View Full Version : Klaive Bashing Revisited

09-12-2003, 04:17 PM

Edit: For those of you just joining us, in the Virginity thread, a few girls stepped forward and officially, in all respects, PWND Klaive. Completely and utterly. A good long laugh was had by all. Then, out of desperation, Klaive deleted the first post in the thread, thereby deleting the thread. But, thanks to Microsoft and the invention of the Back button, it has been reposted for all to enjoy.

Thanks, come again.

By Bewitchdryad25 (or whatever)

First of all, I would just like to say. Klaive you are a fucking hypocrite and a liar. I busted your ass in a chat room with a bunch of people. Because you march in on your "The park quaker' screen name which you deny is you and claiming about you screwing your girlfriend. SHE was in the same room. I told you that you were nothing but a piece of shit and a bastard, and that if my boyfriend come in saying the amount of demeaning things, and talking about our personal sex life as you did. I'd have his nuts on a mantle. That is the truth. You completely made her look like a whore for your own fucking benefit.

It's well known that you are nothing but a liar. You are NOT a virgin. So stop claiming that bullshit. Saving yourself for marriage? Only in GS can you make a new you and claim your a virgin all over again. Not to mention CHANGE your race. You've claimed to some that your italian, indian, and something else. Then when you get with another girl you claim your half black and half white. Make up your fucking mind of what race you are. Because frankly its getting old.

As for claiming you don't date "black" girls wouldn't that count bi-racial women as well. Hmm let me think. Someone who I won't mention names who left your sorry excuse for an ass. Was part black. I know because I am friends with her. SHE left because of your fucking lies.

You can claim I am psycho or that I don't know you. But I do know those who do know you. In fact I've sat in a chatroom with 3 of your ex's. As for being cute? I've seen you. You have only a face a mother can love. That is as long as she's blind, but that does explain why your lazy fat ass is still sitting under your mothers nose. You claim its being antisocial. Truth is your just to fucking fat and lazy to get off your ass and go out into the real world to make a human being of yourself.
You are not a human being you are a worthless piece of shit that should take one of those guns you 'own" and put it to your temple and pull the fucking trigger. You are a waste of skin and breath.

You love to pray on women with low self esteem or who are at a low point in their life. Then you take advantage of it but when they find out how you truly are. You claim they are psycho.

Pull your head out of your ass and realize what a pathetic liar you are perhaps someday find the real you. You might even start earning a little respect but that is something that I highly doubt considering what an idiot you truly are.

I am tired of seeing you make yourself out to be some god. When its obvious your not. I am tired of seeing my friends getting hurt by your stupid lies and bullshit. It is pathetic get a new hobby like mental help. It may just be the right one for you.


P.S If I get flamed I don't care. But personally I was tired of seeing all of his bullshit and lies that he makes up and has half the people feeling sorry for him, and the rest who know he is full of shit.

Alright... I was going to just let this whole "Virginity" thing run through. I was gonna let Darien talk all his shit and live in his FUCKED up fantasy world.... but dude, this shits gotta stop. I'm about to touch a few subjects here, and if it makes you look like an ass (which you've basically already done, so I doubt I can do much more) then so be it. If I look like an ass, then so be it as well. But you are one fucked up individual.....

I dont understand why you want someone who is "pure" when you are not too pure yourself. Do you think that someone who is hmm... as you described (the sweet, innocent, pure virgin type) is going to want someone like you? All the shit you've been through? The way your life has been?! Nahh... I didnt think so.

You claim you won't marry a black female. Well uh... *looks at her skin* I aint exactly Irish now am I? I'm not fully black, but it's in there. And to you, that's not pure.

I'm not a virgin. Havent been for some years. I've fucked more people than you will in your lifetime. Did you ever think of that? People make love... people have sex... and people fuck. It happens to everyone. You're just in this god damn world where everything has to be all pansies and daffodils... Well, in that area I'm not pure.

You said you wouldnt marry a rape victim. Ehhh *squints* I told you about my experience and you totally accepted it. WTF? So I dont get brownie points for the rape thing either. No pureness there, buddy!

There are so many things that you say you will not accept. Yet, I look at myself and you totally wanted me. Is it because you felt sorry for yourself and lowered these so called standards? Or for a brief moment in your pathetic meaningless life, you realized that Hey! No one's perfect and my dream girl only exists on Disneys version of Cinderella!

I've come to discover that you really need to look deeper when getting to know someone. You cant judge a book by it's cover. And there is sooooo much that you don't know about me. And sooooo much that you will NEVER know. I'm glad that I kept my secrets when I was with you. I let you in my life not even halfway. A girls gotta protect herself, ya know? You think when I went to Reno, I didn't have a plan? I'm not a dumb fuck... I'm a woman with brains. And... *thinks*... I think you got taken advantage of.

I will admit that I really was "diggin" ya for a while... you were charming, sweet, all these things that no one has ever experienced with you before. I was excited to come to Reno for the first time... start something new. You made all my problems go away. Was it love?! But then things changed. I discovered lies, after lies. I didn't understand at first. But talking to Amy and Deb, your mom, anyone and everyone I could, and putting pieces together.... *nods* I got a general idea. I never had privacy, and the sex.... wow....

Now you can cuss me out, call me a fucked up bitch, put my entire life out there, whatever you want. I don't really care. I don't know these people (only a select few), and they don't know me. No offense to anyone of course because this is all about Klaive. This is what he wants. He LIKES the ATTENTION! But just like you said a person goes to buy doritos and tells someone, and the other person says "no you didn't, you're a liar" etc, etc, etc. You never know for sure who's telling the truth. A few people on the boards knows who's right and who's wrong. That's all that really matters. I think gemstone is not for you. I think you need to move on to bigger and better things.

Anyways, thanks for a nice vacation in Reno! All expenses paid.... *winks* Those are the best kind.......


Alright Klaive... Knowing more about your past than I care to admit... I have to post to bust you on several more lies.

First there's Zadya. Who you claimed you were a virgin to. Zadya in the end finally put up with your lying and BS too long and told you to take a hike.

And lastly there was Sasha/Rayeanii or however you spell it. She moved in with you, and again... you told her that you were a virgin. You know why she left you? Because your ex girlfriend Zadya told her everything.

You need some serious help Klaive. You're a sexual deviant, you such a bad liar that your word goes nowhere, and you need to get a job so you can move out of your mommy's basement.

Please do us all a favor and stop posing 300 meaningless posts a day.


PS. Anyone who wants sources, find Zadya in game.

PPS. I intercepted one of his 'cybersex' sessions, and I couldn't read past the third line without wanting to throw up. When I questioned Klaive about it, and had others ask him, he told three differant stories to three differant people. To one he claimed he was drunk, to me he claimed it wasn't him playing, and the last he said that everything that happened there wasn't supposed to leave that room.

Edited to fix one snipit of misinformation.

[Edited on 9-12-2003 by Izalude]


[Edited on 9-12-2003 by Tayre]

09-12-2003, 04:23 PM
You missed Klaive's reply.

09-12-2003, 04:25 PM
Klaive's (LAME) Reply:


[Fabricated shit idiotically posted by my Lying Ex and some bitch I don't know named Amber]


Don't lie. To start with, you know good and well I never had sex with Zadya. Secondly, you left because I found out about your little "habit" and wouldn't let you throw your life away by doing lines every 5 minutes.

Ooooh... you forgot? Well, Sasha... don't start airing dirty laundry unless you want the skid marks in your panties to be seen by all your friends.

Rape incident? It's convenient how you suddenly blossom into everything I'm against when you feel the need to attack me.

Did you tell everyone how much of a flirt you are? I didn't know myself, in fact, I thought it was harmless at first... but yeah, after watching you after you got here online, I knew I could never marry you. You'd cheat at the drop of a hat. I loved you, but the girl I loved was only one of your personalities. The rest are malicious and fucked up. When you come to yourself and realize what you posted and the lies that you poured in, you're gonna feel really bad and come apologising, but you know what?

You blew it with this one. I fucking hate liars, especially liars that try to make me out to be someone I'm not. If you ever decide you want to make amends, don't even bother, cause you won't get anywhere.

As for black girls, keep in mind I said that mixed girls were my type. Black girls aren't. Sorry, babe. You ain't black.

I can see you in 10 years... you'll follow in the footsteps of so many noble ladies before you and fly to various GS Player's houses... mooching off of them. It must be fun being a borderline-welfare bum. I recommend you go see Ciston, Ben says he's rich.

Basically, all this shit comes down to what I have already said... Women Lie.

PS - Your mother is a psycho bitch. Commit her now. Before it's too late.

EDIT: You should probably commit yourself also.

[Edited on 9-12-2003 by Demon Lord Kage]

[Edited on 9-12-2003 by Tayre]

Weedmage Princess
09-12-2003, 04:28 PM
Bold the part where it says LAME in the heading of Klaive's reply *nods*

09-12-2003, 04:37 PM
twenty minutes later, i'm rolling all over again.

Oh my god that was great.

Edit: This felt appropriate.

[Edited on 9-12-2003 by Tayre]

09-12-2003, 05:02 PM

Klaive's problem is, he's a jackass, and what he does is he'll put up a cute avatar and act like some kind of an innocent little jerk, while at the same time saying some whack shit.

Anyone that believes anything that comes from that weirdo's mouth or keyboard insane. IT IS ALL BULLSHIT POSTURING.

That is all.

09-12-2003, 05:07 PM
Klaive is a sad, sad little man. He can dish it out but he can't take it. Such a shame. Oh well. The indifference I once had is gone. Now I just feel absolute pity that he needs to do such things for attention. :thumbsdown:

09-12-2003, 05:09 PM
Now I feel like less of a bitch for hating him, while the rest of you accept him.

