View Full Version : Weapon Designers

04-13-2017, 03:49 PM
So, my wonderful fiance bought me a veil iron katana some months back for my goal of training THW on Maetriks once I capped CS/spell ranks (because Fuck you, Vvrael, that's why). As that goal is slowly becoming a reality, I want to start work on making this weapon of mine into something special. Currently it is a ruby-pommeled veil iron katana which seems rather lacking and frankly, I am super sucky at developing weapon designs so... why not outsource it?

Consider this a contest, if you will. Winner gets 1 mil in silvers and infinite credit for their design. What I'd like is a SHOW with a decent 15/15/15 base, and a name because weapon names are fun! Please follow alteration rules as I do not want to have to change the alter in the event a GM denies it to due to some form of illegality in the design. Maetriks is all about the dark purple scheme of things, if that helps with ideas. To give you a glance at her style, here is a nervestaff that GM-Vanah had designed a couple EGs ago:

a twined stormcloud-hued runestaff: Thin cords of illthorn, each a shade on a purple-to-black color gradient, twine about each other in a stormcloud-hued vortex to create this runestaff. Hints of sickly green add to the thundercloud illusion, creating an overall bruise-colored hue reminiscent of an approaching summer storm. Capping the staff is a vaalin-caged stormcloud diamond, filled with a rolling mass of dark inclusions that strike against the exterior to reflect in prismatic sprays of violet, lavender, and purplish-black striations.

Some other things to consider: She follows Eorgina and she's Faendryl.

Nathala Crane
04-13-2017, 04:00 PM
and a name because weapon names are fun!


04-13-2017, 04:05 PM

Y u do that?

04-14-2017, 02:58 PM
PM sent.

04-14-2017, 05:33 PM
So, my wonderful fiance bought me a veil iron katana some months back for my goal of training THW on Maetriks once I capped CS/spell ranks (because Fuck you, Vvrael, that's why). As that goal is slowly becoming a reality, I want to start work on making this weapon of mine into something special. Currently it is a ruby-pommeled veil iron katana which seems rather lacking and frankly, I am super sucky at developing weapon designs so... why not outsource it?

Consider this a contest, if you will. Winner gets 500k in silvers and infinite credit for their design. What I'd like is a SHOW with a decent 15/15/15 base, and a name because weapon names are fun! Please follow alteration rules as I do not want to have to change the alter in the event a GM denies it to due to some form of illegality in the design. Maetriks is all about the dark purple scheme of things, if that helps with ideas. To give you a glance at her style, here is a nervestaff that GM-Vanah had designed a couple EGs ago:

a twined stormcloud-hued runestaff: Thin cords of illthorn, each a shade on a purple-to-black color gradient, twine about each other in a stormcloud-hued vortex to create this runestaff. Hints of sickly green add to the thundercloud illusion, creating an overall bruise-colored hue reminiscent of an approaching summer storm. Capping the staff is a vaalin-caged stormcloud diamond, filled with a rolling mass of dark inclusions that strike against the exterior to reflect in prismatic sprays of violet, lavender, and purplish-black striations.

Some other things to consider: She follows Eorgina and she's Faendryl.

An ancient veil iron katana
Bearing the hallmarks of Faendryl craftsmanship, this katana is a story expertly told through the weaponcrafters skill. The blade has been cold forged with flecks of deep crimson firestone folden countless times over with the rich blue specs of the veil iron. The hues dance together resulting in a dark violet aura/luster reminiscent of storm clouds drifting through the twilight. Intricate flowing Eahnor inlay defines elven letters along the base of the blade which transform into stylized flames toward the tip. The hilt has been adorned with a scatter of black diamond studs providing a painful yet functional means to weild the weapon with one or two hands. The pommel is a modest cylinder constructed of Lor, two distinct pieces one grey one nearly black and stamped with the crest of the Li'aerion craftsmen. There appears to be something written on it.

