View Full Version : Which class is best for the Rift?

05-22-2017, 12:33 PM
Curious what everyone else thinks about this, since I'm approaching that level. Which class is best for Rift hunting? Include undead planes and of course the fact you can only wear your own spells. (MIU + magic items work?) In terms of "Best" I mean which class has the most survivability not necessarily the fastest kills.

05-22-2017, 12:45 PM
I think it probably differs on the plane, but overall I'd say Wizard, especially in the Scatter. That little wizard guy, I forget his name, used to tear it up in there.

05-22-2017, 12:51 PM

05-22-2017, 12:52 PM

Yes, Taverkin. He was great to hunt with, kind of a whirlwind.

05-22-2017, 01:19 PM
As a paladin, I have no issues at lvl 77-78 through plane 3. Though I am skipping any witches/warlocks.

05-22-2017, 01:20 PM
I definitely miss him. I think he still floats around on another un-named toon but I know the ELR and Wizard changes he was not in favor of. Was a shame, he was always nice and went out of his way to spell anyone up he could in IMT.

05-22-2017, 01:26 PM
Yes, Taverkin. He was great to hunt with, kind of a whirlwind.

old rapidfire was so amazingly broken. RIP.

05-22-2017, 01:52 PM
Curious what everyone else thinks about this, since I'm approaching that level. Which class is best for Rift hunting? Include undead planes and of course the fact you can only wear your own spells. (MIU + magic items work?) In terms of "Best" I mean which class has the most survivability not necessarily the fastest kills.

Whatever class you're playing is definitely the worst for the Rift and you should reroll now before it's too late.

I think it probably differs on the plane, but overall I'd say Wizard, especially in the Scatter. That little wizard guy, I forget his name, used to tear it up in there.

That was before wizards got nerfed, which caused Taverkin to quit.

New 917 does great vs. liches and fetish masters though.

05-22-2017, 01:52 PM
Paladins survive everything, and can kill everything in the Rift with the least amount of outside help. After that, probably ranger or bard. The magic immune critters in the Rift make it a pain for many of the caster types, and squares have to deal with the spell striping mechanics that prevent you from wearing outside spells.

It's 1625 that gives paladins the edge there. With all the undead, needing a bless is a pain, though Voln can trivialize both getting to the Rift and fighting the creatures there.

05-22-2017, 02:19 PM
Paladins survive everything, and can kill everything in the Rift with the least amount of outside help. After that, probably ranger or bard. The magic immune critters in the Rift make it a pain for many of the caster types, and squares have to deal with the spell striping mechanics that prevent you from wearing outside spells.

It's 1625 that gives paladins the edge there. With all the undead, needing a bless is a pain, though Voln can trivialize both getting to the Rift and fighting the creatures there.

I hate Paladins, the teacher's pet of GMs with little redeeming RP value other than the generic. Anyhow, I'm just going to fixskills my polearm warrior into using a 7x greataxe and go for it.

And, wow, wizards must've been a sight to behold if the nerf caused someone at end-game to quit. Wish I could see some logs from back then.(I never played casters to any significant level).

05-22-2017, 05:36 PM
Thought about FIXSKILLing into shield and sword then found this gem; yes, I'm a giantman.

Bug warning: A long standing bug (active since late 2016) which appears unlikely to be resolved can have severe mechanical effects on characters of the giantman race with shield+one handed weapon builds, although it will normally only have cosmetic effects on other races. Giants should consider avoiding shields, or avoiding hunting areas with small creatures in them, such as the capped planes of the Rift and Duskruin arena.

Anyone know what this bug is?

05-22-2017, 05:40 PM
Not to quibble, but in Gemstone terms, "since late 2016" is not a "long standing bug."

Warriors are the best. Everyone knows this.

05-22-2017, 05:44 PM
I have yet to go to the Rift, but I can say with absolute certainty that the correct answer is - Monk.

05-22-2017, 05:47 PM
Paladin with an adamantine shield duh

05-22-2017, 05:48 PM

05-22-2017, 05:53 PM

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Gelston again.

05-22-2017, 06:01 PM
Eh, so what exactly is this killer bug that's racist toward Giantman only?

05-22-2017, 06:07 PM
Thought about FIXSKILLing into shield and sword then found this gem; yes, I'm a giantman.

Bug warning: A long standing bug (active since late 2016) which appears unlikely to be resolved can have severe mechanical effects on characters of the giantman race with shield+one handed weapon builds, although it will normally only have cosmetic effects on other races. Giants should consider avoiding shields, or avoiding hunting areas with small creatures in them, such as the capped planes of the Rift and Duskruin arena.

Anyone know what this bug is?

Yup! It's a pain in the ass for giants fighting the cerebalites up there. When you ambush or aim on them you'll get 10 seconds of RT and a message that acts like you are swinging a secondary weapon stating you are unable to make a right handed strike. You don't even get that much RT with two weapons. It's ridiculous that they let this bug sit out there especially when you get it with critters in duskruin arena 1 out of 3 attacks on the smaller critters. 10 seconds of RT and no strike! That a critical frustrating bug to run into at a paid event that frustrated me to the point at just doing the sewers.

05-22-2017, 06:09 PM
It can also lead to death in the scatter with that much RT. Rogues and giants are being ignored :(. At least we aren't monks...

05-22-2017, 06:18 PM
10 seconds of RT and no strike! That a critical frustrating bug to run into at a paid event that frustrated me to the point at just doing the sewers.