Weedmage Princess
09-12-2003, 05:10 PM
Not me!! I thought he was a worthless shit then, and I think he's a worthless shit now! I'm totally indifferent. He's gone from being just a doofus, to a full-fledged bunghole, though.

09-12-2003, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
Not me!! I thought he was a worthless shit then, and I think he's a worthless shit now! I'm totally indifferent. He's gone from being just a doofus, to a full-fledged bunghole, though.

I didn't know old people like yourself used words like bunghole.....

09-12-2003, 05:13 PM
Am I the only one that really feels bad for him now? I wish he'd just fight back or something and then I could hate him... but as long as all he does is sit there and take this without anything I just can't hate him...

09-12-2003, 05:17 PM
I pity him, that's not me saying I feel bad for him. I think he's a sad little man and I don't consider that a good thing. He brought this on himself and he couldn't deal with the backlash of his ramblings, which is probably why he would start so many threads so if it wasn't going his way he could just delete it all.

Weedmage Princess
09-12-2003, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
I didn't know old people like yourself used words like bunghole.....


Don't worry, Leloo--I'm sure he'll be back (he can't allow himself to be out of the spotlight too long, you know) and he will say/do something to make your blood boil once again. ;)

09-12-2003, 05:23 PM
Alright, you young pups. Stop with the old jokes. And yes, we invented the term bunghole for Klaive's ancestors, Sintik.

Acolyte Kurili

09-12-2003, 05:26 PM
He'll wait until it dies down, then come back.

09-12-2003, 05:27 PM
Heh, then perhaps his next defeat will come when someone posts a picture of him ;)

09-12-2003, 05:29 PM
If someone had a picture of him, I would think they would have posted it by now. He strikes me as the calculating type who thinks everyone is out to get him, and therefore takes certain precautions.

Weedmage Princess
09-12-2003, 05:33 PM
Yeah he knows how much people dislike him. He'd have to be pretty stupid to send pictures of himself around carelessly.

Weedmage Princess
09-12-2003, 05:33 PM

09-12-2003, 05:37 PM
<<<--Sintik is old. And wrinkly. And has liver spots. >>>

:: Points to Weedmage Princess's title::

[Edited on 9-12-2003 by Gemstone101]

Weedmage Princess
09-12-2003, 05:47 PM


Just Zadya
09-12-2003, 05:49 PM
:::Joins the tainted section with an embarrassed look on her face::::

I couldn't help it as much as it pains me to give Darien the attention in anyway (for as you all have guessed this is what he truly desires and craves). I, however, refuse to address him in anyway. That practice is futile, he won't change because he is perfect in his own eyes.

I'm Debbie / Zadya

I was with Darien / Klaive for one year and seven months, and from the months February 2002 to May 2002 he lived in my home with his mother.

As you all know Darien lies. Darien lies... not only to others but to himself. His whole life is a lie, he lies about things that make no sense to others just to make himself feel good or superior. I feel sorry for his next victim, and yes after all is said and done I do feel like a victim. I wanted to believe his lies, they sounded good. I pity and worry about the next girl who falls prey to his lies.

It has gotten back to me the way he has been desecrating my character. Unfortunately for me Klaive is not a virgin and thanks to him neither am I. I did have some romantic notions about my virginity and wanted to save myself, for the right one. I thought maybe he was. I was so wrong, but while I can never have that part of me back I have learned some rich life lessons and that can't be taken away from me.

I knew for a long time that Darien and I would not be well together but he had these notions and these plans. I was afraid, mostly afraid for him. When I got together with him it was after Amy / Crimsana had broken up with him and he was so lost and my heart went out to him I made some foolish promises to him driven by fear that he was going to kill himself (he did admit that was his plan but like everything he says who knows if it can be believed). I didn't want him pulling that same I'm going to kill yourself and for a long time I felt trapped. He wanted kids so bad, and I was scared, but one day it occurred to me I'm not afraid to have kids, I was afraid to have HIS kids. He is deeply disturbed, not to mention lazy. Every fiber of my being protested. Even after we broke up I was willing to offer friendship for I knew he had never really had true friendship. The kind where you may not like everything about someone but you accept them for who they are. Now I realize he does not deserve that kind of friendship.

My plea today is that you all really consider hard before responding to his lies and his crys for attention, I know he will never change he is a sad sad person, but you feed his fire with your responses. I know for a fact Darien does not have those guns he brags about, but that does not mean I don't fear for the world or even myself a bit when it come to him. He wants to cause a sensation and be known, and for what he doesn't care. I think even his own mother fears him and his nature, but she raised him so enough said there. I tried real hard to deal with him, even train him. I got him to stop playing GS for a while tried to move on with life. A real life, you know the kind with real responsibilities where you leave the house get off your butt... You all know what I'm talking about. In the end I gave up I tried positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement ignoring, yelling.. In the truth if he were a dog I would consider it a kind service to euthanize him.

I'm proud of Sasha for getting out, I worried she would fall victim, but she is strong and very brave. She and I did some visiting behind Darien's back while she was on her all expenses paid trip here in Reno. <snicker>. She was creeped out by him, he would not let her out of his sight, if she woke up he did as well, if she went to bed so did he. She would find him just staring at her... That is creepy. He even listened in on her phone conversations.

Does anyone else find it interesting that the King of Lies keeps pointing his finger at everyone else screaming; "Liar" as loud as he can? Guess it isn't interesting, guess it is a defense it is all sad really.

I can give the facts all day about what a horrid person Darien is, but as long as I'm stating facts it would be unfair of me not to point out that Darien is in fact very good at what he puts himself to. He was a GM at Unwritten Legends for a while and he was very good at it. It is a tragedy that he can't put himself into more positive things instead he is so insecure that he casts such a weave of lies that I don't think he even knows what actual truth is.

There is so much more I could say, but I think you all get the picture. If anyone wishes to discuss this in private do not hesitate to find or think to Zadya in game. (I don't wish to give out my aim for I think understood reasons) I have no desire to sit here and trash him, he simply is not worth it, but if someone wants some facts straightened out please don't hesitate to ask.


09-12-2003, 05:56 PM
Hey, thanks for that post Debbie. I bet it was tough to write. I just have one question, that I've sent to you via U2U that I hope you can asnwer. Thanks.

Weedmage Princess
09-12-2003, 05:58 PM
Wow...this just gets more interesting and more interesting. Kinda like the first time watching Jerry Springer...when the shock value was there and you didn't want to turn the channel.

Anyway, carry on. http://hometown.aol.com/fungimagi/images/popcorn.gif

09-12-2003, 05:59 PM
I heard Klaive is abusive.

09-12-2003, 06:08 PM

Guess which one Klaive made.

Guess which one I made.

Guess which one someone else made.

I made the last one.

09-12-2003, 06:43 PM
I'm still waiting for him to claim Zadya/Debbie is a liar and a psycho because she is an ex too.

By the way I may be a bitch, but I'm an honest one. I take being a bitch as a compliment.

09-12-2003, 06:48 PM
Heh. Borderline Personality with Narcissistic tendencies, anyone? Believe me, people like Klaive are not to be pitied. They choose the way they behave, it is not mandated by mental disease.

I am sorry for all those who were hurt by him. Hopefully, the experience has taught each of you to be extra cautious in your relationships (particularly, on-line relationships). Darien, unfortunately, will not learn. He will go on lying and cheating, and others will be hurt.

Fools go down hard, and this one has gone down.


09-12-2003, 06:50 PM
There is one more thing to be said, and it should be said. Darien is capable of so much more than he chooses to give. He can be funny, and lighthearted, and insightful...when he chooses to be. Unfortunately, these little forays into decency and adult behavior rarely last. It is a shame really, and a waste.

HarmNone wishes it did not have to be thus

09-12-2003, 06:50 PM
I posted Klaives exact condition several weeks ago. Need I do it again?

09-12-2003, 06:52 PM
His condition is Asshole: Code Red. Needing Assistance Please.

09-12-2003, 06:54 PM
His condition is Asshole: Code Red. Needing Assistance Please

Shouldnt that be "Asshat"? I'm sorry, but that just sounds so....ridiculous to me. Only my opinion though.

Acolyte Kurili, off to work

09-12-2003, 06:55 PM
By the way, I haven't retreated. I'm actually trying to find out if you can press charges and/or sue those who slander you with things that are completely untrue online. I know who Debbie and Sasha are IRL, so maybe something can be done to them (although they have nothing to take... HA).

But I don't even know this "Amber" person and I'm not quite sure why she would write a post like that about me. It's like Sasha finally decided she didn't like me, so she teamed up with Debbie to try to make me look bad.

Meanwhile, some random chick got involved with them somehow and so they wrote out seperate emails and planned what they'd write and when they'd write it.

I don't buy in to conspiracy theories, but between two of my ex's and one of their friends (I'm assuming that's who Amber is), it's entirely possible.

Does anyone know if anything can be done legally in regard to this?

09-12-2003, 06:55 PM
There's a difference between acting like a jerk, and being a jerk. Asshat is reserved only for those who act like a jerk. Asshole is reserved for those who resemble GIANT GAPING ORFICES OF STUPIDNESS.

09-12-2003, 06:56 PM
Actually, Stray, APD is what Darien would *like* us to believe he has. It is so much more "exciting" and "threatening" than Borderline Personality Disorder. You can claim to be a cross between Jeff Dahmer, Ted Bundy and Charles Manson! "Cross me and you die" kinda thing, ya know. Borderline's are just little people who never grow up. They go through life lying and manipulating and threatening suicide when things do not go their way. It is sad for those who must live with these people.

HarmNone has seen a few of both varieties

09-12-2003, 06:57 PM
Freedom of Speech is a wholey American thing, my friend. Its why I can say Bush is a tool, and not get wisked away in the night never to be heard from again.

09-12-2003, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
I don't buy in to conspiracy theories, but between two of my ex's and one of their friends (I'm assuming that's who Amber is), it's entirely possible.

