek help from a doctor, these thoughts are not natural, and as an expert in sociology, I feel obligated to urge you to seek assistance. there are people that can help you.
That is all I have to say on the matter
Good day

06-26-2003, 08:05 PM
wow this thread has really gotten entertaining. Anyhow I am glad I do not know this Gracy person. Her attitude is alot like Atheanas though. That girl is nuts too. She reports if you look at her crosseyed. Actually after reading all this I wonder greatly if they are the SAME person. Who knows. Oh well its just funny to read. LOL

06-26-2003, 10:18 PM
You know, the insinuation that I'm not thinking for myself hits me hard. I think I'm left with no choice but to take that as a personal insult. Indeed, I think I'll form a clan of trollops to menace the person that made that insinuation and accuse them of everything from theft, and nepotism, to outright bigotry, pedophilia, necrophilia, and every other philia.

Another heads up from the witch...

A looooong time before this thread was started, this person was watched, and for good reason. This isn't something new, it's the culmination of her finally revealing herself.

I know you are still reading this. Suprise! We are on to you, and have been for a long time.

06-27-2003, 01:03 AM

I think you're a very well role-played character, I've watched you and think you do a great job... and you're way cute in the drama with little Saryis:)

There is a difference between RPing someone who is a flirt, et cetera, and someone who is just outright pyscho and posessive to the point that she yells at people for spending time with their real-life wives (Gracy's player did this to someone I know).

Chica does well. Gracy does not. Looks like this is winding down a bit, though.


06-27-2003, 01:46 AM
Well, damn. Spent a whole day reading this topic! Caels, et al... great work. These are the UOGSIII boards I've come to know and love. So happy to see them in full swing.

Two things.

I agree with that looney Chanuck Xcaliber... who ever she got caught up in her schemes were idiots.

Second, if you don't think people read this topic then went in with alts to check out the scene in Ice Mule... well, I would have if I had an account. Just out of curiosity of course, nothing to do with CIBER LOOL!!!!

06-27-2003, 10:22 AM
I think she's in Plat too, off and on

06-27-2003, 12:23 PM
(I think she's in Plat too, off and on)

On now thats just downright mean keep her in prime please.

06-27-2003, 12:44 PM
Describes one of our on-again-off-again Plat folks right to a Tee, Dinara

06-28-2003, 12:10 AM
I agree with Daina, after all is said and done, here shes been in an out with her chars...smug...tho some hide and have unpresence on (hmmm..wonder why ?)

06-28-2003, 06:55 AM
I don't particularly hate Gracy's player or anything, but I do hope she gets some counseling and then comes back with a better attitude and treats people the way she would want to be treated.


...Instant Karma's gonna get you...

06-28-2003, 11:23 AM
Well, Since you logged off/ignored me before I could respond, I'll just respond here, openly! :saint:

(Gracy) Just wanted to send this to you to say thank you so very much for cutting me, trashing me and making it well known on that forum that after all this time you are not my friend afterall.

Umm..sure, no problem. I've talked to you what...3 times in the past 7-8 months? That should show a sign of something. Matter of fact, the only time I *did* talk to you was when you came whining to me about this or that.

(gracy)You were one that I actually trusted all these months and now you stab me in the back.

Umm..I dono how you think that...like I said, we've said NOTHING for like..7 months. Unless you count "civil" interaction in game..in which case I'd hope you understand that Adredrin is "civil" to pretty much everyone. Part of his RP perspective.

(gracy)I should have had my friend make some horrible comments about you and the fact that you are some kind of transvestite who plays both male and female characters.

LOL, my very first post on these boards, under THIS subject, stated just about every char I've ever played, both male and female..if this makes me a transvestite..I guess I'm in trouble. Just don't tell Mazelina..she is comming to the US to see me in 2 months or so. ;)

(gracy)How dare you post messages like that about me..private things that I told you.

Hmm..this one I'm going to need more info on. What did I dare post that was private? That you tried to bed my char soon as you kicked dain to the curb? Or that Naessi is a better woman then you? :smilegrin:

(gracy)Just like the private stuff you told me about that GF you had in game with your female character, but the found out he was a actually a man playing a female role.

Yep, that happens..you know what its called? RP!! I actually COMMENDED him for playing a female so well. It was an RP'ed relationship to begin with..so its not like it was a bad thing. Fact of the matter is, I'd havta guess that 30-40% of the female population of GS is actually men.

