View Full Version : Um wtf?
05-26-2005, 03:05 AM
Not that I can really do anything about this... but this pissed me off.
north, southeast
[Glatoph, Vent Hole]
The walls and ceiling of this room curve gently around, blending into each other without any sharp corners or straight lines. It's hot enough in here that you wish you could do with a bit less clothing, like maybe a loincloth. Four round tunnels lead out of here in different directions. You also see a fire guardian and a fire guardian.
Obvious exits: northeast, south, up, down
>incant 907
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
A fire guardian brightens suddenly!
Your hands glow with power as you invoke the phrase for Major Cold...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a fire guardian.
You hurl a freezing ball of pure cold at a fire guardian!
AS: +142 vs DS: -3 with AvD: +53 + d100 roll: +8 = +206
... and hit for 58 points of damage!
The freezing ball of pure cold strikes a fire guardian, blossoming into a much larger sphere of frost upon impact.
... 15 points of damage!
A burst of frost from your freezing ball of pure cold flies off and hits a fire guardian.
... 15 points of damage!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Lady Foxs just tiptoed in, although the people following her make the effort at being stealthy somewhat pointless.
Foxs swings an elven-forged wickedly curved longblade at a fire guardian!
AS: +313 vs DS: +47 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +96 = +397
... and hits for 122 points of damage!
The fire guardian falls to the ground motionless.
Rivahe changes her tune, adding a new element to her song...
Rivahe skillfully weaves another verse into her harmony, directing the sound of her voice at a fire guardian.
Nothing happens.
A fire guardian brightens suddenly!
>incant 907
Your hands glow with power as you invoke the phrase for Major Cold...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a fire guardian.
You hurl a freezing ball of pure cold at a fire guardian!
AS: +142 vs DS: -3 with AvD: +53 + d100 roll: +67 = +265
... and hit for 104 points of damage!
The freezing ball of pure cold strikes a fire guardian, blossoming into a much larger sphere of frost upon impact.
... 5 points of damage!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You ask, "Um?"
[Glatoph, Vent Hole]
The walls and ceiling of this room curve gently around, blending into each other without any sharp corners or straight lines. It's hot enough in here that you wish you could do with a bit less clothing, like maybe a loincloth. Four round tunnels lead out of here in different directions. You also see the Jewlin disk, a fire guardian that appears dead and a fire guardian.
Also here: Rivahe, Lady Foxs
Obvious exits: northeast, south, up, down
Rivahe changes her tune, adding a new element to her song...
Rivahe skillfully weaves another verse into her harmony, directing the sound of her voice at a fire guardian.
The fire guardian seems mesmerized by the tune.
>search gua
You search the fire guardian.
It didn't carry any silver.
It had nothing of interest.
A fire guardian turns to dust.
You say, "Hi."
>incant 907
A fire guardian gestures at Foxs!
A fire guardian hurls a roaring ball of fire at Foxs!
Foxs evades the bolt!
Your hands glow with power as you invoke the phrase for Major Cold...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a fire guardian.
You hurl a freezing ball of pure cold at a fire guardian!
AS: +142 vs DS: -8 with AvD: +53 + d100 roll: +79 = +282
... and hit for 105 points of damage!
The fire guardian falls to the ground motionless.
The freezing ball of pure cold strikes a fire guardian, blossoming into a much larger sphere of frost upon impact.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Foxs searches a fire guardian.
A fire guardian turns to dust.
>search gua
What were you referring to?
Foxs softly says, "Bye.."
Lady Foxs just tiptoed down, although the people following her make the effort at being stealthy somewhat pointless.
05-26-2005, 03:08 AM
Foxs is a retard.
05-26-2005, 03:10 AM
It appears so.
05-26-2005, 03:17 AM
Lady Foxs just tiptoed down, although the people following her make the effort at being stealthy somewhat pointless.
:lol: All you need to do is look at that and know she is a moron.
05-26-2005, 03:29 AM
Ya Foxs sucks :axe:
05-26-2005, 05:01 AM
incant 907 Foxs
05-26-2005, 06:20 AM
She's one dumb bitch.
05-26-2005, 06:59 AM
This is pure irony for me.
My first encounter with Foxs was with my young mage in the fire guardian area of the glatoph.
She did nothing but poach and steal things off of the floor. I must have slept/killed/roasted her 10 times in one week for it. She didn't learn then and it looks like even a refresher course in Death 101 won't do any good.
Just killer on sight. I say this for two reasons.
1. She is going to do something like this sometime in your GS career ... may as well be proactive.
2. It is a stress reliever to all when *Foxs bites the dust* scrolls across the screen.
05-26-2005, 07:47 AM
Someone should poach/steal from her, She how she likes it. :grr: Guess it wouldn't do any good though, I bet she would REPORT it.