Does anyone know if anything can be done legally in regard to this?

Yeah, you can legally STFU and go back to your corner.

09-12-2003, 06:57 PM
Thanks Maimara. I am so out of the loop sometimes.

And may I say, Oh, good grief, he's at it again?!?

Dont you ever learn, Klaive?

Acolyte Kurili, astounded

09-12-2003, 06:59 PM
Holy shit. She just broke out the Bobs on you.

09-12-2003, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
By the way, I haven't retreated. I'm actually trying to find out if you can press charges and/or sue those who slander you with things that are completely untrue online. I know who Debbie and Sasha are IRL, so maybe something can be done to them (although they have nothing to take... HA).

::laughs:: ::coughs:: ::wheezes:: ::pants:: ::laughs some more::

09-12-2003, 07:01 PM
Heh. Kurili, you look so dumbfounded!

HarmNone can almost *see* the look of shocked disbelief

09-12-2003, 07:01 PM
Here you go, Klaive.

No more lying; fess up the truth.

09-12-2003, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by Kurili
Thanks Maimara. I am so out of the loop sometimes.

And may I say, Oh, good grief, he's at it again?!?

Dont you ever learn, Klaive?

Acolyte Kurili, astounded

Apparently not. But I've shared these posts with my mother (who is very hurt that you would do this by the way, Sasha) and we have decided to contact a lawyer about them. If something can be done, we will do them. I'm actually glad that my deleting the thread didn't eliminate those posts, I can prove before a judge that 90% of what was said there was a total lie.

09-12-2003, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by peam
Holy shit. She just broke out the Bobs on you.

Oh my....that had me laughing out loud here.

I don't mean LOL. I mean actual audible laughter. Good one. :lol:

09-12-2003, 07:03 PM
::HarmNone pats CrystalTears on the back::

It will be well, hon. Just take some very deep breaths... and go right on laughing!

HarmNone is having a giggle herself

09-12-2003, 07:03 PM
I smell manipulation, Darien.

Don't listen to him, Sasha, I'm sure he's hanging out without any pants on, and were his mother to know half the things he says/does in Gemstone or on the boards, she'd pull his internet connection so fast his head would explode.

09-12-2003, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
I smell manipulation, Darien.

I'm sure he's hanging out without any pants on

Not trying to defend anyone, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with hanging around with no pants on. :glance down:

09-12-2003, 07:06 PM
That's alright Darien, you go right ahead and tell your mommy how mean the wittle girls were to you, and these wittle girls can show your mommy all the nasty sexual acts her wittle angel does, mmkay?

09-12-2003, 07:06 PM

Peam is a dirty, dirty boy. You need to be spanked.

I'll brt.

09-12-2003, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
I smell manipulation, Darien.

Don't listen to him, Sasha, I'm sure he's hanging out without any pants on, and were his mother to know half the things he says/does in Gemstone or on the boards, she'd pull his internet connection so fast his head would explode.

Maimara, you don't know my mother. Don't even try to act like you do. Three lying bitches is enough for one day.

09-12-2003, 07:07 PM
Darien, it will be through debacles like this one that you will learn, if you choose to learn. It is up to you. Nobody can do it for you. This is the only *treatment* there is for you...to be publicly shown for what you are again, and again, until you learn or choose not to learn. The circle will continue.


09-12-2003, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
That's alright Darien, you go right ahead and tell your mommy how mean the wittle girls were to you, and these wittle girls can show your mommy all the nasty sexual acts her wittle angel does, mmkay?

My mother cybers with people online. I doubt she'd care what I do in GS.

09-12-2003, 07:07 PM
Really, wouldn't that be four, since you're quite the lying bitch yourself?

I wish Crimsana would post. I wonder what she's got to say.

You have issues, dear. More issues than Time Magazine. Why do you care what any of us think, anyway? Is it because we're right, and you dislike to think we are? Or is it because you're really... stupid enough to think you're going to change our minds...

Dumb fuck.

Dark Kabriel
09-12-2003, 07:10 PM
Sup Darien. It's KC. I just gotta tell you, there's some shit here you just gotta rein in. First off, if there are this many people mad at you, I hate to tell you, but you were doing something wrong to begin with. Hell, you even admit you like starting this kind of thing. Long as you weren't involved. Well...it's going to come back to bite you...and here it is. You've told me more than once you think that most people are beneath you. Well I hate to tell you, man, but peasants revolt, and they bring angry pointy things to jab at you with. So while I'm not going to sling the pitchforks at you, I am going to at least nibble on the carcass a bit cause there's a few things that I just don't like.

I'll just do this in the order of the last post you made. Even if you were mad at people for accusing you for what you did or didn't do...there's a certain level of decency you should obey. It's real classy of you to mention someone's economic status, drug habit, and a rape incident all in the same post.

Let's take this apart. Economic status: Some people don't have money. They can't get money. They can work, and still not have that much money. Why? Cause money goes to things that someone else might take care of for you in your life. Some of us don't have mothers who let us live in their house until god knows when. We aren’t' all born with the silver spoon in our ass. Should you be ashamed of privilege? No. Should you maybe be a little humble on a page full of people who probably can pay for things on their own? Probably.

Drugs: Drugs are rough. I know it might be tough for you to understand about how tough an addiction is...oh wait, you're on a computer and you seek attention, then guess what? You know EXACTLY what it's like to use drugs. The only thing missing is the altered perception, and I think we can all attest to the fact that your own ego massively warps that. I'm just curious, but...how does someone on welfare do lines of coke every five minutes?

Rape: That's not an easy topic to handle. I've had friends who have gotten raped, counseled people through it, and even stopped it from happening a few times. Look, fact is, she didn't get the help she needed from you. That can't be helped. What she needed isn't someone looking over her shoulder every second, watching her every move like some kind of stalker. (Besides, we gotta really work on this whole thing called...moving slowly. It's intimidating to expect marriage as soon as you walk in through the door.) If you really love someone, shouldn't you be able to give 'em some air? Hell, man...you claim you knew everything about her before she moved in, then you should have known that she was hurting and vulnerable at the time. You love someone, be there for them without picturing them in a wedding ring, and remove the brains from your genitals! This kind of thing comes LATER. You want a nice virgin girl who will do your bidding and love you forever? THEN GET OFF YOUR ASS, and take 10 laps on a track, lose the cheetos, and head to somewhere you can interact face to face with some people! And not to an arcade, the Game Spot, the Harry Potter section of the Bookstore, or to some kind of convention. Getting a job and moving out of your mom's place would be a GREAT start.

"...but the girl I loved was only one of your personalities. The rest are malicious and fucked up."

Okay...that line was just plain fuckin' stupid. NOBODY is just one thing for their entire life... Hell, most people aren't one thing in an HOUR. You have a high IQ, right? Then use your brain, man! You think you're a nice guy all the time? Look at the name of the folder you're in. You think "boohoo, I'm just an innocent guiltless boy...?" Get off your horse! We're all guilty of being something besides what we are. It's what the internet is used for. I wish I was the person I was online, but I'm not because in the real world, I can't go "afk" and think about what I'm going to say for 10 minutes. And if you're really such a nice guy, then don't drag in people's monetary situations, and just deal with the fact that you weren't the one who could help someone. We can't be heroes all the damn time.

"If you ever decide you want to make amends, don't even bother, cause you won't get anywhere."

She's not. Don't keep waiting. If you hold your breath for it, you'll pass out and die.

"As for black girls, keep in mind I said that mixed girls were my type. Black girls aren't. Sorry, babe. You ain't black."

You sayin' you hate black people, honky?

"Basically, all this shit comes down to what I have already said... Women Lie."

What...and men don't? We lie all the time. "My brother plays for the 49ers", "I swear I don't know what she's doing here," "There's a good reason for why I'm wearing your crotchless panties." Bottom line is that everybody lies. If you say you never have, then you're already doing it. Bullshit is the biggest commodity we have, and you're a part of it. You hate liars? You hate me, you hate everyone, and especially yourself. No one's above it all, Klaive. Least of all, you.

Telling it like it is. I'm not that clean either, but I admit it.

KC - Kabriel's Dark Half

PS - In answer to your legal query, I would like you to refer to Line 10 of Suck it up vs. Welcome to the Real World. If you like to order a nice side of Whaa-burger with French Cries and Whinekin, please pull up to the next window.

PPS - Seriously...did you think that you would NEVER get dissed ever? You can't sue for slander online. That's why it's a) a public forum and b) the Internet. You can say whatever you want. And I'm pretty sure Deb and Sash could sue you back for what you've written about them. So really, is that such a wise idea?

09-12-2003, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Darien, it will be through debacles like this one that you will learn, if you choose to learn. It is up to you. Nobody can do it for you. This is the only *treatment* there is for you...to be publicly shown for what you are again, and again, until you learn or choose not to learn. The circle will continue.


I'm trying not to get angry with you, because you genuinely believe that you're helping. But if you had any idea what's really going on here, you'd be directing your pagan rage at them.

I know well who and what I am. I am not remotely who they painted me to be. No one would believe me over three bitches who just show up out of the blue and spout lies about me, so I have no recourse except to resort to legal action (assuming something can be done about it).

If nothing can be done, then I'll go about my life... eventually people will come to realize that those girls were quite full of shit. ::shrugs::

09-12-2003, 07:12 PM
This just keeps getting better and better. I feel like it's one of those shows where they're bringing people back from the contestant's past.

Weedmage Princess
09-12-2003, 07:12 PM
ROFLMAO MAIMARA!!!! That Air Wick one is PRICELESS!!

Klaive, here's my good deed for the day. I'm going to save you and your momma some cash (cause lawyer consulatation fees can be expensive.)

There's JACK SQUAT you can do. You're not a politician, you're not famous, you're no one of importance....no one's trying to use these claims (although I think they're telling the truth despite using the word claims) in the hopes of extorting something from you...they're talking so there's nothing you can do except ...drumroll...