(gracy)You are a pathetic person and it sickens me that I ever called you "friend". You are nothing more than a piece of trash like you portrayed me out to be in your posts. With friends like you, who the fuck needs enemies?

Hmm..ok. Thanks, now you finally understand! So..can you stop hitting on my chars then? :rolleyes:

-Adredrin. I love people who IM and run for the hills. Hehehe

06-28-2003, 12:25 PM
I'm almost half tempted to go to Icemule and see if she hits on me so I can find some other peons to tease.

06-28-2003, 12:35 PM
by all means, feel free ;)


06-28-2003, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by Kurili
I think she's in Plat too, off and on Ugh, that just ruins my sanctuary.

Zaor.. plat archer.

06-28-2003, 05:06 PM
This post is from Dreamyr, and is in no way reflecting the beleifs of this TV station. (ok, most likely is, but I'll never admit it!)

....she is not the same person as she was when she was with people like Dain, or whomever else you threw into the mix here.

This sounds so much to me like this bull-dog-faced whale of a man-stealing biotch that I had the unfortunate pleasure to know in two separate incidences. In the first one she had gotten herself into a mess much like this and extricated herself from it by having one of her aliases tell the lands that the persons 'soul' had died in rl. In the second she stole the sex-craving shiftless cruel one I had been seeing for a bit. (Thanks for taking the shiftless bum, really!). Not sure if this is her.......because I know there's a couple in the game who come in just to seperate others and to turn the guys against their girls . I think it is because they know these guys would run like hell in rl if they really knew em.
I, for one, think biotches like this should definately be banned from the game if found out. They create extensive damage to the rl players behind these characters they say they are "rp'ing" with.

Signed, Dreamyr.

I now return you to your normally viewed posts, thankyou.

-Adredrin, BBS producer, and all around fun guy! :bouncy:

[Edited on 6-28-2003 by LordAdredrin]

Lord Dainslef
06-28-2003, 06:16 PM
Just to let it be known I don't officially hate anyone...

and I quote "Hate a feeling I don't really get and hate can get you in some serious shit..." Fred Durst

But I have to say something on the subject on the subject of Miss Gracy/Nakitta and it is that anyone that knows me knows that I can be fairly friendly to all that are friendly to me...but when I'm being berated for working my butt off just so I can live and try to get around to playing this game when I get a chance that I'm not spending time with my significant other IG I'm sorry but life comes first then GS, (most of the time kinda like sleep :D) I'm sorry I like to ramble when I do actually get around to talking.

So back to the subject...what was I talking about....oh yeah Gracy, Dain met her once and we just sat at a table for about 10 to 15 minutes and that was about it...after I broke up with Nakitta maybe a few days afterword. And yet I was the one to blame for the break up because I was the one that was unwilling to "put out" as it was so elloquaintly put and was not spending enough time with her. "sighs"

One more thing-I'm not a prude, I'm shy...

I've only killed a few people nothing serious right?:rolleyes:

If you can read this you are too close.

[Edited on 6-28-2003 by Lord Dainslef]

06-28-2003, 06:19 PM
about this Gracy girl, no i'm sorry to burst your bubble but no i'm not her. and about me reporting, i unly do this when someone really bothers me, such random thoughts whispers or actions from the same person non-stop all insulting me, if you don't like me that's cool, ignore me then!


06-28-2003, 06:20 PM
errr unly? hehe a new word, no actually i mean only ... tee hee.

06-28-2003, 07:00 PM
Anyone know who her plat bodies are?

06-28-2003, 09:41 PM
Well I dont know Gracy personally except that when I as a Husband IG tried to defend my wife of Daina I was not only greeted with a volley of expletives but also warned on the spot when she realized how old I was. I mean come on, why pick a fight like she did then run she has a lowlevel complex I think.

Weedmage Princess
06-28-2003, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by Khaitiff
....I was not only greeted with a volley of expletives but also warned on the spot when she realized how old I was. I mean come on, why pick a fight like she did then run she has a lowlevel complex I think.

See, that's when you find yourself in this kind of situation dealing with a person like that, you gotta store your stuff in a locker, go buy a heavy backpack, leather sheath, mithril or ora shield and other straight out of the mangler gear...then approach them. They'll take a good look at you and start their crap..and give you a reason to blast them into the middle of next week.

