View Full Version : Free Platinum 30 day trial

05-04-2017, 05:56 PM
It doesn't look like we're getting summer trials this year, so I thought I would provide a link (https://www.play.net/gs4/platinum/trial.asp) for anyone interested in trying Platinum for free for 30 days.

Perks include: 725 simucoins a month, custom titles (https://gswiki.play.net/Title_system#Platinum_Titles) at levels 60, 80, & 100, custom permanent familiars for wizards upon learning 920, custom alters for ranger companions upon learning 630, private property points (http://gsguide.wikia.com/wiki/Private_Property_Policy_and_Points#Private_Propert y_Points) which accrue monthly if you own a private home, 125-slot lockers in all towns, a portal system allowing near-instantaneous transport for a flat fee of 10k a month, monthly raffles (http://gsguide.wikia.com/wiki/Monthly_Raffles), Moltin's dicing game (https://gswiki.play.net/Moltin%27s_dicing), higher drop rates at digging/DR, and the opportunity to occasionally beta test things such as the moonshard pendants at DR or the first Reim release.

Come check out the place where everybody knows your name (https://youtu.be/h-mi0r0LpXo)!


05-04-2017, 05:58 PM
Oh snaaaaaaaps.

05-04-2017, 06:05 PM
How many people are typically in Plat now on peak/avg times?

Last I remember it was around 20s

05-04-2017, 06:08 PM
hmmm tempting, never tried plat.

05-04-2017, 06:11 PM
=private property points (http://gsguide.wikia.com/wiki/Private_Property_Policy_and_Points#Private_Propert y_Points) which accrue monthly if you own a private home,=[/url]

Wish I could earn these in prime!

05-04-2017, 06:12 PM
How many people are typically in Plat now on peak/avg times?

Last I remember it was around 20s

This is still pretty close. Average is 20s, peak depending on events/merchants/etc. can be up to 40s.

05-04-2017, 06:14 PM
We also peaked close to 90 during the auction.

05-04-2017, 06:15 PM
We also peaked close to 90 during the auction.

Yeah but... I was being realistic!

05-04-2017, 06:16 PM
We also peaked close to 90 during the auction.

Pssh Auctions don't count!

05-04-2017, 06:18 PM
Well, right. But it does illustrate what's out there if people actually logged in.

05-04-2017, 06:24 PM
Well, right. But it does illustrate what's out there if people actually logged in.

I seem to recall even more, around the low 100s at some points during events there.

But for me it's been a while since I've played Plat....Last time I played, Keith was a new player there..

05-04-2017, 06:26 PM
I hear Illistimi Wizards are the best in plat. Is that true?

Also don't forget how it's much easier to be involved in current events for a good thing.

05-04-2017, 06:37 PM
I enjoy when a GM enters as a NPC and a small storyline is played out with those in the area. Great way to get to know your neighbors. :D

05-04-2017, 06:39 PM
So... if I did a 30 day trial, and it was active during the 725 Simucoin offering, then swapped back to prime... I would effectively be up like... 2 dollars.

05-04-2017, 06:48 PM
You don't get the SimuCoins until you are billed for the amount.

05-04-2017, 07:34 PM
I'd sign up for it but with my luck I'd forget about the trial.

05-04-2017, 08:09 PM
I didn't use the free trial myself. But I was already prepared to jump in. Have yet to regret it. I'm enjoying both Prime and Platinum. Funny thing is I am playing Richaard in both but with two different play styles.

05-04-2017, 08:13 PM
Plat has always been enjoyable so long as things are somewhat active, otherwise it can be a little dull when no one is on

05-05-2017, 12:01 PM
If anyone does decide to try it out, here's a little list to help with setting up ;go2 for use in Platinum with our portals. It won't overwrite anything you have in Prime.

1. ;go2 list
2. backup your custom targets (precaution)
3. ;repo download go2.lic
4. ;repo download-mapdb
5. ;repo set-mapdb-updatable
6. Set go2 variables
a. ;go2 --fwi-trinket="trinket name"
b. ;go2 --portals=on
c. ;go2 --portal-pass=<on|off>

05-05-2017, 12:04 PM
Single player Gemstone is called Zork. That's way cheaper than a platinum membership.

Edit to add:

That said, I was at an IC event the other night where people were ICly spouting wiki URLs and using words that were referencing cars and driving, and no one batted an eyelash. I found myself longing for just a little bit of RP integrity.