Sit yo' stupid ass down, STFU and take it like a man!

....the end.

09-12-2003, 07:12 PM
A ship full of sailors can't be wrong!


[Edited on 9-12-2003 by Maimara]

09-12-2003, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage

Apparently not. But I've shared these posts with my mother (who is very hurt that you would do this by the way, Sasha) and we have decided to contact a lawyer about them. If something can be done, we will do them. I'm actually glad that my deleting the thread didn't eliminate those posts, I can prove before a judge that 90% of what was said there was a total lie.

You are the sad one here for bringing your poor mother into this at all.

Please do keep us all updated as to the status of your "legal actions", it should be quite entertaining.

Or, you could fess up and just admit you have not spoken to a lawyer, in general know about 1% of what you have claimed in the past and just suck it up and say well I was whupped and move on?

See, when you make such bombastic, self serving insensetive posts as you have a history of doing it's just a matter of time before it comes back to bite you on the ass.

Someone with a 234 IQ would use this as a learning experience and come out a better person.

I'm hoping you are able to do that.

I'm just not holding my breath.

09-12-2003, 07:15 PM

09-12-2003, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Freedom of Speech is a wholey American thing, my friend. Its why I can say Bush is a tool, and not get wisked away in the night never to be heard from again.

Wait to see if they reinforce the Patriot Act.

09-12-2003, 07:20 PM
Bush is a tool, I won't get whisked away.

The only nice thing I have to say about Bush is he's got lots of American men and women killed.

YAY4BUSH he am the gr8est!

09-12-2003, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by Dark Kabriel

Big Ass Post by an admittedly level-headed, but also grossly misinformed individual with one post to his credit.

KC, there's no point explaining all this to you at this point. If you'd like to talk about it, IM me at theparkquaker. I covered everything I needed to cover when I said that those three are fucking liars. Yep, we all lie when we're cornered or desperate... they worked together to organize a big ass lie simply to try to make me look bad.

Unfortunately for them, I don't so much care what lies a bunch of GS people believe about me. But I will say this... while Sasha's post was filled with lies, and Amber's was just silly cause she doesn't know me from dick... the most profound liar of all was most assuredly Debbie/Zadya.

That doesn't surprise me though, she lied about everything before I came out to Reno too.

Rest assured, KC... everything Debbie's told you about me is probably false.

09-12-2003, 07:27 PM
Wow... these things just keep getting worse and worse. Klaive has problems, I think we all see that. But the fact is, you can't force someone to change. We can take 5,000 pages of posts saying what a horrible person he is but all we do is put him on the defensive and make him lash out at us.
Klaive can only be fixed when he's ready to fix himself. It's like losing weight, you can only do it when you decide it's time to. So maybe one day he'll be so unhappy and realize he was pretty wrong on lots of things and try to change and be a different person. Or maybe not, who knows. But reading these posts, they're just sad. Klaive is dirt, yeah, true, but I think somewhere he does have a heart and feelings and he's probably hurting...
So that being said... I'm gonna go eat some birthday cake, get some gifts, and pet the dog cause she's nice!

09-12-2003, 07:28 PM
Your lawyer can't do anything Klaive. You'll lose money and get nothing from it. Suck it up and deal with it cause nothing can be done.

09-12-2003, 07:28 PM
I am going to listen to Acumen Nation and pretend I'm in the Matrix.


09-12-2003, 07:29 PM
I'm trying not to get angry with you, because you genuinely believe that you're helping. But if you had any idea what's really going on here, you'd be directing your pagan rage at them.

I know well who and what I am. I am not remotely who they painted me to be.

I am not laboring under any "pagan rage" at the moment, Darien. I am not angry, at all. You have brought yourself to this moment.

The point that you are failing to see is that it does not matter whether what is said by these ladies about you, or by you about them, is true or untrue. What matters is the situation you have created for yourself, wherein you will not be believed no matter what you say. You, and you alone, have created that situation.

There is a lesson here, young Darien. You can learn it, or you can get defensive and continue the behaviors that have brought you to this place. It is up to you. It does not affect me in any way.

HarmNone is but a bystander

09-12-2003, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo

I think somewhere he does have a heart and feelings and he's probably hurting...

LoL Not so much, but thanks for (kinda) standing up for me.

I'm not hurting really, nor am I feeling bad. I just want to injure those three girls in any way that I can.

EDIT: Threatening people, hm? Careful there.

[Edited on 9-12-2003 by Edaarin]

09-12-2003, 07:33 PM
[quote]Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
LoL Not so much, but thanks for (kinda) standing up for me.

I'm not hurting really, nor am I feeling bad. I just want to injure those three girls in any way that I can.


[Edited on 9-12-2003 by Edaarin]

09-12-2003, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone

I'm trying not to get angry with you, because you genuinely believe that you're helping. But if you had any idea what's really going on here, you'd be directing your pagan rage at them.

I know well who and what I am. I am not remotely who they painted me to be.

I am not laboring under any "pagan rage" at the moment, Darien. I am not angry, at all. You have brought yourself to this moment.

The point that you are failing to see is that it does not matter whether what is said by these ladies about you, or by you about them, is true or untrue. What matters is the situation you have created for yourself, wherein you will not be believed no matter what you say. You, and you alone, have created that situation.

There is a lesson here, young Darien. You can learn it, or you can get defensive and continue the behaviors that have brought you to this place. It is up to you. It does not affect me in any way.

HarmNone is but a bystander

I never said you were laboring under pagan rage. I said if you knew the truth of the matter, you'd direct pagan rage at them.

As far as the options you give me, I choose to continue the actions that have brought me here and dig myself into a deeper hole. After all, this kinda thing generates posts and I need more replies to get back to where I was before I axed the virginity thread. LoL.

Weedmage Princess
09-12-2003, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
Maybe I'll go show Debbie that I do, indeed, have the guns that I claim to have. :smilegrin:

Probably not. But if I could get away with it, I'd be doing the world a favor.

You'd only be doing the world a favor if you stuck in it your mouth then pulled the trigger.

09-12-2003, 07:36 PM
As you wish. Let the carnage continue. :D


Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-12-2003, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage

Originally posted by Kurili
Thanks Maimara. I am so out of the loop sometimes.

And may I say, Oh, good grief, he's at it again?!?

Dont you ever learn, Klaive?

Acolyte Kurili, astounded

Apparently not. But I've shared these posts with my mother (who is very hurt that you would do this by the way, Sasha) and we have decided to contact a lawyer about them. If something can be done, we will do them. I'm actually glad that my deleting the thread didn't eliminate those posts, I can prove before a judge that 90% of what was said there was a total lie.

LMAO. MOMMY MOMMY come quick, look what the big bad meanies did to me!

You are the biggest pussy I've ever seen. Were I the king of porn, I wouldn't see as much pussy as you are. Pussy. You are disgrace to my gender.

My 10 year old nephew has more ball sack than you.

09-12-2003, 07:40 PM
The best way to make a mark on the world, is to put a 12 gague in your mouth and pull the trigger with your toe. And pray that no one paints the wall when you're done.

09-12-2003, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
\LMAO. MOMMY MOMMY come quick, look what the big bad meanies did to me!

You are the biggest pussy I've ever seen. Were I the king of porn, I wouldn't see as much pussy as you are. Pussy. You are disgrace to my gender.

My 10 year old nephew has more ball sack than you.

Jesus, that cracked me up. Sounds like something out of a Kevin Smith movie.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-12-2003, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage

Originally posted by GSLeloo

I think somewhere he does have a heart and feelings and he's probably hurting...

Did you just threaten someones life? On a public message board?
Edited to bold my line, didn't come out right.

LoL Not so much, but thanks for (kinda) standing up for me.

I'm not hurting really, nor am I feeling bad. I just want to injure those three girls in any way that I can.

Maybe I'll go show Debbie that I do, indeed, have the guns that I claim to have. :smilegrin:

Probably not. But if I could get away with it, I'd be doing the world a favor.

[Edited on 9-12-2003 by Suppa Hobbit Mage]

09-12-2003, 07:43 PM
Alright enough about guns. No threatening people with guns, no telling people to commit suicide, just get back onto the topic......

09-12-2003, 07:53 PM
Umm.. technically they are on topic...

But, the threatening must indeed stop. Klaive, go get your lawyer. If you really think he or she can do anything for you, I will provide all possible information myself. All I have to say is good luck with it, and I'm sorry things are turning out this way.

Weedmage Princess
09-12-2003, 07:57 PM
Bah you people feeling bad for him.

He DESERVES this. He brought it on himself. He's done and said some pretty horrible things to people who didn't deserve it on these boards in his time. So I can only imagine what he must have put those poor ladies who got involved with him through.

Some of the stuff he's said would have gotten him a few slaps across the face from me had he said that shit to my face...and before you say anything about shooting me, Klaive...your arm would be ripped off your body and shoved up your ass before you could grab said gun, so die.

09-12-2003, 07:57 PM
Does anyone know if anything can be done legally in regard to this?

First off its not Slander : Law. Oral Communication communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation.

It would be Libel :A traditional rule holds that liable should be used only if the subject would be adversely affected by the outcome expressed by the infinitive.A false publication, as in writing, print, signs, or pictures, that damages a person's reputation.
The act of presenting such material to the public.

But good luck proving any of that .. with a 234 IQ you'd think you knew the diffrence between Slander and Libel ? well thats just my point of View , and I dont think you have much of a case to begin with . I think they have more of a case. < shrugs >

OOPS :rolleyes: Im dumb . there added the correct meaning ..

[Edited to fix yer quote thingie up top.]

[Edited on 9-13-2003 by Caels]

09-12-2003, 07:58 PM
Slander and LIBEL... not liable.

