View Full Version : +43 extraplanar bane Ironwright flaring max light coraesine pike(lance)

03-16-2017, 03:26 AM
This item is now sold.

Posted this up before in a combination of things thread, but sold the other bits. Stats like the title says, but I'll include some more details below.

a lor-hafted coraesine pike - Flawless and lustrous, the lor haft of the pike has a silvery finish that stretches across its unmarred six foot length. Misty white coraesine tendrils blend throughout the haft with subtle contrasting grace, growing denser at the apex and forming a foot-long blade, which is sharp and dual-edged. A cap of grey-veined bands reinforces the butt, while thorned dark grey tendrils curl outward from the base of the blade forming ornate langets. You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph.
There appears to be something written on it.
>read my pike
In the Faendryl language, it reads:

You carefully inspect your coraesine pike.

After a careful inspection you determine that a lor-hafted coraesine pike requires skill in polearms to use effectively. It appears to be a modified lance.

You remember that you registered this item a couple months ago.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of coraesine.

You analyze your coraesine pike and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
The coraesine pike is allowed the following type of flares:


This is a special holy weapon. Once blessed, various spells may be cast at it to enable the allowed flares.

You can tell that the pike is as light as it can get.

Loresong Info:
The first thing that strikes you about the pike is the weight, which is about 8 pounds. In your best estimation, it's worth about 4,750,000 silvers. You can also tell that the coraesine pike is predominantly crafted of coraesine.

You sense a faint aura of magic surrounding the pike. From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the pike is as some type of weapon. A sense of deep seated hatred clings to the coraesine pike, as if it had been crafted with a specific purpose.

It has a bonus of +43 from a normal pike, and the way it vibrates in tune with your voice tells you that it requires skill in polearms to use effectively. This coraesine pike seems to be the bane of all extraplanar creatures.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the coraesine pike in your hand...

This coraesine pike inflicts more fearsome wounds when employed against all extraplanar creatures.

Extraplanar Bane: Should be HCW against extraplanar (Quoting 2 Wyrom posts on extraplanar bane: "Elementals, ki-lins, Vvrael, Ithzir, everything on Plane 4, 5, and the Scatter in the Rift, raving lunatics, and n'ecare.. ExtraPlanar does work against demons. So yeah. I was wrong. Add the three demon archetypes back on there to my list. As well as that one demon that's birthed from vathors that starts with an N that i can't remember the name of." -(https://gswiki.play.net/Banes_(saved_posts) )).

Ironwright Flares/Script: It has ironwright flares/script so it's blessable and when you bless it you can cast Web (118), Implosion (720), Mana Dispruption (702) at it and it will absorb the spell and then flare until the bless wears off. Cast a different spell to change which flare. From the Flares page on GSWiki: "Ironwright's script gives holy flares when an item is blessed (no matter the profession) as well as a selection of two or three other flares (for example, acid/impact/web). The other flares are activated by casting a related spell at the weapon after it has been blessed (e.g. Hurl Boulder for impact). The flares last until the bless wears off. This flare occupies the script slot, not the flare slot." (https://gswiki.play.net/Flare)

Frequently Asked Questions:
Does it have coraesine double flares or bond or blah-blah-coraesine properties? - It does not, it is impure coraesine. From what I understand it's the sole lance, it probably shouldn't exist, the coraesine is pretty much a super cool factor for those who dig that and not much else.

Can it be Ensorcelled? - Probably not. I had Rolfard take a swing at it and it didn't straight out say it couldn't be done, just that it was practically impossible. A merchant could ensorcell it, but the one time a friend of mine won an ensorcell via merchant spot and let me use it, the merchant refused due to the ironwright flares "making it holy".

Can it be weighted? - I guess I thought my original comment was pretty clear that obviously ironwright doesn't work if you got weighting(can't bless it while weighted), but apparently not.

Can it be permablessed? - Sure as shit can, but permabless and ironwright sometimes get wonky, leaving it permanently active. I am uncertain if it will let you swap flares at that point

Why are you selling if it's that good? - I can enchant it once more and probably get rot flares added, but there isn't much more I could do with it. Which is the main reason I am selling. I get bored if I don't have a weapon/armor/project that I can continue to work on.

03-16-2017, 11:35 AM
>Can it be weighted? - Sure! Knock yourself out, but then you can't bless it for the ironwright flares.

I asked Wyrom this when I got rotflares on my ironwright pike, and he said that weighting something that has ironwright flares would not be possible. One might choose to take that as "I wouldn't do it because it would break something else, but someone else might." But the short answer was "No."

03-16-2017, 02:45 PM
Ironwright is pretty awesome. There is actually a wide variety of ways to "infuse" them. For instance, you mention imposion to set void falres, but I have an ironwright with void flares and I can set it with the following spells: 411, 415.

If you turn attunement off, for instance, eblade will have a 25% chance of getting air element. On the times that you get other elements that your ironwright does not match, the ironwright wont work (but you can try again no need to rebless). So in the case of your weapon, it would be fine for anyone with access to 411 who was attuned to air, or it would work for someone attuned to a different element if they temporarily turn their attunement off and keep casting 411 until they hit air (25% chance).

Good luck with the sale thats a great weapon.

