View Full Version : Minorities with Lasers
Okay, I got some people yelling "HEIL" on PC for me to start a Member Journal, fuck it, I might as well. I'll probably update this mother fucker when something interesting happens.
Anyway, tonight's entry is..
Appartment Hunting Sucks Dick
That's right, a large juicy one too. I've been loooking for a new place to live. I hate where I live now. It's quiet, boring, and kind of slow here.
Anyway, I go check out a place today. A greasy looking WHITE guy goes up to me and starts showing the place off. Too bad it all sucked. Sucked OODLES AMOUNT OF COCK (HAHAHAH I STOLE EIDER'S LINE).
The fucker the lives above has a loft. Too bad he has to walk through my place to get down out of the place. I tell the nice WHITE man, "You've got to be fucking kidding me.." and he's all like, "It's not that bad of a place". I was like.. "Riight, okay.. Later"
I left. Some guy honked at me on the road. I rolled the window and yelled out, "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING (bad word for gays that starts with F ends with G and has an A in the middle).
I got home and flamed people on Psinet needlessly. This is my day.
- Arkans
PS: I watched a show about Dr. Mengle today. It was better than Alien 4
12-21-2004, 11:40 PM
Yeah, nobody cares, racist bigot nazi mother fucker.
You make Jesus (and Hitler) cry.
- Arkans
12-21-2004, 11:46 PM
:popcorn2: MORE!
12-21-2004, 11:48 PM
If I didn't know you as well as I already do, I MIGHT be surprised by your daily activities. I still hate you for IMing me that web link. Even Methais was grossed out by that.
"One day I'ma drop Arkans in the middle of the Bronx"
Dude, I'll just flash my HONORARY BROTHA card, It'll be smooth sailing then!
- Arkans
PS: FUCKING PWNED!!!!!!!!11111
12-22-2004, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
Dude, I'll just flash my HONORARY BROTHA card, It'll be smooth sailing then!
- Arkans
PS: FUCKING PWNED!!!!!!!!11111
Unless you used your ub3rz h4x3r skillz to make a fake card, i remember revoking that thing.
I am SO putting in appeal. C'mon man, I did a DRIVE BY the other day.
- Arkans
12-22-2004, 12:25 AM
Appeal? wtf? Do you think you're Scott Peterson now? DENIED!!!!!!!!
12-22-2004, 04:48 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
PS: I watched a show about Dr. Mengle today. It was better than Alien 4
NOT DR MENGLE!!!!! :spaz:
Day 2
This day was more tame than most. I woke up and went to work. I kind of worked hard. Well, okay, I looked busy whenever my WHITE boss passed me. Did I mention he is a hard working WHITE MAN?
Anyway, I finished work and went to look at another appartment that was owned by a nice WHITE lady. The appartment was huge, a bit run down looking, but the price was right. I'll call her tomorrow and take it.
I then ate some pecan pie after all was said and done. I played video games on my WHITE colored computer. I played a WWII game. Guess what side I was on? BET YOU CAN'T!!!
Oh yeah, also, Spir smokes cock.
I hope my t-shirt comes soon. That will be l33t. I think I will decorate my appartment with Christmas lights. It will be neat.
- Arkans
FUN FACT: Dr. Mengle actually made advancements in the medical field!
My BLACK laptop pwnz your WHITE dinosaur.
Also, did they find Mengle? I know he escaped to Paraguay or some other Latin American country.
12-22-2004, 09:25 PM
Guess what side I was on? BET YOU CAN'T!!!
12-22-2004, 09:36 PM
:cheers: Again MORE.
- Arkans
FUN FACT: Economically, South Africa did better under apartheid!
Originally posted by Arkans
FUN FACT: Economically, South Africa did better under apartheid! Yay for institutionalized racial discrimination!
- Arkans
Fun Fact: Jews suffered under Hitler greatly, but in this day and age, practice similiar methods in their own country!
The only thing correct about that statement was that it is their own country.
FUN FACT - In 50 years almost all the world's population will be brown, then black. Hehe.
All my "FUN FACTS" TM are 100% correct.
- Arkans
All sarcasm of the last 1 posts aside, I think it would be great and inspiring for you to actually spend time on a productive fact-finding mission, I know you're a real history buff, wouldn't something neat and fun like that be more to your liking instead of FUN FACTing (tm) things in your member journal that are just going to get others pissed off?
Stanley, you're one of the few (like 5) people that see through all of this. Perhaps when people stop being stupid and thinking I'm a Nazi rascist for real, I'd do a real FUN FACT (tm) deal on my member journal. I know tons of little historical tidbits and Geo political ones, but honestly, if people want to think me as a racist Nazi, I might as well do something that deserves it. Fucked if I'm going to get the title without doing anything to earn it.
- Arkans
FUN FACT: Germany had a great economic revival under Adolf Hitler!