09-12-2003, 08:52 PM
I intercepted a file of Klaive having cyber group sex with a bunch of people. Mind you, I could not get past the fourth line without wanting to barf... When I questioned Klaive about this particular file, he told me that he wasn't at his computer. That somebody else was on playing as him. Then... when my friend questioned Klaive about it, he said that everybody was sworn to secrecy about the whole thing. Then finally, he tells another friend that he, and everyone else in the room was drunk!

Bottom line, would you like to see it, or should I bury and burn it? I remind you that it was so sick that I wanted to puke.


09-12-2003, 09:00 PM
Eeeeew, Izalude! If it was in my computer, I would fumigate! ::shudder::

HarmNone is really grossed out

09-12-2003, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by Izalude
I intercepted a file of Klaive having cyber group sex with a bunch of people. Mind you, I could not get past the fourth line without wanting to barf... When I questioned Klaive about this particular file, he told me that he wasn't at his computer. That somebody else was on playing as him. Then... when my friend questioned Klaive about it, he said that everybody was sworn to secrecy about the whole thing. Then finally, he tells another friend that he, and everyone else in the room was drunk!

Bottom line, would you like to see it, or should I bury and burn it? I remind you that it was so sick that I wanted to puke.


Umm see it ? Or maybe im to sick in the head :D

09-12-2003, 09:03 PM
Cyber sex logs are always hilarious. Always.

09-12-2003, 09:04 PM
I want to see it!

I don't get cybersex so I have to live vicariously!

09-12-2003, 09:07 PM
Here it is, but be forewarned... It's absolutely disgusting.

[Sorry removed the attachment, considering it does violate someone's privacy and it is very sexual in nature.]

[Edited on 9-13-2003 by Caels]

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-12-2003, 09:07 PM
I will cyber.

.... throbbing man-flesh....

.... licking gently....

.... oooh baby....

.... yeah thats it....

.... 1gsdgas....

Oh, sorry, I can't type well with one hand.

09-12-2003, 09:09 PM
where's the spooge.

09-12-2003, 09:10 PM
OH ICK TRAVUS, I remember him, Jesus god is he still around?!?!


09-12-2003, 09:17 PM

09-12-2003, 09:18 PM
I'm so hot now, baby. I want your cyber-cock. Oh yeah.

09-12-2003, 09:19 PM
Hey, girl.

(Jason plays with the button on his jeans, giving an innocent look that only a fat guy can manage.)

09-12-2003, 09:21 PM
Gross, I was wanting tastefully pornography. I sentence thee, to death!

Weedmage Princess
09-12-2003, 09:23 PM

LMAO--crap, I can't DL that cause I'm at work...

09-12-2003, 09:23 PM
EWWWW ! Gags I dont know what to say im completly grossed out .. :barf:

09-12-2003, 09:24 PM
Be thankful. Its worse than watching animal pornography.

09-12-2003, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Gross, I was wanting tastefully pornography. I sentence thee, to death!

Ummm, tasteful? This is Klaive, remember? I know better than to EVEN go there! ::shudders::

HarmNone ain't goin there

09-12-2003, 09:28 PM
I warned you!

Miss X
09-12-2003, 09:46 PM
I may now need councilling.....

09-12-2003, 09:53 PM

09-12-2003, 10:05 PM
As the irritation at my parents subsides... I go back to feeling bad for Klaive. Poor thing, imagine how humiliated he must feel to have something so private put up for everyone to see.

09-12-2003, 10:06 PM
It's been removed, LeLoo, and it would have been sooner had I cared enough to read this thread still...

09-12-2003, 10:07 PM

09-12-2003, 10:08 PM
The baby looks more like he's waking up than he's crying.

09-12-2003, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by Caels
The baby looks more like he's waking up than he's crying.

Baby true cry = 20% of the time
baby manipulating you = 80% of the time



09-12-2003, 10:11 PM
And now you know why my cat's name is Baby.

09-12-2003, 10:25 PM
I never read the log, it was removed before I looked. I'm just saying in general, that's pretty harsh. I know I'd be humiliated and outraged if anyone did anything like that to me.

09-12-2003, 10:46 PM
Klaive sent that log out to his buddies, I'm sure he wants people to see it, so that he will be the center of some contreversy or another. I don't have a lot of sympathy for him, since he brings it on himself. He wants attention and doesn't care if it is negative or positive, so long as someone is paying attention to him.


09-12-2003, 10:51 PM
This may be the best thread I've ever read.

09-12-2003, 10:55 PM
Ok, I know I've said, I'd never post here again, but I couldn't not after reading some of the Bullshit here. Everyone has lied once or twice in their lives, even stretched the truth, which is also considered lying, maybe more then others. I admit I have told a few in my day, but I'm not here to discuss me. We are talking about Klaive/Darien.
He has been a true friend to me. He knows all my faults, from another thread, that completely bashed me. And still he has continued to be my friend. Yeah maybe he has faults, hell we all do. We have all made mistakes, but we learn and grow from them.

*Note to Klaive* No matter what is said here. I will always be your friend. And stand by you 100%. You and I both have enemies. Ignore them, maybe they will all go away, and if they don't we know they don't have anything better to do with their lives.

P.S. You really need to learn to do better things with your lives then to sit here and bash people. It's a sad sad life, if you have nothing better to do, then to throw slander at others, to defamate their character(s). Let people judge for themselves, about how the person is.

Klaive walk away from here and don't look back. Let them talk all they want. If you don't respond, and/or let people know these threads bother you, hopefully they'll grow up and find something better to do.

09-12-2003, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by Revengeissweet
Ok, I know I've said, I'd never post here again, but I couldn't not after reading some of the Bullshit here. Everyone has lied once or twice in their lives, even stretched the truth, which is also considered lying, maybe more then others. I admit I have told a few in my day, but I'm not here to discuss me. We are talking about Klaive/Darien.
He has been a true friend to me. He knows all my faults, from another thread, that completely bashed me. And still he has continued to be my friend. Yeah maybe he has faults, hell we all do. We have all made mistakes, but we learn and grow from them.

*Note to Klaive* No matter what is said here. I will always be your friend. And stand by you 100%. You and I both have enemies. Ignore them, maybe they will all go away, and if they don't we know they don't have anything better to do with their lives.

P.S. You really need to learn to do better things with your lives then to sit here and bash people. It's a sad sad life, if you have nothing better to do, then to throw slander at others, to defamate their character(s). Let people judge for themselves, about how the person is.

Klaive walk away from here and don't look back. Let them talk all they want. If you don't respond, and/or let people know these threads bother you, hopefully they'll grow up and find something better to do.

i think you mean :


\Def`a*ma"tion\, n. [OE. diffamacioun, F. diffamation. See Defame.] Act of injuring another's reputation by any slanderous communication, written or oral; the wrong of maliciously injuring the good name of another; slander; detraction; calumny; aspersion.

WTF is defamate ?

09-12-2003, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by Revengeissweet
Ok, I know I've said, I'd never post here again, but I couldn't not after reading some of the Bullshit here. Everyone has lied once or twice in their lives, even stretched the truth, which is also considered lying, maybe more then others. I admit I have told a few in my day, but I'm not here to discuss me. We are talking about Klaive/Darien.
He has been a true friend to me. He knows all my faults, from another thread, that completely bashed me. And still he has continued to be my friend. Yeah maybe he has faults, hell we all do. We have all made mistakes, but we learn and grow from them.

*Note to Klaive* No matter what is said here. I will always be your friend. And stand by you 100%. You and I both have enemies. Ignore them, maybe they will all go away, and if they don't we know they don't have anything better to do with their lives.

P.S. You really need to learn to do better things with your lives then to sit here and bash people. It's a sad sad life, if you have nothing better to do, then to throw slander at others, to defamate their character(s). Let people judge for themselves, about how the person is.

Klaive walk away from here and don't look back. Let them talk all they want. If you don't respond, and/or let people know these threads bother you, hopefully they'll grow up and find something better to do.

Wow look, one liar defending another liar.

Do the wonders here never cease? :?:

Who me
09-12-2003, 11:10 PM
Posted by Maimara "I wish Crimsana would post. I wonder what she's got to say."

(I'd like to apologize first off for my lack of coherant thoughts-- I'm pretty fucking drunk)

I have alot to say, but I was never one for airing my personal life for everyone to see. But I will mention a few things.

Everyone makes mistakes- and for all of you who sit here and pass judgement , mock and point fingers and laugh- ask yourself how you liked it when you were ridiculed (everyone has been).

Don't get me wrong... Darien is not perfect... none of us are... do I think he deserves all of this? Absolutely not... although I do admit he brought it on himself. One think I've always lived by is that some things should be kept personal and between the individuals involved.

When people go through traumatic expierences, for some in order to heal- they need to speak out... for others they remain quiet and deal with their skeletons in their own way.
Debbie and Sasha are like the first, as for me... I prefer to remain quiet- and I have really remained so unless really asked- I'm not ashamed of my past and I refuse to feel like that because a few people feel I should have made better decisions.

Anyone who knew me, or Crimsana when I was with Darien knew what it was like for me. Our relationship was very.... passionate. Either I loved him dearly, or I was ready to rip his heart out through his asshole and for him to die a horrible bloody death. Eventually our real relationship carried over into gemstone and Crimsana was just a text version of Amy- which I tried my damnest for it not to be.

Darien and I spoke about our breakup many times, and yes he is a friend of mine still. After I did break it off... I could not speak to him for a long time afterwards. I was very angry at him- there were broken promises, broken dreams and broken hearts. Even after everything, one thing I must say is that I've never heard him speak about me in an ill-mannered way.

What he did to Debbie and Sasha wasn't the case with me. He never took anything from me that I wasn't willing to give. He knew I was not a virgin, and although he tried to convince himself I wasn't- he knew deep down the truth. I might feel like I was lied to but I realize that is his nature. He will go to extremes to get what he wants- sometimes that can be good, and others it can be very hurtful and damaging.