05-26-2005, 08:05 AM
Warriors have Warclaidhm and Haashek.. us rogues have Foxs.
We all have our retarded crosses to bear.
I am responsible for 99% of Foxs's arrests in town and many more of her deaths.
- Arkans
05-26-2005, 09:25 AM
At least flag GroupLoot on to prevent the wench from searching your kills. And then proceed to kill her as often as possible.
I just love how Foxs's tries to be a role-player that is taken serious. I take great pleasures in debasing all her claims and having Arkans call her an outlaw of New Ta'Faendryl and just making her get pissed off overall.
- Arkans
I have had to chase Foxs from Landing to IMT to kill her for her ignorance in and around the landing.
She is definately a tool.
05-26-2005, 10:50 AM
She used to always say she was a GM, and the reason why she never gets booted permenantly is cause she fucked all the GM's.
She's stupid. Seriously.
05-26-2005, 10:54 AM
OMG, Foxs is playing again. This may be the inspiration I need to start logging in more. I can't count how many times I've killed her and her alts.
She always keeps trying to recruit Arkans into some sort of Faendryl Empire with hundreds of other Faendryl already in it. I love branding her a traitor and chasing her out of town with that. I swear, it's like topping on the cake.
- Arkans
I've never heard anything good mentioned about this character, ever.
She picked my boxes once and now I'm wondering if she wasn't picking my pockets in the process. Ah well, she's retarded in any case for the actions displayed in the first post alone.
If there is any doubt as to her behavior. Just take an opportunity to throw fruit at her while she's in the stocks. She's currently banned from the landing (which makes for fun when she's seen inside the gates), she frequently hangs out on the glacier where she can pick on those younger than she. Hmmm, and she loves to kill unarmed in habitants in town - and slams when she fails to make a kill and knows that death is inevitable. Oh, and she's got this retahded Faendryl movement that Arkans described above.
She's a sworn enemy of my empath but has yet to have been foolish enough to cross paths with my rogue other than sticking her nose in Alliance/DA events that pertain to his involvement.
05-26-2005, 12:25 PM
I don't recall much about her... And I've been playing for many years... but these past 2 years it's been really on and off with my playing. I was really mad but what can my little wizard do to her? And 90% of the time it's a waste to report, so I didn't bother. Hopefully I'll be able to repay the favor to her some day. Heh.
05-26-2005, 12:32 PM
Stupid people suck.
Foxs = Stupid
Foxs = sucks.
Wow, this is what happens when I don't sleep the night before!
You might remember her from such aliases as "Scarletfalcon"
- Arkans
05-26-2005, 12:35 PM
I thought Foxs was high in trains.. what train is she?
She's able to hunt in the black forest.
- Arkans
05-26-2005, 01:54 PM
Death definitely doesn't teach her anything.
Although I killed her so many times in like a three day span (I guess around a year ago) that she reported, we both got pulled up, and we were forced not to acknowledge eachother.
I was happy as could be.
05-26-2005, 02:07 PM
Don't remember Scarletfalcon either... Oh well.
05-26-2005, 02:14 PM
She is one stupid cunt. I've had to deal with her with nearly all of my characters, none of them good. She's on the Warclaidhm level of stupidity, only worse in my mind because she's of the opinion that she can actually ROLEPLAY.
None of my characters can kill her but I make sure to have her arrested now and then.
Scarletfalcon goes WAY back to the days when I ran the Black Fist and engaged in massive guild wars. She would try to intervene and seem important, but each side would just plaster her all over the walls.
- Arkans
It looks like shes just trying to provoke pvp by poaching in an area shes much too old for. If you can swing 300+ consistantly I think it's fair to say you've out grown fire guardians.
She won't pick on anyone around her level. She'd kill every low level character that threw fruit at her when she was in the stocks, but when I did it she was all like, "Why would you do that to me?"
- Arkans
05-26-2005, 02:31 PM
I almost stopped playing GS after my first day because of Scarletfalcon.
I was trying to make friends and a total newbie and her and Robinblood tried to make my first character into her sex slave..
It was gross... I logged off and didn't log in for a week.
I knew nothing about report or I would have.
05-26-2005, 02:32 PM
I'm sure I'll catch hell and many will disagree with me but I personally have had several really nice RP interactions with Foxs. Recently though due to some RP reasons Jolena doesn't interact with Foxs much anymore and as much as I hate to say it she has been being a douche to so many folks that I have witnessed. So..yeah I have to agree now that while I know she can and has RP'd well with my characters in the past, she seems to have given that up in favor of being a tool and throwing around her weight against younger characters.
