View Full Version : Warclaidhm killed by Jolena, the pretty lass. EDITED: THE WHOLE LOG
12-23-2004, 01:42 AM
Here you go. Sorry for all the mess. Just to clear things up, JOLENAS WEAPON DID FLARE SEVERAL TIMES.
BTW, Jolena is just slightly a few trains over me.
>Speaking to you, Jolena says, "Shut. Up."
>Great Lady Krystala just went out.
>Kintas's gloomy tune moves slowly, grudgingly along, as though she is having to pull it from her piccolo.
>Blitzed just went out.
>Wexna grins drunkenly.
>Stunseed says, "Such manners."
>drag jol outYou grab Jolena and drag her out with you...
[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The cobbled road girds the town along the inner side of the northern palisade. Just to the north stand the twin sentinels of the gate's guardtowers, silhouetted against the night sky. Guardsmen come and go through the main gates, keeping a close eye on the people of all races who move to and fro. Opposite the gates, you see the shop of Dakris the Furrier. You also see the Barant disk, the Kruin disk, a white tiger, a cloud wolf, a large sack, a mound of snow, an awning-covered refreshment cart with some stuff on it and a stately linen tent flying all the Great Houses' banners.
Also here: Jolena, Blitzed, Great Lady Krystala, Lord Aubery, Barant, Woodlark, Modainus, Nhevena, Kippe
Obvious paths: north, east, west
Aneris followed.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
>Nevil just arrived.
>You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Kzuk echo in your mind:
"Rins you are fucking slow"
Nevil just went west.
>Dahalag's group just arrived.
>Blitzed just went west.
>Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
>A white tiger scrambles out of sight.
>Aubery just left.
>Dahalag's group just entered the furrier's shop.
>Stunseed just arrived.
>wtrick ap jol...wait 2 seconds.
>Dahalag's group just arrived.
>Lorilea's group just arrived.
>Dahalag's group just went west.
>wtrick ap jol...wait 1 seconds.
>Jaysehn just arrived.
>wtrick ap jolGreat Lady Krystala just went east.
>...wait 1 seconds.
>You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Rinswynd echo in your mind:
"it was for weapon customization of some sort"
Balinworn just arrived.
>Great Lady Krystala just arrived.
>wtrick ap jolJolena appears to be of sturdy constitution and is in relatively good shape.
Jolena would have a slight advantage over you.
>Snowwolf's group just arrived.
>Ghestal's group just arrived.
>Ghestal's group just went west.
>Aneris snickers.
>'You shut upGreat Lord Demoneyes just arrived.
>You say, "You shut up."
>Kippe's group just went west.
>Kippe's group just arrived.
chu jol>You chuckle at Jolena.
>Kippe's group just went north.
>Jolena removes a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh from in her black silk cloak.
Jolena slings a silvery titanium shield encircled by a tangle of sinuously twining midnight black roses off from over her shoulder.
>l[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The cobbled road girds the town along the inner side of the northern palisade. Just to the north stand the twin sentinels of the gate's guardtowers, silhouetted against the night sky. Guardsmen come and go through the main gates, keeping a close eye on the people of all races who move to and fro. Opposite the gates, you see the shop of Dakris the Furrier. You also see the Jolena disk, the Warclaidhm disk, the Barant disk, a cloud wolf, a large sack, a mound of snow, an awning-covered refreshment cart with some stuff on it and a stately linen tent flying all the Great Houses' banners.
Also here: Great Lord Demoneyes, Serochy, Snowwolf, Great Lady Krystala, Balinworn, Jaysehn, Galenok, Lorilea, Stunseed, Aneris, Jolena, Barant, Woodlark, Modainus
Obvious paths: north, east, west
>Delonkin just arrived.
>You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Kzuk echo in your mind:
Woodlark nods to Krystala.
>get matYou remove a large black ash mattock from in your claidhmore harness.
>Koleph just arrived.
>Krystala gently takes hold of Woodlark's hand.
>Moirianna just arrived.
>Great Lady Krystala's group just went east.
>[Roll result: 188 (open d100: 110)]
Jolena crouches, sweeps a leg at you and connects!
You fall to the ground! Jolena deftly regains her footing.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
>Kareah just arrived.
>lYou hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Kzuk echo in your mind:
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Rinswynd echo in your mind:
"Umm.. said it twice.. boo hoo"
Kareah just went west.
>[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The cobbled road girds the town along the inner side of the northern palisade. Just to the north stand the twin sentinels of the gate's guardtowers, silhouetted against the night sky. Guardsmen come and go through the main gates, keeping a close eye on the people of all races who move to and fro. Opposite the gates, you see the shop of Dakris the Furrier. You also see the Kareah disk, the Jolena disk, the Warclaidhm disk, the Barant disk, 'Oh noa cloud wolf, a large sack, a mound of snow, an awning-covered refreshment cart with some stuff on it and a stately linen tent flying all the Great Houses' banners.
Also here: Moirianna, Koleph, Delonkin, Great Lord Demoneyes, Serochy, Snowwolf, Balinworn, Jaysehn, Galenok, Lorilea, Stunseed, Aneris, Jolena, Barant, Modainus
Obvious paths: north, east, west
>Stunseed fiddles with the restraining strap of his loop.
>Stunseed deftly removes the crafted massive waraxe hanging from his loop.
>You say, "Oh no."
>Aneris ponders.
>Sensing an impending attack, you manage to roll hard to the side, and then leap to your feet!
Jolena swings a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at you!
AS: +325 vs DS: +271 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +97 = +172
... and hits for 7 points of damage!
Light, bruising slash to your left thigh.
** Jolena's moon etched khopesh emits a searing bolt of lightning! **
... 20 points of damage!
Heavy shock sends you to the ground with convulsions!
You are knocked to the ground!
You are stunned for 7 rounds!
>Despreaux just arrived.
>Delonkin just went through a stately linen tent flying all the Great Houses' banners.
>Koleph just went west.
>Despreaux just went west.
>stamStamina points: 122 remaining: 112
>Lady Zephyrean just arrived.
>You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Kzuk echo in your mind:
"I said it first days ago"
Jaysehn looks thoughtfully at you.
>Balinworn just went east.
>cman berserkEverything around you turns red as you work yourself into a berserker's rage!
>Brackal just arrived.
>Delonkin's group just arrived.
>Zakah just arrived.
>Lord Nordred just arrived.
>You struggle against the dull feeling of the stun but cannot shake it!
>.signssign of smitingsign of striksign of swordBrackal just went west.
>Speaking to you, Jolena says, "Don't touch me you moron."
>Kintas just arrived.
>You are still stunned.
You are still stunned.
>You are still stunned.
>Aneris snickers.
>Delonkin's group just went north.
>Lord Brimzstone just arrived.
>Kintas joins Zakah's group.
>Koleph just arrived.
>Draglos just arrived.
>Jolena swings a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at you!
AS: +325 vs DS: +57 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +74 = +363
... and hits for 29 points of damage!
Smash to the kneecap.
>Brackal just arrived.
>Turambar just arrived.
>You struggle against the dull feeling of the stun but cannot shake it!
>You feel fully energetic again.
>Turambar just went east.
>Silverphenix just arrived.
>Aneris gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>Snowwolf's group just went west.
>Zakah cringes.
>Brimzstone blinks.
>Aneris gestures at you.
You are no longer stunned.
>lJolena swings a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at you!
AS: +325 vs DS: +54 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +94 = +386
... and hits for 31 points of damage!
Shot to your neck scrapes away skin.
Some nasty bleeding.
You are stunned for 3 rounds!
>All you can see is red.
>stanYou cannot do that while berserking.
>stamStamina points: 122 remaining: 122
>Silverphenix says, "Oh, that-"
>You struggle against the dull feeling of the stun but cannot shake it!
>Demoneyes cackles!
>Zachsa's group just arrived.
>Adden just arrived.
>Aneris gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>Hasley just arrived.
>Hasley just went west.
>You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Rinswynd echo in your mind:
"take some ritalin and be quiet ;)"
Adden just went north.
>Bisco just arrived.
>Zachsa's group just went north.
>Aneris gestures at you.
You are no longer stunned.
>Bisco just went north.
>stanA low chirping sound comes from within a small ebony cricket box.
>You cannot do that while berserking.
>Silverphenix sighs.
>lSensing an impending attack, you manage to roll hard to the side, and then leap to your feet!
Jolena swings a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at you!
AS: +325 vs DS: +99 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +27 = +274
... and hits for 16 points of damage!
Attack hits your throat but doesn't break the skin.
>All you can see is red.
>Draglos just went west.
>The silvery luminescence fades from around Galenok.
>You spin around looking for something to attack!
Finding no target for your rage, you let out a horrendous scream of frustration!
The redness fades from the world and you begin to breathe harder.
>cman bearhug jolYou hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Seagrave echo in your mind:
[Roll result: -52 (open d100: -80) Penalties: 33]
You attempt to bearhug Jolena, but you stumble and completely miss her!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>Silverphenix says, "...can't be good..."
>stamRailton just arrived.
>Stamina points: 122 remaining: 80
>chuYou chuckle.
>The bright luminescence fades from around Galenok.
>lKintas frowns.
>You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Kzuk echo in your mind:
[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The cobbled road girds the town along the inner side of the northern palisade. Just to the north stand the twin sentinels of the gate's guardtowers, silhouetted against the night sky. Guardsmen come and go through the main gates, keeping a close eye on the people of all races who move to and fro. Opposite the gates, you see the shop of Dakris the Furrier. You also see the Brackal disk, the Kintas disk, the Jolena disk, the Warclaidhm disk, the Barant disk, a cloud wolf, a large sack, a mound of snow, an awning-covered refreshment cart with some stuff on it and a stately linen tent flying all the Great Houses' banners.
Also here: Railton, Silverphenix, Brackal, Koleph, Lord Brimzstone, Kintas, Lord Nordred, Zakah, Lady Zephyrean, Moirianna, Great Lord Demoneyes, Jaysehn, Galenok, Lorilea, Stunseed, Aneris, Barant, Modainus
Obvious paths: north, east, west
>stance defBisco just arrived.
>...wait 1 seconds.
>stance def>Bisco just went west.
>Stunseed slings a large mithril-studded vultite shield off from over his shoulder.
>You are now in a defensive stance.
>Niaouli's group just arrived.
>Jolena leaps from hiding to attack!
Jolena swings a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at you!
AS: +325 vs DS: +99 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +98 = +345
... and hits for 28 points of damage!
Deft swing strikes your neck.
Maybe not fatal but it's sure distracting.
You are stunned for 2 rounds!
** Jolena's moon etched khopesh emits a searing bolt of lightning! **
... 20 points of damage!
Nasty jolt to abdomen makes your stomach turn. Urp.
>Himmy just arrived.
>Himmy just went west.
>Asinaeus just arrived.
>Bisco just arrived.
>Asinaeus just went west.
>Denrit says, "Hold on a sec hon."
>Niaouli blinks.
>Moirianna joins Silverphenix's group.
>Kintas's gloomy tune moves slowly, grudgingly along, as though she is having to pull it from her piccolo.
>Bisco squints at Brimzstone.
>Kentrue just arrived.
>Silverphenix says, "Alright, break it up..."
>Speaking to you, Jolena says, "You keep your hands to yourself."
>Pherre just arrived.
>Zakah traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
>Niaouli bows to Silverphenix.
>Pherre just went north.
>sign of healYou shudder as your life force is torn and reshaped!
You feel drained!
>sign of stauYour veins throb and your blood sings.
>lYviara's group just arrived.
>[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The cobbled road girds the town along the inner side of the northern palisade. Just to the north stand the twin sentinels of the gate's guardtowers, silhouetted against the night sky. Guardsmen come and go through the main gates, keeping a close eye on the people of all races who move to and fro. Opposite the gates, you see the shop of Dakris the Furrier. You also see the Niaouli disk, the Denrit disk, the Brackal disk, the Kintas disk, the Jolena disk, the Warclaidhm disk, the Barant disk, a cloud wolf, a large sack, a mound of snow, an awning-covered refreshment cart with some stuff on it and a stately linen tent flying all the Great Houses' banners.
Also here: Eahlstan, Yviara, Kentrue, Bisco, Denrit, Niaouli, Railton, Silverphenix, Brackal, Koleph, Lord Brimzstone, Kintas, Lord Nordred, Zakah, Lady Zephyrean, Moirianna, Great Lord Demoneyes, Jaysehn, Galenok, Lorilea, Stunseed, Aneris, Jolena, Barant, Modainus
Obvious paths: north, east, west
>Parisha just arrived.