Probably not quite the same thing, and I don't usually use the ambush verb to open aim all that often anymore but do so sometimes n Duskruin. The roundtime for TWC failures (or even one of the swings missing) the roundtime was even higher than 10 seconds, I forget now how much.

So it may be related, or not.

05-22-2017, 06:23 PM
Whoa, seems sorta serious, maybe Wyrom can chime in on this Bug, curious if it's perhaps more a difficult problem to fix than meets the eye.

05-22-2017, 06:38 PM
Thought about FIXSKILLing into shield and sword then found this gem; yes, I'm a giantman.

Bug warning: A long standing bug (active since late 2016) which appears unlikely to be resolved can have severe mechanical effects on characters of the giantman race with shield+one handed weapon builds, although it will normally only have cosmetic effects on other races. Giants should consider avoiding shields, or avoiding hunting areas with small creatures in them, such as the capped planes of the Rift and Duskruin arena.

Anyone know what this bug is?

If you fail to find an opening for your ambush you get 10 seconds rt. This warning is oddly both super vague and super specific. Looks like it was added to the wiki 2 weeks ago.

05-22-2017, 06:47 PM
Probably not quite the same thing, and I don't usually use the ambush verb to open aim all that often anymore but do so sometimes n Duskruin. The roundtime for TWC failures (or even one of the swings missing) the roundtime was even higher than 10 seconds, I forget now how much.

So it may be related, or not.

Yeah I'm always hiding and doing aimed ambushing and even with enhancives for ambush and OHE it doesn't appear to help at all. I can get by fine in the scatter but in DR it was a pain in the neck at times and just made it frustrating. How bad is the RT in two weapons? I just started training up two weapon combat a couple of weeks ago and I get the message with my left hand which I expect due to lack of training. But usually it's only 8 seconds. I'll have to test it in the scatter using two weapons to see what happens.

I think I'm more frustrated that it's not even recognized as a bug. I never had that issue hunting until this year.

05-22-2017, 06:53 PM
If you fail to find an opening for your ambush you get 10 seconds rt. This warning is oddly both super vague and super specific. Looks like it was added to the wiki 2 weeks ago.

It's not really a failed ambush it's the message similar to using a secondary weapon without sufficient training but stating you failed to make a one handed strike when you have maxed OHE and a shield out. Not sure if it occurs with no shield. There are more details on the officials, I'll have to track down the post. The poster stated that the GM told them in was a bug and that it wouldn't be fixed any time soon. I have never seen it until recently. I didn't even see it that often in the beginning, but now I see it multiple times when I hunt.

05-22-2017, 06:57 PM
It's not really a failed ambush it's the message similar to using a secondary weapon without sufficient training but stating you failed to make a one handed strike when you have maxed OHE and a shield out. Not sure if it occurs with no shield. There are more details on the officials, I'll have to track down the post. The poster stated that the GM told them in was a bug and that it wouldn't be fixed any time soon. I have never seen it until recently. I didn't even see it that often in the beginning, but now I see it multiple times when I hunt.

Hmm, I have only experienced that while ambushing so I assumed it it was ambush failure. What is the correct messaging for an ambush failure?

05-22-2017, 07:02 PM
Hmm, I have only experienced that while ambushing so I assumed it it was ambush failure. What is the correct messaging for an ambush failure?

Can't remember exactly, but it was usually just 6 seconds of RT. At first I thought it was a new ability introduced to some critters since I was only getting it on certain ones... then found out from a post it's only with giants aiming on smaller critters.

05-22-2017, 07:14 PM

05-22-2017, 07:22 PM
Can't remember exactly, but it was usually just 6 seconds of RT. At first I thought it was a new ability introduced to some critters since I was only getting it on certain ones... then found out from a post it's only with giants aiming on smaller critters.

second attack on a cerebralite in the scatter:
You glance down to see a perfect pale white ice axe stained by bloodjewel-inset rivulets in your right hand and a massive vruul skin-covered shield in your left hand.

>stance off
> ambush
You are now in an offensive stance.
You leap from hiding to attack!
You fail to find an opening for your right-handed strike.
Roundtime: 10 sec.

05-22-2017, 07:24 PM
At least we aren't monks...


05-23-2017, 05:03 AM
Pretty sure when this bug occurs with TWC you get like 12 seconds of RT. The first time I even saw it was in duskruin.

Also, voln warriors and rogues are pretty good in the rift because they can wear both minor spirit and minor elemental spells inside. Seeking to the sands bypasses the swim letting you keep any spell you didnt cast to maximize this. There is also Symbol of renew that gives you spirit so there is no down time when entering, either. Monks on the other hand will probably know most of their spells at rift age and still have TD issues throughout most likely

05-23-2017, 08:05 AM
Maybe this isn't a bug and they tried to add some quasi reverse form of short races inability to ambush heads? This doesn't seem too bad as it only comes up on failed ambush attempts, that's like ~5% of the time?

05-23-2017, 08:50 AM
Maybe this isn't a bug and they tried to add some quasi reverse form of short races inability to ambush heads? This doesn't seem too bad as it only comes up on failed ambush attempts, that's like ~5% of the time?

Not really sure how that would make sense at all. The smaller races have bonuses in other areas where it's a weakness to a giant. For the 10 seconds of RT you get with this you would have legged/stunned them and then took their head at 11-12 seconds as a smaller race. In the 10 second situation you open yourself up to the attacker and are in a much worse situation overall. Big difference between those two situations.