Platinum is probably held to those standards better, but Prime used to be a nice middle ground. In many cases it still is, but if platinum were the standard, or had a playerbase, it'd be the place for me.

Unfortunately, in a world where the main choice in MUDing is increasingly "find a MUD that isn't empty", paying EXTRA to play a mud that IS empty is a no-brainer turn down.

05-05-2017, 12:08 PM
If I sign up, can I skip to level 20?

05-05-2017, 12:10 PM
That said, I was at an IC event the other night where people were ICly spouting wiki URLs and using words that were referencing cars and driving, and no one batted an eyelash. I found myself longing for just a little bit of RP integrity.

Platinum is probably held to those standards better, but Prime used to be a nice middle ground. In many cases it still is, but if platinum were the standard, or had a playerbase, it'd be the place for me.

It's about what you want out of the game. None of this happens in Platinum. *shrug*

05-05-2017, 12:11 PM
If I sign up, can I skip to level 20?

I wish.

05-05-2017, 12:12 PM
That said, I was at an IC event the other night where people were ICly spouting wiki URLs and using words that were referencing cars and driving, and no one batted an eyelash. I found myself longing for just a little bit of RP integrity.

what event was that?

05-05-2017, 12:14 PM
what event was that?

The kind used to illustrate a concern rather than tattle on people. It was a fun event regardless, but having things held to a slightly higher standard in Prime on the whole, as in the 90s and early 2000s, would be nice. There's a lot of things that fly now that would never have "back in the day". Don't need to name specific names for anyone to acknowledge that.

05-05-2017, 12:36 PM
If anyone does decide to try it out, here's a little list to help with setting up ;go2 for use in Platinum with our portals. It won't overwrite anything you have in Prime.

1. ;go2 list
2. backup your custom targets (precaution)
3. ;repo download go2.lic
4. ;repo download-mapdb
5. ;repo set-mapdb-updatable
6. Set go2 variables
a. ;go2 --fwi-trinket="trinket name"
b. ;go2 --portals=on
c. ;go2 --portal-pass=<on|off>

All that is only required if someone has previously played and used plat_updater.lic

05-05-2017, 08:35 PM
Every character mine encounters are just so dang friendly in Platinum. :D
And I pop into Plat during late hours and always find someone. I go out for a hunt and come back, there's someone sitting at the small park (Landing) or TC (Icemule). Or just wandering around somewhere, he'll pass by someone(s).
During peak hours if my character is in game, I like not having sit in an area with another 20 or so competing for attention *LOL* ... everyone gets some kind of attention... whether you want it or not. ;) Unless of course you just sit there like a stone statue.

05-05-2017, 08:42 PM
I'd say if I ever really got back into playing GS again, it'd be Plat. Less people, but when you rule out Bots and AFK people, it isn't really that much less than Prime... And due to portals, you really aren't stuck in one town for hunting.

05-05-2017, 10:21 PM
< Every character mine encounters are just so dang friendly in Platinum >

There are some not so nice people in Plat, persona-wise. You'll see.

Best part of Platinum is the ability to be diverse. The means to have a unique persona provides a real means to invest into the roleplay you want, without getting washed out by the multitudes in Prime. Prime is still an amazing place, but it is certainly easier to attain a true in-depth persona in Platinum.

For the "there's no one there herp-herp-herp" crowd, it happens sometimes but if you mention you'll be at so-and-so place others will ( normally ) come around. Most people are on Lich and scripting their hunting, though so you have the freedom to do what you want, and when you want to roleplay you can.

05-05-2017, 10:30 PM
Unless of course you just sit there like a stone statue.

Need to Omrii his title... Omrii the Statue King.

05-05-2017, 11:44 PM
There are some not so nice people in Plat, persona-wise. You'll see.

Oddly enough, I would like to. Not everyone in the real world is all nice and friendly. Why would it be any different in a make-believe one? I wouldn't get offended. My character might, though. :D But that's what makes RP so fun.

Need to Omrii his title... Omrii the Statue King.

I want credit!

05-07-2017, 11:52 AM
From what I hear we've been seeing a few new subscribers! If you guys are ever in need of wizard spells, come find Issalya. <3

05-07-2017, 08:21 PM
Qualeric is also happy to help with wizard spells, but it is much more fun to bother Issalya about such things. I heard the secret is to make sure to have dirty clothes or be covered in ash when you ask her.