In the Faendryl Language it reads: Beh'Amant's Kiss

Nathala Crane
04-14-2017, 05:36 PM
I feel like even if a Faendryl-made katana existed, it could hardly be considered ancient, considering the secret of forging them was with the comparatively recently arrived Erithians. Interesting description, though.

04-14-2017, 05:55 PM
Ask House of Elves if she's still around.

04-14-2017, 06:26 PM
more practical Erithian thinkers have theorized that perhaps they are some distant cousin of Elves, long separated from the main bloodlines, who settled in the mountains many ages ago and, for some unknown reason, were nearly exterminated and chose to destroy their past history and shroud it in legends of magic and divine intervention. Perhaps there is some basis in fact to the opinion of some that they were put here by the Gods, but the true story of their origins will probably never be known.

In the center of an expansive balcony on the east side of the house, there stood a pedestal made of grey marble veined with red. It was circular, and in its center was a cone-shaped depression with a circumference large enough to hold a wagon-wheel. In that cradle rested an immense diamond. It was positioned precisely so it would catch the first rays of the sun as it lifted over the eastern horizon, sending out reflections of colored light that sparkled throughout the manse. Legends say the tints playing over the grey velvet curtains called Eorgina from her rest each morning, and she chose the color of gems she wore that day based on the most vibrant tones. It is also said that any mortal seeing the burst of light as sunlight struck the colossal gem would be blinded for life. And so it was that Eorgina sent the elven craftsmen and artists back to their homes, sightless and unable to create anything again that might equal Li'aerion.

I'd like to think that those elven craftsmen are the distant cousin's of elves referenced above blind and lost in the mountains (which is where Li'aerion is)... anyway if anyone is interested the design starts with the hilt two pieces of Lor wood tinted to represent Eor ail'Giina the grey drake and Beh'Amant the black drake. It was a combination of her death and his anguish that gave birth to Eorgina represented by the weapon itself. I chose Lor because of what it symbolized, Often called lovers' trees, it was the custom of the Faendryl elves to plant lor trees as a pair. The black diamond of the hilt and firestone of the blade also represent her coming into the world as she rose a flame from the rubble. They are both gemstones associated with Eorgina, just as the stylized flames are her symbol. The hilt offers a painful grip well because Eorgina likes pain, the firestone she gave Frorin makes him writhe in it. Veil iron is predominantly black or charcoal grey in color, speckled or streaked with small bits of white or blue. firesetones are deep crimson as is Eahnor. She likes purple it seemed like a plausible method by which to create that color within the blade with the blue flecks lending well to the stormcloud analogy with the charcoal grey of the veil iron. any hoot there is a lot of symbolism in the design something that you could definitely use to spark up a conversation on Eorgina possibly convert them and if not... kill em i'm sure she would be proud either way.

Li'aerion is a fairly old haunt and anything crafted during its time would most likely be considered ancient.

Veil iron was actually one of the first metals found by the denizens of Elanthia, long before any empire rose or fell, even before the Ur-Daemon war. Veil iron spearheads from long-ago ancient tribes that existed during the Rule of Drakes have even been found, and paintings depicting meteors falling from the sky have also been seen on the walls of caves from the same long-gone people

a lot of this info is copy and pasted from the documentation which is where I drew most of the inspiration from it was really hard to design this being a dwarf... but I like creative writing so it was worth a shot and I kinda owe Maetriks for helping me locate some armor.

04-14-2017, 06:31 PM
A weathered /blackish purple/ elven katana with an illithorn wrapped hilt.

As you inspect the katana your gaze is first drawn to the weathered look of the hilt, and blade. Although weathered, you can still recognize the masterful quality of the craftsmanship. The blade is tempered to evoke a blackish purple hue that catches the light. Etched down the blade "Eorgina's Storm"

Didn't count the show....Possible problems are obviously naming it Eorgina's anything, and the elven part of the 15/15/15

04-14-2017, 06:42 PM
Diaspora Faendryl could've easily gone to the other continent.