06-28-2003, 10:08 PM
Oooo and I do love to stun them, limb disrupt each limb, and then let loose with a torment or nightmare depending on the mood..... mmmm I'll have to remember the deception next time.

06-29-2003, 01:07 AM
Heh, this was an amusing after midnight snack reading thingy. Alot of people know about what was Nakitta and I. I really did enjoy every moment with her until she griped at me for dropping her and GS when my RL family needed me. I tried to be civil, I tried to be nice. But I doubt it ever took hold. And yes my wife hates her, when Kitta tells me she's more important than my beloved wife, it tends to rile a few nerves. I may have been a flirt IG but everyone knew that. But anyways, I did my best to ignore Kitta but she likes to berate me on the net, heck sometimes I'm not even in the lands. Well whatever I'm done with the wench, I only hope she lives a happy life, course I think that will only happen if and when she has a menagerie of mindless men groveling at her feet and crawling at her every beckoning. But then again, I'm not sensitive cause I never ran to her every single time she was "emotionally" alone, f*ck me, I went to use the restroom and she's unstable? I'd hate to see how wierd she gets if I had to do a #2! Naessi, Ilvane, Morstanya, hell, even Kishy if she's around, love y'all, miss y'all. And yes I play female characters as well, don't believe every gender you notice, I am always in the dark, watching.

~Khelddar aka Nunnzio ArmKrusher, Lord of the Black Rose Clan

06-29-2003, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by Halfsilver
about this Gracy girl, no i'm sorry to burst your bubble but no i'm not her. and about me reporting, i unly do this when someone really bothers me, such random thoughts whispers or actions from the same person non-stop all insulting me, if you don't like me that's cool, ignore me then!

-Atheana :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes:

OMG we would love to but you are constantly whining on the net about as bad as Warclaidhm! Its like please please dieeeeee or dissappear already! When you are not on the net then your yelling in town.. like Vif does. OMG you just cant be civilized and quiet in the room either. You have to act like a moron who needs attention or something. Just make it stop! Omg just another reason why I hardly play GS anymore.. especially now that school is out.

Too many snerty 12 yr olds who crave attention.
:drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk:: drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk:

06-29-2003, 11:51 PM
I like acting like a moron who needs attention. Silly is good.

Red Devil
06-30-2003, 05:01 AM
Originally posted by GS4Gurl

Originally posted by Halfsilver
about this Gracy girl, no i'm sorry to burst your bubble but no i'm not her. and about me reporting, i unly do this when someone really bothers me, such random thoughts whispers or actions from the same person non-stop all insulting me, if you don't like me that's cool, ignore me then!

-Atheana :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes:

OMG we would love to but you are constantly whining on the net about as bad as Warclaidhm! Its like please please dieeeeee or dissappear already! When you are not on the net then your yelling in town.. like Vif does. OMG you just cant be civilized and quiet in the room either. You have to act like a moron who needs attention or something. Just make it stop! Omg just another reason why I hardly play GS anymore.. especially now that school is out.

Too many snerty 12 yr olds who crave attention.
:drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk:: drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk:

Do you have ADHD?

06-30-2003, 06:26 AM
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
This post is from Dreamyr, and is in no way reflecting the beleifs of this TV station. (ok, most likely is, but I'll never admit it!)

If Dreamyr has problems logging in, tell 'em to contact me.

06-30-2003, 07:29 PM
"Do you have ADHD?" --Parkbandit

You displayed two posts.
A. Who are you talking to?
B. What does ADHD have to do with anything?
C. Do you have ADHD?

Me, though, to be honest, I have always felt I've had some form of Adult ADD. :)

06-30-2003, 07:45 PM
While I don't approve of the accusation or implication, I think he was referring to the number of times you used OMG. Something that could have been overlooked without the attempt to troll.

07-01-2003, 03:10 AM
Hmm. well i'm glad you find me so annoying to you, i'm sure quite a feel people feel t he same way ... but not in the way you do considering when i'm on all i do is hunt or sell on the amulet. i USED to be crazy i will admit, but so far this year i've been quiet, and from what your saying now about me ... maybe its about time you should calm down a little bit too.

07-01-2003, 06:36 AM
Parkbandit didn't ask if someone had ADHD. Red Devil did. Perhaps someone wasn't <cough> paying attention?

