View Full Version : Dodge the Void in River's Rest this weekend

03-16-2017, 02:01 AM
When: Saturday, March 18th at 9:00 PM EDT

What: Join Beacon Hall for a rousing bout of the most savage game ever imagined: Dodge the Void, 5117 Edition. Meet us in the River's Rest Town Commons. We require lots of items both large and small: please donate generously! Don't forget your climate-wear cloak and don't wear anything white.

Details: See gswiki (https://gswiki.play.net/Dodge_the_Void)

Prizes: The winner will receive:

Most of their body intact
A customized badge
Whatever silvers Kaldonis dontes (at least 100k)

Non-players: Those choosing not to play for unspecified reasons but still wishing to participate in the event have several options. These including gathering gear to be imploded, helping piece the dead and wounded back together, watching from our gazebo (which has means for familiar-like watching of the courtyard), and/or waiting in Commons for bodies to rain down.

And uh, maybe there will be a tour of Beacon Hall involved, if anyone's that bored and wants one.

Lord Orbstar
03-16-2017, 02:34 AM
Sounds like a smashing good time

03-16-2017, 07:23 AM
Sounds like a smashing good time

It is! I'm the sorcerer who gets to try to implode everyone


03-16-2017, 07:25 AM
thinking about coming over. It's just such a busy weekend. We shall see!

03-16-2017, 07:52 AM
Not busy for me this weekend (unlike the last month) but I scheduled the time figuring, "It'll be 2am in the UK and I'll stumble back from the pub and implode everyone when heavily inebriated." Well schedule changed so now I've got to stick with it and wake up 8 AM Sunday since I'm still going to be in Japan. But then again being grumpy early on Sunday morning is also a good time to implode.

It's always a good time to cast implosion!

As for the prizes, the badge is one made for Dodge the Void specifically. I forget just now if it has the year on it but anyway we only run the game once a year and the badge is relatively new.

For coins it was an afterthought but I don't mind giving out a prize. I'm still undecided exactly, but I can guarantee at least as follows

100k regardless of turnout
An additional 100k for each player beyond 5
Prize capped at 1 million silvers

We play until there is exactly one person remaining alive. Alternatively, the prize is split among those alive at the last implosion. If it's a small group and everyone dies the first round, I'll also increase the prize pool.

03-16-2017, 08:13 AM
I mean lots of stuff in game :)

03-16-2017, 08:19 AM
oh man! maybe i should come back home for this one.

03-16-2017, 08:28 AM
People may wonder about the rules. In the gazebo (where by-standers can watch) just aside from the Courtyard there's a crate under the bench.

>tap crate
You tap an old wooden shipping crate under a low bench.

In the crate are some herbal remedies and things for Sal, among other junk that could probably find a good home at this weekend's event.

The crate has a notice on it.

>l notice
The notice appears to have IMPORTANT information, with obvious references to maiming, death, and games. You should READ it.
There appears to be something written on it.

>read notice
In the Common language, it reads:
Please be advised that some games which are hosted by Beacon Hall may result in minor injury, vast corporeal maiming, death, or even vaporization. The host of the event will be sure to advise you if the above dangers and following rules may apply to a given game. Be forewarned of these dangers! Beacon Hall does not take responsibility for anything!
If injured, whether you are dead or alive, you cannot receive aid from an empath unless you are yourself an empath. To cope with your injuries, you may receive first aid, use herbal remedies (including alchemy tinctures), scrolls, or other such magical items.
If deceased, you cannot be raised by another cleric or paladin by their normal means. You can be lifekept, aided by Saltwater Sal, raised via scrolls or magic items, or decay at your leisure.
Failure to follow these rules is a serious violation of the spirit of the games, and may also incur additional external penalization for doing so. It is your duty to inform others assisting you that your state was incurred by playing a game and by what means they may assist you.

Though for those who are curious or interested to run similar events, let me point out that at Beacon Hall we go by the old-school rules. I've discussed the situation with Wyrom, and in the context of deadly games that are hosted by a CHE formally, it is not against game policy to heal or raise characters any longer. Still, what's the fun in that?

If you imagine that I personally authored that notice, well then you're right! It's all about the lolz.

I'm spending today cooking up the basic tinctures. I know I can buy some of them, but a master in alchemy might as well cook.