Nathala Crane
04-14-2017, 06:46 PM
Diaspora Faendryl could've easily gone to the other continent.

Culture appropriation. Not just for RL anymore! *snicker*

04-15-2017, 07:06 PM
> because Fuck you, Vvrael, that's why

Yep. Fuck 'em. For some inspiration, these came from the destroyer bounty I just finished:

>mstri des
You concentrate intently, focusing all your energies.
You explode into a fury of strikes and ripostes, moving with a singular purpose and will!
You thrust with a silvery blue mithril pike at a Vvrael destroyer!
AS: +518 vs DS: +353 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +67 = +267
... and hit for 77 points of damage!
Blow to chest causes the Vvrael destroyer's heart to skip a beat.

** A sickly green aura radiates from a silvery blue mithril pike and seeps into a Vvrael destroyer's wounds! **

... 5 points of damage!
The Vvrael destroyer's right leg jerks momentarily.
You thrust with a silvery blue mithril pike at a Vvrael destroyer!
AS: +518 vs DS: +333 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +35 = +255
... and hit for 71 points of damage!
Well aimed shot, punctures calf!

** Necrotic energy from your blue mithril pike overflows into you! **

You feel healed!

** A sickly green aura radiates from a silvery blue mithril pike and seeps into a Vvrael destroyer's wounds! **

... 25 points of damage!
The Vvrael destroyer's eye explodes, showering you with gore.
You thrust with a silvery blue mithril pike at a Vvrael destroyer!
AS: +518 vs DS: +281 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +69 = +341
... and hit for 119 points of damage!
Deft strike to the back cracks vertebrae!
The Vvrael destroyer is knocked to the ground!

** A sickly green aura radiates from a silvery blue mithril pike and seeps into a Vvrael destroyer's wounds! **

... 30 points of damage!
The Vvrael destroyer's thumb explodes in a shower of flesh and bone fragments.

[You have 11 kills remaining.]
The Vvrael destroyer writhes in black agony and dies.

>mstri des
You concentrate intently, focusing all your energies.
You explode into a fury of strikes and ripostes, moving with a singular purpose and will!
You thrust with a silvery blue mithril pike at a Vvrael destroyer!
AS: +593 vs DS: +323 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +52 = +357
... and hit for 110 points of damage!
Weapon arm mangled horribly.
The guiding force leaves you.

** A sickly green aura radiates from a silvery blue mithril pike and seeps into a Vvrael destroyer's wounds! **

... 20 points of damage!
Blood flow to the Vvrael destroyer's right eye cut off.
You thrust with a silvery blue mithril pike at a Vvrael destroyer!
AS: +518 vs DS: +303 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +42 = +292
... and hit for 116 points of damage!
Awesome shot collapses a lung!

** Necrotic energy from your blue mithril pike overflows into you! **

You feel rejuvenated!

** A sickly green aura radiates from a silvery blue mithril pike and seeps into a Vvrael destroyer's wounds! **

... 35 points of damage!
The Vvrael destroyer's head explodes like an overripe melon.

[You have 6 kills remaining.]
The Vvrael destroyer crumples to the ground motionless.

04-16-2017, 10:44 AM
I'm really loving the weapon designs I'm seeing so far! Thank you to all who have contributed and I wanted to let everyone know that I'll be ending this on 4/22. I'm also doubling the prize money to 1 mil for the selected entry. Get your designs in while you can!

One more thing I'll add is that I may or may not include glowing amethyst(ish) dye. If you can include this, great! If not, nbd. This will not be a deciding factor in who wins, just fyi.

04-16-2017, 01:12 PM
Here is just a starting point:

You see a smooth grey veil iron katana
The folded veil iron has been etched with images of two drakes in a forest. One lies on its back with broken wings and the other hovers just above mourning. The guard has been cut from a flat piece of thin red stone, and overlaid with a thin layer of mithril, as if to resemble flames dancing on a grey disk. Thin layers of leather inlaid with veniom are wrapped tightly around the handle and a sliver of blackened diamond is embedded at the base of the blade, with trails of gold weaved through the handle to the ruby set into the pommel. In very small letters you see "The Li'aerion Artisans" etched into the tang.

