View Full Version : The Hilarity of Trying to Play GSIV (especially w/LICH) not Using Windows

06-05-2017, 05:12 PM
I never got around to buying a PC in like a decade now to play GSIV. My work and everything is on a Mac and I never spared the extra few hundred to get a pc dedicated so I can use Lich. Using Lich on a Mac basically requires dreaming. I bought a Chromebook mistakenly not realizing the operating system and tried to get Lich to run on that -- hahahaha. It was about as bad as trying to get it to work on the Mac.

At the end of the day, it's true what they say: Lich and GS are pretty much Windows compatible and if you do anything but that, prepare to require therapy.

But now I'm finally getting a little Laptop and it's only for GS and like email, web surfing. Dedicated. Now I can do that run to Pinefar or Icemule or Elven Nations and the Zul Lugoth Sunfist thing with the script. I'm old school, run to everything with my fingers doing 'e w sw s climb rockslide' etc. as of now. When I get the little laptop I'm sure I will go crazy with hunting areas in obscure places which would have been too much of a pain in the ass to access!

06-05-2017, 05:15 PM
Could have installed Ubuntu on the Chromebook, and then installed Lich using wine. A few more steps to go through, but not the end of the world

06-05-2017, 05:16 PM
PC + WizardFE 4 lyfe!

06-05-2017, 05:36 PM
I never got around to buying a PC in like a decade now to play GSIV. My work and everything is on a Mac and I never spared the extra few hundred to get a pc dedicated so I can use Lich. Using Lich on a Mac basically requires dreaming. I bought a Chromebook mistakenly not realizing the operating system and tried to get Lich to run on that -- hahahaha. It was about as bad as trying to get it to work on the Mac.

At the end of the day, it's true what they say: Lich and GS are pretty much Windows compatible and if you do anything but that, prepare to require therapy.

But now I'm finally getting a little Laptop and it's only for GS and like email, web surfing. Dedicated. Now I can do that run to Pinefar or Icemule or Elven Nations and the Zul Lugoth Sunfist thing with the script. I'm old school, run to everything with my fingers doing 'e w sw s climb rockslide' etc. as of now. When I get the little laptop I'm sure I will go crazy with hunting areas in obscure places which would have been too much of a pain in the ass to access!

I have a macbook air for web development and I've installed Virtual Box, created a windows box and play GS on that. It's fairly simple to do, Luxelle had an issue a while back and linked some stuff in her post here. (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?102122-New-Mac-amp-BEST-Plan-to-get-Lich-working&highlight=)

06-05-2017, 06:04 PM
I have a macbook air for web development and I've installed Virtual Box, created a windows box and play GS on that. It's fairly simple to do, Luxelle had an issue a while back and linked some stuff in her post here. (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?102122-New-Mac-amp-BEST-Plan-to-get-Lich-working&highlight=)

I have a macbook as well. I run a slightly different variation but just so you have options. VMWare Fusion + Windows 10. I run Unity mode so its seamless. Both options work just as well.

06-05-2017, 06:57 PM
Could have installed Ubuntu on the Chromebook, and then installed Lich using wine. A few more steps to go through, but not the end of the world

What? I wish someone would write a detailed blow-by-blow guide to installing lich. Preferably with screenshots and a troubleshooting section.

06-05-2017, 07:03 PM
What? I wish someone would write a detailed blow-by-blow guide to installing lich. Preferably with screenshots and a troubleshooting section.
Why is it that all Tisket guides involve blowing?

06-05-2017, 07:04 PM
Why is it that all Tisket guides involve blowing?


06-05-2017, 07:04 PM
But that might be true, if only in my own mind.

06-05-2017, 07:12 PM
I run Avalon + Lich on my Air. It's okay, but not having the clickable text in Avalon like one has in Storm Front can be a big disadvantage when finding exits, or interacting with some funky, nested menu/merchant/mechanics type options. Otherwise it's just a bit more typing than StormFront, but not much really. GO2 and NAROST works fine though for visual/clickable mapping, but the very popular UberBar/Spells will not work with Avalon (or at least, I've been unable to get them going).

I have done StormFront via WINE on the Mac, but it's a less than optimal experience and wouldn't recommend it, but it is a free option to see if it works for you.

A virtual box (VMware, Parallels, etc) is better if you really want StormFront, or... else you can simply Bootcamp into Windows and run it all natively there, which is what I do on the iMac. For any of those three options you'll need a copy of Windows (which you can buy/download as an ISO from Microsoft...) plus the emulation software (though Bootcamp is free).

So far as getting it running on the Mac... I'm guessing you have seen this -- but just in case if not:

Couple things I've noticed from installing...
1) the auto installer etc didn't work last time I tried. I just skipped right to the manual install instructions and went through them step by step... however, you still want the diagnostics files to check and make sure all the components are there.

2) installing last time I had to actually exit out of terminal completely after running through everything (in fact, I think I logged out of my account entirely/restarted? can't recall), then after logging back in and opening terminal I ran the lich install diagnostics again. Make sure it's all there and ready, and that there are no components missing etc. If there are you can just install those individual item(s) without running through everything.

06-05-2017, 07:28 PM
The only FE that matters is Profanity.

Works everywhere with no hiccups, no memory leaks, just awesomesauce.

06-05-2017, 07:28 PM
The only FE that matters is Profanity.

Works everywhere with no hiccups, no memory leaks, just awesomesauce.

You can't trust something that works too well. It's like trusting the guy who is too quiet.

06-05-2017, 07:48 PM
I got Avalon running on my Mac ... but was frustrated with the user interface.

So I gave in, Doug helped me install Wine and Stormfront ... and I haven't looked back. :)

Newsby, however, runs Profanity. Maybe this summer I will try to see if I can cobble a couple scripts together for Profanity for Luxie to play on. It's CLOSE ... closer than Avalon.

06-05-2017, 09:52 PM
cloudserver running linux using lich + ProfanityFE

Never going back.

06-05-2017, 10:11 PM
PC + WizardFE 4 lyfe!