Do I think what he did was wrong what he did to them? Absolutely... I find it disgusting...I guess what goes around does come around. It's all about Karma. In his case... it has finally caught up with him.

Yet I cannot find it in my heart to hate him for something he never did to me. He was there for me when I was beaten very badly by a few guys after not "giving it up" to them... and he was the only one who made me realize that it wasn't my fault nor should I feel ashamed. And for that alone... I owe him so much.

My heart goes out to Debbie and Sasha... I can understand where they are comming from- it totally fucking blows to have your dignity stripped from you even for a briedf moment by someone else.
The exact details about him and I will remain quiet on my part- it is none of your business what exactly went on. I've told

Debbie and Sasha in a little pow-wow we had one night, and my closest friends know.... as for every one else... I don't think it's necessary to give details so you can mock him even more. I think he's had enough--- and he will have to live with what he's done- even if he doesn't think it was wrong.... eventually he'll realize.

As I've said, I'm not in the least ashamed of what happened. It was a learning expierence as all things are in life. Darien was a lesson I learned... that changed my life. I'm just very saddened he did something like that to what seem to be very lovely, nice women.

Well I'm done speaking for now... I'm down to my last beer and I'd like to enjoy it. I'm sure I'll hear lots of backlash for what I've said... but bring it on!

Aka... Crimsana.

Weedmage Princess
09-12-2003, 11:10 PM
LMAO!!! Oh man I know THIS CHICK (Revengeissweet) isn't coming to Klaive's defense. She's another loon. I guess we shouldn't be surprised really...you know what they say...birds of a feather and all...

09-12-2003, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
LMAO!!! Oh man I know THIS CHICK (Revengeissweet) isn't coming to Klaive's defense. She's another loon. I guess we shouldn't be surprised really...you know what they say...birds of a feather and all...

:smilegrin: HORRAY !! Loon isnt the word

09-12-2003, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
LMAO!!! Oh man I know THIS CHICK (Revengeissweet) isn't coming to Klaive's defense. She's another loon. I guess we shouldn't be surprised really...you know what they say...birds of a feather and all...

Well, he did come to her defense when she was the wackjob of the day.

I suppose everyone has to have friends....


Weedmage Princess
09-12-2003, 11:18 PM
Well, I'm glad you and a few others feel bad for Klaive.

I, however, don't.

I don't know him (thankfully) but what I do know of him from here, on the boards...he's a sick, twisted person...I think I've already said in another post he's said some awful things that weren't warranted here to people...one of his most recent ones being when he said he was "2 posts away from being on the 11:00 news standing next to Harm None's hacked up body" and another where he was talking about how he wanted to shoot DCSL. There are plenty of other things he's done and said...but I don't have the time or energy to go sifting through everything for it.

The whole "Everyone's went through being ridiculed" speech doesn't fly with me. I appreciate you trying to defend your friend however...this isn't anything like someone giving someone else a hard time "just because." He might have been nice to you...but he was a straight up ASSHOLE/COCKSUCKER/STEAMING PILE OF SKUNK SHIT to many others here....he DESERVES everything he's getting, and then some.

Others want to throw pity at him, fine. I won't, though...nor will I say anyone who doesn't is wrong, either.

09-12-2003, 11:19 PM
To Kniquee and Camri,

I maybe a Psycho, I may be a loon,
but I thank the Dear Lord above,
I am not you.

09-12-2003, 11:22 PM
Adyria, please avoid rhyming... for some reason it annoys me.

09-12-2003, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by Revengeissweet
To Kniquee and Camri,

I maybe a Psycho, I may be a loon,
but I thank the Dear Lord above,
I am not you.

The dear lord above will strike you down child..LOL you need to confess your sins ..LIES LIES LIES and you wouldnt know what to do if you were us.. we dont lie like you do .. but once again this isnt about you .. hrmm need the attention i see.

Who me
09-12-2003, 11:25 PM
I never said he didn't deserve it... but there's a time when enough is enough. Nor did I think I was really defending him... someone asked my side of the story... and I told it. That is all I was asked to do... and that is what was done.

09-12-2003, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by Revengeissweet
To Kniquee and Camri,

I maybe a Psycho, I may be a loon,
but I thank the Dear Lord above,
I am not you.

I thank him for that too. Because if you were me, I would be a lying wackjob.

09-12-2003, 11:29 PM
one of his most recent ones being when he said he was "2 posts away from being on the 11:00 news standing next to Harm None's hacked up body"

Heh. Since he has absolutely no idea how to even find HarmNone's body to hack it up, that comment just made me laugh. It is so typical of Darien's hystrionics that it just comes off as ludicrous.

HarmNone ain't skeered

Weedmage Princess
09-12-2003, 11:29 PM
Heh...months and months of being the crude, crass pig that he is here..and a lil taste of his own medicine for one evening is "enough." *snickers* Hardly.

I'm sure it would all end if he didn't come back, though..which I do hope happens. I think many of us have had our fill of Klaive. He goes away, all this crap ends....yeah, that sounds pretty good.

09-12-2003, 11:29 PM
so I'm a liar, so sue me? You can't get blood from a stone. And your little name calling, just shows how mature your really are. So what, I'm fat, big deal.
and for your info, there, I do go to confession, and church, and I just rejoined the church choir. So, continue with your bashing me, seeing as you have nothing better to do. I do hope you have fun, like little children.
yes, we do get old fast, but if you insist on acting like children, then that sounds like a P. P. to me.

09-12-2003, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by Who me
I never said he didn't deserve it... but there's a time when enough is enough. Nor did I think I was really defending him... someone asked my side of the story... and I told it. That is all I was asked to do... and that is what was done.

You really are not involved here, hon, and you owe nobody any explanations. Because of all that has gone before, the more you say the more people will want you to say. It is probably best to just keep yourself to yourself, as you are doing. No explanations are necessary.


Weedmage Princess
09-12-2003, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by HarmNoneHeh. Since he has absolutely no idea how to even find HarmNone's body to hack it up, that comment just made me laugh. It is so typical of Darien's hystrionics that it just comes off as ludicrous.

HarmNone ain't skeered

I hear ya...but still....the fact that he even posted something like that.

Or the whole "women tainted by man meat" garbage.

Or the "It's a good thing I have the computer or I'd go on a killing spree"

Or the "I'd kill myself and my cheating girlfriend"

Or...any of the other assorted bullshit that he spews....it just needs to end. This is Player's Corner, not the friggin psych ward.

09-12-2003, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by Revengeissweet
so I'm a liar, so sue me? You can't get blood from a stone. And your little name calling, just shows how mature your really are. So what, I'm fat, big deal.
and for your info, there, I do go to confession, and church, and I just rejoined the church choir. So, continue with your bashing me, seeing as you have nothing better to do. I do hope you have fun, like little children.
yes, we do get old fast, but if you insist on acting like children, then that sounds like a P. P. to me.

Who said anything about you being fat? Need more attention than you're already getting?

09-12-2003, 11:46 PM
I figured I'd beat y'all to it. ok, I'm the bad guy. I always turn out to be the bad guy. You guys bash me, call me names, I bash back, and I'm the bad guy. That just doesn't make sense to me. Yeah, I'm babbling now. But because you guys see what I've done, and refuse at what I'm trying to be. I'm always the bad guy, the liar, they loon. So be it. I don't really care anymore.
As for Klaive, cut him some slack. He doesn't deserve all this bashing.
I'm really sick of people making judgements on others, cause of some past faults. Who are you to judge others. You aren't gods. Only God can judge. and our judgement day will come when we die.
So you just keep your stinkin, immature bashing and name calling to a minimum.
Hopefully this should be my last post here. As for kniquee and Camri, why not grow up some, and stop calling names. I haven't bothered you guys in about a week. so back off.

09-12-2003, 11:47 PM
I hear ya...but still....the fact that he even posted something like that.

Or the whole "women tainted by man meat" garbage.

Or the "It's a good thing I have the computer or I'd go on a killing spree"

Or the "I'd kill myself and my cheating girlfriend"

Or...any of the other assorted bullshit that he spews....it just needs to end. This is Player's Corner, not the friggin psych ward.

There is no doubt that Darien dug his own hole and pulled the dirt in after him. This has been the way with him for as long as I have known him to be around. He pushes the limits until he wears out any welcome that might be extended to him.

I agree that this is not the place for his nonsense. Others need not be subjected to his self-serving garbage, nor his complete lack of sensitivity to the feelings of others. I will be just as glad to see the back of him for those reasons.


09-12-2003, 11:50 PM
Damn. My thoughts on his screwedupness now seem tame.

09-12-2003, 11:51 PM
Originally posted by Revengeissweet
I figured I'd beat y'all to it. ok, I'm the bad guy. I always turn out to be the bad guy. You guys bash me, call me names, I bash back, and I'm the bad guy. That just doesn't make sense to me. Yeah, I'm babbling now. But because you guys see what I've done, and refuse at what I'm trying to be. I'm always the bad guy, the liar, they loon. So be it. I don't really care anymore.
As for Klaive, cut him some slack. He doesn't deserve all this bashing.
I'm really sick of people making judgements on others, cause of some past faults. Who are you to judge others. You aren't gods. Only God can judge. and our judgement day will come when we die.
So you just keep your stinkin, immature bashing and name calling to a minimum.
Hopefully this should be my last post here. As for kniquee and Camri, why not grow up some, and stop calling names. I haven't bothered you guys in about a week. so back off.

I have to ask...why the living hell do you keep coming back here? You show up, put your head on the Player's Corner version of the guillotine, and then cry because you lose it? That does not make a lick of sense. Darien did the same thing, which is why he had his head handed to him. If you would like the same, keep hanging it out there, sweet stuff.:D

HarmNone gets a bit tired of this drama

09-12-2003, 11:52 PM
I think the problem with Klaive and people like him is this... they say things that may sound fine to them but to others it's offensive. Yes, I am saying you need to be politically correct. But here it's almost more important than anywhere that you can actually see the person you're talking to.