03-19-2017, 09:30 AM
[Beacon Hall, Courtyard]
The building is comprised entirely of huge red sandstone blocks. The upper story is accented with airy galleries and latticework windows of white-and-red marble. A tall door frame of ornately carved basalt surrounds an antique wooden door. Numerous torches held in wrought iron sconces illuminate the house's exterior and surrounding courtyard. You also see a ditty bag, a smooth bone wand, a seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich, some ivory white pants, a frosted chocolate cookie, a dense brick of dark chocolate, some rotting brigandine armor, a crystal amulet, a crystal amulet, a crystal amulet, some rotting brigandine armor, a crystal amulet, a crystal amulet, a crystal amulet, some dented augmented chain, some dented augmented chain, some dented augmented chain, an ayanad crystal, an ayanad crystal, a blue crystal, a blue crystal, a blue crystal, a dark translucent crystal, an ayanad crystal, a large troll tooth, a small troll tooth, an old pitted halberd, an old pitted halberd, an old pitted halberd, an inky necrotic core, an elemental core, a crystal core, a crystal core, some sovyn clove, some rotting brigandine armor, a corroded steel trunk, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, an aquamarine wand, a silver wand, a silver wand, an oaken wand, some sovyn clove, a polished bloodwood wand, a clear glass wand, a polished bloodwood wand, a metal wand, a metal wand, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, a flagon of Guildmaster's special, some sovyn clove, some Stuck Pig Ale, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, the Kaldonis disk, the Citan disk, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, a plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some pothinir grass, some bubbling Eldreth death-rum, a stack of fluffy buttermilk pancakes drizzled with winterberry syrup, some acantha leaf, some torban leaf, a tiny chocolate lighthouse, a tiny chocolate lighthouse, a tiny chocolate lighthouse, a tiny chocolate lighthouse, a tiny chocolate lighthouse, a tiny chocolate lighthouse, a tiny chocolate lighthouse, a tiny chocolate lighthouse, a tiny chocolate lighthouse, a piece of rich chocolate cake, a piece of rich chocolate cake, a piece of rich chocolate cake, a piece of rich chocolate cake, a piece of rich chocolate cake, a piece of rich chocolate cake, a piece of rich chocolate cake, a piece of rich chocolate cake, a piece of rich chocolate cake, a piece of rich chocolate cake, a piece of rich chocolate cake, a piece of rich chocolate cake and a bunch of other stuff.
Also here: Citan, Soliere, Shakrean, Keeper Astru, Aneirin, Maiden Missandai, Mistress Martyle, Gnurr, Malisai, Kirael, Ahrairah
Obvious paths: out
Gnurr grunts with a sparkle in his eye!
Soliere drops a sky-blue glaes scarab.
Kirael takes a drink from her winterberry ale.
Soliere abruptly kicks at a sky-blue glaes scarab!
Missandai softly exclaims, "Wheee!"
Kirael takes a drink from her winterberry ale.
Kirael takes a drink from her winterberry ale.
Kirael takes a drink from her winterberry ale.
Kirael takes a drink from her winterberry ale.
Kirael takes a drink from her winterberry ale.
Kirael takes a drink from her winterberry ale.
Shakrean shifts his weight.
Malisai takes a bite of his rich chocolate cake.
[Prime]-You: "Here goes Dodge the Void" (10:32:48)
Malisai twists his head slightly, cracking his neck. He looks relieved.
Soliere leans softly against Citan.
Gnurr rubs some bubbling Eldreth death-rum.
Martyle pours herself a vial of winterberry ale.
Soliere picks up a seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich.
[lnet: sending location to GSIV:Sorrenn...]
Martyle takes a drink from her winterberry ale.
Martyle looks rather relaxed.
Martyle takes a drink from her winterberry ale.
Martyle takes a drink from her winterberry ale.
Martyle takes a drink from her winterberry ale.
[LNet]-GSIV:Ortar: "tap kitta" (10:32:56)
Martyle takes a drink from her winterberry ale.
A small pink will-o'-wisp mischievously peeks out from inside Gnurr's leaf-inscribed acorn.
Martyle takes a drink from her winterberry ale.
Martyle takes a drink from her winterberry ale.
Malisai says, "Dont have much experiance on this side of a void."
>recite As they say...DODGE THIS!
You recite:
"As they say...DODGE THIS!"
Martyle nods.
>prep 720
Citan grins.
Soliere drops a seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich.
Particles of light converge and become painfully bright as you sharply hiss the destructive words for Implosion.
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You cast into the air above you and the sky rips open into a void! The fissure begins to feed on the air around you!
A seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich is sucked into the voidThe evanescent shield shrouding Soliere fades briefly.
, striking Soliere along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to left arm.
A ditty bag is sucked into the void, striking Martyle along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Brushing blow to right hand.
A smooth bone wand is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes neck lightly.
Some ivory white pants is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
A frosted chocolate cookie is sucked into the void, striking Martyle along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to back.
A dense brick of dark chocolate is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes right arm lightly.
Some rotting brigandine armor is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes neck lightly.
A crystal amulet is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
A crystal amulet is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to right arm.
A crystal amulet is sucked into the void, striking Missandai along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to back.
Some rotting brigandine armor is sucked into the void, striking Ahrairah along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes left arm lightly.
A crystal amulet is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to abdomen.
A crystal amulet is sucked into the void, striking Ahrairah along the way!
... 1 point of damage!
Stubs left hand finger.
A crystal amulet is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Blow connects right below right eye!
He is stunned!
Some dented augmented chain is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow to back connects lightly.
Some dented augmented chain is sucked into the void, striking Ahrairah along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes right arm lightly.
Some dented augmented chain is sucked into the void, striking Ahrairah along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to chest.
A blue crystal is sucked into the void, striking Soliere along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to chest.
A blue crystal is sucked into the void, striking Shakrean along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to back.
A blue crystal is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 1 point of damage!
Stubs left hand finger.
An old pitted halberd is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes left arm lightly.
An old pitted halberd is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 15 points of damage!
Nice blow to back!
He is stunned!
An old pitted halberd is sucked into the void, striking Soliere along the way!
... 15 points of damage!
Nice blow to left hand!
Some rotting brigandine armor is sucked into the void, striking Aneirin along the way!
... 25 points of damage!
Strong blow to left hand!
He is stunned!
A corroded steel trunk is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 15 points of damage!
Nice blow to chest!
A silver wand is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Stubs left hand finger.
A silver wand is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow to back connects lightly.
An oaken wand is sucked into the void, striking Martyle along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Stubs left hand finger.