>Aneris meditates over you.
Aneris takes your neck damage.
>Yviara's group just went north.
>Parisha just went west.
>Sayih just arrived.
>Sayih just went north.
wtrick ap jol>Jolena appears to be of sturdy constitution and is in relatively good shape.
Jolena would have a slight advantage over you.
>Bisco snickers at Jolena.
>Speaking to Silverphenix, Jolena says, "Stay out of my business."
>Aethyrin just arrived.
>Aneris meditates over you.
Aneris takes your nervous system damage.
>warcry bert jolWarcry at what?
>l[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The cobbled road girds the town along the inner side of the northern palisade. Just to the north stand the twin sentinels of the gate's guardtowers, silhouetted against the night sky. Guardsmen come and go through the main gates, keeping a close eye on the people of all races who move to and fro. Opposite the gates, you see the shop of Dakris the Furrier. You also see the Aethyrin disk, the Niaouli disk, the Denrit disk, the Brackal disk, the Kintas disk, the Jolena disk, the Warclaidhm disk, the Barant disk, a cloud wolf, a large sack, a mound of snow, an awning-covered refreshment cart with some stuff on it and a stately linen tent flying all the Great Houses' banners.
Also here: Aethyrin, Kentrue, Bisco, Denrit, Niaouli, Railton, Silverphenix, Brackal, Koleph, Lord Brimzstone, Kintas, Lord Nordred, Zakah, Lady Zephyrean, Moirianna, Great Lord Demoneyes, Jaysehn, Galenok, Lorilea, Stunseed, Aneris, Barant, Modainus
Obvious paths: north, east, west
>Jolena leaps from hiding to attack!
Jolena swings a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at you!
AS: +325 vs DS: +104 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +1 = +243
... and hits for 16 points of damage!
Feint to your head!
Quick flick at your weapon hand!
Nasty cut to right hand!
>Aneris meditates over you.
Aneris takes your abdomen damage.
>'pretty sadAethyrin gives Modainus a playful bite.
>Lord Marletto just arrived.
>You say, "Pretty sad."
>Lord Marletto just went west.
>Aethyrin just went north.
>Parisha just arrived.
>warcry bert jolCamys just arrived.
>You glare at Jolena and let out a nerve-shattering bellow!
Jolena is startled enough to lose initiative!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>Camys just went west.
>Aneris meditates over you.
Aneris takes your left leg damage.
>Parisha just went east.
look jol>Zakah traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
>You see Jolena Selinia.
She appears to be a Human.
She appears to be young and shorter than average. She has expressive, mismatched green and blue eyes and supple sun-toned tawny skin. She has hip-length, deep scarlet hair that falls in a mass of thick curls to rest at the small of her back, while a few wispy tendrils frame her face. She has an elegantly sculpted face, a button nose and soft, delicately-contoured and naturally-tinged deep rose lips.
She has a blooming moonflower tattoo on her waist, and a crescent moon tattoo on her neck.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh in her right hand and a silvery titanium shield encircled by a tangle of sinuously twining midnight black roses in her left hand.
She is wearing a pair of slim black boots swept with sinuous patterns, an elegant black silk thighband, a pair of petite form-fitting black silk pants secured at the hip with a blue sapphire clasp, a moon-embossed black leather pouch, a petite ruby promise ring, an invar friendship ring, some black silk onyx-buttoned gloves, a curvaceous black sylvan corselet, a close-cut sapphire blue bodice with flaring silken onyx sleeves, a half-phased moon locket, an opalescent crescent moon locket, a knee-length black silk cloak, a midnight blue silver-eyed lizard, a chic enruned black leather collar, some iridescent black pearl hairjewels, a brilliant crystal crescent moon charm suspended from a slender silver box-chain, a moon-clasped deep blue suede purse, and a black moonstone bracelet.
>Himmy just arrived.
>stance offHimmy just went north.
>You are now in an offensive stance.
>Aneris meditates over you.
Aneris takes your right hand damage.
>Zakah gestures.
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.
>Speaking to Jolena, Silverphenix says, "Let it go..."
>amb jol l legBe at peace my child, there is no need to fight here.
>l[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The cobbled road girds the town along the inner side of the northern palisade. Just to the north stand the twin sentinels of the gate's guardtowers, silhouetted against the night sky. Guardsmen come and go through the main gates, keeping a close eye on the people of all races who move to and fro. Opposite the gates, you see the shop of Dakris the Furrier. You also see the Niaouli disk, the Denrit disk, the Brackal disk, the Kintas disk, the Jolena disk, the Warclaidhm disk, the Barant disk, a cloud wolf, a large sack, a mound of snow, an awning-covered refreshment cart with some stuff on it and a stately linen tent flying all the Great Houses' banners.
Also here: Kentrue, Bisco, Denrit, Niaouli, Railton, Silverphenix, Brackal, Koleph, Lord Brimzstone, Kintas, Lord Nordred, Zakah, Lady Zephyrean, Moirianna, Great Lord Demoneyes, Jaysehn, Galenok, Lorilea, Stunseed, Aneris, Jolena, Barant, Modainus
Obvious paths: north, east, west
>Aneris meditates over you.
drag jol wAneris takes all of your blood loss.
>You grab Jolena and drag her west with you...
[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The road turns gradually at this point as it forms the northwest corner of the city. The main path curves along the north and west walls, and another leads south between the buildings. The massive oak and modwir logs of the city palisade tower overhead. You also see a large snow-dusted canvas tent with a House Sovyn banner on it, a snow covered cave, a dusty brown tent, a sculpted ice tent with a House of Arcane Masters banner on it and a brightly lit small painted wagon.
Also here: Jolena
Obvious paths: east, south, southwest
Roundtime: 8 sec.
>Stunseed just arrived.
>Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
>Shrimp just arrived.
>Bisco just arrived.
>Shrimp just went east.
>Camys just arrived.
>Silverphenix's group just arrived.
>Lord Nordred just arrived.
>Lord Brimzstone just arrived.
>amb jol l legStunseed makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Stunseed gestures.
Stunseed blends into invisibility among the surroundings.
>Jaysehn just arrived.
>...wait 2 seconds.
>amb jol l leg...wait 2 seconds.
>Jolena says, "Stun don't."
>amb jol l legCamys just went south.
>...wait 1 seconds.
>Lord Marletto just arrived.
>Lord Marletto just went east.
>amb jol l legYou swing a large black ash mattock at Jolena!
AS: +296 vs DS: +266 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +63 = +131
... and hit for 16 points of damage!
Torn muscle in Jolena's left leg!
Roundtime: 10 sec.
>lKatrana just arrived.
>[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The road turns gradually at this point as it forms the northwest corner of the city. The main path curves along the north and west walls, and another leads south between the buildings. The massive oak and modwir logs of the city palisade tower overhead. You also see the Jolena disk, the Warclaidhm disk, a large snow-dusted canvas tent with a House Sovyn banner on it, a snow covered cave, a dusty brown tent, a sculpted ice tent with a House of Arcane Masters banner on it and a brightly lit small painted wagon.
Also here: Katrana, Jaysehn, Lord Brimzstone, Lord Nordred, Moirianna, Silverphenix, Bisco, Jolena
Obvious paths: east, south, southwest
>Speaking to Jolena, Silverphenix says, "Ok."
>Jolena says, "Don't stun."
>'ackYou say, "Ack."
>Silverphenix shrugs.
>Bisco traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
>Bisco gestures at you.
CS: +247 - TD: +139 + CvA: -21 + d100: +41 - +5 == +123
Warding failed!
An unseen force envelopes you, restricting all movement.
>lstam[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The road turns gradually at this point as it forms the northwest corner of the city. The main path curves along the north and west walls, and another leads south between the buildings. The massive oak and modwir logs of the city palisade tower overhead. You also see the Jolena disk, the Warclaidhm disk, a large snow-dusted canvas tent with a House Sovyn banner on it, a snow covered cave, a dusty brown tent, a sculpted ice tent with a House of Arcane Masters banner on it and a brightly lit small painted wagon.
Also here: Katrana, Jaysehn, Lord Brimzstone, Lord Nordred, Moirianna, Silverphenix, Bisco, Jolena
Obvious paths: east, south, southwest
>Stamina points: 122 remaining: 80
>Marry just arrived.
>Bisco says, "Enough."
>Katrana just went south.
>Brackal just arrived.
>Asinaeus just arrived.
>Zakah's group just arrived.
>Stunseed comes out of hiding.
Stunseed stretches.
>Asinaeus just went east.
>Zakah's group just went south.
>cman berserkEverything around you turns red as you work yourself into a berserker's rage!
>Silverphenix says, "I tried."
>Silverphenix shrugs.
>Marry just went south.
>Brackal just entered a dusty brown tent.
>You exert your will against the forces holding you motionless but cannot seem to break them!
>Kentrue just arrived.
>Lord Luukanos just arrived.
>Lord Luukanos just went east.
>Your vocal cords feel fully rested from all those war cries.
>'Dont stun?You cannot do that while berserking.
>Jolena leaps from hiding to attack!
Jolena swings a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at you!
AS: +360 vs DS: +67 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +81 = +395
... and hits for 49 points of damage!
Wild upward slash removes your face from your skull!
Interesting way to die.
The restricting force that envelops you dissolves away.
Your SIGN OF STAUNCHING is no longer effective.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.
...departing in 13 mins...
A voice from the crowd echoes, "Murder! Murder! Someone call for the night watchman!"
> * Warclaidhm just bit the dust!
[Edited on 12-24-2004 by Noble3]
12-23-2004, 01:48 AM
His poor excuse of a life then continued on Psinet. Hence my new sig.
12-23-2004, 01:50 AM
Also, his log is altered from the original, because Silverphenix sancted and quite a lot more is missing. Go figure. :down:
12-23-2004, 02:02 AM
Originally posted by Stunseed
Also, his log is altered from the original, because Silverphenix sancted and quite a lot more is missing. Go figure. :down:
Why am I not surprised?
12-23-2004, 02:05 AM
>'Dont stun?
You cannot do that while berserking.
I was telling Stunseed not to attack you because I saw him camo. I unlike you didn't wish to have anyone else involved. In fact I told Bisco later on PsiNet that I wished he had not bound you because I felt that it made ME look bad and as if I couldn't handle you on my own.
that's all I have to say on this, it's over and done with as long as Warclaidhm leaves Jolena alone.
12-23-2004, 02:07 AM
Looks like you were tooling him up even with the ass clown unstunning him.
12-23-2004, 02:08 AM
Oh, he edited out Aneris healing him, too. :lol:
Since it looks like the only way Warclodboy gets any attention is when he posts "logs" of his own stupidity (um....WTF?), I wonder what would happen if everyone stopped posting replies everytime Warclodboy started a thread.
Maybe he'd go away? We can only hope...
I was trying to make him post a picture of a vagina so he actually would go away.
12-23-2004, 03:40 AM
You got your ass handed to you my Jolena.. congrats :rolleyes:
Who the hell is Aneris and why is he interfereing is someone elses conflict? Maybe it's warclaid's new boyfriend since inyk got mad at him for bearhugging him. More and more I am starting to SERIOUSLY dislike warclaid.
12-23-2004, 05:23 AM
Oy yoy.
12-23-2004, 07:08 AM
I <3 Jolena.
12-23-2004, 08:09 AM
Jolena wheeze once for yes and twice for no :P
12-23-2004, 08:34 AM
Please carry around a feras weapon for just such emergencies. Feras is the bane of all squares. Huge stun times and high damage makes quick work of stubborn warriors in plate.
12-23-2004, 08:34 AM
12-23-2004, 08:46 AM
Hmm Feras weapons.. the GS equivalent of the stun gun? :D
12-23-2004, 08:58 AM
Kevin, why don't you try just leaving people who don't particularly care for you alone? Furthermore, if you insist on bothering people who don't care for you, we really DON'T want to read about it here. Mmmmkay?
12-23-2004, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Furthermore, if you insist on bothering people who don't care for you, we really DON'T want to read about it here. Mmmmkay?
Speak for yourself HN.. without Kevinhm around, I wouldn't be able to post his picture as much as I do and that would make me sad.
