View Full Version : Property deed 2: Electric Boogaloo

03-11-2017, 09:11 PM
Pulled this out of Reim, and Loki knows I could use the money.

In the Common language, it reads:
The bearer of this deed may work with builders to have a custom private property WITH a workshop built. In order to redeem this certificate, you must send a message (email) to GS4-RETSER@play.net with a workable time table to meet you. You have 6 months to build the property from purchasing or the deed is forfeit!

Clarification on details:

Winner will be working with the current private home guru (GM Kynlee) and I both.

For clarification, this is not a Simucoin purchased property, but will follow similar rules.

Here is the baseline for the win.

Up to 7 Rooms, one of which will be a workshop.
Up to 5 Ambient messages per room.
5 Food/2 drinks with custom messaging.
200 lbs of storage.
150k rent a month.

You only have to be a citizen if you are building in the EN. All building locations still have to be approved by the town guru. There are some obvious limitations such as, It can't be in town square central of the landing.
You can't build in hunting grounds or any hunting areas that require any type of skill/level check to be there.

Yes, portals are "Doors, arches, portals"

I am not the private property guru, so, this is to my knowledge. That being said, I'll add on a 'other restrictions may apply' clause.
Clarification from Kynlee on rent:

Hello there!

Rent collects on the first of every month at 11 PM EDT (10 PM EST). Once it has collected, the rent box will then display the rent owed for the next rental month, and rent can be paid again. Rent can be paid anytime the box shows there is rent due. If the box reads 3x the monthly rent is due when rent is collected and rolls over to the 4x the monthly amount, the box is automatically shut down and the repossession process begins. Your account does not have to be active during these months, as the system does not check it. However, it is your choice whether or not to have the account active to pay rent and retain the property. If the property is repossessed, it will not be returned.

200lbs of storage is the correct about for a rental property with a workshop.

Also forgot to mention before, entertaining options of coin, cash, or combination! $7 per million.
425m to a bidder who would prefer to remain anonymous, SOLD! I'll contact the bidder for further information.

03-12-2017, 08:53 PM
This is a really great opportunity to create something. Kynlee is awesome to work with, and I'm happy to answer any questions having just finished the process myself.

Also this thread needs a bump.

03-13-2017, 11:16 AM
400MM, see previous thread for details.

03-13-2017, 11:28 AM
Reaches for his murder knife.

03-13-2017, 11:34 AM
Pretty sure Jamison is just ticked at the whole situation and feels obliged to refute what happened there, I can totally understand where he is coming from, plus of course this sort of opportunity just isn't that common, Very few deeds that get released are for total new builds. Hell if I thought they'd allow me to join it to my workshop in the landing as one super home I'd be bidding.

03-13-2017, 12:08 PM
How's the workshop work out if a non-wizard buys the property? Can I it be set to someone else, is it just dick-moving to waste it on a paladin?

03-13-2017, 12:09 PM
You can assign anyone to the workshop, via a GM

03-13-2017, 12:09 PM
How's the workshop work out if a non-wizard buys the property? Can I it be set to someone else, is it just dick-moving to waste it on a paladin?

it can be set to any non-owner wizard, but that choice is fairly permanent

03-13-2017, 12:58 PM
so you can get that sweet sweet 3% floor for enchanting a massive enhancive, flaring, sanctified item. Can I get an amen.

03-13-2017, 10:12 PM
Updated with a new bid.

03-13-2017, 10:19 PM
425m to a bidder who would prefer to remain anonymous.

.....I hope it's not Crime.

03-13-2017, 10:20 PM
It's not.

03-13-2017, 10:21 PM
It's not.

Obviously not, because you know, that would be the right thing to do. Honor your original bid. You won't do that, nope.

(Sorry Mairanu)

03-13-2017, 10:32 PM
Obviously not, because you know, that would be the right thing to do. Honor your original bid. You won't do that, nope.

(Sorry Mairanu)

I was actually tempted to bid 425m minutes before this post given that this is a normal auction now and people aren't bouncing around, emotions are stabilizing, and all the information is known.

I did what I felt was right and I'd do it again.

And this returning to 425m warmed my heart :)

In fact perhaps I gave him some more advertising LOL. More Bids!

(for my reason of not wanting a rental, which hasn't changed, I am refraining from this awesome win's bidding).

03-13-2017, 10:43 PM
LOL. More Bids!

You just wanna help the guys auction out, whats the problem with that right?

03-13-2017, 11:18 PM
I hope it's my secret admirer and lets me have it when they win it. :D
My premie personal home does no justice to what could be done.

More turtles for Mairanu! In fact, a turtle property!


03-13-2017, 11:59 PM

03-14-2017, 12:14 AM

03-14-2017, 06:35 AM
If crime wants to bid and mairanu accepts it who cares.

03-14-2017, 09:29 AM
Crime really DOESN'T Pay.


03-14-2017, 09:42 AM
Crime really DOESN'T Pay.


lol that never gets old.

03-14-2017, 10:35 AM
[Auction House, Teras]

>Dagwort says, "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Lot number 51215 a one portrait by the esteemed painter Marchant of Solhaven, he will come to your abode free of charge as well, courtesy of the Chronomages!"

>Dagwort says, "I will like to start the bidding at 250 million silvers."