A polished bloodwood wand is sucked into the void, striking Soliere along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to abdomen.
A clear glass wand is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes left arm lightly.
A polished bloodwood wand is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes right leg.
A metal wand is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
A metal wand is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to back.
A flagon of Guildmaster's special is sucked into the void, striking Shakrean along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Stubs right hand finger.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Ahrairah along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
Some bubbling Eldreth death-rum is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to back.
A stack of fluffy buttermilk pancakes drizzled with winterberry syrup is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes left arm lightly.
A tiny chocolate lighthouse is sucked into the void, striking Aneirin along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Stubs left hand finger.
A tiny chocolate lighthouse is sucked into the void, striking Missandai along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes right leg.
A tiny chocolate lighthouse is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Brushing blow to temple.
A tiny chocolate lighthouse is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Brushing blow to temple.
A tiny chocolate lighthouse is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Blow to neck tears tissue.
A tiny chocolate lighthouse is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
... 1 point of damage!
Stubs right hand finger.
A tiny chocolate lighthouse is sucked into the void, striking Martyle along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
A tiny chocolate lighthouse is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes right arm lightly.
A tiny chocolate lighthouse is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow to back connects lightly.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Shakrean along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to left arm.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Martyle along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes left arm lightly.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 2 points of damage!
Blow grazes neck lightly.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes left arm lightly.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Aneirin along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow to back connects lightly.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Missandai along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to abdomen.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Missandai along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Soliere along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Ahrairah along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes right arm lightly.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes left arm lightly.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Blow connects right below left eye!
She is stunned!
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Shakrean along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow connects with abdomen.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes left leg.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes right leg.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Aneirin along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes right leg.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes left leg.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Strike to head breaks cheekbone.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Aneirin along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Aneirin along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Martyle along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow to back connects lightly.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to right arm.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Missandai along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes left leg.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to left leg.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Martyle along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to right leg.
A vanilla bean cupcake topped with goat-shaped sprinkles is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
A seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich is sucked into the void, striking Soliere along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes right arm lightly.
A seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich is sucked into the void, striking Ahrairah along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Brushing blow to temple.
A seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich is sucked into the void, striking Shakrean along the way!
... 2 points of damage!
Blow grazes neck lightly.
A seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes right leg.
A seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich is sucked into the void, striking Shakrean along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to chest.
A seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to chest.
A duffel bag is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 20 points of damage!
Blow to the eye swells it shut!
A seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich is sucked into the void, striking Soliere along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow connects with abdomen.
A seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich is sucked into the void, striking Ahrairah along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to abdomen.
A seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich is sucked into the void, striking Aneirin along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow to back connects lightly.
A seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to chest.
A seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich is sucked into the void, striking Martyle along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to chest.
A seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to left arm.
A seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich is sucked into the void, striking Aneirin along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Stubs left hand finger.
A seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich is sucked into the void, striking Ahrairah along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to back.
A seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes right arm lightly.
A seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich is sucked into the void, striking Ahrairah along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow to back connects lightly.
A seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike hits close to the left eye!
A seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich is sucked into the void, striking Aneirin along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Brushing blow to left hand.
Some sourdough toast spread with blackberry jam is sucked into the void, striking Missandai along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes right leg.
A seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich is sucked into the void, striking Missandai along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to left arm.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Aneirin along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to right leg.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Aneirin along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Blow connects right below right eye!
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Shakrean along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to left leg.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