04-16-2017, 08:52 PM
Design submitted via PM.

-- Faulkil

04-17-2017, 12:36 AM
I'm really loving the weapon designs I'm seeing so far! Thank you to all who have contributed and I wanted to let everyone know that I'll be ending this on 4/22. I'm also doubling the prize money to 1 mil for the selected entry. Get your designs in while you can!

One more thing I'll add is that I may or may not include glowing amethyst(ish) dye. If you can include this, great! If not, nbd. This will not be a deciding factor in who wins, just fyi.

First... :gulp:

The world of Elanthia attaches the amethyst to the Arkati, Cholen, who reigns over wine and merrymaking. It is still regarded as a ward against drunkeness as a result.

I saw that shows were restricted to 511 characters so here is that version not as fancy of course but it took a lot of discipline to trim it down. If I win I would suggest trying to get away with the first version but here is the 511 character version...

The epitome of Faendryl craftsmanship, this katana tells a story. The pommel , a modest cylinder constructed of Lor; one half grey, one black, joined by the stamp of Li'aerion craftsmen. The hilt, adorned with a scatter of black diamonds amid a glowing amethyst, yields a painful yet functional means to wield the weapon. The blade, folden countless times over, flecks of crimson firestone meld with blue specs of veil iron creating hues that dance into a dark violet luster reminiscent of storm clouds drifting through the twilight. Intricate Eahnor characters transform into stylized flames toward the tip. There appears to be something written on it.... ect ect...

If that still doesn't work I can help with edits but usually GMs will take the idea and make it pretty close to your vision... sorry for being to wordy.

04-17-2017, 11:11 AM
First... :gulp:

I saw that shows were restricted to 511 characters so here is that version not as fancy of course but it took a lot of discipline to trim it down. If I win I would suggest trying to get away with the first version but here is the 511 character version...

The epitome of Faendryl craftsmanship, this katana tells a story. The pommel , a modest cylinder constructed of Lor; one half grey, one black, joined by the stamp of Li'aerion craftsmen. The hilt, adorned with a scatter of black diamonds amid a glowing amethyst, yields a painful yet functional means to wield the weapon. The blade, folden countless times over, flecks of crimson firestone meld with blue specs of veil iron creating hues that dance into a dark violet luster reminiscent of storm clouds drifting through the twilight. Intricate Eahnor characters transform into stylized flames toward the tip. There appears to be something written on it.... ect ect...

If that still doesn't work I can help with edits but usually GMs will take the idea and make it pretty close to your vision... sorry for being to wordy.

That's fine! It follows the same concept as the first.

04-19-2017, 04:13 PM
Only a few days left.

04-22-2017, 02:11 AM
Today's the last day! Get your designs in now!

04-22-2017, 03:01 AM
An ancient faendral failed attempt at a Katana.

A closer look at the "Katana" shows the crafter thought they knew what they were doing but obviously fell short of their goal. The blade of the weapon is warped and pocked with impurities. A rainbow hue covers the length of the blade from improper tempering and hairline cracks threaten the weapons integrity. Elven lettering is etched along the flat of the blade and it reads "I should have hired a Krolvin to craft this"


P.S. Name the weapon P'Tuu

04-23-2017, 02:31 AM
Contest has ended! Winner will be announced in a couple days!

05-04-2017, 01:35 PM
So... I am happy to announce the winner of the weapon design contest: Frorin! Congrats and please PM me for your prize silvers. While it will take some tweaking to cut the amount of characters down, I feel the design is just beautiful and fits perfectly to Maetriks. Thank you all for your participation and if youre design was not chosen, keep it for your project!

05-31-2017, 12:39 PM
I haven't seen Frorin about to deliver his prize and I haven't heard from him via PM. Anyone know if he's still about or taking a break?