View Full Version : Constant GS Mechanics Fan Fic on the Officials
03-31-2017, 10:03 PM
I have to complain about this somewhere. HIPPO-GRANDE is driving me batshit. The officials are nearly dead, so three out of every ten new threads are these half-baked spell ideas, nonsensical skill ideas, and ludicrous mechanics suggestions. I can't fathom what spurs this poster on, except that everyone appears to have hit ignore -- perhaps they take silence as applause. Didn't people just keep blogs for this sort of thing?
So, like, what the hell.
03-31-2017, 10:06 PM
We should start our own GS erotic fan fic and post it all over the officials.
03-31-2017, 10:07 PM
Maybe this is that person. Or maybe it's you.
03-31-2017, 11:13 PM
link pls
04-01-2017, 07:25 AM
We should start our own GS erotic fan fic and post it all over the officials.
I open the distance at 10 horts.
04-01-2017, 10:06 AM
link pls
04-01-2017, 10:14 AM
04-01-2017, 10:24 AM
They are that peculiar intersection of trolling and not trolling.
04-01-2017, 10:36 AM
My personal feelings, just skip it. I think ideas should be encouraged and this person is obviously a bit passionate about it. Nothing forces you to read them.
04-01-2017, 10:50 AM
My personal feelings, just skip it. I think ideas should be encouraged and this person is obviously a bit passionate about it. Nothing forces you to read them.
Have to agree. The dev team has stated numerous times they are open to ideas. As bad as most of them are, at least he has ideas for the game.
04-01-2017, 11:01 AM
My personal feelings, just skip it. I think ideas should be encouraged and this person is obviously a bit passionate about it. Nothing forces you to read them.
Eh, people who start offering random, bizarre suggestions tend to be either really young, or really new. In this case it's probably the latter, because he mentions not using a 15th level spells due to being too new, but in the same breath suggests 40th level spells to "shake things up". He's like a KRAKII alt.
04-01-2017, 11:04 AM
Eh, people who start offering random, bizarre suggestions tend to be either really young, or really new. In this case it's probably the latter, because he mentions not using a 15th level spells due to being too new, but in the same breath suggests 40th level spells to "shake things up". He's like a KRAKII alt.
I think HIPPO-GRANDE is his alt account, I've seen a LIPPO-GRANDE that's been posting on the officials for a few years.
04-01-2017, 11:16 AM
Eh, people who start offering random, bizarre suggestions tend to be either really young, or really new. In this case it's probably the latter, because he mentions not using a 15th level spells due to being too new, but in the same breath suggests 40th level spells to "shake things up". He's like a KRAKII alt.
I don't see how this effects what I said at all.
04-01-2017, 11:22 AM
I don't see how this effects what I said at all.
04-01-2017, 11:22 AM
I don't see how this effects what I said at all.
You seem to think all game suggestions are sacrosanct and immune from criticism.
04-01-2017, 02:49 PM
You seem to think all game suggestions are sacrosanct and immune from criticism.
No, but I didn't see any criticism of his ideas. I see criticism of him posting his ideas.
04-01-2017, 03:00 PM
No, but I didn't see any criticism of his ideas. I see criticism of him posting his ideas.
04-01-2017, 03:03 PM
I have him on ignore.
04-01-2017, 03:11 PM
So you know what I see now huh?
04-01-2017, 03:13 PM
I have him on ignore.
+1 to utilizing the ignore author feature on the officials for anyone who continuously irks you. You'll find the option below the author name.
04-01-2017, 09:37 PM
Note that ignoring someone will still cause the age-old "unread posts but no posts when you view all unread" forum bug on the classic old officials. 21st century be damned, etc.
04-01-2017, 09:43 PM
Note that ignoring someone will still cause the age-old "unread posts but no posts when you view all unread" forum bug on the classic old officials. 21st century be damned, etc.
Yeah, their whole forums suck. It needs to be tied to billing for some reason and that is why they can't upgrade them. Only they know why.