... 2 points of damage!
Blow grazes neck lightly.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Brushing blow to temple.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes left arm lightly.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to chest.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Missandai along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes neck lightly.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow to back connects lightly.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Missandai along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow connects with abdomen.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike hits close to the right eye.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Shakrean along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to back.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow connects with abdomen.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Missandai along the way!
... 1 point of damage!
Stubs left hand finger.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Missandai along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes left arm lightly.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Soliere along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to back.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 2 points of damage!
Blow grazes neck lightly.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Aneirin along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Aneirin along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes right leg.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Martyle along the way!
... 1 point of damage!
Strike hits close to the right eye.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to left arm.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Shakrean along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to right arm.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow connects with abdomen.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Ahrairah along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes right leg.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Missandai along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to right arm.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to right arm.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Ahrairah along the way!
[Private]-GSIV:Sorrenn: "wait i'll go" (10:33:01)
... 5 points of damage!
Brushing blow to temple.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
A piece of rich chocolate cake is sucked into the void, striking Shakrean along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to chest.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to chest.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike hits close to the right eye.
A seaweed and Moomph pickle sandwich is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes right leg.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Aneirin along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 2 points of damage!
Blow grazes neck lightly.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow to back connects lightly.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Aneirin along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to right leg.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to abdomen.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to back.
A crystal wand is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes right arm lightly.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Martyle along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes left arm lightly.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes right leg.
A stack of fluffy buttermilk pancakes drizzled with winterberry syrup is sucked into the void, striking Ahrairah along the way!
... 2 points of damage!
Blow grazes neck lightly.
A stack of fluffy buttermilk pancakes drizzled with winterberry syrup is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
... 1 point of damage!
Stubs left hand finger.
A stack of fluffy buttermilk pancakes drizzled with winterberry syrup is sucked into the void, striking Aneirin along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow connects with abdomen.
A stack of fluffy buttermilk pancakes drizzled with winterberry syrup is sucked into the void, striking Martyle along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes left leg.
A blackened runestaff is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to chest.
A stack of fluffy buttermilk pancakes drizzled with winterberry syrup is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to abdomen.
A stack of fluffy buttermilk pancakes drizzled with winterberry syrup is sucked into the void, striking Martyle along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike hits close to the left eye!
A stack of fluffy buttermilk pancakes drizzled with winterberry syrup is sucked into the void, striking Ahrairah along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes left leg.
A plate piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 2 points of damage!
Blow grazes neck lightly.
A twisted dagger is sucked into the void, striking Aneirin along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to chest.
* Aneirin drops dead at your feet!
Aneirin becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
The deep blue glow leaves Aneirin.
Deep blue motes swirl away from Aneirin and fade.
The light blue glow leaves Aneirin.
The misty halo fades from Aneirin.
Aneirin appears to lose some internal strength.
A feras dagger is sucked into the void, striking Shakrean along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
A dagger is sucked into the void, just missing Aneirin along the way!
Some fetid black slime is sucked into the void, striking Soliere along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to left arm.
A crude bone key is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Stubs left hand finger.
Some woth flower is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes right arm lightly.
A scrap of obscure papyrus is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 1 point of damage!
Stubs left hand finger.
A crystal amulet is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Stubs left hand finger.
An oaken wand is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to back.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes left arm lightly.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Soliere along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes left arm lightly.
A blue crystal is sucked into the void, just missing Aneirin along the way!
A smooth bone wand is sucked into the void, just missing Aneirin along the way!
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Shakrean along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to chest.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Soliere along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to back.
An oaken wand is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Brushing blow to right hand.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Ahrairah along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Stubs left hand finger.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Missandai along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike hits close to the left eye!
A pale thanot wand is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow connects with abdomen.
A metal wand is sucked into the void, just missing Aneirin along the way!
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Shakrean along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes left leg.
A golden wand is sucked into the void, striking Ahrairah along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow to back connects lightly.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes neck lightly.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
