View Full Version : Bad Dhe'nar for good fun?

01-30-2017, 11:11 AM
Didn't really fit into the wanted merchant section, lol, so I thought I would post a sort of wanted ad for RP here. For current IC players, of course.

There's been much excellent talk about player driven RP lately, and it's true it can be awesome. This ad is looking specially for Dhe'nar elves because, really, I think they'd most fit the bill for the trajectory of this RP: intrigue, covert work, perhaps 'wet work', you know, fun RP! I can't really say too much about what's in the works because that would spoil the fun. I will say though it has the potential to be epic, and the silvers will flow freely through the course of this RP. Hence, again, why I thought Dhe'nar might fit the bill.

I honest to God wish there was some of post system in game, because I know several characters who'd be ideal fits. But, yah know, wishes & horses.

I figure the best way to approach this would be for interested parties to send me a PM in the hopes of arranging an IC meeting, which by the by can be worked out through RP. Last note, in the current (IMO excellent) RP environment of the game, this would be a solid fit, I suspect to the delight of staff and players alike.

Apologies for being vague, just wanted to throw that out there. HMU folks!

01-30-2017, 11:30 AM
Dhe'nar aren't exceptionally driven by silvers/profit. That being said, if you're looking for people to reach out to, i'd recommend Talinvor as a good Dhe'nar roleplayer. Alisaire and Telare are also good and active roleplayers.

01-30-2017, 11:38 AM
Cool beans. I'm not trying to blanket stereotype Dhe'nar as a stereotypical 'dark elf' trope of brilliant mercenaries in search of power and profit: just figured they would be a good fit for what's in mind. Thanks for the names!

01-30-2017, 03:42 PM
Glad to see other people interested in Gemstone RP. Unfortunately, my character is focused on Faendryl topics but you might find some of those themes interesting as either slight variations or negative examples of what you want to do with your character. I haven't had time to write anything lately but a lot of my IC stuff was originally posted on the Official Forums and then cataloged on the Wiki:


01-30-2017, 04:15 PM
Dhe'nar are dirt shit and frankly should be cleansed from the lands. Look, I'm not racist, I have lots of dark elf friends, I'm just looking at the numbers. Dhe'nar are twice as likely to stick an unwanted finger in your bum, and only 1/5 as likely to stick in a wanted finger.

01-30-2017, 07:53 PM
Dhe'nar are dirt shit and frankly should be cleansed from the lands. Look, I'm not racist, I have lots of dark elf friends, I'm just looking at the numbers. Dhe'nar are twice as likely to stick an unwanted finger in your bum, and only 1/5 as likely to stick in a wanted finger.


01-30-2017, 08:41 PM
HMU folks!


02-01-2017, 01:09 AM
Glad to see other people interested in Gemstone RP. Unfortunately, my character is focused on Faendryl topics but you might find some of those themes interesting as either slight variations or negative examples of what you want to do with your character. I haven't had time to write anything lately but a lot of my IC stuff was originally posted on the Official Forums and then cataloged on the Wiki:


Hi! Yah sounds like it would be a great fit, did you get my PM?