View Full Version : 3 T2 Unlocked Cidolfhus Harnesses: Eonake - Rolaren - Weathered

05-01-2017, 12:07 PM
Once, twice, sold, with sold being called about 72 hours after last bid. Anyone bidding with a PC account open less than 60 days needs to PM me with an in-game name to go along with the bid. I also reserve the right to refuse a bid from such an account unless you're vouched for by a more senior member of this forum.

Minimum bid increments are 50k up to a mil, and 100k thereafter.

1. An eonake-studded harness - FRONT worn, weighs 2 lbs, holds medium amount, max light, can be deepened - cb: SOLD to madhatter for--> bo: 2 mil

2. A studded leather harness with rolaren - FRONT worn, weighs 2, holds medium amount, max light, can be deepened - cb: SOLD to madhatter on the buyout bo: 2 mil

3. A weathered leather bandolier - FRONT worn, weighs 2, holds medium amount, max light, can be deepened - cb: SOLD on bo to gsplayer413l

All scripts and info on Cidolfhus harnesses can be found here: https://gswiki.play.net/Cidolfhus

I will post a portion of the scripts at the bottom, but you should visit the wiki to get the full idea.

The analyze info for each harness is the same...

You analyze your leather harness and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

The leather harness is unlocked, but could be unlocked once more. It has 12 verbs.

When altering, keep in mind that the harness's messaging references large and small containers, and a row of weapon slots and straps. These can all be altered by a skilled merchant. The containers should remain plural. Currently, they are set to slots (wands and small weapons), straps (belted weapons), a series of straps (back weapons), large sacks (bundled weapons), narrow tubes (paper and scrolls), small pouches (trinkets), and containers (anything else).

You can tell that the harness is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.


rub: You pull on the straps of your leather harness, adjusting the fit.
tap: You slowly drum your fingers on your leather harness, narrowing your eyes.
pet: You idly trace the length of one of the straps on your leather harness.
push: You take a moment to organize the gear on your leather harness.
press: You take a moment to organize the gear on your leather harness.
pull: You tug on your leather harness, contemplating a deep thought.
touch: You idly trace the length of one of the straps on your leather harness.
wave: You pull on the straps of your leather harness, giving an intimidating look!
close: You close the various containers on your leather harness, giving a final pat down to ensure everything is fully closed.
wear: You slip the leather harness around your shoulders and buckle it over your silver-buttoned leathers tightly, adjusting your gear for easy use.
remove: You unbuckle the leather harness and shrug out of the various straps, freeing yourself from it.

05-01-2017, 12:11 PM
#3 MB

05-01-2017, 12:14 PM
An eonake-studded harness - mb please

05-01-2017, 01:24 PM
MB on 2

05-01-2017, 09:49 PM
Everything going ONCE! You know them and love them, and there's a couple here that are a bit rarer and harder to find.

05-01-2017, 09:50 PM
1mil on the Eonake one

05-01-2017, 11:02 PM
750k #3

05-01-2017, 11:05 PM
850k #3

05-02-2017, 07:21 AM
Bump for the morning people.

05-02-2017, 08:46 AM
950k #3

05-02-2017, 10:43 AM
#3. 1M

05-02-2017, 05:25 PM
BO on #3 please

05-02-2017, 05:31 PM
1st buyout down. 2 to go. Do you take the risk and keep bidding, or buy it out? Only you can decide.

05-02-2017, 06:01 PM
BO on #1

05-02-2017, 06:06 PM
OH! Our 2nd buyout ladies and gents! Audaces fortuna iuvat! One more to go, who will be quick enough?

05-02-2017, 06:21 PM
enablers all of you... i'll take the last one as well

05-02-2017, 06:23 PM
And that's all she wrote folks. Thanks very much.