Dear Kevinhm,
Don't listen to all the people here.. you keep posting your retarded exploits because they are entertaining and make me thankful that:
1) I have a whole brain that's not damaged.
2) I had parents that gave a shit about me and raised me in a semi-normal environment.
3) I've seen a woman's vagina and don't have to read about it in a textbook.
4) I know a 90 degree hill is called a cliff or a wall... not a hill.
5) I would not keep an online journal about my life as a giantman warrior Warclaidhm's online journal (
6) I would not continue to play a game where my greatest accomplishment was that I was a retarded, socially inept dumbass.. just so I would gain some attention.
12-23-2004, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
5) I would not keep an online journal about my life as a giantman warrior Warclaidhm's online journal (
I clicked the link and laughed outloud at work when I saw the most recent entry at the top of the page.
Monday, December 20th, 2004
2:00 pm Today is Monday
I am sad today
I tried to wish Falgrin a happy birthday the other day and he blew me off. I was just trying to be nice. I am sad
12-23-2004, 09:28 AM
I admit my mistake. Parkbandit wants to read about it here.:oops:
Nice work Jolena.
Its all the more funny since Wardoofdhm had help and still got his ass handed to him.
12-23-2004, 09:47 AM
That link has made my Xmas complete.:spaz:
12-23-2004, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
I admit my mistake. Parkbandit wants to read about it here.:oops:
Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-23-2004, 10:05 AM
Haha, Idiothm died.
I know that log is incomplete, because he didn't come back and warn you.
12-23-2004, 10:07 AM
PB you are my hero now for posting warc GS journal
12-23-2004, 10:14 AM
You attempt to bearhug Jolena, but you stumble and completely miss her!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Closest he'll get to a girl, no wonder he stumbled it.
At least there's plenty of kobolds (and Inyk) for the next time.
12-23-2004, 12:39 PM
Ok you know...
Posting logs of you having your ass handed to you by a gal ( even though Jolena is the best!) Is like the most fucked up thing I have ever read!!!
Next time just accept your ass back nicely and move on...
bye bye
[Edited on 12-23-2004 by Amaron]
12-23-2004, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
...that it made ME look bad...
It did, and also the lucky flare stun made me think this battle woulda went a completely different way had that not happened.
Although wtf is warc doing with a 10s RT?
Then again PvP is pretty damn weak in GS, even moreso for the person that strikes first since that usually sets the stage for the entire conflict.
12-23-2004, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Fengus
Originally posted by Jolena
...that it made ME look bad...
It did, and also the lucky flare stun made me think this battle woulda went a completely different way had that not happened.
Although wtf is warc doing with a 10s RT?
Then again PvP is pretty damn weak in GS, even moreso for the person that strikes first since that usually sets the stage for the entire conflict.
Yeah I would agree with you on the "lucky flare stun" if Aneris didn't unstun him 3 seconds after he got hit. So yeah, next time read the log more thoroughly Fengus. Secondly, don't forget that Aneris was healing and unstunning him each and every SINGLE time he got hit and only ONCE out of those times was he stunned from a flare. The other times he was stunned from the hit alone. (Also my weapon only flared once I believe) So yeah, I'm sure that if the healer hadn't been there unstunning and healing him Bisco never would have had the chance to bind him-- hence you're right, it would have gone totally differently with Warclaidhm dieing a lot more quickly.
PS. Eider! I had no idea that was you! Made me laugh my ass off (wheeze!)
12-23-2004, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by Fengus
Originally posted by Jolena
...that it made ME look bad...
It did, and also the lucky flare stun made me think this battle woulda went a completely different way had that not happened.
Incorrect, as the stun only lasted 1 round before someone unstunned him.
It's obvious that Jolena doesn't do much CvC.. or it would have been over with a simple garotte or an ambush with a fresh feras weapon. Warclaidhm lost because he does practice PvP on a regular basis and he still sucks at it.
In conclusion,
Jolena > 10Warclaidhms
12-23-2004, 01:07 PM
Yeah..I think I have participated in CvC about 5 times in the four years I have played Gemstone lol Jolena really is not the type to fight much. However, and this is completely in character mind you, she's fed up with Warclaidhm's BS antics. They were at a merchant tent and Sepher won the raffle and Warclaidhm made a stupid ass typical "whine bitch moan, I'm so deprived and it's not fair that you won Sepher!" comment to which she responded with "Shut. Up." along with other people's comments along the same lines to him. If he had not drug her out of the tent it never would have went that far and no, I did not challenge him to a duel nor did I prepare for a fight so I had no feras weapons on me. As a matter of fact..don't think I own any feras weapons. :shrug: So..yeah that was all impromptu, she used the weapon she had out already in her posession when this ensued and no, I initially had no intentions of killing him.
12-23-2004, 01:15 PM
You do realize that the little retard will now try and kill you back.. right? My suggestion to you would be to carry a feras weapon and make quick work of the little shit. It will take a good week or two, but when it finally enters into his empty cranial cavity that fucking with you is not worth a death.. he'll leave you alone and WARN you.
12-23-2004, 01:22 PM
Yeah he told me last night on PsiNet that I had started a 'holy war' with him and I already informed him in no uncertain terms that this issue in my mind is over with after the death. If he continues to give her shit, I'll just give him a taste of his own medicine and warn him most likely. Some will call me a pussy/bitch for doing that however I don't have the inclination to do this back and forth BS that he likes to participate in and I'd rather hand it to a GM then to deal with harassment which makes my gameplay less enjoyable.
Edited to add in that if it were a case where RP were involved and it was someone else who could separate game from RL I probably would not have an issue with continuing the conflict but as we all know Warclaidhm doesn't separate and can be rather psychotic in his obsessions with other people and conflict. So I'd rather just nip this one in the bud and hand it to a GM.
[Edited on 12-23-2004 by Jolena]
12-23-2004, 01:33 PM
If you are going that route.. then make sure you Assist about it prior to any further interaction with him. Make sure you tell them that you have already warned Warclaidhm that you do not wish to have anything to do with him. They will record your conversation and keep an eye on him. As soon as you see him the first time, WARN INTERACTION and immediate walk out of the room. Then the first time he even interacts in the slightest, use REPORT and keep on using report.
That's the only way this fucknut will ever be dealt with.
12-23-2004, 01:36 PM
He likes that drag thing at merchants too...
Did it to Snowy at EG
616 Warcl
Good job Jolena, although I personally would have spiked/swung at the unstunner as soon as he started pulling that crap. I don't mind if people want to involve themselves in other's conflicts, if it's roleplayed, but if they do they should expect some consequences.
12-23-2004, 01:46 PM
Well there was no RP involved in Aneris healing/unstunning Warclaidhm that I could see. Perhaps he/she RP's the type of healer that will help anyone out who is in pain to prevent anyone from being hurt, I dunno. But from the open, there was not one word spoken nor a nod given or anything before Aneris started to unstun/heal him. I didn't attack her/him because honestly, Jolena's not the type to do that. She really isn't a very violent person at all. She's RP'd as a pretty well-balanced, calm, sweet person until you overstep the boundaries, which Warclaidhm did that night. :shrugs: However, I believe Stunseed's spike finger was twitching rather badly :lol:
12-23-2004, 02:28 PM
I didn't finish reading any of this because I try very hard to stay away from any thread involving Waretardhm and all I have to say is Aneris is now a <sarcasm>extremely heterosexual</sarcasm> person.
12-23-2004, 02:30 PM
It's beef wellington, Tayre. Don't get it wrong.
Also, Stunseed doesn't spike to kill anyone. I'd prolly unbalanced Aneris and let Betsy do it's bidness.
12-23-2004, 02:33 PM
ok that journal has to be one of the funniest things I ever read.
12-23-2004, 05:44 PM
I know for a fact that when Jolena steps on your big toe it means she WANTS UR BODY.
You should try to make friends with her Warbunny.
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit
I know for a fact that when Jolena steps on your big toe it means she WANTS UR BODY.
You should try to make friends with her Warbunny.
Sounds like some sick kind of foot fetish to me. Then again I would bite my toenails if I was flexible enough to stuff my foot in mouth.
12-23-2004, 05:54 PM
Thats so disgusting Stanley. And now I can see you doing it in my mind. LOL. ewww
12-23-2004, 06:06 PM
Stanley Stanley, preztel man
Twisted his legs and broke his hands
Some people call Stanley a prick
But now Stanley can suck his own dick.
I'm more flexible than Rold's Gold xtra flexy flavor.
edited to add: But first I need to remove my bottom two floating ribs. :)
[Edited on 12-23-2004 by Stanley Burrell]
12-23-2004, 06:12 PM
I cant munch my own rug. :sniffle:
12-23-2004, 09:05 PM
Rawwwwr Jihna. I save all my "come hither" footstompin for YOU alone bebe :tumble:
12-24-2004, 01:08 AM
12-24-2004, 07:48 AM
Originally posted by Jolena
Rawwwwr Jihna. I save all my "come hither" footstompin for YOU alone bebe :tumble:
Jihna she particularly likes it when she is stunned between footstomps and you ask her questions. Gotta be questions where the replies are yes or no. She will wheeze once for yes and twice for no. :P
12-24-2004, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Kevin, why don't you try just leaving people who don't particularly care for you alone? Furthermore, if you insist on bothering people who don't care for you, we really DON'T want to read about it here. Mmmmkay?
Thanks HarmNone. What they say really doesn't bother me..
They don't have to read the thread..I mean, unless they want some entertainment of my "stupidity"
On the "ignore him he'll go away" thing. Yeah, that will work. But who will ignore me? ALot of folks. And, there will always be (at least on a large forum of stupid people like this) people who respond.
Look, its already up to 3 pages. Wowzers..
12-24-2004, 03:05 PM
Stupidity needn't be in inverted commas
12-24-2004, 04:09 PM
Those are quotation marks.
12-24-2004, 04:14 PM
Fuck off incorrectly correcting my spelling grammar and language.
They are also inverted commas.
They are used, in his post to signify something that is not real, he is saying that he is not really stupid. He is. Therefore the use of the inverted commas is incorrect. My use of the term "inverted commas" is not.
12-24-2004, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
Originally posted by Fengus
Originally posted by Jolena
...that it made ME look bad...
It did, and also the lucky flare stun...
Yeah I would agree with you on the "lucky flare stun" if Aneris didn't unstun him 3 seconds after he got hit.
Jolena swings a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at you!
AS: +325 vs DS: +271 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +97 = +172
... and hits for 7 points of damage!
Light, bruising slash to your left thigh.
** Jolena's moon etched khopesh emits a searing bolt of lightning! **
... 20 points of damage!
Heavy shock sends you to the ground with convulsions!
You are knocked to the ground!
You are stunned for 7 rounds!
>You struggle against the dull feeling of the stun but cannot shake it!
>Jolena swings a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at you!
AS: +325 vs DS: +57 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +74 = +363
... and hits for 29 points of damage!
Smash to the kneecap.
>You struggle against the dull feeling of the stun but cannot shake it!
>Aneris gestures at you.
You are no longer stunned.
>lJolena swings a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at you!
AS: +325 vs DS: +54 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +94 = +386
... and hits for 31 points of damage!
Shot to your neck scrapes away skin.
Some nasty bleeding.
You are stunned for 3 rounds!
The first stun set the stage as I said, he didn't get a chance to do anything because he was unstunned right before you swung again and giving the circumstances had a much easier time stunning him on your own merits. (ie a 220 drop in DS tends to help attackers)
Let see this for what it is, a childish fight. If you were upset about him touching you, the BESTEST way is to kill him. We all learned that in kindergarten.
12-24-2004, 04:26 PM
Why the fuck aren't there any mods that give a shit about thread highjacking and staying on fucking topic? It seems every god damn thread I see is one or more of Eider, Falgrin, Darell, Farkans, Stanley, etc giving each other verbal hand jobs or some other shit that is irrelevant and should be in the social board.
Mods got no balls it seems, quit letting these bitches highjack every thread to pad their counts.
12-24-2004, 04:41 PM
Mods have lives and can't monitor every post as it is made.
Keep to the topic at hand please. Further off-topic conversation should be taken to a new thread, U2U, or internet chat client.
Further derailments will be deleted.
12-24-2004, 05:33 PM
Warclaidhm, you forgot to add the insulting line you said to Sepher, which caused Jolena to tell you to shut up. Excellent attempt to come clean, though.
12-24-2004, 05:56 PM
I had to clean it. Someone owed me big ....