05-07-2017, 08:30 PM
I think I'll give Plat another try, with the trial going on, and still the fact it's only a measly 10 dollars more a month than premium it's usually not a bad investment.

My one huge issue with Plat, which I'm sure has changed since then, was Fink running around in literally what was an altered Superman outfit etc...For a place that was somewhat RP-Centric, the alter rules were rather LAX.

The last time I think I played was when Keith was brand new. It's crazy to see he's still playing, and I'm sure I'll run into him and some others once I do get the approval.....

I just need to decide what class I want to play there..

05-08-2017, 12:19 AM
Platinum subs were up 5 last month. They are on track to be up about 10 this month.

05-08-2017, 12:58 AM
Practically standing room only over there

05-15-2017, 01:28 PM
We've had over fifteen new trials in the past couple weeks. The Society for Protection of Elanthian Wildlife (SPEW) storyline is ongoing, and there's a new/continuing storyline run by Valyrka and Mazreth kicking off in the Elven Nations soon.

Come check things out! https://www.play.net/gs4/platinum/trial.asp

05-15-2017, 01:50 PM
We've had over fifteen new trials in the past couple weeks. The Society for Protection of Elanthian Wildlife (SPEW) storyline is ongoing, and there's a new/continuing storyline run by Valyrka and Mazreth kicking off in the Elven Nations soon.

Come check things out! https://www.play.net/gs4/platinum/trial.asp

I'm semi-tempted but I'm so invested in prime. :-(

05-15-2017, 02:33 PM
I'm semi-tempted but I'm so invested in prime. :-(

Invested in what way? Levels? Gear? RP? Levels and gear are just a matter of time and effort and gear is much easier to come by here.

05-15-2017, 02:45 PM
Invested in what way? Levels? Gear? RP? Levels and gear are just a matter of time and effort and gear is much easier to come by here.

Probably RP.

05-15-2017, 02:48 PM
I'm semi-tempted but I'm so invested in prime. :-(

Same. I have too much stuff that's considered auction quality, I don't want to spend another 15 years making long-shot bets. And it's not gear, it's scripted stuff.

05-15-2017, 02:50 PM
Players are going to enjoy where they want to be. I'm not going to push anyone in any direction. I will say, gear and levels go by pretty quickly in Platinum though. You can twink yourself out in less than a year. I know, because I did it.

05-15-2017, 02:51 PM
Platinum subs were up 5 last month. They are on track to be up about 10 this month.

Wyrom, I've sent in my plat free trial offer but never recieved a response back. Must I send it in through a prime subbed account?

05-15-2017, 02:52 PM
Same. I have too much stuff that's considered auction quality, I don't want to spend another 15 years making long-shot bets. And it's not gear, it's scripted stuff.

It's not the gear I'm worried about in Plat. The economy there is VASTLY different... but I have a lot going on in prime.

05-15-2017, 02:58 PM
There's irony here that people don't want to leave Prime because of their character and the community etc. and the people trying to reassure them are talking about mechanics, gear, and acquiring power.

I realize I'm over-simplifying, and that the same people would discuss the other benefits, but it just amused me. I have considered Plat in the past, but unfortunately it really is that the community in Prime, and the people I know, just aren't something I'd want to walk away from. I've made a name for myself there.

05-15-2017, 02:59 PM
Wyrom, I've sent in my plat free trial offer but never recieved a response back. Must I send it in through a prime subbed account?

I do not see any of your accounts having sent one. I get all of those emails.

05-15-2017, 03:01 PM
I do not see any of your accounts having sent one. I get all of those emails.

Haha, why does this guy keep lying when he knows you can instantly fact check him?

05-15-2017, 03:03 PM
Haha, why does this guy keep lying when he knows you can instantly fact check him?

Because he enjoys keeping Wyrom from his far more important duties!

05-15-2017, 03:04 PM
I do not see any of your accounts having sent one. I get all of those emails.

Huh, no I seriously sent one in under white*********@gmail.com. no troll, seriously want to feel what super premium is like. hmm, I'll try re-sending it.

P.S. Chris is awesome. So so so so awesome. So awesome. awesome.

05-15-2017, 03:04 PM
Haha, why does this guy keep lying when he knows you can instantly fact check him?

