View Full Version : hang up issues in game

05-21-2017, 08:08 PM
I am not really being disconnected but my game will kind of freeze up for anywhere from 5 seconds to 30 seconds or more. I did get a new computer. I am wondering if a port isn't open or something.

tried two different anti virus programs. New internet but it is running at 40m per so it's not the internet i don't think.

Any thoughts please

05-21-2017, 08:17 PM
Delete your System32?

05-21-2017, 08:43 PM
Delete your System32?

Fuck off with that shit.

05-21-2017, 08:48 PM
Thankfully i am not stupid enough to mess with that.

05-21-2017, 08:51 PM
Thankfully i am not stupid enough to mess with that.

On a more serious note, I had this with one of my newer PC's as well.

It would freeze for a short bit, then zoom back again into things.

I forget how I fixed it honestly though, I know that's no help..I think it had something to do with saving everything client side instead of server side, or vice versa though if I recall

It was nuts cause my PC shouldn't have that sort of issue at all, so I know what it is you refer to.

PS: Come to Plat ya wussy

05-21-2017, 08:51 PM
Thankfully i am not stupid enough to mess with that.

But what if some idiot, some simple minded, mewling spawn of generations of inbreeding were to stumble upon this? Yeah, what if McGyver came across this and thought it was good info?
After further thought, I retract my objection and support everything about everything.

05-21-2017, 08:54 PM
Does it freeze and catch up? Are you connected via wireless? Then this is your problem if the answer is yes to both. Your wireless connection isn't stable enough for the game to continue transmitting the data timely enough to recognize what's happening due to GS being a real time, transactional game.

05-21-2017, 09:01 PM
i am wireless, but I have always been wireless. Never really had issues until recently. That's why i figure it might be something else

05-22-2017, 12:17 AM
Some HoA members have been reporting issues with the latest Windows 10 Anniversary edition patch. There are a few things/questions to note.

First and foremost, best advice is to keep an eye on task manager while running to see where the bottleneck is.

If it's intermittent, it could be an HDD issue when the log is full and it's writing the log from cache to disk. Double check whether or not you have logging enabled. I believe there may be lich scripts offering alternative mechanisms for logging or full XML logging, which may or may not be better/worse.
Check CPU utilization rates. If you're running Reim, and running a script like ;treim, it's doing a lot of XML parsing of critters that come in. It's not uncommon to see a CPU spike along with screen scroll.
Check other Lich scripts. I know scripts like ;title tend to cause a LOT of lag.
Check GPU to ensure that you're constantly running only the best text through 4k 120 FPS like a pro. (this is not real advice)

05-22-2017, 11:34 AM
i am wireless, but I have always been wireless. Never really had issues until recently. That's why i figure it might be something else

You said you just got a new PC...eventhough you've been wireless, doesn't mean your new PC isn't behaving differently.

If you're using a USB wireless card, ensure the USB card is plugged into a USB 3.0 port.
If it's dual band, and your network is dual band, ensure you're connected to the 5Ghz wifi.
Reset your router
In the wireless card settings: Right click wireless connection > Open network and sharing center > Change adapter settings > Right click your adapter and choose properties > configure >advanced
- If you have a Multimedia/Gaming environment option, select this to Enabled. This helps with transmitting packets for Gemstone, but could make other online games like WoW and Diablo 3 lag a bit
- If you're connected to a USB 3 port, there could be an option here for setting the USB type to force the adapter to always use 3.0 to ensure you have the best rate. I just dont have the setting name in front of me
Update your wireless network device drivers from their manufacturer site.

I get what Whirlin has noted, and they're good troubleshoot steps. I just see your issue being more network related than anything.

05-22-2017, 04:33 PM
I'd bet money on the wireless setup as well. Windows has had, at various points, very consistent issues like this where their generic/included drivers are wrong, or there's some issue. This kind of lag is totally horrible in FPS or other twitch-factor games too.

You can try the new Network Reset thingo in Windows 10. That might be the quickest way to go, and see if it makes a difference. Pretty painless.

After that, if you have issues still, here's some troubleshooting ideas...

1) Are you around a lot of other WiFi Networks? Or even just one? Double check that you're on different bands/channels.

2) Disable Windows WiFi seeking behavior. Go into WinMenu-> SETTINGS -> NETWORK & INTERNET -> Then click "WiFi" on the left hand side. For "WiFi Sense" click to OFF, same with HotSpots2.0 and Paid WiFi. Assuming you're not on a laptop and you don't travel. If you do, then you can always quickly re-enable these.

3) If you're not using bluetooth for anything, just disable it. You're not using it, and it's not adding any value -- for some Intel-based setups this has caused issues in the past. May not make a difference for you, but it can be a quick fix.

4) Check what security model you're set to (WPA2-PERSONAL or WEP). Make sure both your router and card are in agreement about which security method you're using. WPA2-Personal is preferred nowadays.

To see what it is, in your lower right hand side system tray, right click the WiFi icon -> Network Sharing Center -> Click on your WiFi Network's name, then click "Wireless Properties" button (which is in the middle of the window, not the bottom), then the security tab.

For your router, you'll have to check in the web software/interface for that sucker.

5) Disable the "Quality of Service/QoS Packet Scheduler" - long story short, this isn't needed and is a bandwidth limiter (reserving some for system use) among other things. Once again we go to...
Lower right hand side system tray, right click the WiFi icon -> Network Sharing Center -> Click on your WiFi Network's name, then click "Properties" button which is at the BOTTOM of the window (and will have a Shield on it).

You'll see a ton of items, but the only one you need to worry about is called "QoS Packet Scheduler" and should be near the top. Uncheck it, and OK. Don't touch anything else there. Restart to be on the safe side.

Good luck. It's frustrating.