If you consider her RPing good or if it was ever good then you seriously have either been drinking, huffing glue, never RP'd, only RP'd with 12 year-old l33t h4x0rz or any combination of the previous.
- Arkans
05-26-2005, 02:39 PM
A couple days ago I saw Foxs ask for healing in TSC. She asked from hiding and then came out. I rushed over to the local constabulary, accused her for banishment, and 15 seconds later her box was on the desk. :)
05-26-2005, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by Arkans
If you consider her RPing good or if it was ever good then you seriously have either been drinking, huffing glue, never RP'd, only RP'd with 12 year-old l33t h4x0rz or any combination of the previous.
- Arkans
Each person has their own experiences with a character. I admit it seems my own with her was unique and I can certainly understand your animosity towards her as I've stated before.
That being said however, I don't huff glue, I don't drink, I don't do any drugs and I certainly don't RP with 12 year olds. I've also never had complaints on the manner in which I RP even if I'm not "uber". To each their own I guess.
05-26-2005, 02:47 PM
Never met this Foxs, but come on people, what a great name!!
05-26-2005, 03:23 PM
I think the two times I saw Foxs try to RP, she was in the stocks.
The first time, she ran a script telling a story that I believe she literally copied and pasted off of The script cycled so Foxs kept repeating the same story.
The second time, she got caught by the constable right in front of me and Zadya. After talking to her for a little bit when she was in the stocks, Foxs started trying to RP. Which consisted of her trying to tell us that the reason she got caught was because she was so entranced by Zadya's Zelia symbol that she stopped and couldnt run, thus resulting in her capture. She said she wanted to talk to us privately, which we knew from what we've heard of her meant. We went privately to one of the neighborhoods and when she heard that one of our friends, who's higher level, was with us, she just didn't do anything, barely spoke or anything. Obviously she planned on killing us but then backed down when a higher level person was around. Great RP.
05-26-2005, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
Each person has their own experiences with a character. I admit it seems my own with her was unique and I can certainly understand your animosity towards her as I've stated before.
That being said however, I don't huff glue, I don't drink, I don't do any drugs and I certainly don't RP with 12 year olds. I've also never had complaints on the manner in which I RP even if I'm not "uber". To each their own I guess.
You are "Uber"! Jolena is awesome, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Merji's Muse
*edited because of my spelling.
[Edited on 5-26-2005 by Rangerpuff]
05-26-2005, 07:14 PM
Aura's first interaction was with her on the glacier. She died many times from the critters there. Sadly, my arrow slipped and sliced through her neck. ::blushes::
She's annoying, yes. She poaches and has no regard for anyone else. I'm surprised she hasn't been banned from the game, seriously.
05-26-2005, 07:16 PM
last time I checked, being a twat wasn't a bannable offense.
05-26-2005, 07:23 PM
No, but the things she has done should be. IE, abusing mechanics, constant PvP, etc.
High maintenance and unconcented PvP is enough that she should and I think has had some forced vacation from the game in the past.
She is the female version of Solescape... or are they really the same gender? :whistle:
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Warriors have Warclaidhm and Haashek.. us rogues have Foxs.
We all have our retarded crosses to bear.
Not rangers!
Except for your dwarf maybe.
05-27-2005, 05:47 AM
You think that's bad? Us sorcerers have Klaive.
- Arkans
05-27-2005, 10:42 AM
We've got Reminion....
Jenisi let me know when you're heading out to hunt. If I'm around I'll go with you since I'm hanging out in the landing. She poaches your kill I'll pouch her spine.
05-27-2005, 10:57 AM
"A couple days ago I saw Foxs ask for healing in TSC. She asked from hiding and then came out. I rushed over to the local constabulary, accused her for banishment, and 15 seconds later her box was on the desk."
Damn. That's absolutely awesome.
05-27-2005, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by Ganalon
High maintenance and unconcented PvP is enough that she should and I think has had some forced vacation from the game in the past.
She is the female version of Solescape... or are they really the same gender? :whistle:
She actually used to hang around with solescape and was party to my run-in with them both just before he was banned.
05-27-2005, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by Divinity
I'm surprised she hasn't been banned from the game, seriously.
She has been banned. That's why she disappears for months at a time. She had a bad habit of bringing Scarletfalcon in to fight Foxs battles and I used to report the hell out of her. Fortunately, Scarletfalcon was deeded a couple years ago.
05-27-2005, 01:21 PM
So they get banned and keep coming back? Wasn't Simu supposed to have some kind of high maintenance customer policy or something?
05-27-2005, 01:39 PM
if killing her doesn't work and she can't be banned, then someone needs to think up another way to deal with problem people, or we're just spinning our wheels.