... 1 point of damage!
Stubs right hand finger.
A silver wand is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
A duffel bag is sucked into the void, striking Ahrairah along the way!
... 1 point of damage!
Strike hits close to the left eye!
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Ahrairah along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to right arm.
An aquamarine wand is sucked into the void, striking Missandai along the way!
... 1 point of damage!
Stubs left hand finger.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Missandai along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to abdomen.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes right leg.
A twisted wand is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes left arm lightly.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Shakrean along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to right leg.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Shakrean along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow to back connects lightly.
A mithril seaman's dirk is sucked into the void, striking Ahrairah along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to chest.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, just missing Aneirin along the way!
An iron wand is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Brushing blow to right hand.
A mithril seaman's dirk is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes right arm lightly.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Shakrean along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes right arm lightly.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, just missing Aneirin along the way!
A smooth amber wand is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes right leg.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Missandai along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to back.
A mithril seaman's dirk is sucked into the void, striking Shakrean along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to chest.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to right arm.
A green coral wand is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Brushing blow to left hand.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Blow to neck tears tissue.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Strike to head breaks cheekbone.
She is stunned!
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes left leg.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes right leg.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow to back connects lightly.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Ahrairah along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes left leg.
A polished bloodwood wand is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow connects with abdomen.
A war hammer is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow connects with abdomen.
A drake greataxe is sucked into the void, striking Missandai along the way!
... 15 points of damage!
Glancing blow to right eye scratches cornea!
She is stunned!
A war hammer is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes left arm lightly.
A war hammer is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to chest.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to right arm.
A war hammer is sucked into the void, striking Shakrean along the way!
... 15 points of damage!
Nice blow to chest!
He is stunned!
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, just missing Aneirin along the way!
A war hammer is sucked into the void, striking Citan along the way!
... 20 points of damage!
Good blow to right arm!
* Citan drops dead at your feet!
Citan seems a bit less imposing.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Citan suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Citan seems slightly different.
Citan seems hesitant.
Citan returns to normal color.
A feras mattock is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Brushing blow to left hand.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Astru along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes left leg.
* Astru drops dead at your feet!
Astru returns to normal color.
Astru becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
Astru appears to lose some internal strength.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Astru.
The very powerful look leaves Astru.
The white light leaves Astru.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Astru.
The misty halo fades from Astru.
The deep blue glow leaves Astru.
The light blue glow leaves Astru.
Astru loses a thorny barrier.
Astru is no longer moving so silently.
Astru seems to lose an aura of confidence.
Astru seems to lose some internal strength.
The powerful look leaves Astru.
Astru no longer appears to be listening intently.
Astru seems to lose some dexterity.
The air about Astru stops shimmering.
Astru appears less powerful.
A drake greatsword is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes left arm lightly.
A feras tiger-claw is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A war hammer is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A thick mithril shield is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes right leg.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Martyle along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Stubs left hand finger.
A war hammer is sucked into the void, striking Gnurr along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to chest.
* Gnurr drops dead at your feet!
Gnurr begins to breathe less deeply.
Gnurr appears less confident.
The very powerful look leaves Gnurr.
The white light leaves Gnurr.
For an instant, Gnurr's wounds begin to knit, and it looks as though he will successfully cling to life. Then, the reality of death overcomes the influence of Troll's Blood.
The brilliant aura fades away from Gnurr.
The opalescent aura fades from around Gnurr.
The powerful look leaves Gnurr.
The dim aura fades from around Gnurr.
The misty halo fades from Gnurr.
The deep blue glow leaves Gnurr.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Gnurr.
Gnurr becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
Gnurr appears to lose some internal strength.
Gnurr seems a bit less imposing.
Gnurr no longer appears to be listening intently.
Gnurr becomes solid again.
Gnurr seems to lose some dexterity.
A silver light faintly flickers around Gnurr, then fades.
The air about Gnurr stops shimmering.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Gnurr suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Gnurr returns to normal color.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Gnurr.
The bright luminescence fades from around Gnurr.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Gnurr.
The light blue glow leaves Gnurr.
The air calms down around Gnurr.
A war hammer is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes left leg.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, just missing Astru along the way!
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, just missing Aneirin along the way!
A war hammer is sucked into the void, striking Soliere along the way!
... 25 points of damage!
Strong blow to right arm breaks it!
She is stunned!
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Shakrean along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes right leg.
* Shakrean drops dead at your feet!
Shakrean looks less calm and refreshed than a moment ago.
Shakrean no longer appears to be listening intently.
The very powerful look leaves Shakrean.
The white light leaves Shakrean.
The misty halo fades from Shakrean.
The deep blue glow leaves Shakrean.
The powerful look leaves Shakrean.
The air calms down around Shakrean.
Shakrean seems to lose some dexterity.
The light blue glow leaves Shakrean.
Shakrean appears less confident.
For an instant, Shakrean's wounds begin to knit, and it looks as though he will successfully cling to life. Then, the reality of death overcomes the influence of Troll's Blood.