>Bestatte wanders off, whistling tunelessly to herself.

07-01-2003, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by Bestatte
Parkbandit didn't ask if someone had ADHD. Red Devil did. Perhaps someone wasn't <cough> paying attention?

>Bestatte wanders off, whistling tunelessly to herself.

Now I'm being confused with Red Devil... someone shoot me now.

You dOOds suxor.

07-01-2003, 10:10 AM
[i]Originally posted by Parkbandit

Now I'm being confused with Red Devil... someone shoot me now.

You dOOds suxor.

As much as we disagree, I would never make that mistake. Never imply it either, that's just too low.

07-01-2003, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah

As much as we disagree, I would never make that mistake. Never imply it either, that's just too low.

We wouldn't disagree so much if you weren't wrong all the time ;)

07-01-2003, 02:19 PM

It's always such a let-down when these topics start cooling off and the idiot of the day stoppings digging him or herself a deeper hole.

Oh, well.


07-01-2003, 04:43 PM
Well, eventually every argument runs out of steam, but think of it this way, the more you play GS, the more possibile targets you can find!

07-01-2003, 05:41 PM
I can't believe that someone would actually suggest stuff about my wife like that. We've been playing gemstone since before most of you ever even heard of the game. Atheana is one of the most enthusiastic, outgoing characters in the realms today, and those who try to put her down are probably just inadequate roleplayers who are jealous. In a world of sullen, quiet zombie-like hunters, i think her outlook and actions are quite refreshing. Anyways, It's a nice commentary on the majority of the players that this ridiculous thread has actually continued as long as it has.

-Graysalin's Player

07-01-2003, 07:36 PM
I want to know who her plat chars are.

07-01-2003, 10:26 PM

Just who are you talking about ? In regards to those that "suggest stuff" about your wife...

That was a bit general and I'm wondering just who you consider an "offender".

In regards you your dismissal of this entire thread...

You read it, and posted.

07-02-2003, 12:19 AM
post 200 yay!

07-02-2003, 05:05 AM
I know RedDevil said it I was acting silly...you know like a person with ADD. LOL Bestatte! Anyways I love these boards they are so hilarious. Definately more fun than those boring GSIII boards in the game. There you have to do boring things like be civil to one another and kiss GM bootie. And well I'm not down for that.

07-02-2003, 11:59 AM
You can kiss my bootie... not a GM though.

07-02-2003, 04:17 PM
I agree with Daina, this thread was/is about a particular player and we'd hoped it would stay in topic...if ye haves another gripe, take it to another board :)

07-02-2003, 07:05 PM
would love to get my name off this board, guess you should speak with the one who posted it in the first place, :)


07-04-2003, 07:12 AM
Gracyissatan just arrived.
Gracyissatan just went east.

07-04-2003, 10:20 AM
This is what I saw the other day, I was dying.

Suddenly a large group of burly giantmen appear and wrestle Gracyucka to the ground. "Awright, Gracyucka!" barks the leader. "Come along quietly now, and you won't get hurt!"



07-04-2003, 10:50 AM
Nine pages. You people managed nine pages on a single person. And I'm sure most of it was long and pointless. I saw a total of three posts from this thread and was amazed at how stupid of a subject it is. And now it's nine pages long. NINE PAGES I TELL YOU.

07-04-2003, 11:14 AM
And you're contributing to it how? By being a troll? Cut it out. Coming here to tell us the posts are a waste of your time is getting old.

07-04-2003, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
And you're contributing to it how? By being a troll? Cut it out. Coming here to tell us the posts are a waste of your time is getting old.

I agree. Funny its a waste of his time but he keeps reading them and then replying to them to further waste more of his time. LOL.

07-05-2003, 05:15 AM
Let's just bump it up to ten. This player (I do feel a very slight twinge of sorrow for her) needs help. There. On topic too!


07-05-2003, 03:36 PM
Maybe Bob would be happier if we wrote nine pages of back and forth about HIM.


07-05-2003, 03:43 PM
<<I agree. Funny its a waste of his time but he keeps reading them and then replying to them to further waste more of his time. LOL.>>

I think I made it clear that I didn't read it.

07-05-2003, 05:52 PM
For the record, I think Gracy and all her spin off variants are complete idiots. My opinion, and one definately shared by alot of people.

