View Full Version : Your Name

02-13-2017, 05:55 PM
Not sure if this is the best category to start this thread, but just curious: How did you choose your character's name?

02-13-2017, 05:59 PM
Most of my names are based off david Eddings books or peirs Anthony

02-13-2017, 06:23 PM
My name is just a name I thought of while playing D&D when I was 15. Just kept using it.

02-13-2017, 06:26 PM
My first character's name was just some random crap. My most played was a Roman Emperor's name, because I love the time period and I'm king of originality.

02-13-2017, 06:38 PM
My main is lifted directly from a medieval history book. Like Beldannon, I'm also influenced by Eddings for naming my alts.

02-13-2017, 07:27 PM
I found Zentalin in an old bible but I can't find it anymore.

02-13-2017, 09:05 PM
I found Zentalin in an old bible but I can't find it anymore.

The holy pharmacopia? (http://www.ndrugs.com/?s=zentalin)

02-13-2017, 09:08 PM
Alchemy, son.

02-13-2017, 09:30 PM
GSIV name generator

02-13-2017, 09:33 PM
Jayvn was a mash of my sons names Gavyn and Jadon. Grauph just sounds barbarianish.

02-13-2017, 09:42 PM
I named my ranger after a very lovely customer of mine who died far too young. Her appearance is akin to the lady before she got sick. It might be creepy, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.

02-13-2017, 09:56 PM
When I was hired as a GameHost, I was a little bitter that I was declined a GameMaster position prior, so I felt I was a lowly worm. It would have been Wyrm if someone didn't already have it! Wyrom is pronounced like "worm" and not "why rum." I actually say it more like whir-rom. The persona for Wyrom started when GameHost Marook and I would joke about being zombies, circa 2007. I wrote a script to answer assists AFK (as a zombie) as a joke. I never actually answered a player assist with it, but it scanned a number of common issues and answered them. I had asked the Host Manager at the time if I could be changed into a zombie and she said no. After I got hired, the moment they allowed us to alter, I went full blown zombie. Truth be told, had I never joked about the zombie thing as a host, I'd probably have gone lich/skeleton as Wyrom as a GM.

Nathala Crane
02-13-2017, 10:04 PM
"Teveriel" is just an elven-sounding name I thought up in 1998 or something. His last name, Anduin, comes from the River in Middle-Earth - not the World of Warcraft character. :P

02-13-2017, 10:10 PM
"Deza" is the name of one of the bar maids in the Dragon lance books. Dragons of Autumn Twilight, maybe, is when she's introduced? I sort of loved it and kept using it.

02-13-2017, 10:18 PM
I generally write a bunch of words down that sound interesting, and then ask myself two questions.

1. Does this name make me laugh when I say it?
2. Would a complete idiot use this name?

If the answer is yes to both, that is my name.

Frunk <- Fronk <- Frank <- Frank the dwarf. Who WOULDN'T love a dwarf named Frank? And for the last name, with dwarves you just mash two words together and make them stick. Usually but not always alcohol related. Kegsmasher. Stoutguzzler. et cetera. But did you see that episode of Family guy with the Hamburger Helper oven mitt and his special needs brother? Now, assume Frank the Dwarf is your special needs brother. What would his last name be? Stumplicker. DONE.

https://static1.fjcdn.com/comments/Hamburger+helper+hand+got+his+brother+a+job+as+the +_64a4097da0ac84326421c0fccedb115a.jpg

Blimby - Taken directly from an episode of Adventure Time. Blimby - Who gots da ABC's.


Schmoobly - Cranky old gnome with a ridiculous name. No further explanation needed.

Flimbo - Takes your special needs Dwarf and presupposes "What if he was a gnome? And also the magician.". FLIMBO THE MAGNIFICENT!

02-13-2017, 10:39 PM
Nuadjha is an alternate spelling of Nuada, a Celtic god, also associated with Mars Nodens, one aspect of Mars particularly associated with war, hunting, and dogs. The name was referenced in a fantasy book I read years back.

02-14-2017, 12:12 AM
I find fantasy character names I like and remove the vowels and then replace or rearrange the vowels.

02-14-2017, 12:18 AM
When I was hired as a GameHost, I was a little bitter that I was declined a GameMaster position prior, so I felt I was a lowly worm. It would have been Wyrm if someone didn't already have it! Wyrom is pronounced like "worm" and not "why rum." I actually say it more like whir-rom. The persona for Wyrom started when GameHost Marook and I would joke about being zombies, circa 2007. I wrote a script to answer assists AFK (as a zombie) as a joke. I never actually answered a player assist with it, but it scanned a number of common issues and answered them. I had asked the Host Manager at the time if I could be changed into a zombie and she said no. After I got hired, the moment they allowed us to alter, I went full blown zombie. Truth be told, had I never joked about the zombie thing as a host, I'd probably have gone lich/skeleton as Wyrom as a GM.


02-14-2017, 12:26 AM

Ay bee cee dee ee eff guh

02-14-2017, 12:36 AM
I do say gif with a hard g. Just like Steve Wilhite!!


02-14-2017, 12:47 AM


02-14-2017, 12:57 AM
I do say gif with a hard g. Just like Steve Wilhite!!


That's the soft g.

02-14-2017, 12:58 AM
Seomanthe is lifted directly from a Victorian cautionary tale about the perils of eloping with degenerates :D

02-14-2017, 01:00 AM
That's the soft g.

It can be hard finding the right g-spot.

