View Full Version : Merchant/GALD question

04-18-2017, 08:36 AM
I've never visited a merchant or had any services performed, but have a few questions. I ask you folks rather than throw twenty questions at the merchant.

I see that there is a merchant offering GALD services this Saturday, April 22 in Icemule.

Would I expect that this merchant would be able to alter the base description of my FGB? Add a show? Change the clasp on a Skellie cloak? Add a spider to a spider bag? Could I have multiple things done at once or is this just get one, back to the end of the line, rinse and repeat?

Just want to make sure I show up with enough silver and a solid idea of what I want done.

Any help is greatly appreciated, cheers.

04-18-2017, 08:53 AM
Alter base description - sure. Add a show - yes. Change the clasp on a skellie cloak - most likely, I think that's just a cosmetic change. Add a spider to a spider bag - I'd say that's more of a maybe. Check the analyze info of the spider bag and it may indicate whether "most" merchants might do that or "a select few" merchants. From my experience with merchants, it's just one service and you're pretty much done at that point, no getting back in line, if that even the way they do it.

Also, make sure to have your alteration idea ready and have one or two backup ideas and backup items ready if your first or second idea/item is rejected by the merchant.

04-18-2017, 08:53 AM
G.A.L.D. general alter, lighten, deepen. They will usually only change an items appearance, or lighten or deepen. It's 1 per person usually and they tend to have a sign or something with services and prices. Most GMs also will let you run to the bank if needed.

04-18-2017, 08:57 AM
You don't usually need to have the silvers on you. Most can deduct the price from any of your bank accounts.

04-18-2017, 09:10 AM
If you are going for an alteration at the merchant, I would suggest reading through the relevant ALTER guidelines for your item. Just type ALTER in game for a list and then type ALTER # (where # is the numeric designator of the guideline you want to read). That would give you the best information to be prepared to do an alteration.

Also, don't be afraid to ask others in the room for help. You can even ask the merchant for some help designing the item, they can do some wonderful stuff given just a basic idea of what you want.

04-18-2017, 09:16 AM
Well, I know where I'm spending my Saturday afternoon. I suppose I should get to work on the FGB base and shows in case I am chosen. I'll take a look through the guidelines and wiki. That's a shame with the spider bag if I couldn't add more, but it does say "most" merchants.. although I'd be happy with lightening/deepening. I'll ask about the cloak clasp when I'm there.

Thank you to everyone for your quick and concise answers, really appreciated.

04-18-2017, 11:57 AM
And because it's a Prime event, there's going to a lot of people in that wagon of Weffinait's. Good luck and hope you get picked.