View Full Version : I broke ;go2 list

03-28-2017, 08:48 PM
So I accidentally typed ";go2 save" and now my ";go2 list" is broken. It gives the following error:

>;go2 list
--- Lich: go2 active.
--- Lich: error: comparison of Array with Array failed
go2:246:in `sort'
go2:246:in `script'
--- Lich: go2 has exited.

If I type ";go2 delete" repeatedly (until all targets are deleted), I get the following:

;go2 list
--- Lich: go2 active.


typeahead: 0
delay: 0
get silvers: on
get return silvers: off
ice mode: auto
use seeking: off
stop for dead: off
vaalor shortcut: off
FWI trinket: (not set)

custom targets:

= 0 [Moonglae Inn, Atrium]

Can anyone help? I saved an empty string in my targets list and now it's broken!!!

04-25-2017, 12:29 PM
My wife made this mistake as well. It can probably be fixed via a simple bit of script, but I'm on mobile so can't derive that at the moment. We ended up fixing it by directly editing the Lich database instead:

1. Download and install a tool for editing SQLite databases -- I think we used either SQLite Studio or SQLite Management Studio.

2. Make a copy of lich.db3 so you have a backup.

3. Open lich.db3 in your chosen tool. (You may need to be out of the game/not have Lich running to do this).

4. One of the tables in the database (I forget which, and again I'm on mobile so can't look it up) stores all of your Lich settings. You'll know you've found it when the table is full of data with columns for script name (e.g. go2), scope (e.g. GSIV-Someone or just GSIV) and date (a bunch of binary gibberish)

5. Delete the go2 GSIV row. You can leave the character-specific settings rows. Note that all your saved targets will be lost, but it sounds like you've already deleted what you could anyways.