Speaking to you, Jolena says, "Shut. Up."
Stunseed says, "Such manners."
>drag jol out
You grab Jolena and drag her out with you...
[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The cobbled road girds the town along the inner side of the northern palisade. Just to the north stand the twin sentinels of the gate's guardtowers, silhouetted against the night sky. Guardsmen come and go through the main gates, keeping a close eye on the people of all races who move to and fro. Opposite the gates, you see the shop of Dakris the Furrier. You also see the Barant disk, the Kruin disk, a white tiger, a cloud wolf, a large sack, a mound of snow, an awning-covered refreshment cart with some stuff on it and a stately linen tent flying all the Great Houses' banners.
Also here: Jolena, Blitzed, Great Lady Krystala, Lord Aubery, Barant, Woodlark, Modainus, Nhevena, Kippe
Obvious paths: north, east, west
Aneris followed.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
Stunseed just arrived.
wtrick ap jol...wait 2 seconds.
wtrick ap jol...wait 1 seconds.
wtrick ap jol...wait 1 seconds.
wtrick ap jol
Jolena appears to be of sturdy constitution and is in relatively good shape.
Jolena would have a slight advantage over you.
Aneris snickers.
You say, "You shut up."
You chuckle at Jolena.
Jolena removes a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh from in her black silk cloak.
Jolena slings a silvery titanium shield encircled by a tangle of sinuously twining midnight black roses off from over her shoulder.
[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The cobbled road girds the town along the inner side of the northern palisade. Just to the north stand the twin sentinels of the gate's guardtowers, silhouetted against the night sky. Guardsmen come and go through the main gates, keeping a close eye on the people of all races who move to and fro. Opposite the gates, you see the shop of Dakris the Furrier. You also see the Jolena disk, the Warclaidhm disk, the Barant disk, a cloud wolf, a large sack, a mound of snow, an awning-covered refreshment cart with some stuff on it and a stately linen tent flying all the Great Houses' banners.
Also here: Great Lord Demoneyes, Serochy, Snowwolf, Great Lady Krystala, Balinworn, Jaysehn, Galenok, Lorilea, Stunseed, Aneris, Jolena, Barant, Woodlark, Modainus
Obvious paths: north, east, west
You remove a large black ash mattock from in your claidhmore harness.
[Roll result: 188 (open d100: 110)]
Jolena crouches, sweeps a leg at you and connects!
You fall to the ground! Jolena deftly regains her footing.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The cobbled road girds the town along the inner side of the northern palisade. Just to the north stand the twin sentinels of the gate's guardtowers, silhouetted against the night sky. Guardsmen come and go through the main gates, keeping a close eye on the people of all races who move to and fro. Opposite the gates, you see the shop of Dakris the Furrier. You also see the Kareah disk, the Jolena disk, the Warclaidhm disk, the Barant disk, 'Oh noa cloud wolf, a large sack, a mound of snow, an awning-covered refreshment cart with some stuff on it and a stately linen tent flying all the Great Houses' banners.
Also here: Moirianna, Koleph, Delonkin, Great Lord Demoneyes, Serochy, Snowwolf, Balinworn, Jaysehn, Galenok, Lorilea, Stunseed, Aneris, Jolena, Barant, Modainus
Obvious paths: north, east, west
Stunseed fiddles with the restraining strap of his loop.
Stunseed deftly removes the crafted massive waraxe hanging from his loop.
You say, "Oh no."
Aneris ponders.
Sensing an impending attack, you manage to roll hard to the side, and then leap to your feet!
Jolena swings a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at you!
AS: +325 vs DS: +271 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +97 = +172
... and hits for 7 points of damage!
Light, bruising slash to your left thigh.
** Jolena's moon etched khopesh emits a searing bolt of lightning! **
... 20 points of damage!
Heavy shock sends you to the ground with convulsions!
You are knocked to the ground!
You are stunned for 7 rounds!
Stamina points: 122 remaining: 112
Everything around you turns red as you work yourself into a berserker's rage!
You struggle against the dull feeling of the stun but cannot shake it!
>.signssign of smitingsign of striksign of sword
Speaking to you, Jolena says, "Don't touch me you moron."
You are still stunned.
You are still stunned.
You are still stunned.
Aneris snickers.
Jolena swings a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at you!
AS: +325 vs DS: +57 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +74 = +363
... and hits for 29 points of damage!
Smash to the kneecap.
You struggle against the dull feeling of the stun but cannot shake it!
You feel fully energetic again.
Aneris gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Aneris gestures at you.
You are no longer stunned.
Jolena swings a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at you!
AS: +325 vs DS: +54 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +94 = +386
... and hits for 31 points of damage!
Shot to your neck scrapes away skin.
Some nasty bleeding.
You are stunned for 3 rounds!
All you can see is red.
You cannot do that while berserking.
Stamina points: 122 remaining: 122
You struggle against the dull feeling of the stun but cannot shake it!
Aneris gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Aneris gestures at you.
You are no longer stunned.
You cannot do that while berserking.
Sensing an impending attack, you manage to roll hard to the side, and then leap to your feet!
Jolena swings a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at you!
AS: +325 vs DS: +99 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +27 = +274
... and hits for 16 points of damage!
Attack hits your throat but doesn't break the skin.
All you can see is red.
You spin around looking for something to attack!
Finding no target for your rage, you let out a horrendous scream of frustration!
The redness fades from the world and you begin to breathe harder.
>cman bearhug jol
[Roll result: -52 (open d100: -80) Penalties: 33]
You attempt to bearhug Jolena, but you stumble and completely miss her!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Stamina points: 122 remaining: 80
You chuckle.
[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The cobbled road girds the town along the inner side of the northern palisade. Just to the north stand the twin sentinels of the gate's guardtowers, silhouetted against the night sky. Guardsmen come and go through the main gates, keeping a close eye on the people of all races who move to and fro. Opposite the gates, you see the shop of Dakris the Furrier. You also see the Brackal disk, the Kintas disk, the Jolena disk, the Warclaidhm disk, the Barant disk, a cloud wolf, a large sack, a mound of snow, an awning-covered refreshment cart with some stuff on it and a stately linen tent flying all the Great Houses' banners.
Also here: Railton, Silverphenix, Brackal, Koleph, Lord Brimzstone, Kintas, Lord Nordred, Zakah, Lady Zephyrean, Moirianna, Great Lord Demoneyes, Jaysehn, Galenok, Lorilea, Stunseed, Aneris, Barant, Modainus
Obvious paths: north, east, west
>stance def
...wait 1 seconds.
>stance def
Stunseed slings a large mithril-studded vultite shield off from over his shoulder.
You are now in a defensive stance.
Jolena leaps from hiding to attack!
Jolena swings a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at you!
AS: +325 vs DS: +99 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +98 = +345
... and hits for 28 points of damage!
Deft swing strikes your neck.
Maybe not fatal but it's sure distracting.
You are stunned for 2 rounds!
** Jolena's moon etched khopesh emits a searing bolt of lightning! **
... 20 points of damage!
Nasty jolt to abdomen makes your stomach turn. Urp.
Speaking to you, Jolena says, "You keep your hands to yourself."
>sign of heal
You shudder as your life force is torn and reshaped!
You feel drained!
>sign of stau
Your veins throb and your blood sings.
[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The cobbled road girds the town along the inner side of the northern palisade. Just to the north stand the twin sentinels of the gate's guardtowers, silhouetted against the night sky. Guardsmen come and go through the main gates, keeping a close eye on the people of all races who move to and fro. Opposite the gates, you see the shop of Dakris the Furrier. You also see the Niaouli disk, the Denrit disk, the Brackal disk, the Kintas disk, the Jolena disk, the Warclaidhm disk, the Barant disk, a cloud wolf, a large sack, a mound of snow, an awning-covered refreshment cart with some stuff on it and a stately linen tent flying all the Great Houses' banners.
Also here: Eahlstan, Yviara, Kentrue, Bisco, Denrit, Niaouli, Railton, Silverphenix, Brackal, Koleph, Lord Brimzstone, Kintas, Lord Nordred, Zakah, Lady Zephyrean, Moirianna, Great Lord Demoneyes, Jaysehn, Galenok, Lorilea, Stunseed, Aneris, Jolena, Barant, Modainus
Obvious paths: north, east, west
Aneris meditates over you.
Aneris takes your neck damage.
wtrick ap jol>Jolena appears to be of sturdy constitution and is in relatively good shape.
Jolena would have a slight advantage over you.
Aneris meditates over you.
Aneris takes your nervous system damage.
>warcry bert jol
Warcry at what?
[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The cobbled road girds the town along the inner side of the northern palisade. Just to the north stand the twin sentinels of the gate's guardtowers, silhouetted against the night sky. Guardsmen come and go through the main gates, keeping a close eye on the people of all races who move to and fro. Opposite the gates, you see the shop of Dakris the Furrier. You also see the Aethyrin disk, the Niaouli disk, the Denrit disk, the Brackal disk, the Kintas disk, the Jolena disk, the Warclaidhm disk, the Barant disk, a cloud wolf, a large sack, a mound of snow, an awning-covered refreshment cart with some stuff on it and a stately linen tent flying all the Great Houses' banners.
Also here: Aethyrin, Kentrue, Bisco, Denrit, Niaouli, Railton, Silverphenix, Brackal, Koleph, Lord Brimzstone, Kintas, Lord Nordred, Zakah, Lady Zephyrean, Moirianna, Great Lord Demoneyes, Jaysehn, Galenok, Lorilea, Stunseed, Aneris, Barant, Modainus
Obvious paths: north, east, west
Jolena leaps from hiding to attack!
Jolena swings a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at you!
AS: +325 vs DS: +104 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +1 = +243
... and hits for 16 points of damage!
Feint to your head!
Quick flick at your weapon hand!
Nasty cut to right hand!
Aneris meditates over you.
Aneris takes your abdomen damage.
You say, "Pretty sad."
>warcry bert jol
You glare at Jolena and let out a nerve-shattering bellow!
Jolena is startled enough to lose initiative!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Aneris takes your left leg damage.
>You see Jolena Selinia.
She appears to be a Human.
She appears to be young and shorter than average. She has expressive, mismatched green and blue eyes and supple sun-toned tawny skin. She has hip-length, deep scarlet hair that falls in a mass of thick curls to rest at the small of her back, while a few wispy tendrils frame her face. She has an elegantly sculpted face, a button nose and soft, delicately-contoured and naturally-tinged deep rose lips.
She has a blooming moonflower tattoo on her waist, and a crescent moon tattoo on her neck.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh in her right hand and a silvery titanium shield encircled by a tangle of sinuously twining midnight black roses in her left hand.
She is wearing a pair of slim black boots swept with sinuous patterns, an elegant black silk thighband, a pair of petite form-fitting black silk pants secured at the hip with a blue sapphire clasp, a moon-embossed black leather pouch, a petite ruby promise ring, an invar friendship ring, some black silk onyx-buttoned gloves, a curvaceous black sylvan corselet, a close-cut sapphire blue bodice with flaring silken onyx sleeves, a half-phased moon locket, an opalescent crescent moon locket, a knee-length black silk cloak, a midnight blue silver-eyed lizard, a chic enruned black leather collar, some iridescent black pearl hairjewels, a brilliant crystal crescent moon charm suspended from a slender silver box-chain, a moon-clasped deep blue suede purse, and a black moonstone bracelet.
You are now in an offensive stance.
Aneris meditates over you.
Aneris takes your right hand damage.
Zakah gestures.
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.
amb jol l leg
Be at peace my child, there is no need to fight here.
[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The cobbled road girds the town along the inner side of the northern palisade. Just to the north stand the twin sentinels of the gate's guardtowers, silhouetted against the night sky. Guardsmen come and go through the main gates, keeping a close eye on the people of all races who move to and fro. Opposite the gates, you see the shop of Dakris the Furrier. You also see the Niaouli disk, the Denrit disk, the Brackal disk, the Kintas disk, the Jolena disk, the Warclaidhm disk, the Barant disk, a cloud wolf, a large sack, a mound of snow, an awning-covered refreshment cart with some stuff on it and a stately linen tent flying all the Great Houses' banners.
Also here: Kentrue, Bisco, Denrit, Niaouli, Railton, Silverphenix, Brackal, Koleph, Lord Brimzstone, Kintas, Lord Nordred, Zakah, Lady Zephyrean, Moirianna, Great Lord Demoneyes, Jaysehn, Galenok, Lorilea, Stunseed, Aneris, Jolena, Barant, Modainus
Obvious paths: north, east, west
Aneris meditates over you.