>Timbuk raises his hand.

>Dagwort says, "And I have 250 million!"

>Ratho says, "300 million"

>Dagwort says, "And I have 300 million from the gentlemen with the vultite hauberk!"

>Cassilda says, "400 million"

>Dagwort says, "And I have 400 million! Do I hear 425 million?"

>Timbuk raises his hand.

>Dagwort beams!

>Dagwort says, "And 425 million by the esteemed Timbuk of Icemule! Going once!"

>Suddenly a young halfling messenger arrives.

>Messenger gives a note to Dagwort.

>Dagwort reads a note.

>Dagwort frowns.

>Dagwort says, "Well, my word. Ladies and Gentlemen the painter Marchant of Solhaven has died a year ago in a incident with a cyclops."

>Dagwort says, "Hrmm, seems to be different a Marchant of Solhaven who will be doing the painting. Marchant's youngest son, Marchant Jr. with a selection of crayons."

>Dagwort says, "No matter! 425 million going twice!"

>Cassilda says, "Woah woah woah, hold on a minute there bud. I want to retract my bid, I didn't realize this was by his son. You made it out to be by him and I think that's what everyone else thought as well. I don't have the high bid, but would like to retract my 400 million and not bid on this any further."

>Timbuk says, "The fuck..."

>Timbuk says, "Listen I only bid 425 because Cassilda just jacked it up to 400 AND I had no idea this was by Marchant Jr. a twelve year old with crayons. You can't just swap in new information that would irrevocably alter the value of the service in the MIDDLE OF THE DAMN AUCTION! I'm retracting my bid!"

>In a flurry of noise and commotion a group of dozen arrive at the auction house.

>Shiftyeye says, "Good eve to you folk here, I am a member of the Merchant consortium and I would like to point out how terrible a person Timbuk is and to remove him from any further involvement in our organization. You must turn in your badge and never show your face at the Merchant Corner ever again!"

>Timbuk says, "But I..I.. the fuck?"

>Shiftyeye says, "Yes yes, you're COMPLETELY to blame. We make a fine profit catching people with their pants down on shady items that don't have it's full information before auctioning. It's buyer beware, dontcha know!

>FierceSash says, "That's right! got a deal on a pretty chain link for a pendant once, fella didn't know what it was! Made a fortune!"

>Shiftyeye says, "That's right Sash, buyer beware and if they're stupid enough to bid then those silvers should never have belonged to em'! Heh heh heh..."

>Timbuk says, "Wow, this is pretty fucked up."

03-14-2017, 11:50 AM
How about we not hijack this thread with even more drama? He already had to move it once because the auction got derailed.

03-14-2017, 12:04 PM
Crime really DOESN'T Pay.



03-14-2017, 04:30 PM


03-15-2017, 10:20 PM
Congrats! Hope the transaction goes smoothly.

03-16-2017, 08:29 AM
I am proved right.

By resetting the auction, and not just backing out, the bidding continued normally. It was once again competitive and placed back on track.

Yes, I over stepped myself and I apologize, but one must do what one believes to the the right thing to do.

To all the trolls and miscreants, you have been served.

Congrats again on your ubber draw from the Treasure Pile!

03-16-2017, 09:15 AM
Crime you have nothing to be sorry for, you did absolutely nothing wrong, these people are the most vile,greedy,jealous, and toxic of any gaming community I've ever seen. These people are just nasty pieces of shit.

03-16-2017, 09:19 AM
i am jack's inflamed sense of rejection

03-16-2017, 10:28 AM
I am proved right.

I want the drugs you take.

Crime you have nothing to be sorry for, you did absolutely nothing wrong, these people are the most vile,greedy,jealous, and toxic of any gaming community I've ever seen. These people are just nasty pieces of shit.

For wanting people to honor their commitments on our unofficial merchants forum? And in a game where you're constantly interacting with us vile,greedy,jealous, and toxic community members, remind me as to why you're here?


A nasty piece of shit

03-16-2017, 10:44 AM
I am proved right.

By resetting the auction, and not just backing out, the bidding continued normally. It was once again competitive and placed back on track.

Yes, I over stepped myself and I apologize, but one must do what one believes to the the right thing to do.

I can't wait until you next sell something so I can go in and bid, and then go back on my bid and reset your auction. It might be overstepping myself and I'll apologize, but I'll have to do what I believe is the right thing to do.

03-16-2017, 01:01 PM
I can't wait until you next sell something so I can go in and bid, and then go back on my bid and reset your auction. It might be overstepping myself and I'll apologize, but I'll have to do what I believe is the right thing to do.

It was a dick move, and although he apologized, the constant crowing about how he's right isn't helping.

Probably time for both sides to let it go.

03-16-2017, 01:05 PM
It was a dick move, and although he apologized, the constant crowing about how he's right isn't helping.

Probably time for both sides to let it go.

It's the claims that he's right and that he was looking out for the sellers best interest are what's hilarious to me.

03-16-2017, 01:32 PM
Probably time for both sides to let it go.


03-19-2017, 02:39 PM
Congratulations on your sale. Glad you got a decent bid on it.

03-19-2017, 07:47 PM
Thank you very much. I don't know if the person I dealt with wants me to name them, but it was an absolute pleasure to work with them.