View Full Version : Delirium Manor Jackpot - a tall black silk hat (Magician's Hat)

06-24-2017, 01:01 AM
a tall black silk hat

>anal my hat
You analyze your black silk hat and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
This is a fancy magician's hat originally created for Delirium Manor! The hat can be used once every 24 hours and you will randomly PULL out a "prize"!

You last pulled an item out on: Hasn't been used yet
You can PULL the hat again on: Anytime

You can tell that the hat is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.

Feel free to PM offers!

06-24-2017, 01:14 AM
Congrats on the pull. A little more info from my testing:

1st pull: Two casts of Premonition (via a magic powder script)
2nd pull: A carrot. A delicious one, at that, but still, just a carrot.
3rd pull: A baked rum-soaked apple. Delicious, and alcoholic!
4th pull: An ebon-spotted bright crimson firestone (possibly unique gem)
5th pull: A vaalin-spun intense lilac feystone (possibly unique gem)
6th pull (first pull outside): A bighorn sheep (level 18 critter) {Oubar was level 20 at the time, possibly generates critters based off of level?}

GM Haliste has said that the hat will be getting a loresong in the very near future. (Got the impression it was going through QC).

06-24-2017, 01:40 AM
I assume pulling out a critter in town will get you arrested.

06-24-2017, 02:29 AM
Not sure why you would assume that.

06-24-2017, 01:59 PM

06-24-2017, 02:08 PM
Not sure why you would assume that.

Because he's retarded.