I actually think that, as stated in thread X, your words denouncing your self-proclaimed racism was a big step towards actually making it so.
Very true, Stan the Man, but I've denounced it countless times. I've stated how the Nazis whiped out half of my family during WWII (I am Polish, not Jewish), and I've proclaimed how bad rascism is. Not only that, but I have friends that are not white (cliche saying, but it is true). This is not enough for some people, so I shrug my shoulders and play my little.
At best, I make somebody laugh.
At worse, I piss somebody off.
- Arkans
FUN FACT: Compared to the Russians, the Jews did not suffer as badly as one would think during World War II
..This was my number one choice for folders to moderate so I'm trying to act all spiffy and shit to impress the powers above.
You should be a Mod. I support Stan. Heil Stan!
- Arkans
:rofl: Coming off the liquor turns me into a huge prick. Sorry d00d. Carry on. HEIL ME!
12-23-2004, 01:10 AM
At best, I make somebody laugh.
You make me laugh, and that is no easy task :tumble:
12-23-2004, 01:36 AM
I agree, I find most of your shit fairly amusing.
Holy shit!
Christmas is finally over and boy what a hectic time of year it was! I'm all sitting here in a somewhat comfortable chair before bed, the glow of Christmas lights illuminating me and I can't help but think how FUCKED UP it's been!!
First, let me start out by saying, SPYWARE FUCKING SUCKS COCK! That shit PWNED my laptop so hard that I couldn't run games for shit. Outdated drivers suck worse than being told to take a shower by the SS.
Also, I got a new appartment. This is good. This means that I get to leave my old appartment (which sucks) to a better one. It is a bit more expensive, BUT one of my presents was to get some first few months of rent payed off. AWESOMEZ!111
Battle for Middle Earth rocks! I can barely contain myself at the two awesome video games I got.
Also, my buddy from the Airforce got back for a bit. He's in town for another week. We saw Blade 3 at midnight with his brother. The movie SUCKED!!11111 Ugh, don't go see it. I wanted to gouge out my eyes. The BLACK main character (Wesley Snipes) really can't act. He could not decide if he wanted to be a HARDCORE GANSTA KILLA or an evil goth vampie *HOLDZ UP THE BLOOD SIGN* MOTHA FUCKA!!!11
OH DIP! I saw my father for X-mas and his ass is all like "OH SHIT!!! UR DISOWNED!!!1" I was all like, "HAHAHAHA FUCKING PWNED!!!!!!!!111111" oh, well what can ya do! ANYWAY... It's all like 2:30 am. I think I'll go to sleep. I have a lot of shit to do this week. LIKE MOVE TO A NEW PLACE WITH A WHITE LANDORD!!!11 OH DIP!!!111
ANYWAY, I hope you guys had a MERRY FRICKEN CHRISTMAS!!1 I did, it PWNED!!11
- Arkans
FUN FACT: Israel is not a real friend of America! They have been caught spying on America numerous times! Who needs friends like that?!?!
I wish my parents would disown me as a special bedtime holiday snack. But that sucks dude.
Also, spy sweeper = good for removing lots & lots of spyshit on your lappy.
Had Spysweeper and the Spy and Adware STILL PWNED it. I just had everything reformatted, got my BIOS upgraded, go XP Pro, and a bunch of other neat shitz0rz.
- Arkans
12-26-2004, 04:46 PM
Ahh I have missed my daily dose of Arkans, life is good. Sucks about being disowned but hey we love you! :spaz:
I think it bothered me for all of .0001 seconds. I was all like "If you want to be a dick like that then.. GO GOBBLE ON A COCK!"
- Arkans
What's going on my fellow fascists!?!??!11/1/
Well, I'm going to take some time off from oppressing minorities, burning tulips, and stomping puppies to give you all my next fantastic update.
My vacation is almost over. This sucks. Back to work tomorrow. It sucks for me like losing the war sucked for Hitler. ON THE BRITE SIDE CABIN FEVER IS ON AND IM WATCHING IT HOLY FUCKING w00T!!11
Anyway, lately I've just been PWNing the dogshit out of video games and wasting time. I got some new furniture for my appartment and some paint. My room in going to make like a Native American and be red.
Uhhhh what else? OH YEAH IM FUCKING HOT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!11 Yup, that's right, people think I am so hot. I rock. OH DIP!!11 It's been like.. THREE FUCKING WEEKS SINCE I QUIT SMOKING AND NOT ONE CIGARETTE FUCK YA'LL!!111 (Yes, I said ya'll).
Ummm... what else happened? Oh yeah, umm.. Cabin Fever is on and for real, giving lasers to minorities would SUCK. This is voyeur Arkans signing off!!111 HEIL!
- Arkans
12-29-2004, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by Arkans
What's going on my fellow fascists!?!??!11/1/
Well, I'm going to take some time off from oppressing minorities, burning tulips, and stomping puppies to give you all my next fantastic update.
