View Full Version : Help With Training Please
12-23-2004, 01:55 PM
Hey all. I was wondering if somebody could please offer me some (re)training advice. I currently am trained in blunt weapons and I would like to change to a staff coz I don't swing. (I use 111 mostly) and then could also get my CS up nicely (to use 302 and 317 more efficiently). I know you have to train in the magic ranks for it to work out (8 per IIRC) and was wondering if I trained in the following, would things be okay?:
Train 45 Cleric
Current idea:
Arc. Symbols: 47
MIU: 47
H.Power: 47
Spell Aiming: 94
MC.Spiritual: 47
Sp. Lore Religion: 47
Then on top of that my spell levels would be:
Min Spirit: 40
Maj Spirit: 25
Cleric Base: 50
(115 total, 2.4ish per train)
Would that be sufficient to train with a staff?
Any suggestions or comments or any help of any kind would be so appreciated!! Thanks so much for your time. :)
[Edited on 29-12-2004 by Kourdeliah]
12-23-2004, 02:06 PM
My thoughts on clerics are stay away from a runestaff. If you want to be a pure caster in my mind go with 1x brawling/1x shield. You'll get a better DS all around and you wont need to waste points on those BS skills to get 8x per training in magical. Just do something simple like this:
Current idea:
Shield Use: 47
Brawling: 47
Arc. Symbols: 24
MIU: 24
H.Power: 47
Spell Aiming: 94
MC.Spiritual: 24
Sp. Lore Religion: 47
As a shield/brawling cleric I dont use spell aiming, but at 73 my CS is 380, which for the most part is well above anyone close to my training, DS self spelled is around 410 and can hunt OTF in the ducts with no problem. Understand this isn't exactly what you asked for, but I do what I can to keep clerics from going to runestaves!
12-23-2004, 02:22 PM
Oh sweet. Thanks very much! I was toying with the idea of just losing my Blunt ranks earlier, but that didn't go so well. So Brawling's good for that? Hmmm, could be just the ticket.
Is 24 ranks good enough for the Arc Sym's and MIU? I have no idea what a good amount would be..
Thanks again for answering so fast. Very much appreciated. :)
12-23-2004, 02:51 PM
Are you smite or bane? If you are smite aligned then brawling and shield may not be your best bet. Here's why, at upper levels the undead are very very thin compared to living creatures. If you are smite aligned having spell aim is really helpful in getting those living critters dead, and 312 of course is helpful too.
Also- there's a website with a runestaff rank spreadsheet that shows how much DS you would have etc with a runestaff.
Alarm has it, not sure of the link off hand.
But really imho, a bane cleric is MUCH better off at upper levels than a smiter. But you'll find a few Uliq fans who will disagree.
12-23-2004, 03:10 PM
Thank you loads :) I'm a Bane aligned Cleric. I'll see if I can hunt down that spreadsheet...
12-23-2004, 08:44 PM
Woah... clerics still smite?! heh, sorry, didnt think about upper level rift smiting. I'd still recommend shield, but that's just me. At 73 i have about 208 spells and use shield.. just no spell aiming, but you could add that in and lose some spells and still be good at both bolting and bane.
12-30-2004, 01:16 PM
Anyone can tell me what DS you have with a shield at 70ish trains with own spells at defensive and offensive. I use a runestaff and i get 510 at defensive and 350 at offensive self-spelled with signs.
12-30-2004, 06:14 PM
At 73 I have a DS of 400-410 (depending on the rooms i suppose) in offensive and close to 600 in defensive, but not sure on that, not counting wall of force obviously. That's with 4x armor and a 10x shield.
At 69 with a 7x shield and 4x armor my DS in off is 406 and 525ish in def with nothing in my right hand (brawling so + a couple if i took out a weapon).
[Edited on 12-30-2004 by Tijay]
12-30-2004, 11:30 PM
It seems to me its still the same in defense and such with runestaff or shield. 7x shield and 10x shield gives you over 400 DS. I have a 4x runestaff. I think id get close to that same DS if i had a 7x-10x runestaff also.
10-06-2005, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by Alarke
My thoughts on clerics are stay away from a runestaff. If you want to be a pure caster in my mind go with 1x brawling/1x shield. You'll get a better DS all around and you wont need to waste points on those BS skills to get 8x per training in magical. Just do something simple like this:
Current idea:
Shield Use: 47
Brawling: 47
Arc. Symbols: 24
MIU: 24
H.Power: 47
Spell Aiming: 94
MC.Spiritual: 24
Sp. Lore Religion: 47
As a shield/brawling cleric I dont use spell aiming, but at 73 my CS is 380, which for the most part is well above anyone close to my training, DS self spelled is around 410 and can hunt OTF in the ducts with no problem. Understand this isn't exactly what you asked for, but I do what I can to keep clerics from going to runestaves!
How do you have the points for that? At 40 trains, I have 44 300s, 40 100s and 26 200s, 41 brawling, 41 shield, 8 armor, 24 pt, 24 SMC, 40 HP, 10 perception, 15 climb, 10 swim, 25 religion, 15 blessing and 10 summoning. I would love to pick up an alternate attack form in bolts (306 and 111) but I'd need to drop my 4 overtrained 300s and my 26th 200 just to be fully singled in spell aiming. If you can only single, might as well not train at all, right? Should I cut more ancilliary skills?
40 ranks of spell aiming, 140 skill, 10 dex bonus, 15 from 307...what are 211 and 215 again (can't at work)...what could I pull just singled?
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