07-05-2003, 05:52 PM
That's almost amusing..didn't read it, but keeps coming back to comment..:grin:


07-06-2003, 01:55 AM
Do you know what I do when I go into my browser, Ilvane? I don't go to this site, then look at posts and take my time with everything. I just go straight to forum.gsplayers.com/today.php and look at whatever has been posted since I last checked. You posted, I saw it, I looked at only your post.

07-06-2003, 03:22 PM
Hehe I was just going to post that...its been so nice her having at least 3 of her souls in teras..or 2..and another somewhere else...sure we have to deal with helenna, but not that much...such a relief!

07-06-2003, 03:31 PM
You know, after getting that completely OOC reaction from Alanamarie, I've been expecting Gracy to kick one over too, but I've noticed she has been really quiet (in game anyways..I still got that big IM from her).

Oh well, I guess peace and quiet is good to!

-Adredrin, retired Sorcerer of Icemule. Town Grump.

07-06-2003, 04:16 PM
I do feel for Teras, though one of my characters is there and I haven't seen hide or hair of her myself.

She is probably just hunting a lot. I suppose she probably has a reputation to live up to, as well.

I'm sure Teras can take care of her though, they are a bunch of tough cookies there.;)

There are quite a few krolvin around there too, just hanging out killing people..:grin:

Anyway, I like the peace and quiet too. I wasn't around long enough last night in Mule to really notice much of a difference, though..



[Edited on 7-6-2003 by Ilvane]

07-06-2003, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
Borderline Personality Disorder

Ha! Now I know what my psycho ex-girlfriend's problem is.

07-07-2003, 12:36 AM
Bleh. You had your own personal Gracy?

My deepest, truest sympathies.

07-07-2003, 04:15 PM
wow, who woulda thunkit that Icemule had so much drama?

hooray for Icemule!

07-07-2003, 05:12 PM
Icemule has more drama than more people think! heh.

I don't know, it's my favourite town, though..so I wouldn't trade it for the world.


07-08-2003, 04:00 PM
I agre it does seem to have it "small town" bits and affairs...tho getting more angry and so full of snerts...older ones too...but having Gracy et al, not around has been such a blessing! Such peace! Praise the goddess!

07-08-2003, 04:35 PM
Gracy [subdued]: "Selling: A ruby inlaid centaur hide sheath. Belt worn, opens and closes. MB:25k TTM if'n interested"

This is the person you're bitching about? She's in the Landing now.

07-08-2003, 05:06 PM
Ooooh maybe that means she's selling all her gear and leaving!!
::hopes and hopes and prays and hopes::


07-09-2003, 08:07 AM
One of my characters interacted with her yesterday.. I found her to be 'normal'.

There are so many more worthy idiots in the game to torture in my opinion.

07-09-2003, 09:15 AM
From what I gather from my friend who had dealings with her, is that she comes across as very normal at first. It's only when things aren't working out her way that things start going a bit awry.

I don't know from first hand experience, really though--aside from her confronting me and giving me a talking to once..which we had resolved amicably.


Belthania Pogrom
07-10-2003, 04:38 AM
I shoulda read this a week ago, I woulda been in tears laughing, I wont go into my Gracy Bash at this time.. Lets just say she has serious Issues. Alot of them!

Captain Amby
07-10-2003, 01:57 PM
ehh I never had prollems wif her.. but den again, I dun live in Mule much anymore. Prolly cause of people who act supposedly like dat. Oh wellios. Poopie!

Belthania Pogrom
07-11-2003, 03:17 AM
I love this shit, Bash Gracy week, by the way Gracy keep the fuck away from me and my others. I wont go into the crazyness I have seen from you.
Oh well screw it misewell;lets see I had to change aims and emails stoped wearing an amulet and you join voln just to talk to me!!!!!! But seriously people keep the hell away from her. She is so damn crazy even that dude from Silence of the Lambs look sane.

edited umm because a few words might have been a bit vulgar :::: snicker ::::

[Edited on 7-11-2003 by Belthania Pogrom]

07-11-2003, 08:02 AM
Must have been bad since you managed to keep at least one anyway. :lol:

Captain Amby
07-11-2003, 06:07 PM
uhh Okay. I changed my opinion Gracy because you've been saying crap about my friends and also wishing me death n all sorts of nasty stuff. Professionally speaking here, as a mental health worker, you seriously need help. If you were decompensating at this level outside of this game as you are inside and here, you would be involuntarily locked up. You need to take a breather and get some meds. It'd do you a world of good.