04-01-2017, 09:47 PM
It has to be tied to billing!!!
I don't know!
04-02-2017, 08:11 AM
It's hardcoded in assembly.
04-02-2017, 03:33 PM
The 1 Chapters (
“O great !” say Harry as surprised ! “You havent expected these enemy in the enjoyable town .” Above Harry ,stands ghost of very strong perspective . Harry is so suprised ! He has hard times to move !
“OK ,I got the guts !” Hermione eyes dance in burning lights from ghost bodie .”You cant stop here, OK!!!”
But ghost is unwilling fellow of ancient . He show Harry and Hermione incredible teeths . Such a fear !!! Soon after comes familiar partner of school-mate, Draco . “O ! What ! Its so cold !!!” say Hermione . Bawdy winds ,flap up skirt of Hermione ! Showing the white girl panties . Who did this !! It was ghost.
“Ha Ha Ha ,” say Draco riding with sweeping brush at steady hand . So expert ! You cant believe ! “I looks like I released the accidental ghost .” Now you are ready for FIGHTS !!!
Harry must have been care of ghost ,and dodge teeth strike ,using ultimate precision . “Is this the best !!” say Harry . “You are cowardly ,and are very the bungs .” Coarse talk make Hermione blushes ! So carefree of Harry to say such . He must use cautious attitude ,in lady company .
“Have care !” say Draco ,above the heros . “As destruction mounts ,eternally this is my destiny … ” Draco fly far off and takes fearful ghost along . Hermione is breath out !! Her bosoms heaving . “O ! Harry . You did it ,OK !!!”
A pleasing victory ,but Harry knows soon will be return of Draco . SUPER !!!
The 2 Chapters
Hermione and Harrys walks up to wise and small village . They are forceful to talk in old man ,with conversation . “Hay ! Be a careful !” Harry looks out to find bucket of water flying ,so close !! Almost hit but not so quite . It was from old man in the above stairs of man’s home .
“You looking for me !!” old man shout . He is very boisterous ,doing the exercise all nights long . “Wow ,this is an impressive !!” say Harry after caught oggling of old man . “You have many strongs, how !!”
Old man is so quiet for the fellows to hear . If he not be the silence ,like timid mouse under-foot ,maybe that enemys learn the vigorous secret . “Harry I will say it to you” say old man. “You must eat many garlic for super and very health !!”
“O ! GARLIC !! I NEVER ATE !!” say Hermione . She so embarrassed she wet pants ! All boys come to see .
“Garlic make breath so bad !! Easy to corrupt the sweet airs of companions nose .” Hermione is polite girl ,very care not to upset the friends of small town .
The old man is disaproval . He pace back up to top of house ,start more exercising. “That is true life !! Follow your elders words ,childs . YOU BE OK !!!” And old man vanish ! Where did this one go !! To away .
Before to find Draco ,Harry must encounter this learn .
The 3 Chapters (
There is ,a fellow to come above from the frozen hills . Who is this ones ?Harry and Hermione of hogs warts school . The advanture of them is continue .
“To find of Draco and evils there him plans ,we must be of very care ” says to Hermione . She nod to understandment .In a kingship of the twos friendship ,caution was king .Harry and Hermione must have careful to proceed forwards the journey .
“Will you stop !!!” say louder voice of elder . “Oh the gosh !!” say Harry . Who is behind our heros !! It is teacher ,the Snape. This Snape come to mind students of duties which they of forsaken with cause poor of grades.
“I am the teacher of you ,to learn of potion class ,” says Snaps “but you have show a little respects for this class . Where is your works for class project ??It was due of shortly seven day times ,passing with no works from you .” So correct in this regard was Snapes .
Harry so timid to speak to here ,and a fear came into his bodie and stomach . “Profesor Snape ,I believe the homes work we to do was not due until week afters . We try better if you extends us deadline .”
” Hermione…..Is this a true ?” ask Sanpe .
