05-24-2017, 11:26 PM
Looking to move these items quickly, I'll definitely negotiate. You can PM or IM meat LdyRiend. I prefer cash at he moment so illl only accept silver equivalents at $6 per million.
1. a leather-strapped set of field plate comprised of mismatched components
8x HCP full plate had this sung to last night and it's +40
Fully unlock Rikelle morphing script.
mb $300
CB $325 Beldannon SOLD
2. a damascened blue-striated claidhmore : Maiden-white vaalorn forms the heavy, straight blade, with the intense blue ripples beaten into its surface and appearing to flow like water. The patterns merge towards the ricasso, forming the likeness of a cresting wave. A square steel crossguard brutally interrupts the blade's artistry, narrowing into a sharkhide grip. A bulbous silver niello-inlaid pommel completes the long weapon's curves.
In the Common language, it reads:
Sunderer's Keen
+18 (vaalorn) clad
Fully Unlocked Felthrop scripts
mb $160
3. a carved ruic long bow
10x lirion bow
random flaring
self-ammo -]
This bow doesn't cycle enchant due to being 10x.
$3000 FLAT
4. an enruned drakar-tipped lance
>anal my lance
You analyze your drakar-tipped lance and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
* General Alterations are fine if you find an extremely skilled and rare merchant to work with this.
* It CAN have a long or a show description, if the merchant is comfortable adding one.
* The base material CANNOT change and must reference the associated flaring metal.
* Any merchant can lighten this.
Currently Unlocked Verbs:
Unlock Status: Tier 2 (3 of 3, fully unlocked)
Verbs Trapped: Point, Put (to load), Fix, Wave, Tap, Touch, Rub, Pull, Push, Lean, Shake.
Percent Damaged: 3%
Total Possible Charges: 10
Total Charges Remaining: 10
Standard Unlocks:
*Current Cooldown: 2 Minutes
** The lance has fully upgraded cooldowns!
*Current Unlock Status: MAJOR
*Current Critical Strength.
* The lance is currently set to default range.
** This can be unlocked to have an increased minimum range.
*Current Unlock Status: LOCKED
*Degredation chance
* The lance currently has a 2%-5% chance to degrade.
** This can be upgraded to have its degredation chance reduced to 1%-3%.
*Current Unlock Status: LOCKED
*Feedback Chance
* The lance currently has a 1% chance to feedback.
** This can be upgraded to have its feedback chance reduced to 0%..
*Current Unlock Status: LESSER
*Total Charge Capacity
* The lance currently can hold 10 charges.
** This can be upgraded to have 25 charges.
*Current Unlock Status: LOCKED
*Repair Difficulty
* The lance is currently HARD to repair.
** This can be upgraded to have a reduced repair difficulty to MEDIUM.
*Current Unlock Status: LOCKED
*Charge Efficiency
* The lance is currently a 1 essence to 3 charges ratio.
** This can be upgraded to only lose a charge on feedback.
*Current Unlock Status: LESSER
Auction Unlocks
*Ambient Messaging
* The lance can be unlocked as an AUCTION upgrade to have ambient messaging.
*** They can be turned ON/OFF with prod.
*Additional Target
* The lance can be unlocked as an AUCTION upgrade to hit an additional target.
*Major Elemental Wave
* The lance can be unlocked as an AUCTION upgrade to cast Major Elemental Wave when RAISEd 1x per hour.
*Shot Roundtime
* The lance currently has a 5 second roundtime on POINT to fire.
*** This can be upgraded to be reduced to 3 seconds.
Total Upgrades: 7
Minor Upgrades: 3
Lesser Upgrades: 3
Major Upgrades: 1
This lance can be upgraded 2 more times
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the drakar-tipped lance for you.
5. a moon-filled white ora pendant
Duskruin pendant, ethereal white haze. Comes with Ivas rune.
REDUCED mb $225
1. a leather-strapped set of field plate comprised of mismatched components
8x HCP full plate had this sung to last night and it's +40
Fully unlock Rikelle morphing script.
mb $300
CB $325 Beldannon SOLD
2. a damascened blue-striated claidhmore : Maiden-white vaalorn forms the heavy, straight blade, with the intense blue ripples beaten into its surface and appearing to flow like water. The patterns merge towards the ricasso, forming the likeness of a cresting wave. A square steel crossguard brutally interrupts the blade's artistry, narrowing into a sharkhide grip. A bulbous silver niello-inlaid pommel completes the long weapon's curves.
In the Common language, it reads:
Sunderer's Keen
+18 (vaalorn) clad
Fully Unlocked Felthrop scripts
mb $160
3. a carved ruic long bow
10x lirion bow
random flaring
self-ammo -]
This bow doesn't cycle enchant due to being 10x.
$3000 FLAT
4. an enruned drakar-tipped lance
>anal my lance
You analyze your drakar-tipped lance and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
* General Alterations are fine if you find an extremely skilled and rare merchant to work with this.
* It CAN have a long or a show description, if the merchant is comfortable adding one.
* The base material CANNOT change and must reference the associated flaring metal.
* Any merchant can lighten this.
Currently Unlocked Verbs:
Unlock Status: Tier 2 (3 of 3, fully unlocked)
Verbs Trapped: Point, Put (to load), Fix, Wave, Tap, Touch, Rub, Pull, Push, Lean, Shake.
Percent Damaged: 3%
Total Possible Charges: 10
Total Charges Remaining: 10
Standard Unlocks:
*Current Cooldown: 2 Minutes
** The lance has fully upgraded cooldowns!
*Current Unlock Status: MAJOR
*Current Critical Strength.
* The lance is currently set to default range.
** This can be unlocked to have an increased minimum range.
*Current Unlock Status: LOCKED
*Degredation chance
* The lance currently has a 2%-5% chance to degrade.
** This can be upgraded to have its degredation chance reduced to 1%-3%.
*Current Unlock Status: LOCKED
*Feedback Chance
* The lance currently has a 1% chance to feedback.
** This can be upgraded to have its feedback chance reduced to 0%..
*Current Unlock Status: LESSER
*Total Charge Capacity
* The lance currently can hold 10 charges.
** This can be upgraded to have 25 charges.
*Current Unlock Status: LOCKED
*Repair Difficulty
* The lance is currently HARD to repair.
** This can be upgraded to have a reduced repair difficulty to MEDIUM.
*Current Unlock Status: LOCKED
*Charge Efficiency
* The lance is currently a 1 essence to 3 charges ratio.
** This can be upgraded to only lose a charge on feedback.
*Current Unlock Status: LESSER
Auction Unlocks
*Ambient Messaging
* The lance can be unlocked as an AUCTION upgrade to have ambient messaging.
*** They can be turned ON/OFF with prod.
*Additional Target
* The lance can be unlocked as an AUCTION upgrade to hit an additional target.
*Major Elemental Wave
* The lance can be unlocked as an AUCTION upgrade to cast Major Elemental Wave when RAISEd 1x per hour.
*Shot Roundtime
* The lance currently has a 5 second roundtime on POINT to fire.
*** This can be upgraded to be reduced to 3 seconds.
Total Upgrades: 7
Minor Upgrades: 3
Lesser Upgrades: 3
Major Upgrades: 1
This lance can be upgraded 2 more times
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the drakar-tipped lance for you.
5. a moon-filled white ora pendant
Duskruin pendant, ethereal white haze. Comes with Ivas rune.
REDUCED mb $225