View Full Version : Should Crit Weighting be nerfed?

06-08-2017, 09:54 AM
Here we go, this is going to be red rep insanity, but I think it should be explored. The question is, should crit weighting be nerfed?

What is crit weighting? Effectively, it increases the severity of the critical rank on a crit table by directly adding to the phantom ranks. Without getting into Latrinsorm calculations, it's crazy overpowered and far more desirable than flares or damage weighting.

For all intents and purposes, crit weighting is like a flare that flares on every hit without fail and even "flares" on death hits. It's also got damage weighting built-in by the increase of damage due to crit rank increases.

How should crit weighting be nerfed? I think ALL critters should get some form of crit padding above and beyond those few critters with natural padding. I would like to see most capped critters have 30~40 pts of critical padding (equivalent to 'Fantastically Padded') and have ALL undead be immune to the damage increases due to critical rank.

What are your thoughts and suggestions?

06-08-2017, 09:57 AM
Sorry, you must be capped to reflect on the game at cap.

06-08-2017, 10:03 AM
Sorry, you must be capped to reflect on the game at cap.

It's not only at cap though (I'm just stating what the end should look like in order to give a reference point for the rest of the game.) Like a level 20 critter could have 2~4 pts of critical padding, level 40 6~10, level 60 10~16, level 80 16~24 level 80~100 24~30 pts of padding, 100+ 30~40 pts of padding.

06-08-2017, 10:04 AM
Can we ban you for good yet?