View Full Version : A Study of human men and giggles

12-20-2004, 09:31 PM
K. Im with Zinnie and I already have my idea ready. This made me laugh so I logged it. And then I wasnt bored for like, 10 minutes while I did that. Its edited for a bunch for noise. Going back to being bored again. Le sigh.

Anjel giggles.
Oengus giggles.
Anjel chuckles.
Anjel blushes a nice shade of off-pink.
Wulfhen stares at Oengus.
Speaking to Oengus, Wulfhen says, "You giggled. Don't."
Wulfhen winks at Oengus.
Oengus says, "Oh, I'm allowed a giggle every now and then."
Wulfhen looks over at Oengus and shakes his head.
Speaking to Oengus, Wulfhen says, "No. No you aren't."
Wulfhen grins wryly.
Oengus says, "Yes I am. I'm old enough to be able to."
Wulfhen chuckles.
Wulfhen asks, "Is that what humans do when they get old?"
Wulfhen asks, "Stand around giggling?"
Oengus says, "Naw, that was my one giggle for the year."
Wulfhen grins at Oengus.
Wulfhen says, "So. Old human males giggle yearly."
Oengus says, "Only once a year."
Wulfhen says, "You know.. this is so damnably interesting I think I'll write it down."
Wulfhen just opened a heavy black leather longcoat.
As Wulfhen whispers to the ivory white skull on his black oak case, one of its arms unfreezes and swings out carrying a rolaren key. It carefully inserts it into the lock and with a *click* it opens!
Wulfhen carefully moves the skeleton hands out of the way and opens his black oak case.
Wulfhen removes a quaint black leather book from in his black oak case.
Wulfhen removes a long dark crimson feather quill from in his black oak case.
Wulfhen carefully opens a quaint black leather book.
Wulfhen turns the page in his black leather book.
Oengus says, "If ya do it more than once a year, you're a girly man."
Wulfhen says, "So.. let me see if I can.."
Wulfhen idly scrawls something on a page in his black leather book.
Wulfhen says, "Get this right."
Wulfhen says, "Once a year.. old human males may.. giggle."
Wulfhen idly scrawls something on a page in his black leather book.
Kzuk snickers.
Asinaeus asks, "What about dark elves?"
Wulfhen asks, "Should they giggle more than once.. they are.. what was that again?"
Anjel nods to Zinnie.
Asinaeus grins evilly.

You fidget.
Wulfhen asks, "A "girly man" was it?"
>l asin
You see Asinaeus Ta'Yttern.
He appears to be a Dark Elf.
He appears to be very young and average height. He has brooding amber eyes and ashen skin. He has shoulder length, flowing platinum hair. He has a delicate face and tall downswept pointed ears.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a twilight grey vultite shield in his left hand.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, a sigil-covered bloodjewel bracer, some thin black vruul leather boots, a pair of dark red spidersilk pants, a grey scabbard, a black alchemy bag, a set of sturdy vruul skin leathers, a blackened leather wand harness, a glaes Fash'lo'nae symbol, a deeply hooded dark wool cloak, a gold and silver samite rucksack, and a silver pentagram earring.
>scowl asin
You scowl at Asinaeus.

((Me = dark elf too))

Oengus says, "Girly man."
You look at Asinaeus and shake your head.
Wulfhen nods.
Wulfhen idly scrawls something on a page in his black leather book.
Asinaeus squints at you.
Wulfhen says, "Learn something new every day."
Wulfhen gently closes a quaint black leather book.
Asinaeus rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Asinaeus nods.
Asinaeus says, "No giggling."
Wulfhen says, "And I don't know. You tell me about Faendryl. I can't say I am one."
Aubery glances at Wulfhen.
Wulfhen put a quaint black leather book in his black oak case.
Wulfhen put a long dark crimson feather quill in his black oak case.
As Wulfhen closes his case, a skeletal hand swings down from the skeleton perched on top holding a rolaren key and carefully locks the black oak case and returns to its side.
Wulfhen grins at Aubery.

((Subject dies down. Later: ))

Wulfhen says, "Farewell, girly man."
Oengus says, "No, I only giggled once this year."

Wulfhen says, "You may be normal in human standards, but you're not in Kindred."
Wulfhen grins at Oengus.

*le sigh

[Edited on 12-21-2004 by JihnasSpirit]

12-20-2004, 10:49 PM
OEngus giggled, wtf is this world coming to?

