View Full Version : 11 tips for a fun family vacation!

12-24-2004, 11:40 PM
1) After arriving perfectly on time at the airport, make sure your plane has mechanical problems as well as ice on the wings. More time to get to know the flight attendants!

2) Since you made sure to delay your first flight, and have now missed your connection, stand in line for at least an hour to schedule a new flight. This is a lot of fun, because you get excercise chasing your kid(s) around while you wait. One must work off that marvelous airline food!

3) After boarding your new flight and get comfortable, do NOT stress when an hour of your child's time sleeping is wasted on the runway due to fog. This just means you get more quality time with them in the AIR.

4) After your "hop across the pond" wait 30 minutes for your luggage (since of course, your international, you have to claim your luggage, go through customs, recheck your luggage and get back through security in time to catch your next flight) just to find out it's in Georgia and your in JFK New York, Newwwww Yorrrrrrk. This is great because now you get to skip the above listed customs stuff! JOY! Aren't my tips great?

5) Now that you have missed your 2nd connection (that you waited an hour in line TO GET) due to that nice fog, be grateful for the new friend you made waiting in that first line, because you are now in another line that is even longer. BUT you have someone to talk to! (said person's turn finally came and the last flight she needed was boarding at that moment, so she ended up having to stay in JFK for the night)

6) Make sure to enjoy the shopping. Reasonable prices and all that for all that great designer gear in the terminal. I mean, shesh, you just spent umpteen hours in the air, with 7 more to go. WHO DOESN'T WANT TO SHOP?

7) Now that you are on the final leg... lean back, and enjoy. But be prepared for the attendants to constantly tap you on the arm asking if that is your two year old trying to open the emergency exit. The key is to feign ignorance and then shove your husband out of his seat and go back to sleep!

8) You've landed! W00hoo! It's 1am (original arrival time was only 2pm. Your in-laws didn't mind waiting......) Make sure to keep them waiting another 40mins just to have baggage claims tell you they lost track of your luggage (after it got separated and ended up on different flights from the other pieces) then head on out!

9) You've made it to your destination! Now it's really time to have fun. Of course, remember, you have to wait for you luggage to show up because you have no clothes. So throw any plans you had for those first three days out the window. Be spontaneous! Who needs travel plans!! It's not like you can sit in your house and watch movies at home the same way you can on vacation!

10) After you get all your luggage and finally get to go visit some friends, get....the......flu! This is marvelous because you get GREAT BONDING TIME! Now, don't worry that you can't go to the amusement park anymore with them, you get to stay in and watch EVEN MORE MOVIES!

11) Last tip, and this one is a MUST! Since all your plans have been delayed by three days, and you've had to throw most of them out the window, enjoy the ones you have left! So on your way to go on a three hour drive, when the traffic is so slow it takes THREE hours to go FORTY miles... laugh your ass off at the guy who dozed off and ran his car into your hitch. There's now a big hole in his grill and not even a scratch on your truck/vehicle. This will provide much laughter as you drive down the highway at 12 miles an hour.

Well, now half of vacation is over. Stay tuned for more travel tips from the Italian traveling trio!


12-25-2004, 10:50 AM
You think that's bad, try traveling from America to the Middle East. Then try to get back in a certain timeframe.

I almost spent more time in customs because of my name than I did on my 13hr. flight with a 6 hour layover. Random testing my ass. 15 "arabic" people in the American Customs line (most go elswhere after the Amsterdam layover), 20 people pulled for "background checks", once we landed in America. Why, if it is random, are there 15 Arabians and 5 black people.

Anyway, traveling sucks now. You are more than right.

War Angel
12-25-2004, 11:58 AM
I feel for you both ...
Happy Holidays? ;)
Hopefully things go much better now that you're actually at your destination.
And always remember, NyQuil is a sick person's bestfriend!

12-26-2004, 11:26 PM
Now the question is, will we see the suitcase now full with christmas gifts ever arrive on the other end? We shall see......

12-26-2004, 11:33 PM
I feel your pain Caiy! I am still waiting for my luggage that not only has all my stuff, it has my families Christmas presents in them too.

12-27-2004, 10:36 PM
OUCH. That is bad.

Hope they show up soon!!