View Full Version : I Wrote A Dragon Fantasy Novel With Bloody Battles and War In It.

03-27-2017, 02:42 PM
I am trying to find a dirt cheap editor-- WILL WORK FOR GOA maybe to do line editing of my 202 page fantasy novel. It's just sentence structure stuff I'd rather not do, some small level organization of chapters/spacing. I need to stop run-ons and anything I didn't catch for continuity (such as describing an object a different color in alternate chapters or other small disparities). Free would be ideal but I'll cough up a GOA or two over a couple months for it. I had someone doing it but she got expensive and has no time to continue with it. You'll get a credit in the book and if we make money I'll cut you a slice of the money earned.

So anyway, how Gemstone kicks in at all is basically that it's a writing workshop for anyone who wants to use it this way. I don't quote anything from the game but there's battles which are in the book which you can kind of see I've played Gemstone, if you can spot it because you play it. The book's world though is all about a gigantic planet (size of a medium sun perhaps) with all kinds of critters and there's a dragon place. Then there's kind of a war at the end with a new dragon and a goblin army. It's fast food reading but I need to push this out by summer and figured maybe someone will actually be interested enough on these boards that I will get an editor.

03-27-2017, 04:13 PM
Woo! PM Sent!

03-27-2017, 04:21 PM
Woo! PM Sent!

I pm'd first, so there!

03-27-2017, 04:23 PM
Why not just post the whole thing for constructive criticism? /sarcasm

That's awesome though! I wish you the best on your project.