View Full Version : fixskills what should i change or should i just wait till 100

05-30-2017, 01:32 AM
I was thinking about going .5 on survival and .5 on first aid would give me like 300 physical and 100 mental points to put elswhere. If i do that any thoughts on where to put them.

Thanks in advance. do i lower my armor as well or keep going? I have my yearly fixskill

Beldannon (at level 96), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 300 200
Combat Maneuvers...................| 296 196
Two-Handed Weapons.................| 297 197
Ambush.............................| 130 35
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 200 100
Physical Fitness...................| 286 186
Dodging............................| 286 186
Arcane Symbols.....................| 140 40
Magic Item Use.....................| 142 42
Harness Power......................| 130 35
Elemental Mana Control.............| 82 18
Spirit Mana Control................| 40 8
Survival...........................| 196 96
Perception.........................| 196 96
Climbing...........................| 150 50
Swimming...........................| 145 45
First Aid..........................| 196 96

05-30-2017, 02:48 AM
Personally, I like survival for not slipping on the trail and other places. I think it also plays into harmful weather effects. First Aid (assuming you aren't doing a lot of skinning) I would say take to at least 40 (40 give another -1RT for herbs, the next would be 60, which is a lot of TP for 1RT on herbs.

I love focused MOC, and after 3rd swing you get no additional RT, so getting moc to 135 would give you another focused swing for "free" Not saying that should be where you dump all your points too, but it should be somewhere on your list. You could probably drop swimming a bit, the only place I swim at cap was in nelemar (which is a super brutal, confusing, murder swim, I did OK with 40 ranks) If you don't plan on going there, it MAY be worthwhile to tank it for some other points. and rebuild it later if you want to head out there. Actually, i got swim just for Nelemar, and then learned I can symbol seeking in, and ring out, so I will probably drop mine down a bit too.

PLEASE CONFIRM there is no other worthwhile capped swim places. I have been wrong before

05-30-2017, 01:11 PM
If you are not in Voln you swimming to get inside the rift. The swim out doesnt have a skill check.

Assuming you are in full plate I would not go lower than 180 armor use so you keep the AP reduction. Personally, I would put the points into dodge for defense. Without a shield I usually try to aim for 2.5x unless you are planning on visiting the Confluence which would need more.

05-30-2017, 04:00 PM
I second dodge. Being 3x dodge and 3x PF are the best points I ever spent.

05-30-2017, 06:28 PM
I am in voln. Interesting on the Dodge

05-30-2017, 07:38 PM
I am in voln. Interesting on the Dodge

I mean, first of all, as a THW user, 2x vs 3x dodge is like the difference between 350 and 450 DS in offense with a dreavening. Higher if you have decent weapons and armor. For all you number crunchers out there, I don't mean that exactly literally, but there's a very noticeable difference.

Second of all, there is this hilarity (from a single round during last night's bandit hunt):

A gnomish thief leaps out of his hiding place!
In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, a gnomish thief engages you in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
A gnomish thief swings a cudgel at you!
You evade the attack with ease!

A gnomish thief swings a cudgel at you!
You gracefully avoid the attack!

A gnomish thief swings a cudgel at you!
You barely dodge the attack!

A human rogue swings a mace at you!
You skillfully dodge the attack!

A gnomish thief swings a cudgel at you!
You skillfully dodge the attack!

A human rogue leaps out of his hiding place!
In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, a human rogue engages you in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
A human rogue swings a mace at you!
You skillfully dodge the attack!

A human rogue swings a mace at you!
You move at the last moment to evade the attack!

A human rogue swings a mace at you!
You skillfully dodge the attack!

A human rogue swings a mace at you!
You skillfully dodge the attack!

A human rogue swings a mace at you!
You gracefully avoid the attack!

Edit: Oh, and 3x PF? Its like 80 health per tick for me. It's kinda silly. I may be anecdotally incorrect, but not my a lot.

05-30-2017, 07:50 PM
being COL I dropped FA and survival entirely, only suckers bleed! added benefit of no more skin bounties in Nelemar. Of course adding the tattoo made it even better lol

05-30-2017, 07:52 PM
Keep a crap town of survival around for running without slipping between IMT and WL and moving about in the Confluence. But yeah, not having to deal with skinning tasks is nice.

05-30-2017, 07:54 PM
On teras there is no ice! 100 swim though is a plus heh, climb too for that matter. but being well past cap now make it simpler

05-30-2017, 08:00 PM
so of my skills it seems people think that more dodge more pf? and maybe more moc at some point. Less fa and less survival

05-30-2017, 08:05 PM
I'd leave what you already got, but start pumping more stuff in the dodge and PF as you go. There's nothing "wrong" enough about your training to waste a fixskill, in my opinion.

05-30-2017, 08:06 PM
unless you are traveling the ice a lot, and tend/use herbs a lot, then yes on less FA and survival and yes triple PF and as much dodge as possible

05-30-2017, 08:07 PM
what Khariz said really, but well the fix skill is free lo, I get bored and randomly use a fix like 3 times a year lol

05-30-2017, 08:31 PM
i hardly ever use them. I think i will just wait till 100. it's not like at 96 it's that far off. (i will use my free one) for now i will add to dodge and pf and such. Ice doesn't seem to be an issue.