The opalescent aura fades from around Shakrean.
The brilliant aura fades away from Shakrean.
The dim aura fades from around Shakrean.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A war hammer is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Martyle along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to right arm.
A drake yierka-spur is sucked into the void, striking Ahrairah along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to right leg.
A war hammer is sucked into the void, striking Soliere along the way!
... 25 points of damage!
Strong blow to chest!
* Soliere drops dead at your feet!
Soliere seems hesitant.
Soliere returns to normal color.
Soliere becomes solid again.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Soliere.
Soliere seems a bit less imposing.
The white light leaves Soliere.
The very powerful look leaves Soliere.
Soliere appears to lose some internal strength.
Soliere becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Soliere suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Soliere.
Soliere seems slightly different.
An ethereal golden collection bowl drifts out of Soliere, then vanishes.
A white glow rushes away from Soliere.
A subtle light fades from Soliere's eyes.
The air about Soliere shimmers momentarily before the evanescent shield surrounding her collapses.
The brilliant aura fades away from Soliere.
Soliere appears less confident.
The air shivers about Soliere, glistening faintly before stilling to normalcy.
Soliere begins to breathe less deeply.
The dim aura fades from around Soliere.
The opalescent aura fades from around Soliere.
The light blue glow leaves Soliere.
The air calms down around Soliere.
The powerful look leaves Soliere.
The deep blue glow leaves Soliere.
The misty halo fades from Soliere.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Soliere.
A drake mace is sucked into the void, striking Ahrairah along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to left arm.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Martyle along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
A drake scimitar is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Brushing blow to temple.
A war hammer is sucked into the void, just missing Soliere along the way!
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Martyle along the way!
... 1 point of damage!
Strike hits close to the right eye.
A war hammer is sucked into the void, striking Martyle along the way!
... 15 points of damage!
Nice blow to right arm!
She is stunned!
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A war hammer is sucked into the void, striking Martyle along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to right arm.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A war hammer is sucked into the void, striking Missandai along the way!
... 15 points of damage!
Nice blow to chest!
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Missandai along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow to back connects lightly.
* Missandai drops dead at your feet!
Missandai returns to normal color.
Missandai becomes solid again.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Missandai suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Missandai seems a bit less imposing.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Missandai.
Missandai becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
Missandai appears to lose some internal strength.
The misty halo fades from Missandai.
Missandai seems to lose some dexterity.
The air about Missandai stops shimmering.
Missandai appears less confident.
The dim aura fades from around Missandai.
The deep blue glow leaves Missandai.
The powerful look leaves Missandai.
The air calms down around Missandai.
The light blue glow leaves Missandai.
The bright luminescence fades from around Missandai.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Missandai.
Missandai looks less calm and refreshed than a moment ago.
A well-crafted oak-hafted mithril maul is sucked into the void, just missing Shakrean along the way!
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Ahrairah along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to right leg.
* Ahrairah drops dead at your feet!
Ahrairah returns to normal color.
Ahrairah begins to breathe less deeply.
The green and gold energy fades from around Ahrairah.
The air about Ahrairah stops shimmering.
Ahrairah seems to lose some dexterity.
The white light leaves Ahrairah.
The very powerful look leaves Ahrairah.
Ahrairah appears to lose some internal strength.
Ahrairah becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Ahrairah.
The bright luminescence fades from around Ahrairah.
Ahrairah seems to lose an aura of confidence.
Ahrairah becomes solid again.
Ahrairah no longer appears to be listening intently.
Ahrairah is no longer moving so silently.
Ahrairah appears less secure.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Ahrairah suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Ahrairah seems a bit less imposing.
Ahrairah appears less powerful.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Ahrairah.
The deep blue glow leaves Ahrairah.
The powerful look leaves Ahrairah.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Ahrairah.
Ahrairah seems to lose some internal strength.
The misty halo fades from Ahrairah.
The dim aura fades from around Ahrairah.
Ahrairah loses a thorny barrier.
The light blue glow leaves Ahrairah.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, just missing Aneirin along the way!
A war hammer is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
A war hammer is sucked into the void, just missing Missandai along the way!
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A copper lockpick is sucked into the void, just missing Astru along the way!
A war hammer is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes neck lightly.
A war hammer is sucked into the void, just missing Shakrean along the way!
A war hammer is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
A war hammer is sucked into the void, just missing Aneirin along the way!
A war hammer is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to left leg.
A war hammer is sucked into the void, just missing Shakrean along the way!
A war hammer is sucked into the void, just missing Astru along the way!
A war hammer is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, just missing Ahrairah along the way!
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes left arm lightly.
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, just missing Ahrairah along the way!
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, just missing Ahrairah along the way!
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, just missing Shakrean along the way!
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, just missing Astru along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Soliere along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, just missing Astru along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to abdomen.
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes neck lightly.
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Aneirin along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
Some wolifrew lichen is sucked into the void, just missing Astru along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, striking Martyle along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to right arm.
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Shakrean along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Soliere along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Astru along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Missandai along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Soliere along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Soliere along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Stubs left hand finger.
