View Full Version : Enhancive quick question

06-03-2017, 07:23 AM
Got a neat brig armor and a golvern helmet both give +5 to CM... but says this when I sing to it, "It will crumble into dust after its last charge is depleted."

I always thought armors persisted even after the loss of enhancive? or has that been changed? can you recharge armor emhancives through the AG?

06-03-2017, 08:10 AM
Got a neat brig armor and a golvern helmet both give +5 to CM... but says this when I sing to it, "It will crumble into dust after its last charge is depleted."

I always thought armors persisted even after the loss of enhancive? or has that been changed? can you recharge armor emhancives through the AG?

Are you sure that's in the actual song or is this based on your attempt to sell it in a shop (or when you tried to GET it from a shop)? This issue was already BUGged and reported as the song itself shows persistant, but that specific line shows up in the shop when trying to sell. It's happening to weapons, too.

06-03-2017, 08:26 AM
Are you sure that's in the actual song or is this based on your attempt to sell it in a shop (or when you tried to GET it from a shop)? This issue was already BUGged and reported as the song itself shows persistant, but that specific line shows up in the shop when trying to sell. It's happening to weapons, too.

Yeah its from the shop, thought that was the sung info. Oh nice, can you recharge armor enhancives through the adventurer's guild? like everything else?

And are all shop info for non armors like rings or necklaces the same way? I.E. some of the crumbles are actually persists?

06-03-2017, 08:29 AM
Yeah its from the shop, thought that was the sung info. Oh nice, can you recharge armor enhancives through the adventurer's guild? like everything else?

And are all shop info for non armors like rings or necklaces the same way? I.E. some of the crumbles are actually persists?

Yes, you can charge them through the AG.

No, and that's why there's that bug. Armor and weapons will always persist. The shop info will show crumbly vs persistent on both magic or enhancives for worn items.

06-03-2017, 08:37 AM
A follow-up; the level limit on enhancives, is it all or nothing or do you get parts of the bonuses? So something that's +10 at level 50, do you get +5 of it at level 25?

06-03-2017, 08:41 AM
A follow-up; the level limit on enhancives, is it all or nothing or do you get parts of the bonuses? So something that's +10 at level 50, do you get +5 of it at level 25?

All or nothing. Once you reach the requirement, it opens up to you.