>drag jol w
Aneris takes all of your blood loss.
You grab Jolena and drag her west with you...
[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The road turns gradually at this point as it forms the northwest corner of the city. The main path curves along the north and west walls, and another leads south between the buildings. The massive oak and modwir logs of the city palisade tower overhead. You also see a large snow-dusted canvas tent with a House Sovyn banner on it, a snow covered cave, a dusty brown tent, a sculpted ice tent with a House of Arcane Masters banner on it and a brightly lit small painted wagon.
Also here: Jolena
Obvious paths: east, south, southwest
Roundtime: 8 sec.
Stunseed just arrived.
>amb jol l leg
Stunseed makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Stunseed gestures.
Stunseed blends into invisibility among the surroundings.
...wait 2 seconds.
>amb jol l leg
...wait 2 seconds.
Jolena says, "Stun don't."
>amb jol l leg
...wait 1 seconds.
>amb jol l leg
You swing a large black ash mattock at Jolena!
AS: +296 vs DS: +266 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +63 = +131
... and hit for 16 points of damage!
Torn muscle in Jolena's left leg!
Roundtime: 10 sec.
[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The road turns gradually at this point as it forms the northwest corner of the city. The main path curves along the north and west walls, and another leads south between the buildings. The massive oak and modwir logs of the city palisade tower overhead. You also see the Jolena disk, the Warclaidhm disk, a large snow-dusted canvas tent with a House Sovyn banner on it, a snow covered cave, a dusty brown tent, a sculpted ice tent with a House of Arcane Masters banner on it and a brightly lit small painted wagon.
Also here: Katrana, Jaysehn, Lord Brimzstone, Lord Nordred, Moirianna, Silverphenix, Bisco, Jolena
Obvious paths: east, south, southwest
Jolena says, "Don't stun."
You say, "Ack."
Bisco traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
Bisco gestures at you.
CS: +247 - TD: +139 + CvA: -21 + d100: +41 - +5 == +123
Warding failed!
An unseen force envelopes you, restricting all movement.
[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The road turns gradually at this point as it forms the northwest corner of the city. The main path curves along the north and west walls, and another leads south between the buildings. The massive oak and modwir logs of the city palisade tower overhead. You also see the Jolena disk, the Warclaidhm disk, a large snow-dusted canvas tent with a House Sovyn banner on it, a snow covered cave, a dusty brown tent, a sculpted ice tent with a House of Arcane Masters banner on it and a brightly lit small painted wagon.
Also here: Katrana, Jaysehn, Lord Brimzstone, Lord Nordred, Moirianna, Silverphenix, Bisco, Jolena
Obvious paths: east, south, southwest
Stamina points: 122 remaining: 80
Bisco says, "Enough."
cman berserk
Everything around you turns red as you work yourself into a berserker's rage!
You exert your will against the forces holding you motionless but cannot seem to break them!
Your vocal cords feel fully rested from all those war cries.
>'Dont stun?
You cannot do that while berserking.
Jolena leaps from hiding to attack!
Jolena swings a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at you!
AS: +360 vs DS: +67 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +81 = +395
... and hits for 49 points of damage!
Wild upward slash removes your face from your skull!
Interesting way to die.
The restricting force that envelops you dissolves away.
Your SIGN OF STAUNCHING is no longer effective.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.
...departing in 13 mins...
A voice from the crowd echoes, "Murder! Murder! Someone call for the night watchman!"
* Warclaidhm just bit the dust!
[Edited on 12-24-2004 by Tsa`ah]
12-24-2004, 06:00 PM
On side note ...
It doesn't matter if Jolena won because of the first stun.
Scooter Boy's intentions were clear from the beginning. Just look at the log.
If someone were to drag my character after that exchange, I would take it as an invitation to gut them.
Scooter Boy lost because Scooter Boy sucks. He had ample opportunity, and aid, to gain advantage. He chose to take the moron route and had his ass handed to him. Bound or not, he would have lost.
12-24-2004, 11:44 PM
Reposting the majority of a post that was deleted.....
From what little interaction I have had with Warclaidhm, it could appear that he is a bit uneducated, or perhaps childish. But.. For all I know he could be a 50 year old genius getting his rocks off by acting like an idiot, just to cause all of you alot of stress. Doubtful, but in any case I won't be calling him names, just because I don't like the way he interacts with other people in the game.
As far as the original post goes. I think some things were cleared up when he reposted the supposed full log. The healer was in a group with him, which would explain to me why the healing was done so quickly, without asking.
I also agree with whoever said things might have gone differently if the flare hadn't gotten him so well to start off with. He would have had ample opportunity to attack back, before he was wounded too much. And his berserker rage might have had more effect than just lowering his DS for her to pound on him. I wouldn't have used the rage myself. It probably caused him more trouble than the stun.
12-25-2004, 02:21 AM
Thanks for the clean log, that clears a few points. I think Warc just had a lot of bad luck, first getting hit for 20 pts but got a 7 round stun, guess that plate aint so good after all? And then when he was finally almost able to gain some initiative, some jerk sancts the area and he has to drag her out again.
And all the while she's telling Stun not to get involved and there goes Bisco binding him for the kill. Weak.
12-25-2004, 06:20 AM
Originally posted by Fengus
Thanks for the clean log, that clears a few points. I think Warc just had a lot of bad luck, first getting hit for 20 pts but got a 7 round stun, guess that plate aint so good after all? And then when he was finally almost able to gain some initiative, some jerk sancts the area and he has to drag her out again.
And all the while she's telling Stun not to get involved and there goes Bisco binding him for the kill. Weak.
I don't understand the logic at all.
First he drags her, then he sizes her up. It's clear what he intended to do from the get go.
So what if she got the first stun. That's what happens when you start a conflict without being ready.
You may as well argue the outcome of the Bay of Pigs. Had Kennedy done this, had Cuba done that ... it would have been different. Guess what, it doesn't matter.
He had an empath in tow that was not only unstunning him, but healing him. He relied on berserk instead of waiting out the stun and relying on redux. He attempted a bear hug when he should have gone for a tackle or stanced and waited for the next swing.
That first stun didn't mean shit. The binding was cheap, but it's not like she asked someone to do it ... the person inserted their ass where it did not belong, just like the unstunning empath. That is what I consider a wash.
He should have stuck to warcries and aimed shots. Instead he relied on being a moron.
The best possible outcome for Scooter Boy would have been to keep his trap shut or just walked away.
12-25-2004, 07:14 AM
Originally posted by Noble3
Originally posted by HarmNone
Kevin, why don't you try just leaving people who don't particularly care for you alone? Furthermore, if you insist on bothering people who don't care for you, we really DON'T want to read about it here. Mmmmkay?
Thanks HarmNone. What they say really doesn't bother me..
They don't have to read the thread..I mean, unless they want some entertainment of my "stupidity"
On the "ignore him he'll go away" thing. Yeah, that will work. But who will ignore me? ALot of folks. And, there will always be (at least on a large forum of stupid people like this) people who respond.
Look, its already up to 3 pages. Wowzers..
As you wish, Kevin. Just remember one thing: I don't want to read your whining when you have your ass handed to you. I don't want to read it under this posting name, or any other posting name, and I don't want to read it on another message board (where it's shown up before).
You say it doesn't matter? Fine. Then STFU about it and don't whine when you get what you ask for. I shall ignore you henceforth.
12-25-2004, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by Stunseed
Oh, he edited out Aneris healing him, too. :lol:
Not all of it.
Warclaidhm, you are a loser.
12-25-2004, 05:43 PM
Okay so last night Warclaidhm start's his BS again with Jolena, and this is what followed. PART ONE:
You hear the faint thoughts of [Private]-Warclaidhm echo in your mind:
"tell me where you are! :) "
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
"Kevin..since you keep asking me where I am and even in private..why not just psinet locate me?"
>You feel the mind of Warclaidhm touch yours, calling the memory of your location as you last saw it. You offer no resistance.
>You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Warclaidhm echo in your mind:
"Oh yeah, forgot."
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
"see? now how hard is that."
l[Ferocious Thrak Table]
Wood chairs are pushed haphazardly against the long wooden table. A dagger with a carved bone hilt pins a dried-out apple to the table, providing an interesting centerpiece. A picture of a thrak baring its teeth is drawn in fading paint. You also see the Jolena disk, the Stunseed disk and a bundle of cockatrice fletchings.
Also here: Keyvon who is sitting, Stunseed who is sitting
Obvious exits: out
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
"I'm definately not hiding from you."
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Warclaidhm echo in your mind:
"But yes you are."
>You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
"no..I'm really not lol I couldn't fucking care less about you finding me."
>You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Warclaidhm echo in your mind:
"then come out from that table."
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
"you think because I'm resting off my hunt at a table I'm hiding from you? wtf ever"
smitYou flex your muscles with renewed vigor!
> * Nulst returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
strikYou flex your muscles with renewed vigor!
> * Skajidos joins the adventure.
magicUsage: MAGIC [Person | LIST | SET | REMOVE | RESET | HELP ]
The following spells are currently active:
401: Elemental Defense I - 2h 15:32 remaining.
406: Elemental Defense II - 35:50 remaining.
414: Elemental Defense III - 29:58 remaining.
9901: Sign Striking/Smiting/Swords - 7:59 remaining.
>You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Warclaidhm echo in your mind:
"yes yes"
You ask, "Keyvon bump me on spells?"
You feel the mind of Warclaidhm touch yours, calling the memory of your location as you last saw it. You offer no resistance.
defendYour dancing fingers weave a web of protection around you!
>warYour dancing fingers weave a web of protection around you!
>Keyvon makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
>Keyvon gestures at you.
A silvery luminescence surrounds you.
>cmoveYour body becomes tense and ready for action.
Keyvon makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
>Keyvon gestures at you.
A bright luminescence surrounds you.
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Warclaidhm echo in your mind:
"See you are still there. Hiding behind Mr.Stunseed."
Keyvon makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
>Keyvon gestures at you.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds you.
>Keyvon recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
>Keyvon gestures at you.
Glowing specks of light red energy begin to spin around you.
Keyvon recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
>Keyvon gestures at you.
You feel much stronger.
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
"please..I didn't have to hide behind Mr. Stunseed last time I don't need to now."
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
"in fact it was YOU using a healer to unstun and heal your stupid ass"
Keyvon joins Stunseed's group.
You feel fully energetic again.
>Stunseed makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Stunseed gestures.
You seem to blend into the surroundings better.
Stunseed makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Stunseed gestures.
You seem to blend into the surroundings better.
>Stunseed makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Stunseed gestures.
You seem to blend into the surroundings better.
>You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Warclaidhm echo in your mind:
"How did I heal myself?"
girdGet what?
You sling a silvery titanium shield encircled by a tangle of sinuously twining midnight black roses off from over your shoulder.
>Stunseed makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
>Stunseed gestures at you.
You suddenly feel much more dextrous.
>Stunseed gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>Stunseed gestures at you.
You suddenly feel more powerful.
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
"you USED A HEALER. READ bitchclaidhm"
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Warclaidhm echo in your mind:
"whos that."
Keyvon put a short sword in his elven-crafted robe.
You focus on transmitting your thought.
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
"I'm not playing these games with you"
Keyvon slings a mysterious deep-black magician's shield edged in gleaming brimstone over his shoulder.
You feel the mind of Warclaidhm touch yours, calling the memory of your location as you last saw it. You offer no resistance.
>Keyvon asks, "Like a Spirit Strike as well?"
>khopeshYou remove a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh from in your black silk cloak.
>You close a knee-length black silk cloak.
>You see Warclaidhm waving at your table, clearly hoping that you will invite him to sit with you. If you would like, you may INVITE Warclaidhm to allow him to join you.
You say, "Nah."
>invite warcl
You wave at Warclaidhm and invite him to come sit with you.
>You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Warclaidhm echo in your mind:
"haha you're hiding under a table. how cute."
group closeYour group status is now closed.
>Stunseed scoots his chair back and stands up.
Warclaidhm arrives at your table.
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
"I'm not under a fucking table moron"
Warclaidhm gives you a playful little punch to the shoulder.
Warclaidhm just went out.
Stunseed whispers, "OOC: befriend warclaidhm cold?"