Not to derail the thread, but saw you were famous on the Tasteless Gentlemen. I was like... I KNEW HIM BEFORE JEFF!

05-15-2017, 03:06 PM
Not to derail the thread, but saw you were famous on the Tasteless Gentlemen. I was like... I KNEW HIM BEFORE JEFF!

Hahaha yes.

05-15-2017, 04:03 PM
I do not see any of your accounts having sent one. I get all of those emails.

Do we know if billing resolved that weird FWI/Premium issue with logging in and out, and the bank etc that was occurring the other day?

05-15-2017, 04:04 PM
My bank still says Simu is sketch as fuck. Lmao.

05-15-2017, 04:15 PM
Wish I could earn these in prime!

Have to agree with this! That would be super nice! Also, plat is really fun and a great community... I just have trouble leveling alts. =P =P

05-15-2017, 04:17 PM
Do we know if billing resolved that weird FWI/Premium issue with logging in and out, and the bank etc that was occurring the other day?

Which one?

05-15-2017, 04:20 PM
Have to agree with this! That would be super nice! Also, plat is really fun and a great community... I just have trouble leveling alts. =P =P

Is there any of that "first time feels" in plat? If so, it may be worth it, and I heard you automatically get premium in prime if you get plat and are the simucoins interchangeable between plat and prime? (can you use the plat freebie simucoins for premium/prime characters etc.)

05-15-2017, 04:22 PM
Is there any of that "first time feels" in plat? If so, it may be worth it, and I heard you automatically get premium in prime if you get plat and are the simucoins interchangeable between plat and prime? (can you use the plat freebie simucoins for premium/prime characters etc.)

Dunno any of that "feels" stuff. It's been years since I popped into Plat, but I know a few players and they always help out new faces. I'm pretty sure platinum includes premium in GSprime, though... and simucoins are, but not premium points. Simucoins are connected to your account, not the instance you play in.

05-15-2017, 04:45 PM
I took the plunge and decided to try it out this past Friday and rolled up a Bard.

Had the real awkward/awesome experience of running into an alteration merchant while still having my sprite. So got to alter 2 of my starter pieces of clothing. Was mainly a bit awkward as I hadn't yet firmed out what personality I was going for with the new character and was suddenly tossed into RP/interaction. Trial by fire and all that.

Been nice so far - can confirm friendly people helping equip newbies with starter equipment.

It's a bit jarring to get used to not having a full spellup available at all times and having to pretty much use herbs to heal, as I'm not sure on the protocol for healing or what town they usually hang out in. (Just minor scratches, anyhow, and seems a bother to ask help for that.) I'm just glad I haven't died, as I'm not keen on reliving the early 90s experience of dropping all your gear on decay.

Everyone is very nice, though. People usually interact with you if they see you resting or if they're walking by. In Prime, it's a bit rarer for someone you don't know to actually interact with you.

I'm going to stick with it for the month and see how it goes. I do have a lot invested in Prime and only so much time to split between characters, unfortunately.

05-15-2017, 04:47 PM
I took the plunge and decided to try it out this past Friday and rolled up a Bard.

Had the real awkward/awesome experience of running into an alteration merchant while still having my sprite. So got to alter 2 of my starter pieces of clothing. Was mainly a bit awkward as I hadn't yet firmed out what personality I was going for with the new character and was suddenly tossed into RP/interaction. Trial by fire and all that.

Been nice so far - can confirm friendly people helping equip newbies with starter equipment.

It's a bit jarring to get used to not having a full spellup available at all times and having to pretty much use herbs to heal, as I'm not sure on the protocol for healing or what town they usually hang out in. (Just minor scratches, anyhow, and seems a bother to ask help for that.) I'm just glad I haven't died, as I'm not keen on reliving the early 90s experience of dropping all your gear on decay.

Everyone is very nice, though. People usually interact with you if they see you resting or if they're walking by. In Prime, it's a bit rarer for someone you don't know to actually interact with you.

I'm going to stick with it for the month and see how it goes. I do have a lot invested in Prime and only so much time to split between characters, unfortunately.

I had that same experience once, haha. There was a GALD merchant in TSC and there was nobody else there. She asked if I wanted anything done, and I was all "Well, I don't really have anything" and she said it was free... But I thanked her and just moved on with my Sprite quest.