Basic Instructions Before Leaving Elanthia.

12-20-2004, 10:53 PM
Quit trying to subliminally make me read the bible, you freak.

12-20-2004, 10:56 PM
Ahahaha... <devilish laugh>

12-20-2004, 11:02 PM

Mama tohld me I aint need no stinkin rayligin. Now geet off tha popparty fore I shoot u back ta the Jesus that sentcha.

*Damn. Now I want some Mormons to come by so I can say that.*

12-21-2004, 12:29 AM
I'm an Atheist, I'm just spurting up some random shit right now.

12-21-2004, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit

Mama tohld me I aint need no stinkin rayligin. Now geet off tha popparty fore I shoot u back ta the Jesus that sentcha.

*Damn. Now I want some Mormons to come by so I can say that.*

ROFL! I will do this next time anyone comes to my door asking me to their church.

12-21-2004, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by Chelle

Originally posted by JihnasSpirit

Mama tohld me I aint need no stinkin rayligin. Now geet off tha popparty fore I shoot u back ta the Jesus that sentcha.

*Damn. Now I want some Mormons to come by so I can say that.*

ROFL! I will do this next time anyone comes to my door asking me to their church. Or open the door butt naked and tell them they interrupted your playtime.

12-21-2004, 01:53 PM

Or open the door butt naked and tell them they interrupted your playtime.

Or open the door [in bondage gear] and tell them they interrupted your playtime.

12-21-2004, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by Artha

Or open the door butt naked and tell them they interrupted your playtime.

Or open the door [in bondage gear] and tell them they interrupted your playtime.

Mmmmm bondage.... DOH!!

DAMNIT ARTHA GET RID OF THAT QUOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111

12-21-2004, 02:30 PM
I forget how :?:

12-21-2004, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by Artha
I forget how :?:

How to wear your bondage gear?

Hold on lemme just borrow Jihna's strap on and I'll show you how!!


12-21-2004, 10:56 PM
bwahahaha. Eider quit playing. You know I left the strapon at your house.

Originally posted by Artha

Or open the door butt naked and tell them they interrupted your playtime.

Or open the door [in bondage gear] and tell them they interrupted your playtime.

...And ask if they want to join in :devilsmile:

12-22-2004, 12:38 AM
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit
...And ask if they want to join in :devilsmile: If only you lived in New England. ;)

01-22-2005, 02:02 AM
My husband can make me giggle in private once in a while, once in a great while. If he ever shared it here, I'd have to kill him.


Giggles and skirts are for girls... who in the hell can rightfully battle hardcore in a bodice and skirt with high heeled boots... without breaking an ankle or flopping out a boob in battle to lose concentration on the battle?!?!?! Such things are for town bound healers.

01-22-2005, 06:00 AM
Originally posted by LadyLuck
My husband can make me giggle in private once in a while, once in a great while. If he ever shared it here, I'd have to kill him.


Giggles and skirts are for girls... who in the hell can rightfully battle hardcore in a bodice and skirt with high heeled boots... without breaking an ankle or flopping out a boob in battle to lose concentration on the battle?!?!?! Such things are for town bound healers.


01-22-2005, 09:56 AM
And her hot little pole-weilding sidekick too.

The Cat In The Hat
01-22-2005, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by Eiderfleur

Originally posted by Artha
I forget how :?:

How to wear your bondage gear?

Hold on lemme just borrow Jihna's strap on and I'll show you how!!


They make things that are... more interesting, than strap on's now days, and WAY more fun for the woman :drool:

01-22-2005, 11:34 AM

01-22-2005, 12:19 PM

Artha = :thinking:




01-22-2005, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by The Cat In The Hat

Originally posted by Eiderfleur

Originally posted by Artha
I forget how :?:

How to wear your bondage gear?

Hold on lemme just borrow Jihna's strap on and I'll show you how!!


They make things that are... more interesting, than strap on's now days, and WAY more fun for the woman :drool:

I believe they require picture proof to know what your talking about. Yes, thats it. Post pictures of yourself posing. Ahem. For educational purposes. :devilsmile:

Also - Eiderfleur hasnt returned my strapon yet.

Dont you just hate it when evil midgets steal your strapons for they're kaleidescopic muffs??

02-02-2005, 01:28 AM
Two words.

The Accomodator.