Gentle reader will understands Hermione is not of bold constitution as Harrys. She so shy from this profesor! Hermione play with front of skirt of nervousness .It begin unravel !! Show exciting legs and thigh of smart attraction girl . This of embarassed even more !!!
“Answer to this ,Hermione ! I am authority so I require this answer .” Snape stoods even a closer . Now Hermione so terror !! She wish she not was in this position . Straight A’s student ,now questions her own value as student . Have she failure ? Her face is red by embarassing times . Such terrible climactic moment to occur when Hermione brassiere hook fails !! Now outline of firm and milky bust against tight shirt .All boys permitted to see using magics .
” I SO FEAR !!” she say ,then fall afaint .
Snape is offense at her zesty attitudes . ” Harry ,you should not to keep company of tart .”
Harrys so mad of this say . “Snape ,you may be the profesor for class ,but you are much to learn on lifes and friend .”
But Snape be care of his words and tell secret . ” HARRY ,YOU LISTEN TO HERE .I AM THE FATHER FOR YOU .”
Harry shocked of this encounter . His forescar start to throbs in a painful sensations . ” Now Ive got such a trouble !!” he think mindfully as he grab Hermione and runs there to away .But of Snape ,,, was he lie ,or a true in say he was father ? Obvious to you advanture to still proceed !!
The 4 Chapters
Harry must hides into cave for protect against Draco .Or of possible Voldmort . This enemys could to be anywheres ,so he’ll sure to use a care tonight . Meantimes ,Hermione awaken from faint .She feel better ,except for notice that bra missing !! Who is take !! Harrys assume Snapes of taken this gentle undergarment . Snape has this mental problem ,so common of profesor in hogs warts .
” Dont a worry ,” say Harry ,and give her to his own sweater he wear . “This will hide your bosom .
Hermione think Harry so thought ! May be she growing love for him .But she know more important take the cares to end the dangers present before ,a new love could engage.
So is Harry and Hermione lost in Leaf Woods ! Yes . Spending very time to search the ways out. Also ,our heros has very scared by owls hooty !! This times cannot abide . “O ,Harry …. ” say Hermione . “Where is way to out of LEAF WOODS ?”
Harry dont know such stuffs ,so he play quiet . “Dont make a no sound !!” shouts Hermione . Must be so scared ! “We must be out of Leaf woods until evils come .” Harry know this one all ready . When moon show out ,then a monsters go around .
All of the sudden ,there is fearfull crack !! “SOMETHINGS FOLLOW !!” Hermione tremble so ! She hold skirt above face to hide eyes and face ,also accidental revealling the milky thighs . “O ! This embarassing !! You stop to looking ,Harry !” The rabbits in yonder is laughs at this sight . << Also like goodlooking girl , OK !! >>
” You havent stop talking for second ,” whispering Harry . He watch old tree and care . There is lights …. O ! ITS DRACO AND GHOST .
“Ha Ha Ha Ha” go Draco sniggering throat . “Your sure not a very survive ,this chanceful taking . Harry should be best of listen of your ancestor ,say not for you come in the leaf Woods . Stay in your house ,keep behind of dangers . So spirit ! I know this is wanderous soul . Always wanderous on world about you ,family . Not so safety to explores Leaf Woods under moonlight , eh !!”
“The time are going fast ,Draco . Your fights always was less to comparison .” boldly Harry is speaks . What will concern ??? NEXT CHAPTER OK !!
The 5 Chapters
Draco reach into his pants pocket . “I have bet you not to see likes of MY WAND before to now ! “Harry looks to magic rod . It so black ,for a greatest evil !! Like a night .
” Its name of ‘NightKiss'” say Draco and begins spell a magic . ” Mago makuto ,chako charuto !!!” Magic incanstation almost ready !! Harrys began a magic too !
Hermione is help to Harry for hold the magics book . So heavy for delicate a milky girl . “I cant hold so book ,it gets a too weight !” she cry for fear .”DONT WORRY TO YOU ,” says Harrie and continue spell .