You don't know peoples pasts. You can't say things cause you have no idea who people are. You have no idea if they have been raped or abused or if they are black, white, asian, indian, german, or even if they're an arab. You have no idea so what seems harmless to you can cut right through someone else. That's the problem with Klaive, Adyria. He says things that are incredibly hurtful and he has no remorse.

09-12-2003, 11:53 PM
[Edited on 9-13-2003 by Gemstone101]

09-12-2003, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by Revengeissweet
so I'm a liar, so sue me? You can't get blood from a stone. And your little name calling, just shows how mature your really are. So what, I'm fat, big deal.
and for your info, there, I do go to confession, and church, and I just rejoined the church choir. So, continue with your bashing me, seeing as you have nothing better to do. I do hope you have fun, like little children.
yes, we do get old fast, but if you insist on acting like children, then that sounds like a P. P. to me.

I can't believe you pulled yourself into this.

You were out, no one was talking about you and your own seemingly plentiful shortcomings.

DarDar may be a friend who stuck up for you, but I wish you would use your own head here and think about what it is you are getting into.

You want to defend someone when they are just someone in the wrong place at the wrong time thats fantastic. Just don't be a fool and toss your own credibility in the toilet by leaping to the wee ones defense in this case as he has surely dug his own grave not in one post or even several, but over a long span of time and in post after post.

To be blunt, you do him more harm than good by trying to defend such idiocy.

If you think about it, and if you really care about him you would quietly back out of this whole thing.


Amy, I don't think anyone would question your decision in all this and think you are handling it with as much dignity as the situation allows. Well done.

Weedmage Princess
09-12-2003, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
I have to ask...why the living hell do you keep coming back here? You show up, put your head on the Player's Corner version of the guillotine, and then cry because you lose it? That does not make a lick of sense. Darien did the same thing, which is why he had his head handed to him. If you would like the same, keep hanging it out there, sweet stuff.:D

HarmNone gets a bit tired of this drama

Haha I didn't even bother to respond to her...you've read all that crap on her...don't waste your time. She's not worth a response, really.

09-12-2003, 11:58 PM
<<Perhaps you didn't get it the first time, don't post it again>>

[Edited on 9-13-2003 by Gemstone101]

[Edited on 9-13-2003 by Gemstone101]

09-13-2003, 12:03 AM
whatever, so be it.

09-13-2003, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
Haha I didn't even bother to respond to her...you've read all that crap on her...don't waste your time. She's not worth a response, really.

Heh. I will give anybody a warning. It gives them a chance to back out if they do not realize that more steps in the direction they are heading will take them, inevitably, into the meat-grinder. If they then choose to continue, then spaghetti dinner will be enjoyed by all! :D

HarmNone tried

09-13-2003, 12:09 AM
I leave for an hour or so and I fall out of the loop. Why was Klaive banned?

Weedmage Princess
09-13-2003, 12:10 AM
Klaive was banned???

09-13-2003, 12:14 AM
He sent me a U2U telling me to STFU and tell you he was banned .. LOL well there now ya know:D

09-13-2003, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
Klaive was banned???

Yeah, he sent a U2U to me asking me give everyone that message.

But I'm not his secretary....

Weedmage Princess
09-13-2003, 12:18 AM
Heh he sent me a U2U too, the title called me a bitch (gasp!!!) so...I just deleted it without reading it...then sent him a message back politely explaining that I was adding him to my ignore list.

09-13-2003, 12:21 AM
He sent me a message. I won't tell you what it says because that's what he wants. Sorry.

09-13-2003, 12:25 AM
We got word of his so called messages, and several of them were beyond crass and uncalled for. We deleted a lot of them before any of you will get a chance to read them, and believe me, yer not missing out on anything worth reading.

When we banned him, it was only for 2 weeks and we left him his u2u priveleges trying to be nice to him. Obviously he didn't want any of his priveleges.

He can now consider his ban permanent and complete. Drop the subject, he's not worth it.

09-13-2003, 02:12 AM
Tayre is a tool.

09-13-2003, 02:20 AM
Originally posted by peam
Hey, girl.

(Jason plays with the button on his jeans, giving an innocent look that only a fat guy can manage.)


09-13-2003, 02:25 AM
Originally posted by Revengeissweet
whatever, so be it.


09-13-2003, 04:33 AM
Well I caught part of this in the virgin thread as I was ready to head out the door.

I'm actually glad it came to a head without me in the middle of it.

I don't really think anyone accepted Klaive so much as tolerated him so long as he didn't cross the line. This was the noose Klaive tied, this was the noose Klaive put around his neck, and even though there were literally hundreds of hands wanting to pull on the other end of the rope, Klaive managed to hoist himself up under his own power.

R.I.P. Klaive. I can't say I'll miss you, but I'm happy to see you go. Your BS was a trivial thing to put up with, you spam another small thing. You self-delusional state of being earned my pity, your mother and those you have hurt deserve my empathy.

I'll refrain from roasting your ass simply because I could smell burnt flesh before I even opened the thread.

09-13-2003, 08:37 AM
Dang. Miss the pc for 2 days and this is what happens. I'm just blown away.

I didn't get a U2U I feel left out.

09-13-2003, 11:22 AM
...I'm away for one Friday night and I miss all the drama. Lovely.

09-13-2003, 12:14 PM
You guys didnt miss out on anything really.... just a bunch of BS coming to the surface to be washed away and forgotten about. Although for some reason I cant see myself forgetting about this incident for a while...

09-13-2003, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by Raeyanii
You guys didnt miss out on anything really.... just a bunch of BS coming to the surface to be washed away and forgotten about. Although for some reason I cant see myself forgetting about this incident for a while...

Aww < hugs > try not to let him get to you like that .. He's not worth it

09-13-2003, 01:43 PM
Hahahaha thanks for posting that one Tayre. I'll have to read the rest later. Mwuahahahahaha.

* Klaive just got pwned!

09-13-2003, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by peam
Holy shit. She just broke out the Bobs on you.


Sorry.. I found that line rather funny.:smilegrin:

09-13-2003, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by Raeyanii
You guys didnt miss out on anything really.... just a bunch of BS coming to the surface to be washed away and forgotten about. Although for some reason I cant see myself forgetting about this incident for a while...

Hugs, hon. Wash it away with the rest of the dirt, eh? He is not worth remembering. You are worth far more. Be good to yourself and put the past aside.


09-13-2003, 03:23 PM
<<I'm actually trying to find out if you can press charges and/or sue those who slander you with things that are completely untrue online.>>


<<Does anyone know if anything can be done legally in regard to this?>>

I think in situations like this, it's legal to shoot yourself in the face with a 12 gauge shotgun.

09-13-2003, 03:37 PM
[quote]Originally posted by Klaive
<<I'm actually trying to find out if you can press charges and/or sue those who slander you with things that are completely untrue online.>>

It is so Darien-like to post something like this when, within just a post or two, he threatens to off somebody! :rolleyes:

HarmNone finds Darien almost amusing in a dorky sorta way

Weedmage Princess
09-13-2003, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by Methais
I think in situations like this, it's legal to shoot yourself in the face with a 12 gauge shotgun.

Methais is..beyond the shadow of a doubt...my hero

09-13-2003, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess

Originally posted by Methais
I think in situations like this, it's legal to shoot yourself in the face with a 12 gauge shotgun.

Methais is..beyond the shadow of a doubt...my hero

LMAO .. i love ya Weedmage !:spin:

09-13-2003, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
Sit yo' stupid ass down, STFU and take it like a man!

....the end.

I think this is the best quote in this thread. GO WEEDMAGE!!!!

Weedmage Princess
09-13-2003, 04:03 PM
YAY!!! <is loved> : P

09-13-2003, 05:11 PM
Wow, holy hell, lol. Here I was gonna ignore this thread because I figured it was the normal bitching about Klaive like the other threads that seem to spark up about everyone's favorite GS twits which is all repeated stupid stuff. Damn, I'm glad I came in here. Talk about the drama.

I kinda feel sorry for Darien having to take all this and finally see all the shit he's created. It's a bit overwhelming. However, he created it all and it all finally caught up with him. Hopefully he'll learn a lesson from all this and will change. I also feel sorry for his ex-girlfriends for whatever may have been done to you. I don't feel sorry for the other board posters though because you all crave this stuff. :P

Damn, one hell of a crazy thread, heh.

- N

09-13-2003, 05:14 PM
Shame I missed this thread while it was on fire. Granted I have always thought Klaive (Darien) was just another stupid peon, I must say the single thing that most pissed me off was his bullshit IQ. If you had an IQ over 200, you wouldn't be wasting your life away caring what a bunch of Internet addicted gamer freaks think about you in a game where you are merely a speck of a nobody just like 99% of the players. Get over it.

09-13-2003, 05:20 PM
As my old friend Siraris used to say.

Klaive, you suck at life and Gemstone.

09-13-2003, 05:25 PM
Hey Duuuuude,

When's the next JMU block party sha-bang?

Klaive got banned. Lolzzzz.

09-13-2003, 05:32 PM

I figured now was an appropriate time to unveil my first internet sticker thingy. Feel free to use it, just don't link it to my Inkfrog account, because it'll get deleted eventually.

09-13-2003, 05:40 PM
Block parties were the first week of class Peam. Got some parties lined up tonight though :-D

09-13-2003, 05:46 PM
He did say in the other thread that if he got banned he would create his own posting site and everyone would be allowed to say anything about everything without fear of <insert whatever> Going to follow through with that? Oh, wait, you can't post! Silly me! :P Get one of your friends (term friends used loosely) to give us your site addy.