03-16-2017, 03:27 PM
>Can it be weighted? - Sure! Knock yourself out, but then you can't bless it for the ironwright flares.

I asked Wyrom this when I got rotflares on my ironwright pike, and he said that weighting something that has ironwright flares would not be possible. One might choose to take that as "I wouldn't do it because it would break something else, but someone else might." But the short answer was "No."

I can confirm that you can't add weighting to ironwright.

The way the script works, it ends up filling the weighting/flares slot when you infuse flares into it.

03-17-2017, 07:47 AM
Ironwright is pretty awesome. There is actually a wide variety of ways to "infuse" them. For instance, you mention imposion to set void falres, but I have an ironwright with void flares and I can set it with the following spells: 411, 415.

If you turn attunement off, for instance, eblade will have a 25% chance of getting air element. On the times that you get other elements that your ironwright does not match, the ironwright wont work (but you can try again no need to rebless). So in the case of your weapon, it would be fine for anyone with access to 411 who was attuned to air, or it would work for someone attuned to a different element if they temporarily turn their attunement off and keep casting 411 until they hit air (25% chance).

Seems like in that case 502 should work too?

04-01-2017, 02:54 AM

04-01-2017, 07:55 PM
> I guess I thought my original comment was pretty clear that obviously ironwright doesn't work if you got weighting(can't bless it while weighted), but apparently not.

I guess my response wasn't clear. According to Wyrom, it's not an option to get weighting and leave the ironwright flares present-but-nonfunctional. They just won't do it. Not unless they're willing to also strip the ironwright script at the same time, that is.

Still a damn nice weapon, either way.

04-01-2017, 09:03 PM
Hell of a good weapon for Reim.

04-18-2017, 02:53 AM
Wyrom post in duskruin folder, seemed relevant.

>>So, question... just to see if I can be covered... 1. Does ironwright play nice with banes? 2. Does it work on weighted? 3. If it can't work with gory, can it replace gory?

1). Ironwright can work with banes, but it may be pretty useless with banes, depending on your bane.

2). Yes.

3). Gory isn't very compatible with scripted flares. But Gory can be removed if you buy this.

Ironwright flares won't be very cheap, since they are pretty much a scripted version of Undead Bane.

Wyrom, PM

>>Are you sure that ironwright can be used with weighting?

Sorry, I thought the question was for about bane weighting. Ironwright is a scripted flare that uses the same slot as weighting, due to the bless/flare. Misunderstood the question due to banes being asked just before.

04-18-2017, 10:14 AM
Hell of a good weapon for Reim.

Hell of a good weapon for all the places

04-25-2017, 04:58 AM

05-01-2017, 11:10 AM
I have been staring at this for awhile wondering how it would work on my voln warrior. The activating spell has to be recast after every new bless correct? Do you still get the holy flares if you don't cast the flare activating spell? I assume that voln bless works?

I could get my table picker up to 411 or 118 to cast at me while resting but depending on timing that would only keep the flares going part of the time. I was trying to think maybe 411 tappable embeds? Could do 702 tappable but that would probably cast at me rather then the weapon.

So great for a bard or pally, but am I missing an option for a warrior who doesn't know any spells?

05-01-2017, 11:15 AM
I have been staring at this for awhile wondering how it would work on my voln warrior. The activating spell has to be recast after every new bless correct? Do you still get the holy flares if you don't cast the flare activating spell? I assume that voln bless works?

I could get my table picker up to 411 or 118 to cast at me while resting but depending on timing that would only keep the flares going part of the time. I was trying to think maybe 411 tappable embeds? Could do 702 tappable but that would probably cast at me rather then the weapon.

So great for a bard or pally, but am I missing an option for a warrior who doesn't know any spells?

Imbed just about anything that touches on one of those three spells (void, disruption, web) into a wand and wave it at the lance and you're good to go. You can also do it from scrolls. 702 and 505 imbeds are probably the easiest, but a 118 imbed isn't hard either.

05-01-2017, 11:28 AM
Guess I could always carry a sack full of 702 ranger wands. Script symbol of bless, pull and wave wand.. Still curious if you get the holy flares if you don't do the activating spell?

05-01-2017, 12:23 PM
I always forget that alchemy can do wands as well. Could whip up a batch of 702, 705 or 505 wands. Hmm...

05-01-2017, 01:12 PM
The regular holy flares that you can get normally will work if you don't set it up for a specific other flare, yeah. When you analyze it, assuming it's blessed(it's not right this second), it tells you which flare, including the holy water ones, is the currently set one.

05-01-2017, 02:44 PM
How does this interact with paladin bonding? Still needs bless to activate?

05-01-2017, 03:02 PM
I honestly have no idea

05-01-2017, 03:05 PM
I honestly have no idea

If you're holding a sanctified weapon as a Paladin or cleric, you should be able to cast the spell right at the weapon.

The one thing I've never been clear on is how long the flares then last- since they aren't tied to a bless at that point.

05-01-2017, 03:08 PM
I plan on testing it with a pally and finding out. Should be fun. I'm wondering if you would still get the plasma flares.

05-01-2017, 03:35 PM
I plan on testing it with a pally and finding out. Should be fun. I'm wondering if you would still get the plasma flares.

You don't.

05-02-2017, 04:37 AM
and sold