DRACO SHOOTS A MAGIC BALLS. THEN SO BRIGHT !, can harry read his own magics book ? “Mager Magicer ,Dager Dancer !!” say Harry . BAM ! Whats to happen this ?? Special of Potter protection spell keep Harry and Hermione save from burning .
“WHAT !” shout Dracos. Cant believe eyes to show this ! ” YOUR NEED IS TO DIE ,TO THE START MY DESTINY .” Draco in prepares again !!
Sudden to time ,Harrys and Hermiones clohtes vaporate. Gone and naked !! “O NO ,I NEVER SHOW BREAST BEFORE TO THIS !!” say Hermione .She so nervous ! Can’t hide soft bosom because she hold up book for Harry . Protecttion spell wont work again ,say Harry .WHAT NOW . ” Tragic heros together ,your lifes end waits….. ” say Draco. He almost time to cast this spell !
But SUDDENY ! A crash from forest . ” WHAT !!” say Draco when intreupting spell . ” Animal and monster is coming up of leaf woods to protects the harry and Hermione ! THIS NOT A POSSIBLE .” Many small of animal and other monster come here to helps here . Draco see very bigs of creature ,so big to cause fears . “I RETURN ………. ” and Draco runs to away .
Harry so greatful towards woods-land Creatures . “You safed us . For this action you have a thank coming .” Animals happy to helps this honored Harry Poter . Now after this Hermione to get a shirt and conceals the firm bodie ,the advanture progress .
h/t kris ( straub (
04-02-2017, 03:35 PM
No way I'm reading that.
04-02-2017, 04:35 PM
Forums are the way they are for two real main reasons. Simutronics created them, so they have complete control over them. We aren't stuck having to sync anything with a third-party forum. And users are attached to your billable accounts. That way we can separate things like Shattered and Platinum.
The forums in their state are helpful to the game in terms of moderation, because we don't have to address issues like the troll accounts that get created here regularly. Consequences are tied to your game account. And access is directly tied to the subscriptions you hold. We don't have to deal with people who aren't users of our product, so it keeps the riffraff out. However, when F2P was created, we ran into that issue on the Prime side. We tried a few things, but after some time, we had to designate areas for F2P posting privileges. It also proved to us that we'd open the flood gates if we ever deviate from that again.
Are they pretty? Not really. I'm certainly use to them. There are a plethora of features I wish we had.
04-02-2017, 04:42 PM
"It's hot garbage but it works."
Ah, there's the kind of policy that makes a game company memorable.
04-02-2017, 04:54 PM
Oh, because the game forums are where I think, "Man, I want us to be remembered for this." Pull the plug on everything else, time to make the forums better so we can invite more bickering and trash posting!
04-02-2017, 04:59 PM
Oh, because the game forums are where I think, "Man, I want us to be remembered for this." Pull the plug on everything else, time to make the forums better so we can invite more bickering and trash posting!
I'm not making the argument that you should pump in as much resources as possible nor should you open them to just anyone. An upgrade wouldn't hurt. But hey, keep being a defensive, dismissive dick. It's awesome.
04-02-2017, 04:59 PM
I open the distance at 10 horts.
Not that /thread stops (or even slows down) people from posting but still.
04-02-2017, 05:02 PM
I'm not making the argument that you should pump in as much resources as possible nor should you open them to just anyone. An upgrade wouldn't hurt. But hey, keep being a defensive, dismissive dick. It's awesome.
Are you honestly calling me a defensive, dismissive dick? Because what, I posted in a thread on the PC about something to explain why they are the way they are and said there is a list of features I'd like to see?
04-02-2017, 05:06 PM
Are you honestly calling me a defensive, dismissive dick? Because what, I posted in a thread on the PC about something to explain why they are the way they are and said there is a list of features I'd like to see?
More referring to your response. It came off as defensive, dismissive and smelled like cock.
Anyways, it's asinine to look at the antiquated system of 'tied to billing' and not just call bullshit. Maybe you are actually on that short of a leash. If so, that's pretty gay my nigga.