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Shakrean along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Ahrairah along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Astru along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Aneirin along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Soliere along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Ahrairah along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes neck lightly.
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Missandai along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, striking Martyle along the way!
... 1 point of damage!
Stubs left hand finger.
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Aneirin along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Missandai along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 1 point of damage!
Stubs right hand finger.
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Soliere along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow connects with abdomen.
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Shakrean along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Soliere along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Shakrean along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow connects with abdomen.
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, striking Martyle along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Strike to head breaks cheekbone.
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow connects with abdomen.
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, striking Malisai along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Brushing blow to temple.
* Malisai drops dead at your feet!
A shadow seems to detach itself from Malisai's body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Malisai.
Malisai glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Malisai.
The air calms down around Malisai.
The deep blue glow leaves Malisai.
Malisai becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
Malisai's body pulses momentarily into semi transparency and then returns to normal.
Malisai appears to lose some internal strength.
Malisai exhales the last of a virulent green mist.
The powerful look leaves Malisai.
The bright luminescence fades from around Malisai.
Malisai seems to lose some dexterity.
The very powerful look leaves Malisai.
The white light leaves Malisai.
The misty halo fades from Malisai.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Malisai.
The light blue glow leaves Malisai.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Malisai.
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, striking Martyle along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes right arm lightly.
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Malisai along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Shakrean along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to chest.
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Ahrairah along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Malisai along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Ahrairah along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Aneirin along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, striking Martyle along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to right arm.
* Martyle drops dead at your feet!
The air about Martyle stops shimmering.
Martyle returns to normal color.
Martyle seems a bit less imposing.
A shadow seems to detach itself from Martyle's body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Martyle suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Martyle.
The bright luminescence fades from around Martyle.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Martyle.
For an instant, Martyle's wounds begin to knit, and it looks as though she will successfully cling to life. Then, the reality of death overcomes the influence of Troll's Blood.
The opalescent aura fades from around Martyle.
The very powerful look leaves Martyle.
The white light leaves Martyle.
The dim aura fades from around Martyle.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Martyle.
The misty halo fades from Martyle.
The deep blue glow leaves Martyle.
Martyle becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
The powerful look leaves Martyle.
The air calms down around Martyle.
Martyle appears to lose some internal strength.
Martyle appears less confident.
Martyle becomes solid again.
Martyle seems to lose some dexterity.
The air shivers about Martyle, glistening faintly before stilling to normalcy.
Martyle looks less calm and refreshed than a moment ago.
Martyle begins to breathe less deeply.
The brilliant aura fades away from Martyle.
The light blue glow leaves Martyle.
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Malisai along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Martyle along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Stubs right hand finger.
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Missandai along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Ahrairah along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Astru along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Soliere along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Ahrairah along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Astru along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Shakrean along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Malisai along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Malisai along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Malisai along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Aneirin along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Astru along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Missandai along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Missandai along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Shakrean along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Shakrean along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Malisai along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Aneirin along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Soliere along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Shakrean along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Shakrean along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Shakrean along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Ahrairah along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Soliere along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes right leg.
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Shakrean along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Shakrean along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Aneirin along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Aneirin along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Astru along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow connects with abdomen.
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Malisai along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Martyle along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Blow to neck tears tissue.
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes left leg.
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Malisai along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Martyle along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Ahrairah along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Astru along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Astru along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Ahrairah along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Shakrean along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Ahrairah along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Missandai along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Astru along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, striking Kirael along the way!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow to back connects lightly.
