View Full Version : Bonus per Cast

01-04-2005, 08:47 PM
How much bonus is applied each time you enchant an item?

01-04-2005, 08:54 PM
You cannot stop mid-enchant, so it matters not :)

01-04-2005, 08:55 PM
Confusing answer. +5? Reason I ask, I started with some plain old stuff.... Enchant it 3 times, all successful. AI crystal still beams orange.

What am I missing?


01-04-2005, 08:58 PM
What your missing is..Each enchant higher you go, it takes more cast/pours.

1x = 1 pour, 1 cast.

2x = 2 pours, 2 casts.

3x = 3 pours, 3 casts.

etc etc etc

01-04-2005, 08:59 PM
Actually his answer was correct.

To take something from 0x to 1x takes 1 cast so you gain +5 on that cast.

Taking it from 1x to 2x requires 2 casts and you gain +5 so there I guess per your question the answer would be +2.5 per cast.

From 2x to 3x takes 3 cast and you gain +5 so that would be 1.6666666667 per cast

But he's right you can't have an item that's 1x cast once and now it's 1.5x doesn't work that way.

The only time you get a partial bonus on the end is if you have something with a natural bonus like +2 from invar or what have you.

01-04-2005, 09:11 PM
Ok. Thank you.

01-04-2005, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
Actually his answer was correct.

To take something from 0x to 1x takes 1 cast so you gain +5 on that cast.

Taking it from 1x to 2x requires 2 casts and you gain +5 so there I guess per your question the answer would be +2.5 per cast.

From 2x to 3x takes 3 cast and you gain +5 so that would be 1.6666666667 per cast

But he's right you can't have an item that's 1x cast once and now it's 1.5x doesn't work that way.

The only time you get a partial bonus on the end is if you have something with a natural bonus like +2 from invar or what have you.

and how would you know anything about enchanting? oh, that's right you learned that spell last week.