My vacation is almost over. This sucks. Back to work tomorrow. It sucks for me like losing the war sucked for Hitler. ON THE BRITE SIDE CABIN FEVER IS ON AND IM WATCHING IT HOLY FUCKING w00T!!11
Anyway, lately I've just been PWNing the dogshit out of video games and wasting time. I got some new furniture for my appartment and some paint. My room in going to make like a Native American and be red.
Uhhhh what else? OH YEAH IM FUCKING HOT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!11 Yup, that's right, people think I am so hot. I rock. OH DIP!!11 It's been like.. THREE FUCKING WEEKS SINCE I QUIT SMOKING AND NOT ONE CIGARETTE FUCK YA'LL!!111 (Yes, I said ya'll).
Ummm... what else happened? Oh yeah, umm.. Cabin Fever is on and for real, giving lasers to minorities would SUCK. This is voyeur Arkans signing off!!111 HEIL!
- Arkans
Can't stop laughing long enough to even review this with my own comments. This ranks up there with the four wheeler video I sent you yesterday.
Unscramble this first word, the rest is l33t!!!11111:
NGIGA PLZ!!!1`11111
- Arkans
12-29-2004, 10:25 PM
12-29-2004, 10:25 PM
<<Yeah, nobody cares, racist bigot nazi mother fucker.>>
I care you (racial terms for) African American Mexican Chinese Japanese Korean member of the Jewish community, as well as lots of other "racist" terms for people of other nationalities and sexual orientations.
<<OH DIP! I saw my father for X-mas and his ass is all like "OH SHIT!!! UR DISOWNED!!!1">>
That would be disPWNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111
- Arkans
Arkans you're nazi racist bastard.
OH DIP!!11
AT EEZ U!!!!!!!11111111
- Arkans
psht your not a NCO, at least not one I respect enough to go at ease for, id just look the other way and keep walking.
12-29-2004, 10:58 PM
I'm a jew and your member journal makes me sad. :(
Sad that people get mad at what you say on the internet! pwned?
Where is Mass are you? I used to live near Springfield, next to Longmeadow, aka jewville, usa! That's where my synagogue was. :monkey:
- Arkans
I was waiting for that (respect the rank not the person)
:hangs his head in shame:
you won
PS: I have an excuse I've been out of the army enviroment for nearly 2 weeks now! Alas in a few days I return... to be honest Ive missed starching my clothes... okay not really.
[Edited on 12-30-2004 by Dave]
Live in Norwood right now, soon to be in Bridgewater. Yeah, Springfield is Jewville, as is Sharon.
Anyway, people will get pissed at what I say. Those that claim to be "super tolerant" are 99% of the time super intolerant. They would have you branded as a rascist or anything else that would not apply to them the second you say something that ruffles THEIR feathers, not someone elses. It's pretty pathetic and people really need to lighten up.
- Arkans
Read it in down time too!
Ive been in TRADOC going on 6 months now only three more to go...
Arkans recite the soldiers creed.
I am an American Soldier. I am a man of the United States Army, a protector of the greatest nation on earth. Because I am proud of the uniform I wear, I will always act in ways credible to the military service and the nation it is sworn to guard.
I am proud of my own orginization. I will do all I can to make it the finest unit of the Army. I will be loyal to those under whom I serve. I will do my full part to carry out the orders and instructions given to me or my unit.
As a soldier, I realize that I am a member of a time-honored profession, that I am doing my share to uphold the principles of freedom for which my country stands. I will never do anything for pleasure, profit or personal safety which will disgrace my uniform, my unit, or my country.
I will use every means I have beyond the line of duty to restrain my Army comrades from actions disgraceful to themselves and the uniform. I am proud of my country and its flag. I wil try to make the people of this nation proud of the service I represent for I am an American soldier.
Yes, MANY OF NIGHTS, I was up at fireguard during AIT doing my best to stay awake by copying that fucking thing word for word (had to have it memorized for leave) and now I hear that shit got changed to something easier. I got the raw deal.
- Arkans
pssht WRONG!
Now it is...
I am an American Soldier. I am a warrior and a member of a team. I serve the people of the United States and live the Army Values.
I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself.
I am an expert and I am a professional.
I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat.
I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life.
I am an American Soldier.
If it makes you feel better Fireguard for us runs 12 hour shifts, but we are able to bring our laptops and watch DVD's or play games. Or in my case writing up reports and doing homework.
[Edited on 12-30-2004 by Dave]
I'm Jewish and I say on behalf of all da kosha' killaz and rappin' rabbis, that Arkans is funny and his shit isn't supposed to be taken so seriously if you've actually read this thread or countless others of his.
- Arkans
Stan amazes me with his keen perception.
- Arkans
Originally posted by Arkans
- Arkans
Alas you win once more.
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