Vesi waiting with baited breath... NOT!

09-13-2003, 06:13 PM
I'm willing to bet that if he created his own forums that the only people posting there would either be the ones defending him, or the ones to make fun of him even more for trying.

09-13-2003, 06:24 PM
I never found him all that bad, but then again, its hard to annoy me. I guess he deserved it though heh.

heh, but here is my tribute to him.. (not sure what it has to do with anything, i just love the pic)

09-13-2003, 06:49 PM
I am Klaive's sister in gs3. How? No clue really but for as long as I can remember I was his little sister for about 4 years now.
When I first met him he was my big brother, someone Esmee looked up to. The only thing I ever got from him as a brother was details on his sex life in game and never once did I get a spell up. LOL... This whole thing about Klaive being a virgin has gotten old, perhaps as old as Esmee's man hating days, like Klaive says it has but so has this virgin thing and so has his quacking the park.
Alot of you might not even remember or know Esmee but I have seen his bull shit for 5 years now and most of the time I would laugh it off and say he is touched by Zelia. In truth Klaive has not added one bit of Role Play to Gs3 in those five years. Unless you consider quacking the park as RP?
I am sure I will here all kinds of shit now from Klaive but bring it on big brother, I too can handle your bull shit and laugh at your lies.

I would add some more Klaive Bashing to this post but he might think I am men bashing and say it has gotten old. I might go and quake the park for a bit.

09-13-2003, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by Esmee
I would add some more Klaive Bashing to this post but he might think I am men bashing and say it has gotten old. I might go and quake the park for a bit.

Heh. Well, you do not have to worry about Klaive getting back at you here, hon. His butt is sooo banned!

In fact, I have not even seen his wee name in the "Who's Online" section, peering in the window with his nose pressed up against the pane. ;)


09-13-2003, 07:03 PM
I'm not sure, can you even read the boards as that user name when banned? I figured that's why people end up making new names.

09-13-2003, 07:05 PM
I dunno, CT. I had seen his name in the "Who's Online" section last night, after the ban. I had seen Apollyon's name there too, after he was banned.

They look so pitiful, just sitting down there. NOT!

HarmNone notices these things :D

09-13-2003, 07:46 PM
You can read the forums, but no posting and no u2u.

09-13-2003, 07:49 PM
WOW! I go out for a night and hell breaks loose. Anyway, I did find it funny Klaive was "seeking legal advice" while physically threatening to harm people. How moronic.

What was even more funny is the people feeling sorry for him. See, some just don't get it. This is what he wanted and actually set out to do. He wanted to hurt people. He can't be dumb enough to think that it wouldn't eventually be exposed. He knew he would be. All he has to do is deny it and act like a wounded puppy. Cmon give me a break. He is getting the attention he wants. He wants people to hate him. He wants people to pity him. Just as long as they are thinking about him and posting about him. He said he isn't hurting at all, right? So don't feel sorry for him. THIS is what he wanted. He said his mommy cybers and stuff too and not to worry about piting her either. *Usually* as the saying goes the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. So I for one don't pity either one.

[Edited on 9-13-2003 by GS4Gurl]

09-13-2003, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by GS4Gurl
He said his mommy cybers and stuff too and not to worry about piting her either. *Usually* as the saying goes the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. So I for one don't pity either one.

Whoa! Darien said his mother cybers. That is tantamount to saying an ostrich said it was a duck! Darien....hold on to your hats, folks....lies! Do not condemn anyone for what Darien might have said about them, especially his poor mother. It is for certain she has enough heartbreak in her life. She has him.


09-13-2003, 07:56 PM
I'd be pretty damn freaked out if I found out my mom or dad ever cybered with anyone.

09-13-2003, 07:58 PM
I think most people would, Soulpieced. I know my kids would faint dead away, just before they had me locked up. :D

HarmNone figures cybering is boooooring

09-13-2003, 08:02 PM
I think if I ever found one of my parents cybering, I would have dry heaves for atleast 6 hours. That's after 3 hours of throwing up.

09-13-2003, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
I'd be pretty damn freaked out if I found out my mom or dad ever cybered with anyone.


moms need cyberluv too!


09-13-2003, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by GS4Gurl

Originally posted by Soulpieced
I'd be pretty damn freaked out if I found out my mom or dad ever cybered with anyone.


moms need cyberluv too!


:Ok now thats something i never want to know..LMAO

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-13-2003, 09:43 PM
So instead of MILF

its MILC?

09-14-2003, 12:59 AM
Okay... the part I don't get. Those girls who are talking about being with Klaive... that's the character, right? Not the person?

There's no way the fat dude behind the player of Klaive has ever been laid. I'm convinced of this.

It almost sounded as if the people and the characters weren't separate, which is kinda scary in my opinion.

09-14-2003, 01:10 AM
Read man, read!

Yes, each of them said as much in plain english. They also commented on the circumstances as well.

It took guts, so don't start bashing them simply because they were pulled in by a pathological liar and borderline sociopath.

09-14-2003, 01:24 AM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Read man, read!

Yes, each of them said as much in plain english. They also commented on the circumstances as well.

It took guts, so don't start bashing them simply because they were pulled in by a pathological liar and borderline sociopath.

Damn it Tsa'ah, you're right again.

I did read... but it was like a disbelief mechanism in my head or something. I had to ask.

Ladies, thank you for bravery in sharing the stories. Definately took some serious courage.

09-14-2003, 01:26 AM
Can we just forget all this already?

09-14-2003, 02:12 AM
Damn, i thought he had nailed them all in real life.

09-14-2003, 02:58 AM
Wow...I never even read this thread. Klaive got banned? Talk about drama fo' yo' momma. I have no comment... actually I have one. Now that Dar's gone, who's gonna come up with 10 new threads per day? Hehe

edited: Just to say that I'm not bashing on Dar, tis a joke. :P

[Edited on 9-14-2003 by Lalana]

09-14-2003, 03:04 AM
Originally posted by Lalana
Wow...I never even read this thread. Klaive got banned? Talk about drama fo' yo' momma. I have no comment... actually I have one. Now that Dar's gone, who's gonna come up with 10 new threads per day? Hehe

edited: Just to say that I'm not bashing on Dar, tis a joke. :P

[Edited on 9-14-2003 by Lalana]

If you mean who is going to come up with 10 new threads in the ongoing saga of "All About Klaive", nobody. And we are very thankful for that. :D


09-14-2003, 08:22 AM
I missed all the fun? :(

Damn moving house day.

09-14-2003, 04:24 PM
<<Now that Dar's gone, who's gonna come up with 10 new threads per day? Hehe>>

There's a ventriliquist act going on over in the "Hasek" (not Haashek) thread <cough>.

09-14-2003, 04:26 PM
Xcalibur is doing a good job.

09-14-2003, 04:27 PM
He got banned? Hahahahaha.

* Klaive just got banned!

* Klaive just got pwned!

09-14-2003, 04:48 PM
Would somebody mind explaining to us in simple English what exactly happened. Klaive invited some girl to live with him IRL and that eventually went stale and everything snowballed from there?


09-14-2003, 04:57 PM
Those things do appear to be true. In reality, they're everyday occurrences.

The big deal is that Klaive has been coming to these boards claiming superiority, brandishing a moral code, yada yada.

He started a thread about virginity, claiming he was one, would never marry a woman that wasn't, would not be with a black woman... so on and so forth.

Klaive's EXs decided they had heard enough of his BS and called him on everything. Klaive went thermal (a la Sean) and got himself a temporary banning. He still had U2U privileges and decided to push his ban to permanent status.

09-14-2003, 09:54 PM
Okay my understanding was he was with these girls IRL too. Yeah one mentioned going to Reno with him.. yadayada blah blah. He fucked them mentally and physically and turned out to be a jackass lying scumbag.

Or thats what I got out of it.


09-15-2003, 04:35 AM
Did you guys end up deleting a bunch of U2U's? I'm sure he had some choice words for me. I kind of wish I could hear them.

09-15-2003, 08:05 AM
Trust me. No you don't.

09-15-2003, 10:18 AM
Why not? Nothing he says could be worse than anything I hear here. Unless he starts with the "I hope your IRL mom dies of cancer" crap. I only hear that in Gemstone...

09-15-2003, 10:21 AM
Yeah, don't we have a right to read what he sent to us?

09-15-2003, 10:21 AM

09-15-2003, 10:24 AM
Heh, maybe, maybe.

09-15-2003, 10:28 AM
Back up plan now, stray, you take out the lower mods, i'll drop crystal, sintik and caels lets move move move!

09-15-2003, 10:29 AM
If there is anyone "taking" Crystal, it will be me ;)

09-15-2003, 10:31 AM

09-15-2003, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Yeah, don't we have a right to read what he sent to us?

Nope, not since he was banned. If he hadn't been we wouldn't have had to delete them. Blame it on Klaive for not getting to see your nasty U2U's from him.

09-15-2003, 01:01 PM
Back up plan now, stray, you take out the lower mods, i'll drop crystal, sintik and caels lets move move move!


If there is anyone "taking" Crystal, it will be me.


09-15-2003, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears

Back up plan now, stray, you take out the lower mods, i'll drop crystal, sintik and caels lets move move move!


Don't worry CT, look at Solkern's new title!

09-15-2003, 01:04 PM
::screams and passes out::

09-15-2003, 06:18 PM
I miss Klaive.. now that hes gone, half the fun of flaming is too :(

09-15-2003, 06:37 PM
I do have to agree.. since Klaive was banned it's like everything is boring. Gemstone and the boards. I've just been reading and actually dealing with my college papers...

09-15-2003, 06:54 PM
Mmm...I'm leaning towards closing this thread with the hopes that with no reason/interest in Klaive anymore, he won't come back. Feel free to shoot me a U2U if you disagree, but I feel that with him gone we're just beating a dead horse here.