05-27-2005, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by Fission
So they get banned and keep coming back? Wasn't Simu supposed to have some kind of high maintenance customer policy or something?
HMC vs collecting 156 dollars for a single char basic account....
HMC loses that battle and the rest of us are forced to suffer.
05-27-2005, 01:49 PM
They do have a policy. They tend to look the other way until they are given evidence that the old HMC is back in the game though. I don't see why they can't IP ban or stop allowing their fucking credit cards to register a new account. I guess it comes down to greed.
Foxs softly says, "Brb."
There's your awesome RP
- Arkans
05-27-2005, 02:31 PM
Arkans exclaims "I love pp!"
Pshaw, I wasn't RPING THOUGH!
- Arkans
05-27-2005, 02:49 PM
So.... if you weren't rping, you were just being yourself?
Rivahe scares me for some reason.
I give her an C for effort on role-play. She does really seem to try. Sometimes. It's just so... bad. Vomit-inducing. She's the one that's constantly smiling seductively like a demon with sensual evil flashing in her eyes that causes everyone around her to fear and be attracted to her, or some shit.
It doesn't seem to help that English cannot be her first language. And her site is... interesting. There's a big-boobed drow on there with sparkling nipples that I can't seem to tear my eyes off.
06-11-2005, 02:31 PM
I thought this thread was lacking something.
You see signs that someone is about, but fail to discover their location in the room.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
A shadowy figure leaps from hiding to attack!
The figure swings an elven-forged wickedly curved longblade at you!
AS: +306 vs DS: +214 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +38 = +169
... and hits for 12 points of damage!
Hesitant slash to your upper right arm!
Just a scratch.
The figure quickly disappears from view.
You chuckle.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
You focus your mind on the shadows and gird your body for stealth.
You say, "Not very good."
Foxs comes out of hiding.
Foxs makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Foxs gestures.
Foxs appears to be keenly aware of her surroundings.
You ask, "How bout to take this outside, hmm?"
damn, what a horrible typo
You feel less confident.
You are now in an offensive stance.
>You are now in a defensive stance.
You're now aiming at the right leg of your target when using a ranged weapon, or while ambushing.
You chuckle.
The voice of Foxs softly says, "How about you return the white crystal."
You say, "Soon as I get my green sapphire."
You focus deep within yourself, searching for untapped sources of strength.
You feel incredibly stronger.
You are now in an offensive stance.
With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send an elegant steel-hafted vultite handaxe into flight.
You throw an elegant vultite handaxe at Foxs!
AS: +346 vs DS: +235 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +27 = +169
... and hit for 22 points of damage!
Banged Foxs's right shin.
That'll raise a good welt.
Glancing blow. Momentum carries an elegant steel-hafted vultite handaxe past Foxs to land nearby.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
You remove an elegant steel-hafted vultite handaxe from in your black silk cloak.
Foxs searches around for a moment.
You are now in a defensive stance.
Foxs searches around for a moment.
Foxs has spotted you!
You come out of hiding.
You pick up an elegant steel-hafted vultite handaxe.
You put an elegant steel-hafted vultite handaxe in your black silk cloak.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Foxs searches around for a moment.
Foxs loses some awareness.
Foxs searches around for a moment.
You chuckle.
You are now in an offensive stance.
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing an elegant vultite handaxe at Foxs!
AS: +338 vs DS: +220 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +79 = +228
... and hit for 42 points of damage!
Right leg mangled horribly.
She is knocked to the ground!
She is stunned!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing an elegant vultite handaxe at Foxs!
AS: +338 vs DS: +124 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +100 = +345
... and hit for 70 points of damage!
Hard blow breaks the femur!
* Foxs drops dead at your feet!
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Foxs.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Foxs.
Foxs becomes solid again.
The deep blue glow leaves Foxs.
The bright luminescence fades from around Foxs.
The light blue glow leaves Foxs.
* Foxs just bit the dust!
Too bad the wench didn't have more health, I was gonna have fun with her.
[Edited on 6-11-2005 by bleedthefreak]
06-11-2005, 02:34 PM
What's her site Dex?
06-11-2005, 02:37 PM
Username: bleedthefreak
Haha. Nice.
06-11-2005, 03:00 PM
Nicely done. Most would go after the axe and get slayed, so dont mind if I use that tactic. :clap:
I realize this is just giving her free press but it's and it's hilarious. Requires flash and it plays music. Check out those sparkly honkers she's got. They're hypnotic!
Edited to add that the site is actually quite nice as a concept, and it's well-.. rendered, I guess. It's also a bitch to navigate, though, and the content is... yeah.
[Edited on 6-11-2005 by DCSL]
06-11-2005, 03:53 PM
I like the misspelling of thief on the banner.
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