03-18-2017, 05:45 PM
Here are some fun, fluffy items for sale. Bloodscrip accepted as well. These are flat prices.
1) a beautiful old black champagne bottle with a murk-stained yellow label
The creator has also provided the following information:
You get the feeling that most talented merchants are able to alter your black champagne bottle, though only champagne can go inside of the bottle, and the item must specifically remain a "bottle." Additionally, some merchants may be able to alter the way the bottle's cork looks and smells, as well as some of the aesthetics of the glass of champagne magically produced when pouring from the bottle.
This bottle is endless in that it will refill and reseal itself via POUR 1 time every 24 hours (where the timer begins from the most recent refill).
You sense that you can try to OPEN, POUR, PUSH, and SHAKE your black champagne bottle. You can also OPEN your black champagne bottle at another person if the bottle is still closed but recently shaken. You can POUR your black champagne bottle into an appropriate "glass" or "flute" drink container OR into a "champagne" drink (if the champagne is similar enough).
2) vicious tiger face pin.
Unlimited candy making pin. Semi-sentient.
>ask pin about color
The tiger face pin whispers, "Colors, eh? Well, I know about: red, crimson, vermillion, amber, orange, yellow, ocher, golden, green, vert, emerald, blue, cyan, navy, puce, purple, indigo, violet, coppery, brown, chocolate, ebon, black, silvery, grey, white, multihued, striped, speckled, and clear. When you see one you like, just whisper that color to me and we'll make it so."
J>whis pin gold
The tiger face pin whispers, "Now then, it may look like gold, but it's just candy."
>rub pin
As you rub the tiger face pin, the face puckers up and spits a small golden candy into your hand.
3) an elegant coal gown with a blazing ember bustle trailing orange and red sunstone motes
he creator has also provided the following information:
This item can be altered to have a LONG and a SHOW, but the show must accommodate either an inserted gem or an empty socket anywhere the gem is to be mentioned.
The merchant can also change the way the gem is attached. For example, you can have:
capped by (a gemstone)
topped by a carved (gemstone) heart
set with a series of (gemstone) studs
This item is currently set as follows:
Description with no gem inset: an elegant coal taffeta gown blazing with scintillating ember undertones
Description with a gem inset: an elegant coal gown with a blazing ember bustle trailing gemstone motes
Custom show description: Descending from a single, structured strap, the coal black taffeta of this gown blazes with ember-hued reflective undertones. The gown descends into an elegantly bustled sweep train, its voluminous layers flaring from coal to bright, fiery hues. Gleaming gemstone motes, glinting among the diaphanous skirts, create an impression of glowing embers as the soft fabric catches the light.
Custom Joola Gown
4) a long-sleeved cobalt gown with a front-split overskirt
*************************** Farusteri's Gowns ************************************
This cobalt gown is a gown with set options and the ability to be customized
on most. The Gown has a few options of cycling and unlocked tiers.
************************************************** *************************
The gown currently is unlocked to Tier: 0
This gives you access to the following features:
Custom Wear and Remove Messaging.
PULL to adjust the gown's article options for: Sleeves
PUSH to set your gown to the next article category of: Lacings
Custom Settings:
You do not currently have a custom neckline set.
You do not currently have custom sleeves set.
You do not currently have a custom length set.
You do not currently have a custom waistline set.
You do not currently have a custom hem set.
You do not currently have a custom gown type set.
You do not currently have a custom bustle set.
You do not currently have a custom petticoat set.
You do not currently have a custom overskirt set.
You do not currently have a custom color and fabric set.
Alteration Notes
All alterations for this gown are limited. Every option on this gown is customizable except for the
lacing. You can provide a fabric or color with a 15 character limit for the adjective. The following
fields are limited to 15 characters; neckline, length, sleeves. The following fields are limited to 6-7
words; waistline, bustle, petticoat, overskirt. Those fields all come after the noun, so it would
be a gown "with a hem" and in that example, "with a hem" is what you would provide.
5) a soil-filled rolaren-handled bucket
This item must remain dirt/soil-filled, and can be a pot|planter|canister|bucket|vase|can. You can grow decorative flowers without limitation, healing flowers 4x/day, magical flowers 2x/day, and enhancive flowers 1x/day. These flowers will wilt and disentegrate after 4 weeks. The bucket is at Tier 4. (Original merchant: Dawdly Windlebaum) Your bucket currently has the following verbs available: CLEAN, EAT, PINCH, POKE, POUR, PULL, RAISE, RUB, SHAKE, SMELL, WAVE.
