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06-22-2017, 07:35 PM
Is there anywhere outside the manor to sell doll parts and acc for tickets? It's always such a scramble inside!

06-22-2017, 07:39 PM
Is there anywhere outside the manor to sell doll parts and acc for tickets? It's always such a scramble inside!

Rarely, an npc will venture outside. But that's like once an hour, maybe.

06-22-2017, 08:22 PM
Is there anywhere outside the manor to sell doll parts and acc for tickets? It's always such a scramble inside!

The NPCs have a chance to venture outside every ~50 seconds. Once outside, they stay outside for ~5 minutes.

Why is it such a scramble inside? You have an hour to search 10 times, and sometimes you'll get extra searches. I'm curious about this, as I've seen it mentioned a handful of times. You cannot even get a doll part (unless very rare or extremely rare) on your last search. The only thing you could technically get stuck with is a single accessory, which will see the same logic as the doll parts tomorrow.

06-22-2017, 08:29 PM
The NPCs have a chance to venture outside every ~50 seconds. Once outside, they stay outside for ~5 minutes.

Why is it such a scramble inside? You have an hour to search 10 times, and sometimes you'll get extra searches. I'm curious about this, as I've seen it mentioned a handful of times. You cannot even get a doll part (unless very rare or extremely rare) on your last search. The only thing you could technically get stuck with is a single accessory, which will see the same logic as the doll parts tomorrow.

I think the biggest issue for people is that the NPCs inside, wander far too quickly away from the rooms. I personally hated having hundreds of things to sell back to an NPC only to have them move rooms after every 5 pieces or so.

If there was a way to bulk sell items, like items inside a doll case similar to how containers work in say, the gem shop, it may alleviate ALOT of funk for people.

Sure, we have an hour to sell parts etc, but it does get tedious even with macro's or scripts. I think people would rather be spending time searching more, than selling.

But that's just my thoughts. In plat I hit the max item allowance alot of times, and finally got tired of selling here and there and sold it all...That wasn't fun heh

06-22-2017, 08:35 PM
The NPCs have a chance to venture outside every ~50 seconds. Once outside, they stay outside for ~5 minutes.

Why is it such a scramble inside? You have an hour to search 10 times, and sometimes you'll get extra searches. I'm curious about this, as I've seen it mentioned a handful of times. You cannot even get a doll part (unless very rare or extremely rare) on your last search. The only thing you could technically get stuck with is a single accessory, which will see the same logic as the doll parts tomorrow.

The biggest issue I faced, is when using a 50 use pass, you would hit the item limit before you used all the passes. So unless you kept track while inside, you could reach the item limit and not be allowed back in to exchange, meaning you had to wait outside for one to randomly appear, so you could go back in.

Frustrating, when you're going in during happy hour.

Is it really an issue to just have someone outside who accepts parts all the time?

06-22-2017, 10:36 PM
I actually I had no idea I had an hour inside. That's really good to know. Everything the others mentioned is spot on though. I was doing lots of runs so I had tons of stuff. I'm not experienced with these sort of events so during happy hour it felt like a scramble to inspect, and analyze everything while the NPC kept moving on me.

For me I'm bouncing in and out of game to determine what I've even found. Probably not the case for many. I'm sure that's contributing.