Red Devil
07-21-2003, 10:22 AM
theres no post left why didnt you delete it :( never understood why mods did that, enlighten me plz

07-21-2003, 11:17 AM
What are you talking about?

Red Devil
07-22-2003, 01:32 AM
caels editted someones post and said dont bring IRL conflicts on this board without consent, but left the post up, then when i replied it dissapeared :(

07-22-2003, 01:33 AM
Whatever you say.

Miss X
07-24-2003, 11:28 AM
Hmmm.....Gracy is back to her old tricks, man you would think she would learn!!!!!

07-24-2003, 11:45 AM
the deleted post was priceless, but I understand why it went.

07-24-2003, 12:21 PM
Damn.. I missed it.

07-26-2003, 10:35 AM
"Hmmm.....Gracy is back to her old tricks, man you would think she would learn!!!!!"

OK, tell us what shes doing now?? We want to know...

07-26-2003, 08:47 PM
Every town has its village idiot.

For Icemule, it's Gracy.

For Ta'Illistim its Alynia.

For Ta'Vaalor it's Alcoven.

For Solhaven it's Talenia.

Except Wehnimer's Landing, which has a dozen idiots.


07-26-2003, 08:49 PM
What about Zul Logoth, Vornavis, The Hidden Settlement, The Giantkin Village, Pinefar, The Caravansary, The Northern Caravansary, and Sylvarraend (sp)?

07-26-2003, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
What about Zul Logoth, Vornavis, The Hidden Settlement, The Giantkin Village, Pinefar, The Caravansary, The Northern Caravansary, and Sylvarraend (sp)?

I'd post them, but there's about 3 or 4 people in those towns at any given time. Idiots come every 1 per 50 people or so.

Crazed Sylvan
07-27-2003, 12:04 AM
This happened tonight:

* Glrlalclylsucks is off to a rough start! She just bit the dust!

For those who can't read between the lines... take out the L's and the name is Gracysucks.

07-27-2003, 12:14 AM
Oh no, whats she been upto now?

07-28-2003, 09:55 AM
Since Gracy has moved out of Icemule, she can't be considered our village idiot anymore. However we have aquired several new ones! Not that I'm one to drop names...

Yes I am:
Solice (she was here for a short while... I think we ran her off)

There are others, but I won't name them becuase I'll get myself in trouble. Oh.. and the Halfling Gang has moved out too, I think. Probably to get a few trains and come back so they can steal and kill and such easier. Terrorist.

Candor left too. I think he's busy trying to loot Jants in the Landing. And dying several times a day in the process.

[Edited on 7-28-2003 by Tayre]

07-28-2003, 10:06 AM
When my character was in Zul, that was quite possibly the nicest group of people I'd been around.

07-28-2003, 11:16 AM
Yeah. Solice is a total bitch. She likes to throw her weight around simply because she has a nice chunky CS.

07-28-2003, 12:04 PM
She came to Icemule "Because of the crap in the Landing". We politely informed her that there were several other towns she could go take the bug out of her ass in.

She's MAing right now and leveling some character of hers, Ashron or something. The town got fed up with her so we all just ignored her and REPORTed for a while. She left.

07-28-2003, 12:37 PM
Remember Vehnbaeron Tayre? I think he was driven off too.

07-28-2003, 06:52 PM
Lets all hope she pays for her insolence with the life of her first born. Or something.

07-31-2003, 02:19 PM
awww no one has any more gracy stories???
Does this mean she is behaving herself......hmm...I almost...miss it!! :;ducks::

07-31-2003, 04:14 PM
$5.00 says Gracy's actually a guy.

08-01-2003, 04:50 PM
Actually, Gracy claimed to someone in IM (I can't remember who) that she was happily married with a wonderful husband.

Heh, that's probably why she feels the need to possess every guy in Elanthia.


08-01-2003, 05:42 PM

It's some 45 year old fat guy, I'm telling you. Probably has bad BO too.

08-01-2003, 10:42 PM
it's gotta be a woman, or a transexual maybe

08-02-2003, 08:11 AM
Man, you guys are ruthless when you don't like someone. :D