04-02-2017, 05:12 PM
More referring to your response. It came off as defensive, dismissive and smelled like cock.
Anyways, it's asinine to look at the antiquated system of 'tied to billing' and not just call bullshit. Maybe you are actually on that short of a leash. If so, that's pretty gay my nigga.
? wtf
04-02-2017, 05:12 PM
My response was more sarcasm. I realize italics are needed for those. My apologizes!
I know it might not seem like it, but I'm pretty for getting things fixed and updated. Like our website and such. Unfortunately, most of it requires a lot of updates to the back end software.
I'm pretty far from defensive and dismissive though.
04-02-2017, 05:13 PM
? wtf
I was waiting to be called on that. I meant it with as much love as possible.
I know it might not seem like it, but I'm pretty for getting things fixed and updated. Like our website and such. Unfortunately, most of it requires a lot of updates to the back end software..
My naivety must be at its peak because... why... don't you? Like, is it that difficult? Is there nobody that handles that?! C'mon man! We gotta know.
04-02-2017, 05:13 PM
Forums are the way they are for two real main reasons. Simutronics created them, so they have complete control over them. We aren't stuck having to sync anything with a third-party forum. And users are attached to your billable accounts. That way we can separate things like Shattered and Platinum.
The forums in their state are helpful to the game in terms of moderation, because we don't have to address issues like the troll accounts that get created here regularly. Consequences are tied to your game account. And access is directly tied to the subscriptions you hold. We don't have to deal with people who aren't users of our product, so it keeps the riffraff out. However, when F2P was created, we ran into that issue on the Prime side. We tried a few things, but after some time, we had to designate areas for F2P posting privileges. It also proved to us that we'd open the flood gates if we ever deviate from that again.
Are they pretty? Not really. I'm certainly use to them. There are a plethora of features I wish we had.
I bet we'd crowdfund better forums which could also be tied to game accounts.
04-02-2017, 05:15 PM
I bet we'd crowdfund better forums which could also be tied to game accounts.
I'd rather them prioritize the website before the forums though.
04-02-2017, 05:16 PM
I'd rather them prioritize the website before the forums though.
04-02-2017, 05:30 PM
I'd rather them prioritize the website before the forums though.
True. That I wish I could nuke from orbit.
04-02-2017, 08:05 PM
h/t to Astray
tried to derail this thread but i was beaten by the better man
04-02-2017, 08:19 PM
True. That I wish I could nuke from orbit.
It's the only way to be sure.
04-02-2017, 10:09 PM
There are games way more popular with way more trolls thst have way better forums tied to accounts. You can just come out and say that Simu is too cheap and doesn't care about their forums, it is okay. I can think of 50 million ways that are better than the current.
08-02-2017, 05:55 PM
Well to all the assholes insulting my intelligence, fuck you and your fuckin stupidity. I post a lot of ideas to improve the game because the game has a lot of room for it. Most of the response on the boards is good, it's not a bunch of shitwads flaming me for being the opposite of retarded. Some of the spell ideas are not entirely materialized but few are half-baked or totally ludicrous. I don't see them coming up with something better.
08-02-2017, 06:04 PM
Well to all the assholes insulting my intelligence, fuck you and your fuckin stupidity. I post a lot of ideas to improve the game because the game has a lot of room for it. Most of the response on the boards is good, it's not a bunch of shitwads flaming me for being the opposite of retarded. Some of the spell ideas are not entirely materialized but few are half-baked or totally ludicrous. I don't see them coming up with something better.
If your ideas are so great, why create an alt handle to post them?
08-02-2017, 06:10 PM
Most of the response on the boards is good, it's not a bunch of shitwads flaming me for being the opposite of retarded.
Are you Hippo-Grande? Virtually all your suggestion threads on the officials have no replies.
08-02-2017, 06:18 PM
Are you Hippo-Grande? Virtually all your suggestion threads on the officials have no replies.
A Potato 11+ may very well consider this a good response.