* Kirael drops dead at your feet!
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Kirael.
Kirael loses a thorny barrier.
Kirael returns to normal color.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Kirael.
The white light leaves Kirael.
The very powerful look leaves Kirael.
Kirael no longer appears to be listening intently.
Kirael seems to lose an aura of confidence.
Kirael appears less powerful.
Kirael is no longer moving so silently.
Kirael seems to lose some internal strength.
Kirael appears to lose some internal strength.
Kirael becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Kirael.
The bright luminescence fades from around Kirael.
The deep blue glow leaves Kirael.
The powerful look leaves Kirael.
Kirael seems to lose some dexterity.
The air about Kirael stops shimmering.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Kirael suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Kirael becomes solid again.
The light blue glow leaves Kirael.
Kirael seems a bit less imposing.
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Shakrean along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Malisai along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Soliere along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Shakrean along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Martyle along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Kirael along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Shakrean along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Missandai along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Soliere along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Aneirin along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Martyle along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Ahrairah along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Ahrairah along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Aneirin along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Missandai along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Ahrairah along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Aneirin along the way!
A fur-lined velvet tunic is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A rigging knife is sucked into the void, just missing Aneirin along the way!
A dashing turquoise blouse is sucked into the void, just missing Missandai along the way!
A war hammer is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
A petrified mouse tail is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
A heavy quartz orb is sucked into the void, just missing Citan along the way!
A tarnished ring is sucked into the void, just missing Martyle along the way!
A flawless gold ring is sucked into the void, just missing Gnurr along the way!
The Citan disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
The Kirael disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
A fluctuant stream spirit dives straight towards Martyle, its corporeal form dematerializing into a jet of frigid water. The water hits Martyle's body straight on, but amazingly, does no damage to her corpse as the water pools around the body. Slowly, the water begins to gather itself up again and reform itself into its corporeal, but still wispy, form.
* Kirael has gone to feed the fishes!
* Martyle has gone to feed the fishes!
* Malisai has gone to feed the fishes!
* Ahrairah has gone to feed the fishes!
* Missandai has gone to feed the fishes!
* Soliere has gone to feed the fishes!
* Shakrean has gone to feed the fishes!
* Gnurr has gone to feed the fishes!
* Astru has gone to feed the fishes!
* Citan has gone to feed the fishes!
* Aneirin has gone to feed the fishes!
[Private]-GSIV:Sorrenn: "ah nvm" (10:33:07)
[Merchant]-GSIV:Kolstryc: "Lol wow" (10:33:08)
[LNet]-GSIV:Hammibal: "They all dodged.. Poorly" (10:33:08)
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
[Prime]-GSIV:Eyas: "Lolz" (10:33:09)
The ghostly voice of Shakrean asks, "Anyone alive?"
The ghostly voice of Malisai says, "That was amazing."
The ghostly laughter of Soliere echoes through the area, sending a shiver down your spine.
[Beacon Hall, Courtyard]
The building is comprised entirely of huge red sandstone blocks. The upper story is accented with airy galleries and latticework windows of white-and-red marble. A tall door frame of ornately carved basalt surrounds an antique wooden door. Numerous torches held in wrought iron sconces illuminate the house's exterior and surrounding courtyard. You also see a corroded iron trunk, a scratched maoral trunk, a black void, a sky-blue glaes scarab, an ayanad crystal, an ayanad crystal, a dark translucent crystal, an ayanad crystal, a large troll tooth, a small troll tooth, an inky necrotic core, an elemental core, a crystal core, a crystal core, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, an aquamarine wand, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some Stuck Pig Ale, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, the Kaldonis disk, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some sovyn clove, some pothinir grass, some acantha leaf, some torban leaf, a polished agate mortar, some acantha leaf, some sovyn clove, some calamia fruit, some woth flower, some aloeas stem, some torban leaf, some acantha leaf, a magic seed, some cactacae spine, a magic seed, a magic seed, some basal moss, a magic seed, a magic seed, a magic seed, a magic seed, a magic seed, some acantha leaf, a magic seed, a magic seed, some basal moss, some ambrominas leaf, some pothinir grass, some calamia fruit, some ambrominas leaf, some haphip root, some aloeas stem, some sovyn clove, some acantha leaf, some ephlox moss, some aloeas stem, some calamia fruit, some cactacae spine, some sovyn clove, some torban leaf, some sovyn clove, a two-headed toy gak with pink eyes, some torban leaf, a two-headed toy gak with pink eyes, some basal moss, a multi-horned toy rolton with large tusks protruding from its mouth, a rose-marrow potion, a short thanot-handled brush, a solid moonstone cube, some wolifrew lichen, some monkey meatballs, some monkey meatballs, some monkey meatballs, some monkey meatballs, some monkey meatballs, some monkey meatballs, some monkey meatballs, some monkey meatballs, some monkey meatballs and a bunch of other stuff.
Also here: the body of Citan who is lying down, the body of Soliere who is lying down, the body of Shakrean who is lying down, the body of Keeper Astru who is lying down, the body of Aneirin who is lying down, the body of Maiden Missandai who is lying down, the body of Mistress Martyle who is lying down, the body of Gnurr who is lying down, the body of Malisai who is lying down, the body of Kirael who is lying down, the body of Ahrairah who is lying down
Obvious paths: out
The ghostly voice of Astru softly says, "Deal already."
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
[LNet]-GSIV:Ysaken: "ouch" (10:33:11)
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
The ghostly voice of Gnurr says, "Hm."
[LNet]-GSIV:Dirvy: "WTF just happened?" (10:33:13)
[lnet: sending location to GSIV:Sorrenn...]
[LNet]-GSIV:Alyssea: "poof!" (10:33:14)
The black void continues to suck the air out of the area!
The ghostly voice of Gnurr says, "Well."
The ghostly voice of Astru softly says, "Wow."
The ghostly laughter of Soliere echoes through the area, sending a shiver down your spine.
[LNet]-GSIV:Ellustriel: "Lots of fishes getting fed" (10:33:20)
[Prime]-GSIV:Cigger: "who won?" (10:33:20)
[LNet]-GSIV:Naamit: "+1" (10:33:20)
[LNet]-GSIV:Irisil: "they went fishin." (10:33:21)
The abyran'sa whips its tail about itself in a menacing fashion, clearly ready to slap at anything that comes within range.
>"Anyone aive?
You ask, "Anyone aive?"
[LNet]-GSIV:Ardenais: "Justin Beibers new CD just hit the radio" (10:33:23)
[Merchant]-GSIV:Kolstryc: "Havent seen that many die at one time in a long long time" (10:33:23)

03-30-2017, 03:15 AM
Now that is an impressive amount of junk. The stacks of fluffy buttermilk pancakes really got me.