View Full Version : 99 human sorc, col master, basic gear

02-05-2017, 07:59 PM
sold and delivered

02-05-2017, 08:51 PM
To be up front, I have been banned on my main account for scripting a few times, so I do have a history. He is on my secondary account and has never had any warnings personally, so I'm not really sure how it works when transferring characters. I am going to assist and ask a GM for clarification. If you keep your nose clean for a year, all history is erased, so unless you're planning on afk scripting you should be fine.

In light of having a history with bans, I'm setting the minimum fairly low.

It doesn't matter if it was your main account or your second account. The warnings and bans are applied to accounts with your billing information. They're logged on all your accounts and characters. Transferring him won't clear any of the previous warnings or bans.

I'm going to assume your last ban was for 90 days based upon how long you were gone. It will probably advance to a permanent lockout if you violate policy again.

02-05-2017, 08:56 PM
Hence the disclaimer, learn to read you obsessed loser. I'll be clarifying with a GM tonight or tomorrow morning at latest.

As an added bonus, this character selling will infuriate Alastir who is obsessed with imbibing my nuts

02-05-2017, 08:59 PM
Hence the disclaimer, learn to read you obsessed loser. I'll be clarifying with a GM tonight or tomorrow morning at latest.

He is on my secondary account and has never had any warnings personally, so I'm not really sure how it works when transferring characters.

I explained how it works since you're uneducated.

Hopefully you'll get another warning and we'll finally be rid of you.

If you keep your nose clean for a year, all history is erased, so unless you're planning on afk scripting you should be fine.

This is also not true.

02-05-2017, 09:06 PM
This is also not true.

Now you're just spreading lies yet again, I know for a fact this is true. Why anyone would listen to this moron is beyond me.

02-05-2017, 09:10 PM
Now you're just spreading lies yet again, I know for a fact this is true. Why anyone would listen to this moron is beyond me.

Policy 18 --

Players who exhibit an understanding of this policy and avoid further violations may have penalties reduced after a year (365 days) of their last offense.

Key word is MAY, not WILL. Based upon your history I'm sure they'd prefer to just get rid of you.

02-05-2017, 09:11 PM
Obsessed loser alert bwahaha

02-05-2017, 09:17 PM
Obsessed loser alert bwahaha

More like correcting the statements you're making so anyone considering buying your throwaway sorcerer Baeleron knows what they're getting.

02-05-2017, 09:19 PM

hrm yes indeed

02-05-2017, 11:23 PM
updated with $400 private bid, will go once twice and sold by Tuesday if no further interest

02-06-2017, 01:16 AM
If you move this character to your account, and get another warning it will take into account the previous issues with the character.

IE if they are caught scripting again it will be a larger ban.

I have no vested interest in anything but clarifying the risk of picking something up like this.

02-06-2017, 01:26 AM
If you move this character to your account, and get another warning it will take into account the previous issues with the character.

IE if they are caught scripting again it will be a larger ban.

I have no vested interest in anything but clarifying the risk of picking something up like this.

Holy shit, lrn2read bro

02-06-2017, 01:26 AM
It can work the other way too. I bought a character 2 years ago and wasn't aware they had issues. They couldn't use the report/assist feature because they caused issues in 2008. I talked to a game host through another character i had, and then had a referral, the GM removed the restrictions for me. I've had no issues on any of my many accounts and they suggested this is why they lifted the previous ban on using those. I can see it going either way. If you are not going to script with this character, then you shouldn't have any issues going forward.

02-06-2017, 01:29 AM
I got busy and didn't have a chance to get an assist in tonight but I'll make sure to clarify things for the bidder tomorrow morning, although he doesn't seem too concerned? idk, I've been completely up front about everything, yes he has a history but I also made about 1.5k rl cash in the DR arena with this guy last run, it's a freakin steal for what it is. Also worth mentioning I've been offered up to 8mil for the ensorcell kit and turned it down.

02-06-2017, 06:37 AM
For a non scripter this is going to be a huge steal!

02-06-2017, 09:56 AM
cb is $450 to Khelbaen going once, will be updated twice tomorrow and sold by weds if no further interest.

02-06-2017, 07:37 PM
pm of $500 received by private bidder #1, updated to once, twice tomorrow and sold weds if no further interest.

02-07-2017, 01:52 PM
cb of $500 going twice, will be sold by 3pm est Wednesday if no further interest.

02-07-2017, 02:44 PM
this isn't Jaeden is it?

02-07-2017, 06:25 PM
Hell to the no, I'd have to give that loser away

p.s. I am the original owner

02-08-2017, 04:41 PM
sold pending delivery