08-02-2017, 06:27 PM
08-02-2017, 06:53 PM
More referring to your response. It came off as defensive, dismissive and smelled like cock.
Anyways, it's asinine to look at the antiquated system of 'tied to billing' and not just call bullshit. Maybe you are actually on that short of a leash. If so, that's pretty gay my nigga.
08-02-2017, 08:37 PM
Well to all the assholes insulting my intelligence, fuck you and your fuckin stupidity. I post a lot of ideas to improve the game because the game has a lot of room for it. Most of the response on the boards is good, it's not a bunch of shitwads flaming me for being the opposite of retarded. Some of the spell ideas are not entirely materialized but few are half-baked or totally ludicrous. I don't see them coming up with something better.
These boards are probably not the place for you. I would recommend
08-02-2017, 08:40 PM
These boards are probably not the place for you. I would recommend
I don't recommend those forums. Those forums don't have me.
08-02-2017, 08:41 PM
I don't recommend those forums. Those forums don't have me.
Added bonus!
08-02-2017, 08:41 PM
Added bonus!
08-02-2017, 08:58 PM
Oh, because the game forums are where I think, "Man, I want us to be remembered for this." Pull the plug on everything else, time to make the forums better so we can invite more bickering and trash posting!
A large portion of people ONLY post here because the official forums are a garbage fire and because the Simutronics rules for selling things are archaic. Most of us don't want to participate in the..."extra-curriculars" here, as evidenced by the fact that at the time of this post there are 51 people browsing the merchant thread and 11 browsing Off-Topic. But it's the loud, horrible minority that rules here. It's just the only option.
Let us buy and sell things on the officials as you know has happened for the past 30 years. Hell, you've even gotten into the business of selling silvers yourself with Simucoins, and don't even pretend that's not the case. Every modern MMO does it these days, and has for years. And yes, give the dumpster fire a facelift to make it at very least standards compliant for 2017. You a company selling a product might do. Even really basic stuff like making "Legacy mode" opt-in and forcing the option to not hide the forum categories to default to "don't hide half the forum every time I log in" would make it 1000% more accessible. These are not things that would require full overhauls or tons of development time, but they would make the official forums much more appealing to a high percentage of the playerbase.
08-03-2017, 12:06 AM
These boards are probably not the place for you. I would recommend
People really need to stop making new boards.
08-03-2017, 06:15 AM
People really need to stop making new boards.
Nah, let'em have their forums. I just went over there for the hell of it and got a solid laugh... here are some bits from the Code of Conduct post:
Deliberate misgendering or use of ‘dead’ or rejected names
Physical contact and simulated physical contact (eg, textual descriptions like “hug” or “backrub”) without consent or after a request to stop. (Oh my god... HAHAHAHAA! I can't...)
Stalking or following
Harassing photography or recording, including logging online activity for harassment purposes
Pattern of inappropriate social contact, such as requesting/assuming inappropriate levels of intimacy with others (there's a lot of anti-sexual stuff there. I get it, but couldn't it have been condensed into one or two 'rules' instead of ten?)
Publication of non-harassing private communication without consent of all involved parties (that doesn't sound like fun at all)
Ruh roh! See Whirlin... people DO need guides to forums (but you knew this already since this happened on your other forum about three weeks ago):
"Welcome to the new forums. Some features to point out to people:
If you liked having the first thing you see being your activity feed, you can set this under your user settings. In fact, you can set any of the navigation menu options as being the default thing that you land on when you navigate to the website!
You can create your own custom landing page based on whatever you want."
"Add how to steps!"
"@alastir 100% agree I was just talking about that this morning"
"Really… I’m going to write a guide on how to use the forums? I may hate you all."
You can borrow mine if it helps any.
08-03-2017, 10:40 AM
I'm not making the argument that you should pump in as much resources as possible nor should you open them to just anyone. An upgrade wouldn't hurt. But hey, keep being a defensive, dismissive dick. It's awesome.
Think that's called "tit for tat."
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