05-15-2017, 04:52 PM
It's a bit jarring to get used to not having a full spellup available at all times and having to pretty much use herbs to heal, as I'm not sure on the protocol for healing or what town they usually hang out in. (Just minor scratches, anyhow, and seems a bother to ask help for that.) I'm just glad I haven't died, as I'm not keen on reliving the early 90s experience of dropping all your gear on decay.

If Issalya is online, feel free to send a thought her way for spells. I'm almost always willing to provide wizard ones, since it's much preferable to people dying. As far as empaths, toss out a thought on the amunet too. If someone is around they should chime in to let you know where they're healing.

As far as dying- announce where you're heading to hunt before you do, and we'll do our best to provide a rescue. Or if you're on lich, mentioned you died in whatever room number, and someone should come for you. We try our hardest to make sure that no one decays.

05-15-2017, 04:59 PM
If Issalya is online, feel free to send a thought her way for spells. I'm almost always willing to provide wizard ones, since it's much preferable to people dying. As far as empaths, toss out a thought on the amunet too. If someone is around they should chime in to let you know where they're healing.

As far as dying- announce where you're heading to hunt before you do, and we'll do our best to provide a rescue. Or if you're on lich, mentioned you died in whatever room number, and someone should come for you. We try our hardest to make sure that no one decays.

Good to know!

I think my baby Bard is only now just reaching L5, so haven't really pushed her into anything super dangerous as of yet. I just fear getting over confident and/orr forgetting that she's not spelled to the gills as per usual and then get splatted.

Don't have Lich, but will try to remember to toss a thought out on the amunet.

05-15-2017, 05:00 PM
If Issalya is online, feel free to send a thought her way for spells. I'm almost always willing to provide wizard ones, since it's much preferable to people dying. As far as empaths, toss out a thought on the amunet too. If someone is around they should chime in to let you know where they're healing.

As far as dying- announce where you're heading to hunt before you do, and we'll do our best to provide a rescue. Or if you're on lich, mentioned you died in whatever room number, and someone should come for you. We try our hardest to make sure that no one decays.

Heh, that is a mistake I made coming from prime. I was under 10, so no big deal, decay! Oh yeah... Droppage.

05-15-2017, 05:04 PM
I miss plat a lot i am just doing well in prime almost 95 now. Would be hard to go back to plat. If the amount of people stays higher i might

05-15-2017, 05:05 PM
I had that same experience once, haha. There was a GALD merchant in TSC and there was nobody else there. She asked if I wanted anything done, and I was all "Well, I don't really have anything" and she said it was free... But I thanked her and just moved on with my Sprite quest.

I nearly walked away, myself, but instead just scrambled to pick out 2 of my bits of starter clothes to alter. For once in my life I was super unprepared for a merchant and did not have a design ready for one of them - merchant was great and made me a simple design. I at least managed to squeeze out an idea for the 2nd item, though it's not the best.

One less day wearing those ugly starter clothes.

I swear I always seem to get the exact same set that I dislike on my new alts - the yellow/gold and blue one with the felt hat and leggings.

There are one or two of the starter sets that aren't too bad, at least, but I rarely get them.

05-15-2017, 09:14 PM
I miss plat a lot i am just doing well in prime almost 95 now. Would be hard to go back to plat. If the amount of people stays higher i might

It's very hard to go back, especially for someone like yourself with all the ties in Prime.

I did go back, and have been enjoying it since.

The last time I played was 10+ years ago.....I definitely run into some people every night, so it doesn't feel super lonely if you go out your way to run into folks.

I'd say the average pop during peak is 20ish, somewhat lower depending

05-15-2017, 09:17 PM
Which one?

Right now, if trail accounts log off and in, it for some reason thinks they don't have a premium account.

The biggest thing I've noticed is it's affecting people with coins in the FWI bank.

I've had 300k in the bank on FWI for example...Logged out, shortly would log back in and get a silly message plus all my coins from the bank would be on my person again.

I know I'm not the only one who encountered this, and it has been documented by them to a GM

05-22-2017, 11:22 AM
I played platinum way back in the day and quit due to droppage. Had some decent alterables that I got during my platinum runs and totally forgot about the droppage piece. Think we'll be making a comeback and check it out.

05-22-2017, 03:25 PM
I played platinum way back in the day and quit due to droppage. Had some decent alterables that I got during my platinum runs and totally forgot about the droppage piece. Think we'll be making a comeback and check it out.

