View Full Version : seeking a minor enchant scroll

05-05-2017, 06:25 PM
The kind that can take 7x starting enchant

Let me know if you have one for sale!

05-05-2017, 06:31 PM
Does that qualify as a minor? I had the impression that going to 8x was major. I don't have one to sell I'm just curious

05-05-2017, 06:39 PM
Starting enchant of 36 or higher is considered a major enchant as I understand it. In regards to scrolls/certs.

Wizard enchanting of +16 or higher starting enchant is considered major

Huh, according to the wiki it DOES appear that a 7x starting enchant would be minor. Learning shit everyday. Post changed to match.

05-05-2017, 06:47 PM
Huh, according to the wiki it DOES appear that a 7x starting enchant would be minor. Learning shit everyday.

where does it say that?

05-05-2017, 07:01 PM
where does it say that?
Looking at the enchant descriptions from duskruin high end this round.

The bearer of this award is entitled to have a single enchant (+5) added to an eligible item (7x and under) of their choice. Some items may be ineligible due to their current properties.

05-05-2017, 07:08 PM
Looking at the enchant descriptions from duskruin high end this round.

The bearer of this award is entitled to have a single enchant (+5) added to an eligible item (7x and under) of their choice. Some items may be ineligible due to their current properties.

Good, I thought you meant the 925 page.

05-05-2017, 07:14 PM
You can start at 7x, yes.