View Full Version : What's this worth?

01-05-2005, 04:11 PM
You remove a ruby-set sylvan warblade from on a weapon rack.
>l my warb
The blade of this weapon is seductively sharp, and the metal's rippled patterns reflecting any passing light with an almost malevolent glint. A line of elegantly etched sylvan runes extends down the length of the dangerously curved arc and curls at the base of the blade to circle a small ruby-dusted crescent moon. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

4x, merchant added lightening flares, has several actions. (from Anfelt a few years back)

Your warblade seems to leap into the air of its own volition as you raise it in a gesture of triumph!
The blade of your sylvan warblade slices cleanly through the air as you bring it around in a sweeping arc.
>lean my warb
You set the end of your warblade's blade into the ground and stand confidently behind it.
>dust my warb
You carefully buff the blade of your sylvan warblade, removing the stray debris of battle.

You tap the blade of your sylvan warblade against the ground.
>tilt my warb
As you tilt your sylvan warblade from side to side, reflected light dances across its keen-edged blade.
>push my warb
You hold your sylvan warblade menacingly in front of you, its sharp edge glinting.
>pull my warb
You pull your sylvan warblade in close to your body, its keen edge pointing outward.

Looking for a ballpark estimate on how much to ask for it.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-05-2005, 04:16 PM
500k-1m is my guess :)

01-05-2005, 05:03 PM
I'll give you 600k for it.

01-05-2005, 05:50 PM