Comes with lots of seed packets
6) unlimited muffin basket + unlimited frosting
This is on loan, so I don't have the specific analyze info on hand. But the basket itself creates unlimited muffins, and it holds an unlimited frosting tube that can be FLIPPed through like 20 different flavors. Also comes with some frosting tips that can change the look of the muffins.
7) a sliver of shadowy wraithaline
Forehead gem. You know the type. Alterable.
8) miniature griffin-shaped disk
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to summon: the griffin-shaped Vishra disk. You must have knowledge of this spell to use it."
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell.
This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that the player already has the ability to cast the customized spell either from an item, Spell Knowledge, or having the spell cast upon you, if applicable.
9) a jackal-headed token
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to summon a custom Fire Spirit of: a refulgent charcoal jackal head with gold-flecked crimson eyes. You must have knowledge of this spell to use it."
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell.
This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that the player already has the ability to cast the customized spell either from an item, Spell Knowledge, or having the spell cast upon you, if applicable.
10) a rainbow-colored token
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to summon a custom Fire Spirit of: a shimmering double rainbow. You must have knowledge of this spell to use it."
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell.
This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that the player already has the ability to cast the customized spell either from an item, Spell Knowledge, or having the spell cast upon you, if applicable.
11) a stylized scarlet-flame token
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to summon a custom Fire Spirit of: a glittering stylized scarlet flame shot through with ashen striations. You must have knowledge of this spell to use it."
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell.
This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that the player already has the ability to cast the customized spell either from an item, Spell Knowledge, or having the spell cast upon you, if applicable.
12) a corseted coraesine-hued marbrinus gown subtly swirled with pale whites and misty greys
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a Metallic Gown at Tier 3 / 3. It may not be altered. Verbs for the marbrinus gown are: Kick, Pull, Push, Rub, Tap, Tilt, Turn, and Touch.
13) a pale golden brocade cotehardie woven with tiny blossoming motes of silver
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a Metallic Gown at Tier 3 / 3. It may not be altered. Verbs for the marbrinus gown are: Kick, Pull, Push, Rub, Tap, Tilt, Turn, and Touch.
1) a beautiful old black champagne bottle with a murk-stained yellow label
The creator has also provided the following information:
You get the feeling that most talented merchants are able to alter your black champagne bottle, though only champagne can go inside of the bottle, and the item must specifically remain a "bottle." Additionally, some merchants may be able to alter the way the bottle's cork looks and smells, as well as some of the aesthetics of the glass of champagne magically produced when pouring from the bottle.
This bottle is endless in that it will refill and reseal itself via POUR 1 time every 24 hours (where the timer begins from the most recent refill).
You sense that you can try to OPEN, POUR, PUSH, and SHAKE your black champagne bottle. You can also OPEN your black champagne bottle at another person if the bottle is still closed but recently shaken. You can POUR your black champagne bottle into an appropriate "glass" or "flute" drink container OR into a "champagne" drink (if the champagne is similar enough).
2) vicious tiger face pin.
Unlimited candy making pin. Semi-sentient.
>ask pin about color
The tiger face pin whispers, "Colors, eh? Well, I know about: red, crimson, vermillion, amber, orange, yellow, ocher, golden, green, vert, emerald, blue, cyan, navy, puce, purple, indigo, violet, coppery, brown, chocolate, ebon, black, silvery, grey, white, multihued, striped, speckled, and clear. When you see one you like, just whisper that color to me and we'll make it so."
J>whis pin gold
The tiger face pin whispers, "Now then, it may look like gold, but it's just candy."
>rub pin
As you rub the tiger face pin, the face puckers up and spits a small golden candy into your hand.
3) an elegant coal gown with a blazing ember bustle trailing orange and red sunstone motes
he creator has also provided the following information:
This item can be altered to have a LONG and a SHOW, but the show must accommodate either an inserted gem or an empty socket anywhere the gem is to be mentioned.