You focus on transmitting your thought.
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
"oh yeah..that's REAL harsh bitchclaidhm! You gave me a playful punch!"
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Warclaidhm echo in your mind:
befriend warclaidhm coldYou now regard Warclaidhm with a cold demeanor.
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Warclaidhm echo in your mind:
"how can we fight if your group is closed"
get statueYou remove a small statue from in your black silk cloak.
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
"why the hell would I let you drag me out sitting down?"
>You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Warclaidhm echo in your mind:
"exactly, you are a coward."
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
"Im not stupid. I realize it's hard for you to understand that everyone is not like you do."
>rub my statueYou rub a small statue.
Feels smooth!
A faint silvery glow surrounds your body.
The small statue suddenly disintegrates!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>Stunseed says, "Go handle him, love."
hopeshYou remove a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh from in your black silk cloak.
>You close a knee-length black silk cloak.
>standlStunseed fiddles with the restraining strap of his loop.
>You are already standing.
>[Ferocious Thrak Table]
Wood chairs are pushed haphazardly against the long wooden table. A dagger with a carved bone hilt pins a dried-out apple to the table, providing an interesting centerpiece. A picture of a thrak baring its teeth is drawn in fading paint. You also see the Jolena disk, the Stunseed disk and a bundle of cockatrice fletchings.
Also here: Keyvon who is sitting, Stunseed
Obvious exits: out
>Stunseed slings a large mithril-studded vultite shield off from over his shoulder.
>Stunseed deftly removes the crafted massive waraxe hanging from his loop.
>Your close concentration on your movements fades away.
>cmoveYour body becomes tense and ready for action.
>smastStunseed designates Keyvon as the new leader of the group.
>You focus your mind on the shadows and gird your body for stealth.
out[Raging Thrak Inn, Dining Room]
Loud and abusive noises emanate from behind the swinging kitchen doors, much to the laughing delight of some of the customers, and to the chagrin of others. Tapestries hanging from the walls depict soothing idyllic wildlife scenes. Hard wooden tables and chairs are placed evenly, allowing enough space for the cook and wait servants to pass. You also see some inviting tables and a cozy nook.
Also here: Warclaidhm
Obvious exits: south, southwest
>Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
>wave warcWarclaidhm dances around the room to music only he can hear.
You wave to Warclaidhm.
>Stunseed just arrived.
foldYou fold your arms over your chest.
You say, "And now what."
>Warclaidhm works his fingers under his boar skull and scratches his head.
>Warclaidhm exclaims, "To the boulder!"
>Warclaidhm raises his black ash mattock in triumph!
>shake headYou shake your head.
>Warclaidhm tries to inspect one of your items, and you turn him away with an icy glare.
>Warclaidhm says, "Feh."
Warclaidhm rubs his chin thoughtfully.
You say, "I don't go to the boulder."
Warclaidhm asks, "What armor is your corsettie?"
You say, "You don't deserve a duel."
Warclaidhm says, "Wow."
Warclaidhm says, "I guess not."
>You say, "And it's none of your business."
smile warcYou smile at Warclaidhm.
>Warclaidhm glares at you and lets out a nerve-shattering bellow!
You are startled enough to lose initiative!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>'ooo Warclaidhm's face contorts as he unleashes a guttural, deep-throated growl at you!
You are overcome with an irrational and terrible rage!
>You say, "Ooo ."
>A young gnome busboy scurries past you with an empty tray and a wet cloth. He quickly cleans one of the cluttered tables and then hustles back to the kitchen.
[Roll result: 124 (open d100: 63)]
Warclaidhm charges towards you and attempts to grasp you in a ferocious bearhug!
Warclaidhm manages to catch you in a firm bearhug!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Warclaidhm crushes you mercilessly!
...26 points of damage!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>Warclaidhm seems a bit weaker than before.
hide Wystan just arrived.
* Wystan joins the adventure.
>...wait 1 seconds.
Stunseed chuckles.
>hide * Nystin returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>Warclaidhm crushes you mercilessly!
...28 points of damage!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
...wait 5 seconds.
>Warclaidhm releases his grip on you!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>The irrational rage you succumbed to vanishes like a dream.
>Warclaidhm asks, "I suck huh?"
>whistleYou whistle tunelessly to yourself, remembering days past.
>[Roll result: 110 (open d100: 49)]
Warclaidhm hurls himself at you and connects!
Warclaidhm knocks you flat and quickly jumps to his feet!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
standYou come out of hiding.
You stand back up.
>hideRoundtime: 2 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
> * Jazmmon has disconnected.
stance off You are now in an offensive stance.
sign of madness
>You are filled with berserk rage! Attack! Attack! Attack!
>Unsane just went south.
>ambush warc head
>You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at Warclaidhm!
Warclaidhm parries your attack with his mattock!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
Warclaidhm swings a large black ash mattock at you!
You block the attack with your shield!
You feel fully energetic again.
>Warclaidhm says, "Oh on."
>hide ...wait 1 seconds.
>Warclaidhm put a large black ash mattock in his claidhmore harness.
>hdiePlease rephrase that command.
>Warclaidhm removes an ancient razern-edged claidhmore from in his claidhmore harness.
>ambush warc left legWarclaidhm glares at you and lets out a nerve-shattering bellow!
You are unaffected!
>You swing a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at Warclaidhm!
Warclaidhm evades your attack!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
> * Zolag joins the adventure.
Warclaidhm glares at you and lets out a nerve-shattering bellow!
You are startled enough to lose initiative!
Roundtime: 20 sec.
>Your SIGN OF MADNESS is no longer effective.
You feel drained!
>Orahan waves at Exsul and invites him to come sit at his table.
>[Roll result: 61 (open d100: 35)]
Warclaidhm swings his razern-edged claidhmore at your moon etched khopesh and connects!
Warclaidhm fails to knock the khopesh away!
>Exsul heads over to the Sleeping Thrak Table.
>Warclaidhm put an ancient razern-edged claidhmore in his claidhmore harness.
>Warclaidhm removes a large black ash mattock from in his claidhmore harness.
Warclaidhm swings a large black ash mattock at you!
AS: +173 vs DS: +256 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +35 = -10
A clean miss.
> * Blades joins the adventure.
Warclaidhm says, "Aww you win."
>sweep warc ...wait 2 seconds.
>sweep warc ...wait 1 seconds.
>sweep warc [Roll result: 186 (open d100: 86) Penalties: 5]
You crouch, sweep a leg at Warclaidhm and connect!
Warclaidhm falls to the ground! You deftly regain your footing.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>Warclaidhm says, "Ouch."
>cheapshot footstomp warc[Roll result: 142 (open d100: 92) Penalties: 10]
You raise your heel high, bringing it down solidly on Warclaidhm's foot!
Warclaidhm howls in pain, clutching his toes!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
>Warclaidhm says, "Ack."
>hide Roundtime: 2 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
>ambush warc neck You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at Warclaidhm!
AS: +268 vs DS: +149 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +99 = +239
... and hit for 19 points of damage!
Deft swing strikes Warclaidhm's neck.
Maybe not fatal but it's sure distracting.
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
>Warclaidhm lets out a loud snarling growl and goes berserk!
>Warclaidhm staggers about trying to shake the stun!
>hide Roundtime: 2 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Stunseed nods.
>ambush warc left armYou leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at Warclaidhm!
AS: +268 vs DS: +149 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +90 = +230
... and hit for 22 points of damage!
Deep slash to Warclaidhm's left forearm!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
>Warclaidhm wiggles his toes slightly, making sure they are all there.
>Warclaidhm jumps to his feet snarling in anger!
>hide Roundtime: 2 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
>Warclaidhm spins around looking for something to attack!
Warclaidhm lets out a blood curdling scream of frustration!
The berserker's rage leaves Warclaidhm's eyes.
>You feel at full magical power again.
You feel less drained.
You feel fully energetic again.
>ambush warc head You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at Warclaidhm!
AS: +330 vs DS: +199 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +50 = +202
... and hit for 22 points of damage!
Skull cracks in several places.
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
>Warclaidhm lets out a loud snarling growl and goes berserk!
>Warclaidhm shakes off the stun and begins frothing at the mouth!
The berserker's rage leaves Warclaidhm's eyes.
>Warclaidhm glares at you and lets out a nerve-shattering bellow!
You are startled enough to lose initiative!
Roundtime: 15 sec.
Warclaidhm swings a large black ash mattock at you!
AS: +346 vs DS: +319 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +63 = +128
... and hits for 22 points of damage!
Blow leaves an imprint on your chest!
You are knocked slightly off balance by the force of the blow!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
>Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Warclaidhm swings a large black ash mattock at you!
AS: +346 vs DS: +319 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +39 = +104
... and hits for 15 points of damage!
Blow glances off your shoulder.
>Your close concentration on your movements fades away.
>Your body relaxes as your thoughts stray from the shadows.
>yawnYou yawn.
>Warclaidhm put a large black ash mattock in his claidhmore harness.
>Warclaidhm removes an ancient razern-edged claidhmore from in his claidhmore harness.
>cmove...wait 1 seconds.
>hideWarclaidhm glares at you and lets out a nerve-shattering bellow!
You are startled enough to lose initiative!
Roundtime: 10 sec.
>...wait 10 seconds.
>Warclaidhm glares at you and lets out a nerve-shattering bellow!
You are startled enough to lose initiative!
Roundtime: 10 sec.
>Warclaidhm's face contorts as he unleashes a guttural, deep-throated growl at you!
You are overcome with an irrational and terrible rage!
>Stunseed leans on his waraxe.
>Warclaidhm swings an ancient razern-edged claidhmore at you!
AS: +328 vs DS: +309 with AvD: +28 + d100 roll: +72 = +119
... and hits for 21 points of damage!
Deft slash to your left leg digs deep!
Bone is chipped!
You are stunned for 3 rounds!
>Warclaidhm says, "I guess I win."
Warclaidhm swings an ancient razern-edged claidhmore at you!
AS: +323 vs DS: +276 with AvD: +28 + d100 roll: +18 = +93
A clean miss.
> * Dovezkry has disconnected.
Warclaidhm says, "Or not."
Warclaidhm says, "Hmm."
>Stunseed says, "You'd think."
>The irrational rage you succumbed to vanishes like a dream.
>hideYour injuries hinder your attempt to hide.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
>Nulst just arrived.
* Nulst joins the adventure.
>stance offensive
>You are now in an offensive stance.
>ambush warc neckYou leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at Warclaidhm!
AS: +320 vs DS: +146 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +26 = +221
... and hit for 19 points of damage!
Strong slash to throat nicks a few blood vessels.
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
>hide Your injuries hinder your attempt to hide.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
>ambush warc head Lord Gotorek just arrived.
>You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at Warclaidhm!
AS: +320 vs DS: +112 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +44 = +273
... and hit for 25 points of damage!
Slash to Warclaidhm's chest!
Breathe deep, it'll feel better in a minute.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
Warclaidhm lets out a loud snarling growl and goes berserk!
>sweep warc [Roll result: 64 (open d100: 17) Penalties: 33]
You crouch, sweep a leg at Warclaidhm and connect!
You whack Warclaidhm's legs futilely! You stumble back on your feet.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>Warclaidhm staggers about trying to shake the stun!
sweep warc ...wait 1 seconds.
>sweep warc [Roll result: 84 (open d100: 22) Penalties: 43]
You crouch, sweep a leg at Warclaidhm and connect!
You whack Warclaidhm's legs futilely! You stumble back on your feet.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>Warclaidhm spins around looking for something to attack!
Warclaidhm lets out a blood curdling scream of frustration!
The berserker's rage leaves Warclaidhm's eyes.
You hear a loud *POP* come from Warclaidhm's muscles!
hide Stunseed snickers.
>Your injuries hinder your attempt to hide.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
>Warclaidhm says, "Pretty harsh."
>ambush warc head You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at Warclaidhm!
AS: +320 vs DS: +132 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +49 = +258
... and hit for 24 points of damage!
Hard slash to belly severs a few nerve endings.
He is stunned!
** Your moon etched khopesh emits a searing bolt of lightning! **
... 25 points of damage!
Heavy jolt to chest causes solar plexus to explode. Remarkable display of spraying blood.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
Stunseed says, "No more berserk."
>sweep warc[Roll result: 65 (open d100: 18) Penalties: 33]
You crouch, sweep a leg at Warclaidhm and connect!