02-14-2017, 01:02 AM
When I was hired as a GameHost, I was a little bitter that I was declined a GameMaster position prior, so I felt I was a lowly worm. It would have been Wyrm if someone didn't already have it! Wyrom is pronounced like "worm" and not "why rum." I actually say it more like whir-rom. The persona for Wyrom started when GameHost Marook and I would joke about being zombies, circa 2007. I wrote a script to answer assists AFK (as a zombie) as a joke. I never actually answered a player assist with it, but it scanned a number of common issues and answered them. I had asked the Host Manager at the time if I could be changed into a zombie and she said no. After I got hired, the moment they allowed us to alter, I went full blown zombie. Truth be told, had I never joked about the zombie thing as a host, I'd probably have gone lich/skeleton as Wyrom as a GM.
So much zombie love, hehe...

*skeletal fist-bump*

Nathala Crane
02-14-2017, 01:13 AM
I do say gif with a hard g. Just like Steve Wilhite!!



02-14-2017, 01:45 AM
It's... it's a pun. I thought it was straightforward enough.

02-14-2017, 06:01 AM
Luxelle comes from my first GS2 character when the game was in Beta. I needed a character name, Bardon was waiting in the game to show me around, and it was what I thought of. I had no more time to get creative, fancy, or anything. I could hear some timer going TICK TICK TICK in my head as I tried to answer all the questions needed to just log in to it.

Lux ... light in Latin. That first Luxelle was a cleric. She is this Luxelle's ancient Great Auntie.

02-14-2017, 09:37 AM
When I was hired as a GameHost, I was a little bitter that I was declined a GameMaster position prior, so I felt I was a lowly worm. It would have been Wyrm if someone didn't already have it! Wyrom is pronounced like "worm" and not "why rum." I actually say it more like whir-rom. The persona for Wyrom started when GameHost Marook and I would joke about being zombies, circa 2007. I wrote a script to answer assists AFK (as a zombie) as a joke. I never actually answered a player assist with it, but it scanned a number of common issues and answered them. I had asked the Host Manager at the time if I could be changed into a zombie and she said no. After I got hired, the moment they allowed us to alter, I went full blown zombie. Truth be told, had I never joked about the zombie thing as a host, I'd probably have gone lich/skeleton as Wyrom as a GM.

Wyrm also refers to an ancient dragon, so there might've been some future ambition embedded in that initial GameHost assessment of yourself.

02-14-2017, 09:44 AM
Poured over names list until I found one I liked.

02-14-2017, 02:07 PM
My LAST name is from Tyler Durden because.. well, just because.

02-14-2017, 02:27 PM
My very first character. I totally got her name from the Queen in the movie Dragonheart. Though they totally pronounce it wrong in the movie - it is supposed to be prononuced ASH-lynn. Oh well.

Livdera Deralleur
I kind of had a character briefly on a Dragonriders of Pern roleplaying MUSH for a while with this name as their full name (They were known as Livvy, though). When I wanted to make a new character in GSIV as a gnome, I wasn't able to get "Livvy" as it was taken. So I went with "Livdera" and figured her nickname could be "Livvy". "Deralleur" is the name of some kind of gear or something on a bicycle, I believe. And the fact it started with "Dera" and sounded nice with "Livdera" kind of made it fit.

Adustusi Kahvesi
His first name is taken from the scientific name for a type of jackal ... because he worships Sheru and I thought thatd be clever. Kahvesi, his last name, is Turkish for coffee - his family are Shakat coffee merchants. Adustusi technically means burnt/scorched in latin ... so his name technically means "burnt coffee" and it makes me laugh.

Because Gertrude was taken and she's a funny old Half-Krolvin woman that punches things and heals. I have a blast with her and her name fits. Haven't been able to think of a last name for her, though.

I have a few others where I messed around with a name generator until I found a sound I liked. And I even have one legacy character ripped straight from one of the Dragonriders of Pern books - I know someone asked to buy her from me in the past, too (I swear this person had every permutation of that same character's name except the true spelling, which I had - not sure why they needed every single spelling variation of it?)

02-14-2017, 03:09 PM
I forgot to mention, I haven't done it with this iteration, but I also used to steal names I liked from other MUDs and repurpose them as my own. Backwards and forwards with Gemstone.

In certain circles, I am known as Methais and Flugziffer, neither of which are me in a Gemstone capacity. Those are just two I used over the years that I ended up playing long lasting characters. In my defense though, I stole Methais' name like 20 years ago, before anyone knew about his crippling goatse addiction. Frunk started as me originally, but on another MUD as well.

Incidentally, years later, I learned that Flugziffer is German for "Flight Number".

02-14-2017, 03:16 PM

02-14-2017, 05:03 PM
Not sure if this is the best category to start this thread, but just curious: How did you choose your character's name?


02-15-2017, 01:21 AM
I wanted a name that sounded very girly but which could believably be a feminized version of a masculine name. So the idea was that Vishra's original name was Vishran, but she shortened it to Vishra later.

Literally on idea how I landed on Vishra/Vishran specifically though. Just made it up off of the top of my head.

02-15-2017, 06:24 AM
"Deza" is the name of one of the bar maids in the Dragon lance books. Dragons of Autumn Twilight, maybe, is when she's introduced? I sort of loved it and kept using it.
My first character in the 90s was also from Dragonlance - Enric Stromhold. Wish I could get him back.

Soulance is just a thought on what connects with Clerics and managing different souls.

One alt is named for a type of Dinosaur, another is a City in Colorado.

Dewers was actually a play on The Doors and the whole singing thing...but also turns out that it mixes well as the name of a drink brand so it's perfect!