View Full Version : Building a Brighter Future

03-27-2017, 07:40 PM
A silver foil-embossed thick golden parchment is tacked to several trees within the towns of Ta'Illistim and Ta'Vaalor, their outposts, as well as along the main travel roads.

In the Common language you read:

Brethren, residents, and visitors,

You have heard of the lich that once plagued Ta'Vaalor and his defeat at the hands of many brave souls some weeks ago. His defeat was well celebrated until it was discovered to be the cause of the recent quakes plaguing Ta'Illistim. Those shifts in the bedrock beneath the town caused such instability that many building collapsed, causing not only the destruction of the Ta'Illistim Keep and several other well-loved places of interest, but the homes of many citizens and residents who find themselves displaced and in need. While they have found temporary sanctuary with Houses Sylvanfair and Aspis, there are many needs that have yet to be met. Please join High Lady Rohese Bayvel-Timsh'l Illistim, Legionnaire Nihrvanah Tarsonath Vaalor, and Commander Arshwikk Aralock Ardenai, of House Sylvanfair, the Alliance of High Elven Society, and the Ardenai Temple Knights, respectively, for a fundraiser to be held House Sylvanfair's Manse courtyard this Feastday, the 1st of Olaesta (April 1) at 6pm as we Elves tell time, as they work to collect food, clothing, blankets, and silvers to ensure the continued comfort of those in need.

03-28-2017, 05:38 AM
Thanks for posting!

For those that don't know, the Sylvanfair Manse can be found in the Oak Grove, just off the Sylvarraend Road. Look for a quiet pool and a wrought iron gate. (lich # 10091)

04-01-2017, 05:27 PM
Tonight! Won't someone think of the children?!

04-01-2017, 05:42 PM
Tonight! Won't someone think of the children?!


04-01-2017, 05:44 PM
Offer free citizenship.