You whack Warclaidhm's legs futilely! You stumble back on your feet.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
hide Your injuries hinder your attempt to hide.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
>ambush warc head
>Stunseed says, "Finish this piece of offal, love."
>You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at Warclaidhm!
AS: +320 vs DS: +110 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +95 = +326
... and hit for 33 points of damage!
Whoosh! Several ribs driven into lungs.
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
>Your SIGN OF SMITING is no longer effective.
>You grip your moon etched khopesh with renewed vigor!
>hideYour injuries hinder your attempt to hide.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
>Stunseed says, "I'm tired of looking at his visage."
>ambush warc head You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at Warclaidhm!
AS: +320 vs DS: +82 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +85 = +344
... and hit for 26 points of damage!
Slash to Warclaidhm's shield arm!
Shears off a thin layer of skin!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
>hide Your injuries hinder your attempt to hide.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
>You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Stunseed echo in your mind:
ambush warc neck You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at Warclaidhm!
Warclaidhm parries your attack with his claidhmore!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
>Your injuries hinder your attempt to hide.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
ambush warc head You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at Warclaidhm!
AS: +320 vs DS: +105 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +11 = +247
... and hit for 27 points of damage!
Slashing blow to chest knocks Warclaidhm back a few paces!
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
>You feel at full magical power again.
>hide Your injuries hinder your attempt to hide.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
ambush warc head You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh at Warclaidhm!
AS: +320 vs DS: +85 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +11 = +267
... and hit for 28 points of damage!
Slashing blow to chest knocks Warclaidhm back a few paces!
** Your moon etched khopesh emits a searing bolt of lightning! **
... 30 points of damage!
Stunning arc of electricity fuses left leg at knee.
He is knocked to the ground!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
>Your SIGN OF STRIKING is no longer effective.
>Your SIGN OF DEFENDING is no longer effective.
>strik You grip your moon etched khopesh with renewed vigor!
>A raised voice exclaims, "More ale when you have a moment, missy!"
>Your injuries hinder your attempt to hide.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
>Warclaidhm stands up.
>Warclaidhm just went south.
defend Your dancing fingers weave a web of protection around you!
>sneak s
>In YOUR condition? You must be joking.
>You do not believe anyone noticed you slip out of hiding.
>laughYou laugh out loud!
>Your SIGN OF WARDING is no longer effective.
>yell ya moron!You belt out, "Ya moron!"
>warYour dancing fingers weave a web of protection around you!
>You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Stunseed echo in your mind:
"Heh, good job running, coward."
Arvakir stands up.
>You focus on transmitting your thought.
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
"yeah you run when you're beat ya pussy"
join stunYou join Stunseed.
>'let's go You say, "Let's go ."
>You point at some inviting tables.
>healthYou have a fractured and bleeding left leg, and minor cuts and bruises on your chest.
Area Health per Round
Left leg 2
Maximum Health Points: 163
Remaining Health Points: 57
You are feeling weakened.
Maximum Spirit Points: 8
Remaining Spirit Points: 6
Maximum Stamina Points: 86
Remaining Stamina Points: 70
12-25-2004, 06:00 PM
Warclaidhm = (and this is in the BASE02 font) pwn3d
12-25-2004, 06:05 PM
You ask, "Keyvon bump me on spells?"
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
"please..I didn't have to hide behind Mr. Stunseed last time I don't need to now."
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
"in fact it was YOU using a healer to unstun and heal your stupid ass"
Pot. Kettle.
I stopped reading after that.
12-25-2004, 06:08 PM
Then about 10 minutes later..PART TWO!!
>put leaf in my pouch You see Warclaidhm waving at your table, clearly hoping that you will invite him to sit with you. If you would like, you may INVITE Warclaidhm to allow him to join you.
>You put some acantha leaf in your black leather pouch.
>You close a moon-embossed black leather pouch.
>girdYou remove a sylvan-style moon etched khopesh from in your black silk cloak.
You sling a silvery titanium shield encircled by a tangle of sinuously twining midnight black roses off from over your shoulder.
>invite warcl
You wave at Warclaidhm and invite him to come sit with you.
>Warclaidhm arrives at your table.
>You raise an eyebrow in Warclaidhm's direction.
>You say, "You're a woos."
> Warclaidhm nods.
>You say, "Plain and simple."
>Warclaidhm says, "You win. I lose."
>Warclaidhm says, "I'll be right back."
>Warclaidhm just went out.
>You smirk.
>You shrug.
and later..
You see Warclaidhm waving at your table, clearly hoping that you will invite him to sit with you. If you would like, you may INVITE Warclaidhm to allow him to join you.
> You stare at nothing in particular.
> You groan.
> invite warcl
You wave at Warclaidhm and invite him to come sit with you.
>Warclaidhm arrives at your table.
>group closeYour group status is already closed.
>tilt warcYou cock your head at Warclaidhm.
> You see Warclaidhm Powerswing the Blademaster.
He appears to be a Giant of the Araime Clan.
He appears to be as old as the hills and very tall. He has intense, violet-flecked emerald-hued eyes and fair skin. He has a shaven head of steel grey hair. He has a large repeatedly broken nose and a broad chest.
He has a dancing bunny tattoo on his arm, and a crossed claidhmore tattoo on his arm.
He is in good shape.
He is holding an ancient razern-edged claidhmore in his right hand.
You ask, "What?"
>Warclaidhm says, "Let's talk. Please go out."
>You say, "I have nothing else to say to you. I don't consort with men or women for that matter of no honor."
>Warclaidhm tried to drag you, but your group status is closed. Type "GROUP OPEN" to permit yourself to be dragged.
>Warclaidhm says, "Alright hten."
>You say, "It should have ended the other night when you died by my hands after putting YOUR hands on me."
>Warclaidhm says, "And I do have honor. In fact, I was going to offer you a challenge."
>You say, "You chose to do this tonight and when you were losing you ran."
>Keyvon makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
>Keyvon gestures at Warclaidhm.
>You say, "You have NO honor sir."
>Keyvon snickers.
>Warclaidhm looks over at you and shakes his head.
>You say, "None whatsoever."
>Warclaidhm says, "Much more honor than ye, lass."
>Warclaidhm grins slowly.
>You say, "And you are not worth my time anylonger."
>Speaking to Warclaidhm, Keyvon says, "Your mastery of spells is impecible."
>You wave a hand at Warclaidhm, dismissing him indifferently.
>You say, "Be gone."
>Warclaidhm nods to Keyvon.
>Warclaidhm taps Keyvon lightly on his shoulder.
>Warclaidhm taps an ancient scroll.
>Warclaidhm just closed an ancient robe.
>Keyvon asks, "Hmm?"
>Warclaidhm says, "I use scrolls."
>Keyvon says, "Ah."
>Warclaidhm nods.
>You see Jaysehn waving at your table, clearly hoping that you will invite him to sit with you. If you would like, you may INVITE Jaysehn to allow him to join you.
>Keyvon says, "I see."
>You say, "I honored your attack on me tonight."
>Warclaidhm waves at Jaysehn and invites him to come sit at this table.
>Speaking to Warclaidhm, you say, "You chose to run when you were losing."
>Jaysehn removes his hat with a flourish of his hand.
>Warclaidhm says, "No thanks jolena. I shall nay leave."
>Stunseed nods to Jaysehn.
>Jaysehn bows.
>Jaysehn places his hat on top of his head with one hand, adjusting it slightly for a perfect fit.
>Jaysehn calmly says, "Good evening."
>Speaking to Warclaidhm, you say, "Therefor you have no more honor in my eyes and are nae worth my time."
>Speaking to Warclaidhm, you say, "You should discontinue any further efforts to engage me in battle. I'll not honor them."
>Speaking to you, Warclaidhm says, "You just do want to put up with this."
>Warclaidhm says, "Fine, I'll find you."
>Warclaidhm winks at you.
>Speaking to Warclaidhm, you say, "You do that."
>Warclaidhm says, "From thsoe attacks you just did on me."
>Speaking to Warclaidhm, you say, "I have no fear of you as you do of me."
>Warclaidhm says, "Ye shall surely pay."
>You ask, "Oh?"
>Warclaidhm laughs!
>Warclaidhm says, "You will, m'lady."
>You ask, "And you did not attack me yourself?"
>You chuckle.
>Speaking to Jaysehn, Stunseed says, "Welcome to the show, friend. Warclaidhm ran away like a coward after attacking Jolena warlier."
>You say, "I had every right to attack you."
>Warclaidhm says, "I warcried ye."
>Stunseed says, "Earlier."
>Stunseed coughs.
>Warclaidhm says, "Wasn't a attack."
>Jaysehn nods to Stunseed.
>Warclaidhm says, "Yet you took it as one."
>You say, "And guess what? that's an attack."
>Stunseed asks, "Tackle?"
>Warclaidhm says, "The other day, I dragged you out to speak to you."
>Your SIGN OF SMITING is no longer effective.
>Warclaidhm says, "You took it as an attack."
>You say, "I can ask anyone.. tackling me..warcrying me..all that is an attack."
>Stunseed asks, "Why not ask someone to speak, you insolent moron?"
>Stunseed scoots his chair back and stands up.
>You say, "It is OVER Warclaidhm."
>Warclaidhm says, "Perhaps I was too harsh by touching you. But excuse me madam, you too it too far."
>Stunseed carefully hangs his waraxe from his loop and then deftly pulls a loop of leather over and snaps it closed.
>Warclaidhm says, "It is NOT over. Lame lady."
>Stunseed removes a puma-etched skinning knife from in his mountaineer's boots.
>You say, "If you continue to pursue this you will be visited by others with higher powers. ."
>You smile at Warclaidhm.
>Your SIGN OF STRIKING is no longer effective.
>Warclaidhm says, "Not unless you warn me so."
>You say, "Who I'm sure would consider a warcry an attack."
>Your SIGN OF DEFENDING is no longer effective.
>You say, "Oh well then consider this your warning. This is over. You attacked, I responded, you ran. You lost."
>Warclaidhm says, "The other day, I dragged you out. That, was not an attack."
>Your SIGN OF WARDING is no longer effective.
>Warclaidhm looks slightly less tense than he did a moment ago.
>Warclaidhm whispers, "If you want to warn me and get the GM's involved, type this: WARN WARCLAIDHM INTERACTION. Simply saying, "I'm warning you" will not do it."
>You say, "Then I spose you should consider your attack on me this evening as my comeuppance."
>You say, "And the issue is over as once again, you lost."
>Warclaidhm asks, "If you see me around, and I do not attack you out of the gates. Do not attack me. Clear?"
>Warclaidhm peers quizzically at you.
>Stunseed asks, "Excuse me?"
>Stunseed blinks.
>You say, "I have no wish to have any further dealings with you. As I said.. you have lost all honor in my eyes. You are worthless and not worth my interest."
>Speaking to Warclaidhm, Stunseed asks, "Who are you to make demands of my woman?"
>Warclaidhm says, "It is not a demand."
>You say, "If you attack me again, meaning warcries or any other means, I will defend myself."
>Warclaidhm says, "Alright Jolena. That's a deal there."
>Warclaidhm nods.
>Warclaidhm says, "Alright with me."
>You say, "And if you run once more, you will be doing nothing but proving to everyone else that you are without honor."
>You shrug.
>Stunseed walks towards Warclaidhm.
>You reach over and gently rest your hand on Stunseed's arm.
>You shake your head.
>You say, "I can handle myself love."
>You say, "He is nothing."
>You say, "A man without honor is not a man."
>You shrug.
>Stunseed cocks his head at you.
>Warclaidhm whispers, "One more thing. Please seperate the player from the character. I don't appreciate you harassing me, or insulting me on any ways on Since you are so DOING SO TO ME, THE PLAYER. I take offence to that. Thank you for your understanding."
>Stunseed cocks his head at Warclaidhm.
>Stunseed chuckles.
>Speaking to you, Stunseed says, "He's not stupid enough to continue this."
>Stunseed cocks his head at Warclaidhm.
>You quietly whisper to Warclaidhm, "First of all..YOU are bringing this in game not me. Secondly..if I ever had any intentions on bringing things on the forums or OOC channel into game I would have said it to you in GAME moron."
>Speaking to Warclaidhm, Stunseed asks, "Are you, friend?"
>Warclaidhm whispers, "This is a game. I am roleplaying Warclaidhm as I see fit. You didn't answer my question. *I* kevin, am not a moron. ."