Hurray! If you see Issalya around, I'm always willing to help out with wizard spells if wanted.

We have some fun stuff coming up this week-- on Thursday Moltin and Nageara are playing Moltin's wheel game with the masses and you could win alters/tattoos/etc., and then Conquest Wheel on Saturday. :)

05-22-2017, 03:28 PM
I played platinum way back in the day and quit due to droppage. Had some decent alterables that I got during my platinum runs and totally forgot about the droppage piece. Think we'll be making a comeback and check it out.

The good thing now is you only drop things if you decay

Everything else is pretty similar with some old faces gone and newer faces taking over.

Plat isn't nearly as cancerous as it used to be. Some people still stick to hiding and some are more cliquish than others but it's the same in prime too.

05-26-2017, 09:02 AM
One suggestion that I'd like to make for platinum is the ability to get more information about an item without a Bard present. This seems somewhat gamebreaking being that you can't really tell whether or not you have something good, especially at lower levels where potential enhancives may not activate until you're older. In prime, there's Bard's a plenty, but I feel the lack of knowing what you have makes it difficult to ensure you're not throwing something good away.

Who's to say I didn't pick up an uber strength ring at 7, only to activate at 10. Unless I'm missing the draw about this, but maybe enhancing the AI crystal, or allowing the purchase of a loresong.

05-26-2017, 09:04 AM
One suggestion that I'd like to make for platinum is the ability to get more information about an item without a Bard present. This seems somewhat gamebreaking being that you can't really tell whether or not you have something good, especially at lower levels where potential enhancives may not activate until you're older. In prime, there's Bard's a plenty, but I feel the lack of knowing what you have makes it difficult to ensure you're not throwing something good away.

Who's to say I didn't pick up an uber strength ring at 7, only to activate at 10. Unless I'm missing the draw about this, but maybe enhancing the AI crystal, or allowing the purchase of a loresong.

Just play prime.

05-26-2017, 09:07 AM
Just play prime.

ha, well I do. I enjoy platinum more, I just wish I had a way of knowing what items I have or don't have. I could level a bard, but doesn't that take away from the platinum expectations of building a storyline behind your character?

05-26-2017, 11:00 AM
I tend to use the pawnshop as my gauge. I'm sure I've missed some things, but in general if it's worth more than 35k or has an enchanters mark I will spend some time investigating.

05-26-2017, 11:45 AM
What are you trying to find out? And are you following all these steps?


05-29-2017, 09:18 AM
One suggestion that I'd like to make for platinum is the ability to get more information about an item without a Bard present. This seems somewhat gamebreaking being that you can't really tell whether or not you have something good, especially at lower levels where potential enhancives may not activate until you're older. In prime, there's Bard's a plenty, but I feel the lack of knowing what you have makes it difficult to ensure you're not throwing something good away.

Who's to say I didn't pick up an uber strength ring at 7, only to activate at 10. Unless I'm missing the draw about this, but maybe enhancing the AI crystal, or allowing the purchase of a loresong.

The nature of the beast sadly, and as you know, the best method when something like this comes around is to stash the items in a locker until you can find a bard.

Although I think right now Plat only has 1 or 2 main bards, so that causes an issue sometimes..

05-29-2017, 11:05 AM
The nature of the beast sadly, and as you know, the best method when something like this comes around is to stash the items in a locker until you can find a bard.

Although I think right now Plat only has 1 or 2 main bards, so that causes an issue sometimes..

Yeah, lack of spells and lack of loresong is a PITA, but plat keeps drawing us in. I think it's just the atmosphere, it's quiet, and the people are overtly friendly. Not to mention, platinum portals are the greatest thing ever created in the history of ever creating things.

05-29-2017, 12:43 PM
The new main character I made on Plat is a Bard - so perhaps she can help out in a few more levels.

She's currently closing in on L9. Doubt she'd be able to help out very much until closer to title, though.

I found a unique boxfound lockpick on the character the other day and tried Loresinging to it, though only managed to struggle past the 1st verse. (And I seem to find a lot of unique boxfound lockpicks - I've only found 3-4 unique boxfounds in my entire GS career and half of them have been lockpicks. Heh.)

