View Full Version : T1 Vambrace capable of holding 15 picks

03-08-2017, 09:03 PM
After seeing the recent 5m sale of a 20 pick T1 vambrace, curious to see if it is not typical for these to hold more than 10. Would a 15 pick vambrace be valued at that much more than the usual?

03-08-2017, 09:17 PM
If it holds 15, it must be T2? Or are the unlock tiers separate from the lockpick capacity?

03-08-2017, 10:03 PM
T2 (fully unlocked) holds 20 picks. T1 holds 10 picks. If it holds more than 10 picks as a T1 then it's bugged and won't allow you to put it back in if you exceed the amount.

Does it say 10 or 15 when you analyze it?

03-08-2017, 10:07 PM
My fully unlocked one use to hold more than 20 picks for some reason. when I took lockpicks out above 20 it wouldn't let me put them back in. :(

03-09-2017, 03:34 PM
It says 10 upon inspection and I filled it to 15 after seeing the recent sale of a T1 holding 20. I will do some fiddling around with it but sounds like it's a bugged item. Was hoping it might be a super special T1 and would get left alone at holding 15

03-09-2017, 04:50 PM
Getting more than 20 in was a bug that they fixed within the last few months. Pretty sure it was nearly unlimited for the T2 bracers, but someone finally pointed it out to the GMs. Now, if you take picks out, you won't be able to put them back in until you're under the limit. You can still use the ones in there though and rotate through them.

Eventually though you'll break/wear out the picks and need to remove them.

So unless you're selling the bracer with all the picks still in it, it isn't worth anything extra.

03-10-2017, 09:43 PM
I removed all picks and put them back in...only held 14 this time which is interesting. Actually seems that it depends what type of picks you're adding...

Within the golvern casings of the mechanical vambrace you see an ivory-tipped dark vaalin lockpick, an etched invar lockpick, an ivory vaalin hairpin, a pearl-handled rolaren lockpick, a sturdy glaes lockpick, a cerulean-hued wavy glaes lockpick, a silver lockpick, an acid-etched gold lockpick, a copper lockpick, a steel lockpick, a twisted silvery mithril lockpick, an opalescent ora lockpick, a slender myklian scale lockpick, an ivory-tipped dark vaalin lockpick and a fine-toothed white alum lockpick.
>put lockp in vamb (copper lockpick)
Your mechanical vambrace cannot hold any more lockpicks!

>put other lockp in vamb (silver lockpick)
You slide a silver lockpick into an empty casing in your mechanical vambrace. A moment later the gears spring to life as the lockpick disappears into the interior of the vambrace.

Just seems like it's fairly buggy, so assuming it'll be fixed before it's permitted to stay like this.