>>Speaking to Warclaidhm, Stunseed says, "Unless you've turned both dumb AND deaf in the last minute, I know you understand me."
>>Warclaidhm whispers, "It bothers me that people insult me the player, over things happening to Warclaidhm in a game. Sorry if I came off harsh on the forums, I didn't mean to. It wasn't agianst you."
>You quietly whisper to Warclaidhm, "I did answer you and I'm telling you that if I had any intentions of taking ANYTHING from a forum or OOC chat chanel into game I would have said it to the character. MORON."
>A faint silvery glow fades from around Warclaidhm.
>Jaysehn calmly asks, "I'm gonig for wine. Anyone want some?"
>Stunseed turns to face Jaysehn.
>Speaking to Jaysehn, Stunseed says, "I'd like a glass."
>Jaysehn nods.
>Keyvon shakes his head.
>Jaysehn calmly asks, "Red, white?"
>Speaking to Jaysehn, Stunseed says, "Hmm..I think I'm in the mood for white wine tonight."
>Speaking to Warclaidhm, Stunseed says, "I spose you really have turned deaf."
12-25-2004, 06:10 PM
Ah I because I know that some moronic warrior (no insult intended to other warriors mind you) is most likely coming to kick my ass and I have my brother-n-law bump my spells, I'm doing the same thing as having a healer unstun and heal me during a fight? LMFAO. Yeah RIGHT Elrodin. I wasn't dueling the asshole on the boulder under rules and regulations. He'd already had a healer taking his wounds and unstunning him previously why in the HELL would I not partake of spells at my disposal? Not to mention that I have imbeddables on my person to use if Keyvon was not around and I sure as well would have used them. So wtf ever.
12-25-2004, 06:19 PM
Just an opinion from someone who doesnt care much for either of the parties involved. Him having a healer heal him during battle isnt much different than you going into battle fully spelled by a ranger and wizard. Two wrongs dont make a right. If you want to prove a point beat him without the extra spells, you already have a level advantage on him.
Just some words to think on:
Speaking to Warclaidhm, Keyvon says, "Your mastery of spells is impecible."
12-25-2004, 06:22 PM
I'd agree if it was ME that said it. I have no issues with him having spells at his disposal. Hell the second time that night he came to me he had on bravery as well. Do I give a fuck? No. When not engaged in a rules-regulated duel, do what the fuck you have to as far as spells, guild, etc. And as far as you not caring for either party involved..I'll remember that the next time you're in Icemule asking Jolena to take you to Pinefar, going on a group hunt with her and her friends/family and then chatting to me on Psinet afterwards that it was "nice seeing me and thanks so much for the ride to PF and the hunt" LMAO. WHY does this not surprise me, Elrodin.
12-25-2004, 06:32 PM
first off I am good friends with harli and in game we were cousins, I would also consider stunseed a friend. second I never asked you to take me on the hunt, I was not planning on going(hence my remaining seated while you all got ready to go). Third, I did ask for the ride to pinefar but only because you mentioned you were on your way and I hadnt found a script yet. Finally, as for the thought those were not my exact words which you quoted but I was asked by someone who I consider a very good friend to remain civil. I complied for the better of ATK. Now personally I really dont give two shits either way as I closed out my GS account earlier this month. So being as my presence will no longer be in game I really dont have to try and remain civil.
I really dont care for either you or warlcaidhm one way or the other, to me you are just two people playing GS and bitching about each other. I read the logs posted and in return posted my opinion about them. Its a free speech thing, so dont give me shit for what I post.
12-25-2004, 06:39 PM
oh you are definately right, you have every right to post what you like and GUESS WHAT?! I have a right to respond! OH NOEZ. :smirk:
Anyhow, that's good because I really hated having to be civil to you as well. No love lost between us definately. And yeah, I spose on this last two posts of logs I did I was the one bitching about him..well sort of anyhow. Mainly just posting it as a conclusion to the thread that Kevin/Warclaidhm started on this dispute a few days back. However, again free speech eh? Gotta love it.
Edited to add: Stunseed friend? Nah, not even close. He tolerated Elrodin for the betterment of ATK as well. Although that excuse on your part made no sense, since Jo has not been in ATK for oh..5 months or so? :smirk:
[Edited on 12-25-2004 by Jolena]
Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-25-2004, 06:53 PM
LOL, Idiothm continues to get beat down by Jolena. I love it.
I say we vote Idiothm for PC Idiot of the year.
12-25-2004, 06:54 PM
Edited to add: Stunseed friend? Nah, not even close. He tolerated Elrodin for the betterment of ATK as well. Although that excuse on your part made no sense, since Jo has not been in ATK for oh..5 months or so? :smirk:
nice of you to respond for him, being as he was only indirectly mentioned. If you want to make this a personal fight send me a U2U, Im sure half of the boards dont really feel like hearing it. And when you do send the U2U, dont scrape for ways to put me down, cause frankly I dont even care, chances have it I wont even open the U2U, but if it makes you feel better to get all the shit off your chest go for it. Since you wanted to make it a personal argument you might as well follow through...
And I have speant the last almost 8 months(give or take a few days when i popped into GS to see what was new) in WoW or DAoC, so I wouldnt know if you left ATK or not.
edit: stunseed was only a part of ATK for maybe a month while I was still around, before that he just helped out alot but had no official affiliation with the group.
[Edited on 12-26-2004 by Elrodin]
12-25-2004, 06:54 PM
Official PC posting awards? Hmmmm.
12-26-2004, 02:53 AM
I didn't read the dialog, both sound like teens with angst to relieve. Jolena had a better showing the second round, depite the spellup. Still inconclusive IMO. The first battle was clearly weak, if not for the cheap early stun, then for the final ending bind.
But on another note, Jolena, killing someone teachs no lesson. What it does do is make an uneven score. If he kills you before dying again, then it may be possible the score is even and he will leave it be, although maybe not, killing someone is a major reaction, and any actions in response are perfectly valid IMO.
Although Warc is looking to be pretty dumb at this point, he started to talk some shit before you were a corpse, and ended up fleeing the scene, poor showing.
12-26-2004, 09:03 AM
As far as I can tell, Elrodin and Fengus are just being idiots on this thread searching for excuses to rip Jolena apart. She clearly was not attempting to fight, and with his persistence, I would make damn sure I had some extra spells to relieve myself of the annoyance that is Waridiothm too. It isn't like she searched him out all spelled up, challenged him and then won unfairly.. He was still cheap the second time and still came back a third claiming she had no honor. If you are honestly going to defend him or at the very least try to rip on her for this, I would suggest you read the logs first to avoid looking like you do.
Originally posted by Alarke
As far as I can tell, Elrodin and Fengus are just being idiots on this thread searching for excuses to rip Jolena apart. She clearly was not attempting to fight, and with his persistence, I would make damn sure I had some extra spells to relieve myself of the annoyance that is Waridiothm too. It isn't like she searched him out all spelled up, challenged him and then won unfairly.. He was still cheap the second time and still came back a third claiming she had no honor. If you are honestly going to defend him or at the very least try to rip on her for this, I would suggest you read the logs first to avoid looking like you do.
What's even sadder is that I totally see that you can draw a conclusion of Warclaidhm's harassing her in the first doctored log which is his. Shit, if I'm going to doctor a log I'm at least going to make it look like I'm the good-guy.
[Edited on 12-26-2004 by Stanley Burrell]
Originally posted by Alarke
As far as I can tell, Elrodin and Fengus are just being idiots on this thread searching for excuses to rip Jolena apart. She clearly was not attempting to fight, and with his persistence, I would make damn sure I had some extra spells to relieve myself of the annoyance that is Waridiothm too. It isn't like she searched him out all spelled up, challenged him and then won unfairly.. He was still cheap the second time and still came back a third claiming she had no honor. If you are honestly going to defend him or at the very least try to rip on her for this, I would suggest you read the logs first to avoid looking like you do. Couldn't have said it better myself. Wasn't this about Warclaidhm bragging about getting his ass handed to him by Jolena, deservedly. He was asking for it and she had every right to kill him.
Fengus has this strange ability to be annoying as fuck. He practices too much. Fucking FUNGUS LOLZORZ
- Arkans
12-26-2004, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
Fengus has this strange ability to be annoying as fuck. He practices too much. Fucking FUNGUS LOLZORZ
- Arkans
Damn .... that's just sad when Arkans says you're annoying as fuck.
12-26-2004, 02:32 PM
<<I wouldn't be able to post his picture as much as I do and that would make me sad. >>
ROFL that pic of the fat pimply faced loser is really Warclaidhm??????!!!!!!!!!////////////////e/d/e/2/3
Life swings a dork stick at Warclaidhm!
AS: +360 vs DS: +67 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +81 = +395
... and hits for 490 million points of damage!
Wild upward slash removes his face from his skull! Who said there was no room for improvement?
* Life just pwned Warclaidhm!
12-26-2004, 02:48 PM
Well apparently he's not going to be bothering Jolena anymore due to his lock out. We'll see what happens when he comes back in 60 days. I hope like hell he simply forgets this shit, although I doubt that will happen. He seems to have some issues with stalking folks :( I can't say I'm surprised he got his ass handed to him by a GM over his blatant OOC'ness. Ah well, so long warclaidhm!
12-26-2004, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Fengus
I didn't read the dialog, both sound like teens with angst to relieve. Jolena had a better showing the second round, depite the spellup. Still inconclusive IMO. The first battle was clearly weak, if not for the cheap early stun, then for the final ending bind.
My my, yes I'm sure the final ending bind and the early stun are indeed the only things that went wrong with that battle. Please..don't mention the fact that his healing friend took his blood loss, his wounds and unstunned him every single time. And yes, don't mention the fact that he used a crit-weighted weapon but DO mention that my weapon flares lightning and is unfair. :roll eyes:
But on another note, Jolena, killing someone teachs no lesson. What it does do is make an uneven score. If he kills you before dying again, then it may be possible the score is even and he will leave it be, although maybe not, killing someone is a major reaction, and any actions in response are perfectly valid IMO.
Oh yes, I should just lay down and let him kill me MMHMMM you got it right buddy. WTF ever Fengus.
Although Warc is looking to be pretty dumb at this point, he started to talk some shit before you were a corpse, and ended up fleeing the scene, poor showing.
I'm wondering what point was I becoming a corpse? It certainly wasn't that way from MY perspective at any time during the first OR second altercation..
12-26-2004, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
I'm wondering what point was I becoming a corpse? It certainly wasn't that way from MY perspective at any time during the first OR second altercation..
This is why I have no problems defending Warc or at least adding some balance against you in this instance. You are plain dumb. Here is the simple answer:
1. He thought you were soon to die, ie become a corpse.
2. He talked some shit to that effect.
3. You didn't die.
4. He ended up fleeing.
5. Whats the point thats confusing you?
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Originally posted by Arkans
Fengus has this strange ability to be annoying as fuck.
- Arkans
Damn .... that's just sad when Arkans says you're annoying as fuck.
What else is sad is when a supposed moderator takes part in yet another fucking-kumbahya-hand-holding-mutual-cock-suck-fest thread derailment. Go to hell, directly.
12-27-2004, 12:15 AM
What's even sadder is that you started this whole waste of space, Fengus, so hold back your insults.
12-27-2004, 06:16 AM
A Fengus troll just arrived.
A Fengus troll glances at you and yells, "Grnrir'virlor ra rof srkrird 'komrs ir dnra srghugrn'f mri'ir righ!"
[Edited on 12-27-2004 by Methais]
12-27-2004, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by Fengus
Why the fuck aren't there any mods that give a shit about thread highjacking and staying on fucking topic? It seems every god damn thread I see is one or more of Eider, Falgrin, Darell, Farkans, Stanley, etc giving each other verbal hand jobs or some other shit that is irrelevant and should be in the social board.
Mods got no balls it seems, quit letting these bitches highjack every thread to pad their counts.
Dear Fungus,
Here's a handjob for you: Fuck off.
Back on topic, so Fungus doesn't sound like a crying little bitch again.. Warclaidhm got his ass kicked by Jolena and that makes me happy.
12-27-2004, 09:27 AM
And the award for best stupid quote goes to Warclaidhm, because he confused himself for Jolena:
12-27-2004, 04:13 PM
Parkbandit is my new most favorite PC poster
12-27-2004, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by Showal
Parkbandit is my new most favorite PC poster
You are wise beyond your years Showal.
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