The merchant can also change the way the gem is attached. For example, you can have:
capped by (a gemstone)
topped by a carved (gemstone) heart
set with a series of (gemstone) studs
This item is currently set as follows:
Description with no gem inset: an elegant coal taffeta gown blazing with scintillating ember undertones
Description with a gem inset: an elegant coal gown with a blazing ember bustle trailing gemstone motes
Custom show description: Descending from a single, structured strap, the coal black taffeta of this gown blazes with ember-hued reflective undertones. The gown descends into an elegantly bustled sweep train, its voluminous layers flaring from coal to bright, fiery hues. Gleaming gemstone motes, glinting among the diaphanous skirts, create an impression of glowing embers as the soft fabric catches the light.
Custom Joola Gown
4) a long-sleeved cobalt gown with a front-split overskirt
*************************** Farusteri's Gowns ************************************
This cobalt gown is a gown with set options and the ability to be customized
on most. The Gown has a few options of cycling and unlocked tiers.
************************************************** *************************
The gown currently is unlocked to Tier: 0
This gives you access to the following features:
Custom Wear and Remove Messaging.
PULL to adjust the gown's article options for: Sleeves
PUSH to set your gown to the next article category of: Lacings
Custom Settings:
You do not currently have a custom neckline set.
You do not currently have custom sleeves set.
You do not currently have a custom length set.
You do not currently have a custom waistline set.
You do not currently have a custom hem set.
You do not currently have a custom gown type set.
You do not currently have a custom bustle set.
You do not currently have a custom petticoat set.
You do not currently have a custom overskirt set.
You do not currently have a custom color and fabric set.
Alteration Notes
All alterations for this gown are limited. Every option on this gown is customizable except for the
lacing. You can provide a fabric or color with a 15 character limit for the adjective. The following
fields are limited to 15 characters; neckline, length, sleeves. The following fields are limited to 6-7
words; waistline, bustle, petticoat, overskirt. Those fields all come after the noun, so it would
be a gown "with a hem" and in that example, "with a hem" is what you would provide.
5) a soil-filled rolaren-handled bucket
This item must remain dirt/soil-filled, and can be a pot|planter|canister|bucket|vase|can. You can grow decorative flowers without limitation, healing flowers 4x/day, magical flowers 2x/day, and enhancive flowers 1x/day. These flowers will wilt and disentegrate after 4 weeks. The bucket is at Tier 4. (Original merchant: Dawdly Windlebaum) Your bucket currently has the following verbs available: CLEAN, EAT, PINCH, POKE, POUR, PULL, RAISE, RUB, SHAKE, SMELL, WAVE.
Comes with lots of seed packets
6) unlimited muffin basket + unlimited frosting
This is on loan, so I don't have the specific analyze info on hand. But the basket itself creates unlimited muffins, and it holds an unlimited frosting tube that can be FLIPPed through like 20 different flavors. Also comes with some frosting tips that can change the look of the muffins.
7) a sliver of shadowy wraithaline
Forehead gem. You know the type. Alterable.
8) miniature griffin-shaped disk
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to summon: the griffin-shaped Vishra disk. You must have knowledge of this spell to use it."
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell.
This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that the player already has the ability to cast the customized spell either from an item, Spell Knowledge, or having the spell cast upon you, if applicable.
9) a jackal-headed token
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to summon a custom Fire Spirit of: a refulgent charcoal jackal head with gold-flecked crimson eyes. You must have knowledge of this spell to use it."
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell.
This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that the player already has the ability to cast the customized spell either from an item, Spell Knowledge, or having the spell cast upon you, if applicable.
10) a rainbow-colored token
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to summon a custom Fire Spirit of: a shimmering double rainbow. You must have knowledge of this spell to use it."
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell.
This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that the player already has the ability to cast the customized spell either from an item, Spell Knowledge, or having the spell cast upon you, if applicable.
11) a stylized scarlet-flame token
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to summon a custom Fire Spirit of: a glittering stylized scarlet flame shot through with ashen striations. You must have knowledge of this spell to use it."
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell.
This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that the player already has the ability to cast the customized spell either from an item, Spell Knowledge, or having the spell cast upon you, if applicable.
12) a corseted coraesine-hued marbrinus gown subtly swirled with pale whites and misty greys
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a Metallic Gown at Tier 3 / 3. It may not be altered. Verbs for the marbrinus gown are: Kick, Pull, Push, Rub, Tap, Tilt, Turn, and Touch.
13) a pale golden brocade cotehardie woven with tiny blossoming motes of silver
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a Metallic Gown at Tier 3 / 3. It may not be altered. Verbs for the marbrinus gown are: Kick, Pull, Push, Rub, Tap, Tilt, Turn, and Touch.