05-29-2017, 03:08 PM
The GS says plat gets 16 prime toons and a million plat toons. So if I have my premie and I upgrade it all my primes will stay I just choose which servers to go in? Because if I can still play both I don't see why I wouldn't sign up having premium

05-29-2017, 03:13 PM
The GS says plat gets 16 prime toons and a million plat toons. So if I have my premie and I upgrade it all my primes will stay I just choose which servers to go in? Because if I can still play both I don't see why I wouldn't sign up having premium

Plat is only a mere $10 more than Premium.

If you are already Premium, and sign up for Plat. You will then gain access to Platinum, which is a different server in itself.

You will keep all your prime stuff, but have to roll a character over in Plat.

Plat is slightly different than Prime in a few ways, so I suggest reading up on it in the wiki and such. We also get larger monthly simucoin rewards, along with the option to create custom pre and post name titles for your character when you hits certain levels etc.

The biggest issue is people don't want to leave prime, which is understandbly so, and some people dislike the small population in Plat...But when you think of it, alot of prime players are script running bots anyhow, so it's not that bad. You just have to force yourself to socialize even more in Plat, and with portal access to every town, it's practically instant teleportation to anywhere you wanna go or hunt

05-29-2017, 04:16 PM
Yeah I think I am going to sub up to plat and give it a go. What will be nice is for times I want to power grind it should be easy with a small community but the perk of wen I want to socialize I also can. I am thinking warpath for the built in utility and socialization through healing folks but then can turn around and grind it out with a maul should I need to. And I'll keep my wizard on prime when I want a change of pace.

Besides an empath, what does the plat community "need" from lowbies? Was thinking of also doing bard/locksmith build for added community involvement or wizard because I am already familiar with them.

Radio Edit: Patiently waiting 2-3 business days to get on that JAM!

05-29-2017, 07:55 PM
Yeah I think I am going to sub up to plat and give it a go. What will be nice is for times I want to power grind it should be easy with a small community but the perk of wen I want to socialize I also can. I am thinking warpath for the built in utility and socialization through healing folks but then can turn around and grind it out with a maul should I need to. And I'll keep my wizard on prime when I want a change of pace.

Besides an empath, what does the plat community "need" from lowbies? Was thinking of also doing bard/locksmith build for added community involvement or wizard because I am already familiar with them.

Radio Edit: Patiently waiting 2-3 business days to get on that JAM!

Right now Plat seems to be lacking clerics, a locksmith, and bards I'd say. I mean alot of people have alts but we have no "Main" profession for the most part of the professions mentioned, except maybe Rvain heh...Otherwise we have literally no main locksmiths, which I was going to do when I first joined, and not really any bards either

05-29-2017, 07:59 PM
I main a cleric in Plat. And he can raise.

05-29-2017, 08:06 PM
Play what you want to play! But I'm always in favor of more community-friendly classes like empaths, bards, clerics, and locksmithing rogues.

05-29-2017, 08:16 PM
Or a monk! Everybody loves a monk! Self sufficient for your solo gemstone instance, and useful in a group for those times when another person logs on!

05-29-2017, 08:41 PM
Play what you want to play! But I'm always in favor of more community-friendly classes like empaths, bards, clerics, and locksmithing rogues.

Going lockpicking bard, effective hunter and when I am able to help out the little folk I can open their boxes 2x and lore style! for all your thyril needs look for Lurokpick *good old random name gen*

06-09-2018, 09:05 PM
Want to beta test the bank heist for Duskruin? Starting Wednesday night around 9 pm, only in Platinum! www.play.net/gs4/platinum/trial.asp

Hey everyone, I'm going to aim to have a beta testing opportunity for the Bank Heist only starting Wednesday after 9pm ET. It will run until the event starts on Friday. We will likely have to shut down the grounds sometime before the start to get everything else up and running as well. If something goes wrong and the time is shorted or this opportunity is off the table, I will try to post before Wednesday.

You will be able to keep whatever you earn from the Bank Heist for testing it out. What I will want in return are reports (here on the forums) of bugs and any sort of critical feedback you can offer.

07-01-2018, 07:47 PM
Going to go ahead and give this a try again. Waiting for confirm from billing but look forward to seeing what’s out there

07-23-2018, 10:46 PM
Is this still going on? I am coming back to the game from a long vacation (about 10 years of school and kids). I was going to return to the main game, however, I really do enjoy some RP and a smaller, close knit community. I would be interested in playing a bard or a sorc.


07-24-2018, 01:33 PM
Yes, it's always available through the link. :)